HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/04/1957 ,.. 540 Proceedings of the City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington Art"'; 1 4 19.5J~ ..." . """'. ........ ...,,~'". ..,...... ..... ..... The City.Council met in regular session at 7:30.P.M. and was called to order by Mayor Neer. Rell call shewed the follewing Qfficer" present: , Mayer Neer, Ceuncilmen Smith, Sandi""n, Matthieu, Welfe, Mc- Fadden and Maxfield, Manager Vergeer, Atterney Severyns and Clerk Law. It was meved by Ceuncilman Welfe that minutes ef the previous meeting be approved. Maxfield and carried. Seconded by Councilman , I Under the head of unfinished business, bids for sewer installation an~ther construction in L.I.D. No. 173, 174 and 175 were received as fellows: UNITED <XlNSTIl.UCTICi'l CG>fPANY:, 17~, 174, 175, DEL GUZZI,CCII1STRUCTION COMPANY: ,. 173, 174, 175, 173, 174, 175, I MILONE & 'rr=+ C<l'lSTRUCTION CO.: , ,. ,173, 72,278.63 , 171, 4,296.25 175, , ?3,033.19 ACE CCNSTRUCTION COMPANY: 173, 70,253.52 . ., 174, 5,524.65 'I < 175, 23,750.08 , It was meved by Councilman McFadden that the bid. by Matt Malaspina for L.I.D. No. 173 at $50,045.65, and' I L.I.D. No. 175 at $21,696.21, .and the bidy by Milene and Tucci for L.I.D..No. 174 at $4,296.25 be accepted as the lewest and, best bids. Motien s eco:nde4 by.Ceun<;ilman S'1Jldison and c~rried. $79,882.42 ,6, ~59 .?O 29,496.88 HAROLD KAESER CO.: f73, 174, US, ,. , . $7Q,014.06 5,611.61 28,284.85 LOUIS, ELTE\UCH COI:lPAN'(: , 6~,Oll.18 4,684.84 22,274.69 80,013.58 , 6,~89.45. 23,539.58 50,045.65 4,655.64 21,696.21. MATT MALASPINA: 173, ,F4, 175, The City Engineer filed for appreval, estimate. and fixed estimate claims against L.I.D. Ne. Fl as fellows: I The Harrisen Brethers Cempany, Eighth estimate, (March), $8,000.00. It waS maved by Councilman Wolfe that estimate be appreved and warrant iSSled en L.I.D. No. 171 Censtruction' Fund in P'l'ment of same, and the City Clerk autherized te ,issue warrants no. 72 and.73 in ameunts of I i $2,000.00 each, and warrants no. 74 to 77 inclusive for $1,000.00 on L.I.O. No. 171 Fund, bearing interest . at the rate ef 4 5/8% per annum, dated April 10, 1957, preceeds te be deposited in the L.I.D. Ne. 171 Censt ructien Fund. ~Iotion ~econded by Councilman Smith and carried. I Fixed estimate..claims, L..I.D. No. 171: Dept. Labor & Industries, ind. .ins.-& med. aid, $17.16i Robert W. Clwlsen, March car mileage, .15.26 It was moved by Ceuncilman Nolfe that fixed estimate claims be approved and warrants issued in payment of sarne. Secended by Councilman Smith and carried. j George Wells appeared for further discussion and consideratien on his request for permission to install meters in his taxicabs. Council commended Mr. Wells for replacement of one .cab with new equipment and hoped fer mere in the near future. Ceuncil alse discussed pessibility of issuing cab license accerding I to mechanical cendition and appearance ef equipment. It "as moved by Councilman McFadden that installation I of meters in cabs be approved. Seconq.ed by Councilman (Matthieu and carried. I I I I I Mr. Vergeer reported that work en Lincoln Street light installation has started and all material except ; cable has been r~ceived. "" I Under the head of new business, c1ai';s paid March 22 and 25 were approved in total amount ef $19,174.91. . It was moved by Ceuncilman Smith that claims be appreved as paid. Secended by Councilman Sandisen and icarried. I IMayer Neer read netification ef resignation by Miss Lee Hodsen, Librarian, to be effective APril 30. It was moved by Councilman Smith that resignation be accepted with regret, ann"etter be sent to Miss Hodsen expressing Council appreciation for services rendered. Motion seconded bylEouncilman Sandison and carried. The following department reperts were filed for Council approval': [ire, Lilnry, Police, Pelice Judge fer February showing $2,065.50 fines cellected. It was moved by .ceuncilman McFadden that reports he accepted and placed on file. Secended by Ceuncilman Matthieu all carried. Ceuncil discussed promiscuous use of air rifles within the City and damages caused by same. Pelice Chief Kochanek reG.ommended that sale of air rifles be outlawed and permission a'Ppraved for confiscation of any used in the City. Mr. ""'rgeer advised that damages are cesting the City large amounts each )'Oar and recommended that hction be taken. It was moved by Ceuncilman McFadden that the Attorney be instructed to . investigate legal pessibilities and prepare Ordinance accerdingly. Seconded by Councilman wolfe and carried.. Iceuncil l;eceived in;itation '11:'1 meet ,dth the pollutien C~ntrel Cemmis'Sien in Ol~Pia, April 25.' Mr. 11 jvergeer advised that interested l~cal citizens will be infermed ef meeting. ' ,p;op~rty owners filed petit~en requesting that 15trr Street between Pin~ and Cedar be widened from 30 te I 140 feet. It was meved by Ceuncilman Wolfe that petition be referred te the Engineer for recemmendatiens. I Seconded ,1>y Ceuncilman Smith and c amed. . I VI. H. Thompsen being the ewner of all abutting preperty, requested in writing that Alder Street be vacated from Second Street te the alley Sathe It was meved by Councilman Smith that request be referred to the Planning Commission for recommendations. Seconded by Councilman McFadden and carried. ~ , (,Mal ager v~rgeer infcommed Council that estimated sewer sur-charges are:: For residential, $1.50; conunercial 1consumer account" apartment houses, motels, 50% oj. water service charge but not less than $1.50. Manufact- ~~'\ I,uring plants wi th average payroll ef net less than 50 employees, $5.00 per menth and $5.00 ,for each addit- \J' ienal 50 employees. Mr. Vergeer also explained that these charges heing fer amertization of Revenue Bonds, ( Ithe: may be exempt. of Business and Occupational, also Public utility Tax. 6 and Notification of ..1ssociation of Washington Cities convention ''lias received, being Jooe/7 in Bellingham. Mayor Neer cited bill becoming lost in Committee v.hich would have enabled Police Officers to participate lin GAS! and recommended that said bill be promoted at convention. i l'Under the head of introduction of Resolutions t~e fOllO\:ing ""ere introduced a1 dread: ,A RESOLUTION ef the City Council ef the City e~8~vr~e~~,8W~~ington, cenfirming the call for bidS fer \ I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ADr.; 1 4 ront;nupd 19R- "'" . "'''''. "..~,. '''''''~'. ...".. ..... .... labor to be perf.ormed and matericl. furnishedfffilder Lecal ,Improvement Distnct Ne. 173 ef the City ef Port Angeles. \vashin~ton. all/~ acceptir~g bid/wo.rk to be performed. It was meved by Ceuncilman Smith that the foregoing Resolution be appreved and adepted. Secended 'by Ceuncilman Welfe and ~arried. RE80Lu~ICN NO.9-57 A R:3S0LUTION ef the City Ceuncil ef the Gity of Pert Angeles, Washington, cenfirming the call fer bids fer labor te be perfermed and material furnished under Local Imprevement District No. 174 of the , City of Port Angeles, .Washington, and aC,cepting bid fer \'{) rlc to be p~rformed. It was m<>ved by Councilman Smith that the forego~ng Reselutien be approved and adepted. Sec,onded by Ceuncilman Wolfe and carried. i Council RESOLUTICN NO. 10-57 A RESOLUTION ef the City/of the City of Port P.ngeles, Washington cenfirming the call fer bids fer laber te be performed and material furniihed under Lecal Imprevement District Ne: 175 ef the City ef Pert Angeles, Washington, and accepti.ng bid for werk to be performed. . It was meved by Councilman Smith that the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Secended by Councilman l'olf e and carried. I . No further business appearing, the meeting was declared adjourned. Q.~. (j 'L~ City Clerk LEGAL PUBLICATION FOR SALE For sale' two houses to be torn d(}wn or otherwise, remO'\;ed from I 9th and Tumwater Street owned by the City of -PM!, Angeles. The Cit.y Clerk will receIve bids on . d~I:, h%'t;i.It ~f~~:,PO p .~.. Mon~ I bi: ~~~tP~~ ::~1~~1~~~ grdle~~ agree to remove -aatd hou,ses from f the present }I>CRt.ion withm ninety days from 'llward. Further informa tion can be ob- tained from the office of the City l1\:tanfl'fi~ .s, VERGEER, City Manager Pub: Api'll 12, 19, 1957T , !, ~l ~r~r~~lI~e!~: ~Ir~o ,P. M., April t!2, 1951, on iwo (2) 'onlY new 30, watt Moblle, F. M. ,RadIo TnlllsrnitLer . receivers to i o~rate on...-39.1B M, C. 12 Volt to ~'eet F.e.c., requirements for spHt channel opel'at.1on. Bidder will show trade in allow- ~~{J'k~,n~B~1 o~~~~:B r~f21~~16 volt G. S. VERGEER City Manager . p~~: _ ~~i~ ]2. ]9. 1957T NOTl(;E TO eONTR.o\C,'TORS C.\LL FOR BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY given that sealed bids w;ll 'be received at. the office of the City Clerk. at the Cltj', Hall 140 West Front Street. Port ~~f~~~Sp.:~~r~~'19~~~~d 5~~, later and \\'111 be opened publlcly and read at '7: 30 p.m. on tha~ date at the CItY Council Chambers at 120 North Oak street for the foI- l low!ng. three(3) propo.'sed improve- I mr:;S o;V~r~ea:SP~o:~~i~~ l\~~~d below under each improvement: (1) ~~lrl~~CJ'~~d::~~~ TO . 'H" ST. and ALLEY BE- ~~L~~ SJE~<k:~'1 lWb St. llnd -12th Street. Loca}. Im- provement District No. 173: 13,898 lin. ft, 6 inch to 10 Inch Sewer Pipe . 14,04:23 Un. ft. 4 fto to 20 It, deeT,1 265 VT:cC: x 8 in~h to 10 inch x G inch Wyes 39 Standard Manholes H Lamp Holes (2) ~ S~~~~~A~r~~,Y ~lf~ Local Improvement Dlstnct N1~:l51'l~ln. ft, 6 inch to 8 inch Sewer Pipe 1,299 Un. ft. 6 ft.. to 9 ft. Deep Trench 16 6 Inch ;.: 6 inch to a Inch ::c 6 inch Wyes L..--J. ~~~~~Manhole3 a(l~~~/ Mayer' . . , ") SANITARY SEW~.~E~~ PUMP, GRADING AND SUR. FACING - ALLEY BETWEEN" l~t 1lnd 2nd and OAK AND V ALLEY STREETS-Local Im- provement DIstrict No, 175: 1,879 I1n. ft. 6 inch to 12 inch Sewer Pipe 2,003 Un. ft. 3 ft. to 8 ft, Deep Trench 44 e inch x 6 inch to ,8 inch x 6 inch Wyes 1 Standard Manhole 8 SpeCial Caten Basins 602 cu. yds. UncI. Exca vation 840 CU, yds. Bank Run Gra- vel for Street.'3 no cu. yas. Cr: Slone Sur- faelng % inCh Minus HO Tons Type "iF" Asphalt Cone, Pavement 3 inch Comp, Mat. t Wet Pit Sewer Pump ] Cover Door for Wet PIt Sewer Pump - 23.3 cu.- Yds. ClaSS flAil Cement Concrete~ump 5.2 cu, !Ids. .4 da Hi-Early 6 sack Mix Cern. Cone.- Wall . . 2,339 Ibs. Re~Inforclng St.eel- Sump and Wall . Detailed plans and spectUca- tlons may be obtained from. the offfce of the City Clerk upon fL C~lt .of. twcnty-flve 'dollars ~urn:3) to ~~j~~o:a~h:i~\~J~,~ewfili ~~e..J~~~n, of tfie plans and speCi-.l -;;Mf8:i'i..it mREE PROJECTS MAYBE SUBMITTED. . Q:tr:c1u:~~ic~~o~i~~ bi~:rr~eslS U;~ right to refuse to quaUfy any bid- der prior- to the .opening of bids &nd the Cu..;' reserves the right to_ . aCAe~i~ ~:t~~ ~~%~l ~i~~ial bid deposit check must accompany alL proposals. or a bid bendo! eQ\Ul.1 amQunt wlll be accepted. ,git:MV~~~~R, Pub: Mar. ?S. e2, J957T. ~ 541 ~