HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/04/1963 ,... 164 Procee~ings of t~e City Commission of t~e City of Port Angeles, Was~ington April 4 19~ L '" " ~R""'TIN; Ce), ,.,..,,' 'E!P -- Officers present were Mayor Maxfiel~, and Wolfe; Manager Slankard, I , I I I The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. Councilmen Smith, Thorne, Haguewood, Cornell, Willson Attorney Moffett and Clerk McNeece. It was moved by Councilman Willson that minutes of the previous meeting be approved as received. Seconded by Councilman Haguewood and carried. Under the head of unfinished business, there being no one present to represent Anderson Ford Company and Habit .Cleaners in their request for loading zones ,in. front of their places of business, it .w~s moved by Councilman Willson that the traffic ordinance be enforced as. now written. (This will eliminate those two loading zones) Seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried. After considerable discussion regarding the proposed improvement to the Boulevard, a motion was made by Councilman Wolfe to go ahead with the Boulevard project, cut it through from Lincoln Street to Peabody Gulch; ~ut in the drainage, ballast and grading this year (1963), with paving of two lanes next year (1964). Seconded by Councilman Willson. After further discussion, on called vote, Councilmen Wolfe and Willson voted "Aye"; Councilmen Smi t-4:,..Thorne, Haguewood and Cornell voted "No". Motion failed. There was more discussion, then it was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the subject be tabled until the next meeting. Seconded by Councilman Smith. Councilman Cornell suggested that the Council meet with the City Engineer to study this proposed project and try to get a better understanding of the problems involved. Monday night, April 8th in the Engineer's office at City Hall was set for the meeting. On called vote on the motion to table until next meeting, all voted "Aye". Motion carried. The Mayor informed that the Annual Report for 1962 in booklet form is available at City Hall for those who are interested in obtaining one. He also commented that the report is well done and a complete coverage of the City's 1962 activities. Under the head of new business, two bids were received for furnishing a "Dump Truck" for the Street Department. I BOB BOLTER CHEVROLET COMPANY, INC. 1963 Chevrolet Model C-6303 H truck w1th 5 yard dump, $5,571.60 less trade in $371.60 - total $5,200.00, plus 4% sales tax and license. ROBERTSON-GRAY MOTORS INC. GMC chassis, Model A4005 w1th truckweld 4 Cu. Yd. dump body, complete as to City's specifications - $6,400.00 less trade in $457.00, plus sales tax $256.00 - net to City $6,199.00. After ,discussion, and the bid of Robertson-Gray Motors, Inc., being the only one meeting the specifications set forth on the call for bids, it was moved by Councilman Haguewood tha,t the bid Of Robertson-Gray Motors', Inc.. $6,199.00 net to the City be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe. On called bid all voted "Aye" except Councilman Thorne, who voted -"No". Motion passed. One bid was received for furnishing a "Panel Service" truck for the Light Department. BOB BOLTER CHEVROLET COMPANY, INC. Without trade 1n .$2,580.90 less d1scount $352.64 - net $2,328.26. With trade in - $2,580.90 less trade in $474.90 - net $2,106.00. I The Light Superintendent having formerly recomme~ded that the Light Department keep the i 1955 Chevrolet and !lot trade it in, it was moved by Councilman willson that the bid of , $2,328.26 without the trade in be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Smith and unanimously carried. It was moved by Councilman Cornell that the expense for the Pool Manager, to Victoria, 3-30-63 for diver-swimmers meet and the Assistant Pool Manager and City car to Everett PNA 0ualified meet for swimmers 3-30-63 be approved. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carded. I .... .... Procee~ings of t~e Ci~ Commission of t~e City of Port Angeles, Was~ington 165 April 4 19--6..1. , . . ",",,"" co. ,.,;,.. .... I or not the rates can. be reduced. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. The following reports were presented for approval: Light Department Operating Statement and Balance Sheet, and the Water Department Operating Statement and Balance Sheet. It was moved by Councilman Cornell that the r~ports be accepted. Seconded by Councilman I Holfe and carried. . Claims for approval including payroll for Ma.rch 16-31, 1963, were presented in amounts of: General Funds, $55,223.98; Water Fund, $13,109.55 - Warrants No. 11945 - 11966; Light Department, $41,949.96 - Warrants No. 11761 - 11790. It was moved by Councilman Haguewood that the claims including the payroll in total amount of $110,283,49 be approve.d and paid. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried. A communication from Robert Armstrong, Director of the Thunderbirds All Girl Drum Corps of Victoria, B.C. was read, citing the fact that the Corps has not been paid for their trip to Port Angeles to participate in the Centennial celebrations as was promised by the Celebrations Committee, nor have they received the trophy for winning first place in the bands group. The Mayor pointed out that the City has no obligation in this matter and cannot legally participate in the liquidation of this debt noW against the Celebra~ tions Committee, and if the Council so desired he would answer this communication to that effect. Councilman Wolfe read a list of Centennial Celebrations creditors and amounts, a, total of $2,452.58. After further discussion, it was moved by Councilman Cornell that the Mayor express the City's position and the thoughts of the Councilmen to the Thunderbirds and refer their communication to the Ceiebrations Committee. Seconded by Councilman Smith and unanimously carried. I Informal bids having been called for blacktopping a section of Mt. Angeles Road from Park Avenue south to City limits, approximately 2400 feet, twenty (20) feet wide, two (2) inches compacted depth - 650 tons approximately of asphalt concrete, Class F, the following bids were received: RANDALL KILMER $7.00 per ton - $4,550.00 WASHINGTON ASPHALT CO. $5.00 per ton - $3,250.00 It was moved by Councilman Thorne that the bid of Washington Asphalt Co. be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Haguewood and unanimously carried. A special meeting of the,Council to pass on a resolution regarding redemption of L.I.D. I No. 180 Fund interest bearing warrants with the $162,152.24 collected during the thirty day pre-pay period was set for 5:00 P.M.. Monday, April 22, as requested by the City Treasurer. I I I I I I I " I Councilman Willson reported that he had been contacted by Jim Robinson regarding what seems to be a misunderstanding concerning the Sweet Adeline Convention groups having been given permission to use the Light Service Garage for a banquet and impromptu i singing Saturday night, the 27th of April. After considerable discussion, it was moved I by Councilman Willson that the Service Garage building be made available to the Sweet Adeline Convention group from noon Saturday, April 27, till noon, Sunday, April 28. Seconded.byC6uncilman Thorne and carried. A cost, study is to be made during this period. It was moved by Councilman Haguewood that any future use of the Service Garage 'other thaJ ~ for City purposes will have to be cleared with the City Council before any permission bel given. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and unanimously carried. i I '" Copies of the rewritten dance ordinance were presented to the Council for their study until next meeting. The Mayor read a letter of resignation from City Manager M. W. Slankard to be effective May 15, 1963. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the resignation as presented by the City Manager. be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Smith. On called vote Council- men Cornell, Wolfe, Smith and Willson voted "Aye." Councilmen Haguewood and Thorne refrained from voting. Motion carried. The Mayor then read the following statement: It is extremely unfortunate that an atmosphere has suddenly been created that has precipitated this action on the part of this City Administrator. It is also regrettable that this atmosphere, so unnecessarily created, has had, and may continue to have, a deterrent effect on efficient City Administration, such that in the opinion of the City Council this resignation should be accepted. It should also be made clear that these vicious rumors that have been circulated by undisciplined tongues are not substani- ated in fact as far as we have been able to concientiously and intelligently determine. Character asassination is a serious and wrongful act, and those who pass on such unsubstantiated tales are as much in the wrong as those who create them. I Our association with Mr. Slankard has not been without its rewards. The City has been active during the 4t years of his tenure and progress is evident almost everywhere you look. The City has emerged from its dark and dusty past and has grown to a sizable and respectable City. Respected , ! I 1 J !I :1 Ii . II ~ ,... 166 Procee~ings of t~e City Commission of t~e City of Port Angeles, Was~ington April 4 19~ J.. a H PRINTING CO. P'I"4l".~ -- I and enjoyed by visitors from all ove.r the lVorld. I It is with this in mind that we regret this severing of our relationship under these conditions, I I and we reiterate that we do so in friendship, and I trust that all of us, as responsible citizens, will act as mature individuals should in a situation of this kind. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the Mayor be authorized to advertise for replace- ment for City Manager. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. A study of the traffic at Cedar and Marine Drive will be made to determine whether a stop light is needed at this intersection. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. , rffrl 'm./ np PA'(L/ ~a~ '2' l^-'- ~ I:l--c.~ CITY CLERK CJ MAYOR NO'rJCE TO BIDDEBS NOTICE IS HEREny- GIVEN: , Tha.t sealed bids will be rf)('ch'ed . by lhe CITY OF PORT A~GF.LES 1 PORT - ANGELES. W ASHJ:NGTON' II U.llli! 7:30 P.M.. May 6, B(i5,at which !I tlme they wlll be upllnrn anti publlc- lJ' rCfld aloud jfl tllG City COUlioll Chambers. . Bids will cover the furnishing, tcst- I ]fig am] startllp of one Complete 6000 I J{VA 9utlJoor TJ.'pe UnH Subst.atlon cO'll:lhitmg of transformer, Awitch I I gl':n, InstrumonlaUoll, relays and as- 'ocl~ted Cqul1l1nent. Bid" may be rn'tJled or dellVl'fl.'O t<l CITY OF POnT AN'GELF....~ O}<'. I, I<'ICE o~ TIm CITY MANAGER, PO!tT ANGEI"BS. W'ASHINGTON to [11'1'1 ve not lateI' than 7: :10 ~_M, J\1-.a.y G, ]')(j5. All IJ!rlfi sha.11 he plalntly ~arked r.OOO KVA OUTDOOR UNI'.r , ~'{.{l~Tf:r/g;: - GRAcm I llU5 BJD : Sjledfir'Ht1011s and/or plans muv 00 I:: C'xum!nerl ~t the offica of tv.e City ~fa:Jagl?r, .Port Angeles, "\\'n.shillgton. I' Srw('llfcat]ons may be purchaFed fl..t :'5.00 per set. No refund will be maue for return of F.pcCificatlon~. Bh:l'l mu~t be accom))atlled by Fl certlf1",d Cheek for the sum 01' not 1""fI tllnn FIYe 1Jer cen!. 111' the pro- ))03('\1 or bId bond of eqllfll ~moulH pfl.~":lble to the City of Pon Angell's: . .'\ny cxcelltlons In Hll) ;:P.ecJti.('a~ tlOnR, contracL IJ'r genera] conditif1ns I ",hall be noL{'lI by the I,lddcr, 1."r~\lUa]jfkatton l?f ]JldClCT'S i8 re~ 'I.Ulmil a.nd the CJty reserVes the nghl to retm'c to. qualify lllly bl<1der; The City Councl] reFervcs the right Lo waive any Informality In bids and 10 rr.ject any 1)1' fill bids. Ofrlel:ll. RrC(\pmr.cI!, )"cjcction 01' ('onllnuatlOn by the City Council will b", m!l:d('. in 'he City Cotmcil Cham. bor.!'!, Miy G, 111%, at ?an P.M. ~. DO):ALD D. HRRHMA)f I City Manager P1Jhllshcd; Ap]'j] Sand 15, 1965. I I ~ I I I i I 1 ~ I I I i I i' ~ I 'I