HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/04/1978 476 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, washington April 4, 1978 I CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 7:30 P.M. I II ROLL CALL Members Present: Mayor Haguewood Councilmen Boardman, Buck, Duncan. Members Absent: Councilmen Anderson, Hordyk, wray. Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Walrath, Deputy Clerk Caso. D. Frizzell, P. Carr, R. Orton, D. Flodstrom, K. Rodocker, R. Morgan, J. Honnold. Guests Present: M. Craver, W. & C. Mueller, B. & E. Veltkamp, J. Drain, Dr. F. Springob, J. Tangedahl, P. Wilden, R. Philpott, A. Harriman, J. Dean. II I MINUTES Councilman Buck moved the Council accept and place on file as received the minutes of the March 21 and 28, 1978 meetings. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. IV LEGISLATION Mayor Haguewood read the minutes of the planning Commission's March 22, 1978 meeting with the following action being taken by the council: I 1. PLANNING COMMISSION A. Conditional Use Permit: Gregory Enterprises, Inc.: Councilman Boardman moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve Gregory Enterprises Inc.'s request to construct a duplex on the south half of Lot 2, Broadway Addition, 600 Block Lopez, because it is compatible with the neighborhood, there are no other duplexes near-by and it is compatible with the Comprehensive Plan. The motion was seconded by councilman Duncan and carried. B. Councilman Buck moved the Council accept and place on file the planning Commission minutes of March 22, 1978. The motion was seconded by Council- man Duncan and carried. 2. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Annexation Request: J. Key Mayor Haguewood informed the Council that this issue will not be finalized at tonight's meeting due to both the pro and con factions requesting more time to present their cases. However, the public hearing will take place tonight, as scheduled, and will be continued to the next regular Council meeting. Mayor Haguewood then opened the public hearing after first reading a memorandum from the planning Commission recommending annexation of a portion of the area requested for annexation provided an annexation agreement containing fourteen conditions is signed. I The Council then heard several comments and questions from members of the audience, and discussed various areas of concern with Planner Carr. Sub- jects discussed included the advantages of leaving this area semi-rural, I .1 . ~.._ "......... ,... v_--JO , ,",. 01 Legal Notlc... in exhibit B. ,,"ached hereto and incorporated herein. and by'doing all work necessary in connection therewith, including the installation of curbs and gutlers in such streets, Individual aileys in the area described in exhibit A may be paved at the .owners; req....est. Section 3. The City's engineers are hereby directed 10 submit 10 Ihe CounCil al or prior 10 the dllte fixed for the hearing on this reso'v.ion a statement of the estimated cost and expense of such improvements, the portion of such cost 10 be borne by the properly within the proposed . improvement dis.trict, the local improvement disfric' assessments outslanding and unpaid against Ihe property Iherein, and the aggregate actuai valuation 01 the real estale. including 25 percent of 1M actual valuation of the improvements, in the proposed district according 10 the valualion lasl placed upon it lor the purposes of general taxation, togelher with a diagrain or print showing ~ thereon the lots. traclS. parcelS 01 land and oIlier properly WhiCh will be speCially benelited by said Impro'+len'leots, and the estima~ed amount of the cost and expense thereot 10 be borne \ by each lot. ...acl or parcel Of ' land or ottler property within the proposed improvement district. Seclion 5. All persons who may desire to object 10 the' formation of such.improlJemeont districl are hereby nolilied to appear and present such objections at a meeting of the City council to be held in the council Chambers 134 West Front Street PorI Angeles. Washington at 7 :30 p.m. on May 2. 1~79. which time and plac.e are hereby lix.. lor hearing of m.a1ters. relating to said proposed improvements and all objections therelo, and for determining the method of paying for said improvements. The City Cler~ and Engineer are hereby direcled to prepare and give notice of Sooch hearing in the manner required by law. PASSe D by the council Of Ihe City of Pori AngeleS, Washington, at a regular meeting of said Council this 4th day 01 April. 1978. City of pori Angeles, Washington Samual J, Haguewood ....... May(j( ,--- -ArtEST: fI(Iarian C, Par,.i$h.....CitY..CJerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: ' C, T, Walrath, City Atlornev EXHIBIT A 16th & e LID Description of district: Beginning at the center line of alley in Townsile Block 4\i and thewest Jine of HE" Street; Thence westerl)' along the center ~ine e)(tended of said alley 10 Ihe lot line belween klls 16 and 17 in Townsite, Block 410 extended; The-nce southerly along said lot line extended to *h-e south right of way line of 15th Street; Thl'ncc we$terly atong SClid south right of way line of 15tn S""'ec-t to the east right of way i ~inc- of "G" Street; Thence C;OU1herlv along the eas.t right of way line of "G" Street 'extended to a point ISO leel southerly Irom Ihe soulh righl 01 way line of 16th Street; .. Thence eas.erly along 8 line 150 feet soulherly Irom lhe sou th right of way line of 16th Streel toa point 2SO leet westerly Irom Ihe west right 01 way line 01 "F" Slreel; Thence SOUlherly along a line 250 feet weslerly from the wesl righl 01 way line 01 uF" Streel 10 the norlh righl of way line 01 Lauridsen Boulevard, Thence easterly along the nor'h right of way lfne of Laurid!ien _~ .._ _~......... ....A ..,....,+ ..l...h+ ...4 IMPROVEMENf' RESOI.UTION NO, 21-78 A RESOLUTION of ~the' Cou nd I "'0' ~ Ihe "C i ty of port Angeles, Washington. declaring the in ten lion of Ihe City Council to improve a certain area within the City by grading. paving and draining the streets therein and installing curbS and gullers. and bV doing all wor~ necessary in connection therewith, and fixing a time. date and place for Ihe hearing on thiS resolution of intention. BE IT ReSDLveD by the City Council 01 Ihe City Of Port Angeles, ,..Wa"hing'on. . aI, lollows: Secfion 1. That it is lhe intention Of the City Council of the Cily 01 Pori Angeles. Washington. to order the improvement Of the" area described in Exhibit A, ~ttached herelo. and incorporCl'ed by reference herein. by grading. dr..!J!!i.n2 and paving lhe streets. mereln and inslaHinll curbS atld gutters. and doing all other work necessary in connection with the 'I mprovllmenls described in thiS resolution. Section 2. The area described in exhibil A shall be Improved by grading. paving and draining the streels described l-ri9h-i-of _;'~Ty' ~'i~;n~f~~L~;r'jd~~~ Boulevard to the west right of , wa y line of He" Street; , T hence norther I y at ong the west riQht of way line of "c" 5 free-t to the south rig h t of wa V line of 16th Street; Thence westerty a 'ong the south right of way line of 16th S1reet to the west right of way line of JJ E.... Street; Thence norther IV arong the west rjght of way line Of "'E" Street to the center line of the aney in Townsife, Block rll and the point of beginning. EX~81T B 16th & E LID STREETS TO BE IMPROVED ST. FROM TO 15th E Street 200 ft. west of F Street G Street F Sfreet F S1reet F S treef E Street C Street C Street .400 ft east of e o 16th 18th E 16.h Lauridsen F 15th La u r idsen '.. MARIAN C. PARRISH, the dulV chosen, qualified and acting Clerk of the City. of Port Angeles, Washjngton.. DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the toregoi ng i$ a true and complete copy of Improvement Resolution 21.78... paSsed by the City Counc41 at a regufar meeting thereof he1d the 4'h day of Apr tl, 1978. , DA TeD this 4 day of April. 1978. Marian C. Parrish Pub..: April 24, 1978. 16th 17th 18th 19th CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 4, 1978 477 IV LEGISLATION 2. Cont. I what type of street improvements will be made if this area is annexed, the impact of increased traffic upon the area, what type of buffer zone will be required, and a statement in the EIS that the proposed annexation is contrary to the Comprehensive Plan pertaining to development outside the City limits. The discussion concluded with Mr. Key commenting on the EIS and the street improvements, and stating that he felt that this is an excellent plan for the area. There were no further comments from the audience and Councilman Buck moved the Council continue the public hearing and the proposed Ordinance and Annexation Agreement until the next regular Council meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. C. Subdivision Regulations Amendment This agenda item was left on the table. D. Amendment to 1978 Revenue Sharing Budget Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum outlining the reallocation of 1978 Revenue Sharing Funds as follows: I Government Complex Remodeling Sr. Center Administrative Expense 2nd Installment, CPR Dock Wheelchair Ramps, Corp. Yard Data processing Equipment Whites Creek Bridge Unemcumbered Balance 1978 Allocation to Civic Field $120,000 7,000 982 35,000 15,000 180,000 50,000 650 217,000 $625,632 TOTAL FUNDS The $217,000 will be reallocated to the Civic Field Construction Project as follows: $186,632 for the Civic pier or Corporation Yard deleted; $30,000 for the conversion of the Owens Brothers Dock deleted; Adminis- trative Expense reduced $386.00. Mayor,Haguewood then explained to the Council and the audience that two public hearings are required on this change in the expenditure categories of the Revenue Sharing Funds, and then opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the audience and the public hearing was closed. The second public hearing will be held at the next regular Council meeting. 3. L.I.D. NO. 201: 16TH & "E" STREET Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 21-78 entitled, Resolution No. 21-78 I A RESOLUTION of the Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington declaring the intention of the City Council to improve a certain area within the City by grading, paving and draining the streets therein and installing curbs and gutters, and by doing all work necessary in connection therewith, and fixing a time, date, and place for the hearing on this resolution of intention. Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution setting a public hearing date of May 2, 1978 on the proposed 16th and "E" Street L.I.D. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. 478 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 4, 1978. IV LEGISLATION 4. PROPOSED ORDINANCE REGULATING PRIVATE SECURITY BUSINESSES Mayor Haguewood suggested this agenda item be tabled since a local attorney, who could not be present at tonight's meeting, wishes to speak to the Council on this matter. Councilman Buck then noted that there may be members of the audience present tonight that may not be able to come to the next Council meeting, and requested their input on the proposed Ordinance. ,I Mr. J. Tangedahl, representing Peninsula Security, then addressed the Council and spoke in favor of the proposed Ordinance because of the growing number of private security firms in this area. There were no further comments from the audience and Councilman Buck moved the Council table this agenda item until the April l8, 1978 Council meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. 5. PROPOSED LEASE OF OAK STREET PIER Mayor Haguewood read a letter from Mr. Ernest Vail, managing partner of High Tides Seafood, requesting a lease from the City for a portion of the Oak Street pier until December 31, 1978. Councilman Boardman then questioned Manager Whorton concerning submittal of Mr. Vail's request to the Planning Commission for consideration since this area is zoned Commercial instead of Industrial. Councilman Buck then moved the Council refer Mr. Vail's request to the Planning Commission for consideration. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. 6. HIGHLAND HILLS Mr. Frank Dalton, developer of Highland Hills, spoke at length to the Council concerning the numerous problems connected with this development in recent years. Many of these problems, Mr. Dalton stated, are a result of the City's standards and procedures in regard to subdivision development in this area. I Some of the difficulties faced by this development included a problem with the median between lOth and 12th Street on "N" Street, the depth of the sewer line on "N" Street, sewer easements on lot lines, water settling for the purpose of compaction, numerous sewer and water line inspections and tests, no occupancy of the homes until City acceptance of the water lines and roadway, and a stop work order issued on June 9, 1977. These issues, Mr. Dalton continued, were contributing factors in delaying the development of Highland Hills. He then presented the Council with a bill for the stop work order, stating that he felt he should not be responsible for the bill since the order was given without sufficient reason. Director of Public Works Flodstrom then spoke at length in response to Mr. Dalton's comments, pointing out that the City's prime responsibility is to the entire city and the property adjacent to the development, not just the developer. Mr. Flodstrom responded to each of Mr. Dalton's aforementioned problems, and explained in detail the reasons behind the procedures taken by the Public Works Department in regard to this development. In conclusion, Mr. Flodstrom recommended an on-site inspection of the Highland Hills develop- ment by the Council in order to see the situation first-hand. The Council then discussed the matter of the stop work order, the water line inspections and tests, and the "no occupancy" regulation with Mr. Dalton and Mr. Flodstrom. The discussion concluded with Mayor Haguewood suggested that on on-site inspection of the development would be in the Council's best interest prior to considering the bill for the stop work order. I 7. CITY LANDFILL TRENCH: EASEMENT AGREEMENT & PURCHASE OF GRAVEL Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from the public works Department concerning the present landfill trench which is being excavated. Because of the dif- ficulty in maneuvering gravel trucks and loading equipment on the narrow pit floor, the pit should be enlarged, which would require expansion of the pit boundary into property presently owned by Mr Roy Zahrobsky. The Public CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 4, 1978 479 IV LEGISLATION 7. Cont. I Works Department would like to remove as much gravel as possible from this particular trench because of the high quality of gravel available and because of the need for as large a landfill trench as possible, and have approached Mr. Zahrobsky to ask if he would be willing to allow the City to expand the trench westerly into his property and sell the City the gravel stock rights to approximately 23,000 cubic yards of gravel. The memorandum continued on to state that Mr. Zahrobsky was agreeable to an easement onto his property and the purchase of the gravel at a price of $.l5 per cubic yard, or $3,450. Using the established price of $.20 from past gravel sales, this material has a potential value of approximately $5,300 and could be used either for cover material on the present trench or for selling to generate revenue to support the landfill operation. Councilman Buck then moved the Council approve the arrangements with Mr. Zahrobsky for purchase of approximately 23,000 cubic yards of gravel at a price of $.15 per cubic yard, or $3,450.00, and approve the easement agreement with Mr. Zahrobsky for expansion of the landfill trench into his property. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. 8. PURCHASE OF ROADWAY PAINT STRIPING MACHINE Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from the Public Works Department informing the Council that the Department had located a 1973 model 16-M Linemaster striper with a tentative selling price of $1,500 which includes striper, trailer, and assorted attachments. Councilman Duncan then moved the council authorize the Public Works Department to purchase the l6-M Linemaster striper from San Juan County, as recommended by Public Works Director Flodstrom. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. I 9. SENIOR CITIZEN CENTER BOARD OF DIRECTORS Councilman Boardman moved the Council approve the reappointment of Tom Deeney, Opal McLaughlin, and virginia White to the Senior Citizen Board of Directors for a three year term effective March I, 1978, and the new appointment of Boyd Turner, 940 Lauridsen Boulevard, to the Board. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. 10. REQUEST TO PURCHASE PORTION OF PEABODY STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY: RICHARD ANDERSON Mr. Anderson, of 331 Vashon, spoke to the Council regarding a portion of peabody Street right-of-way adjoining his property. According to Mr- Anderson he first spoke to the Council about the problem of property lines, platted streets, and ,traveled roadways at the 'March 2l, 1975 public hearing'on L.I.D. ,No. 198. He'also expressed concern about the size of property under con- sideration and inflated prices since 1975. After a brief discussion between the City Council" Manager Whorton and Mr. Anderson relating to corner lot L.I.D. assessments and the City's lawsuit with Mr. stephens wherein a precedent was established concerning setting a price on right-of-way either acquired or lost, Mayor Haguewood advised Mr. Anderson that the City Council Real Estate Committee would look into his request. lL CONSIDERATION OF SALE OF STRIP OF LAND TO PEN PLY I Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from the Engineering Department recommending the city sell a portion of Lot II, Block 35, Townsite, lying on the northerly side of Marine Drive at pine Street, to Pen Ply for their continued use. Manager Whorton then explained to the Council that this small portion of City property is located directly in front of the Pen Ply office and was brought to the City's attention during the sale of City owned surplus prop- erty in December, 1977. Councilman Buck then moved the Council refer this matter',to the Real Estate Committee for consideration. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. 480 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 4, 1978 IV LEGISLATION 12. NORTHERN TIER PRESENTATION Prior to the presentation given by representatives of Northern Tier, Mayor Haguewood requested no participation or interruption from members of the audience, in as much as this is the first meeting between the Council and Northern Tier and is for the Council's information. Mayor Haguewood then introduced Mr. Ed Fuller, Vice President of the Northernl Tier Pipeline Company, who commented briefly on the mutual benefit derived from meetings of this type, and then introduced Mr. Hodge, Vice President in charge of Public Relations for Northern Tier. Mr. Hodge gave a brief presentation concerning the future of a pipeline in this area and Northern Tier's responsibility to the community in having re- sponsive information in regard to the impact of an oilport when and if the Northern Tier proposal becomes a reality. Both major and minor considerations are being addressed by Northern Tier through a study team consisting of personnel from various fields associated with Northern Tier. Mr. Hodge then introduced representatives from the study teams which were present at tonight's meeting: Dr. Willis, who is with Northern Tier's consulting firm of Environmental Research and Technology, and is heading the environmental team; Mr. Whiteside, who represents Northern Tier's Engineer's, Butler and Associates; and Mr. Meyers, also from the consulting firm of ERT, who will be addressing the socio-economic impact questions. Dr. Willis was the first representative to speak to the Council concerning the environmental studies Which are required by Northern Tier to complete it's Site Certification Application. Dr. Willis outlined the nature and scope of this work, pointing out that the study team will address major areas of potential environmental impacts such as air quality, water quality, ecological studies, and potential oil spills in the harbor area as well as the coast and Straits. Dr. Willis also pointed out that the study team I will also address the impact on the community in terms of economy, in- dustry, visual quality, transportation, housing, and noise impact. Following Dr. Willis' presentation, Mr. Whiteside addressed the Council con- cerning the impact on the community in regard to electrical power, water service, and fire protection. Subjects discussed by Mr. Whiteside and the Council included the possibility of securing power from other sources, the effect of diesel power on the air quality, the possibility of a mill shut- down if air quality is violated as a result of the diesel power used by the tankers, and the effect of water service to the tankers. The Council also discussed at length with Mr. Whiteside the fire protection which Northern Tier will provide to both the on-shore facilities and the tankers while at berth. This fire protection, Mr. Whiteside stated, will also include a fully equipped fire boat to be permanently stationed at the terminal. The presentation also included a brief discussion on the impact of a major fire disaster on the City's traffic and evacuation routes and the local hospital. Mr. Meyers then spoke to the Council in regard to the community facilities which may be effected by population growth. Mr. Meyers pointed out that the whole process of the impact assessment needs to be framed with mitigation in mind, and outlined three areas in which the study team has made tentative recommendations to Northern Tier with respect to mitigating the effects of the impact On the community. The three areas are as follows: (l) Housing _ particularily for the construction workers during the tourist season; (2) Finance - one part of the finance plan is a recommendation to Northern Tier I that there be a joint effort project involving Northern Tier and its con- "_ sulting firm as well as City and other government officials to initiate the improvements in this area, and (3) a suggestion to Northern Tier that they be willing to discuss the question of pre-payment of property taxes as a means to finance improvements that could otherwise not be funded through state or federal grants. Mr. Meyer's presentation concluded with Councilman Duncan questioning several areas of possible impact and whether Northern Tier will be financially responsible for them. CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 4, 1978 481 IV LEGISLATION 12. Cont. I Mr. Hodge then addressed the Council again and discussed several subjects with the Council including the possibility of taxing Northern Tier even though the marine terminal may be moved outside the City limits, what type of industry, if any, will follow Northern Tier if the oilport is sited in this area, the future of the Coast Guard Base, and the ppssible impact on the forest products industry in this area as a result of the pipeline. The presentations concluded with Mayor Haguewood thanking Mr. Fuller and the various representatives for their information, and suggesting a con- tinuation of these meetings on specific subjects connected with the oilport. 13. PUBLIC HEARING: REPLAT PETITION: E CAUGHRON Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing and requested comments from the audience on a petition filed by E. Caughron, R. priest, et alii, for a plat alteration of all of Block "A"; all of Block "B"; all of Block "E" Lots I through 12 inclusive; Lots 15, 16, 19, 20 and 21, Block "F"; Lots I through 8 inclusive Block "G"; Lots 8, 9, lO, 14, l5, 16 and 17 Block "H"; Lots 3 through 19 inclusive Block :J:; and lot 1 and Lots 10 through 17 inclusive, Block UK" of Cresthaven. During the public hearing Planner Carr explained to the Council that the plats used by the residents of this area did not match with the plats at the County Auditor's office; this alteration will change only the lot lines and will provide the residents with a much clearer title to their property. There were no comments from the audience and the public hearing was closed. Councilman Duncan then moved the Council approve the replat of the above mentioned area. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. I v ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA None. VI FINANCE 1. CONSIDERATION OF BIDS A. Ocean View Cemetery Metal Building Councilman Buck moved the Council award the' bid for construction of a metal building at Ocean View Cemetery to the low bidder, Western Farmers, with a total bid price of $4,836.87. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. B. Light Department - URD Cable Councilman Buck moved the Council award the bid for URD cable to the low bidder, Graybar Electric, Tacoma, with a total bid price of $24,979.91. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. Other bidders included Amfac Electric Supply, Aberdeen - $26,631.75; utility Supply, Tacoma - $25,373.43; North Coast Electric, Tacoma - $25,293.47. The engineer's estimate was $27,500. C. Light Department - Power Cable I Councilman Duncan moved the Council award the bid for two reels of 500 MCM copper, shielded power cable to the low bidder, North Coast Electric Company, Seattle, with a total bid price of $4,932.72, and, if this material is not available, award the bid to the second lowest bidder, also North Coast Electric, with a total bid price of $4,953.80. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. Other bidders included Amfac Electric Supply, Aberdeen - $5,363.64; General Electric Supply, Tacoma - $5,347.49; and Utility Supply, Tacoma - $5,313,54. The engineer's estimate was $2,732.60. 482 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 4, 1978 VII CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Buck moved the Council accept the items under including Vouchers Payable of $363,069.84 and Payroll of motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. the Consent Agenda are as follows: the Consent Agenda $119,147.41. The Items approved under (1) Authorize payment of $63,382.98 to Del Guzzi Construction Company for con- struction work on Contract No. 4 - Intake Pump Station and Control Building on the Elwha River Water Project. (2) Authorize payment of $l,lll.54 to CH2MjHill for engineering services on the Sewer System Evaluation Study from January 25 through February 24, 1978. (3) Authorize payment of $8,330. to the Public Power Council as the City's share of the PPC Litigation Fund for intervention in the Portland Lawsuits. (4) Authorize payment of $2,496.12 and the return of the bid deposit of $ll8.75 to C & L Shake and Shingle Company for 95 square of shakes for repair of the Lincoln Park Longhouse roof. (5) Approval of the Park, Recreation and Beautification Commission minutes of March 9, 1978. (6) Notification has been received from the Washington State Liquor Control Board rescinding the commitment for a Class A liquor license effective March 30, 1978 for Skipper's Fish, Chips and Chowder House, Front and Penn Streets, which was granted to them on September 26, 1977. VIII LATE ITEMS 1. PROCLMATION Mayor Haguewood read a PROCLAMATION proclaiming the week of April 2 through ,I 8, 1978 as Defensive Driving Week in the City of Port Angeles. 2. REQUEST FR0M PUD RE MORSE CREEK WATER Mayor Haguewood read a letter from Russell Bay ton, President of the Clallam County Public Utility District concerning the City's plans for future use of the existing Morse Creek dam and pipeline. In his letter Mr. Bay ton outlined the District's present method of withdrawing water from Morse Creek, and stated that there is a possibility that the District could withdraw water directly from the main adjacent to their filter plant. Councilman Buck then moved the Council authorize the staff to investigate this possibility with District personnel to see if such a plan could be feasible. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. 3. LETTERS OF COMMENDATION VIX Mayor Haguewood read two Letters of Commendation from Acting Police Chief Morgan informing the Council that Patrolmen Thomas Riepe and Kenneth Fox had completed the 160th class at the Basic Law Enforcement Academy. Patrol- man Riepe received three out of four awards which are presented at graduation: (1) Excellence in Academic Scholarship; (2) Superior Performance in Physical and Defensive Tactics; and (3) Outstanding Officer in All Phases of Training. Patrolman Fox was second in the class behind Patrolman Riepe. Mayor Haguewootl then commended Officers Riepe and Fox for their excellent performances. . 'I STAFF REPORTS. 1. Councilman Duncan: Mentioned the public hearing on proposed regulations to govern the operation of tankers in puget Sound which has been scheduled by the U.S. Department of Transportation for April 20 and 21, 1978 in Seattle. Questioned Manager Whorton regarding a letter to Secretary of Transportation Brock Adams regarding vessel traffic safety in puget Sound and requested that the Strait of Juan de Fuca be specifically mentioned in that letter. I CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 4, 1978 VIX STAFF REPORTS 483 2. Manager Whorton: Requested authorization from the Council to apply for funds under the Coastal Zone Management Act for the purpose of hiring a secretary for the Planning Department. Following a brief discussion between Councilman Buck, Manager Whorton and Planner Carr concerning the County's objections to the Coastal Zone Management Plan, Councilman Duncan moved the Council authorize the City Manager to pursue this matter of applying for funds under the Coastal Zone Management Act. The motion was seconded by councilman Buck and carried. Manager Whorton then informed the Council that the contractor on the Civic Field Renovation Project has requested authorization to close off a portion of the parking strip on Race Street for approximately 30 days for the storage and erection of twelve concrete beams. After a suggestion by Public Works Director Flodstrom that the Council place the same conditions on this closure that the City placed on the County Courthouse closure on 4th Street, Mayor Haguewood authorized Manager Whorton to direct the Civic Field contractor to close off that portion of the parking strip on Race Street which is needed. I X ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 11:59 P.M. ~e.~ City Clerk I 319 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Port Angeles City Council will hold a public hearing on April 4, 1978 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, .134 West Front Street, to consider an amendment to the I 1978 Budget to reappropriate ~ Revenue Sharing Funds to the t Civic Field project. All interested persons, - especially senior citizens, may appear at the hearing and express their opinion either orally or in writing on this \ amendment. M.~' C. Parrish City Clerk I Pub.: March 19. 24, 1978. L __,___._. ,.. ....., \ No~I~~ OF I r PUBLIC HEARING " I NOTICE' IS HEREBY I GIVEN that the Port Angeles ~~Zri~gu~~i1 ~I~~~c?~? ~:r~rl~~ I ~~:~~~;;o :i~3Jn :e;tCO~~o~: Street on a petition filed March ,3,1918 by Eleanor H. Caughron, .,:Rodney G. Priest, et alii, for a ! plat alteration of all of Block ~ "A"; oil of Block "B"; all of ~ Block "E"; Lots 1 through 12 Inclusive, Lots 15,16,19,20, and ,21 Block "F"; Lots 1 through 8 'inclusive Block "G"; Lots 8,9, tlO, 1.4, 15, 16 and 11 Block "H", . Lots 3 through 19 inclusive I Block" J" and Lot 1 and Lots 101 through l11nclusive Block ilK" .. ~~~r~r~~t~a;,en"p:rrep~~g~le~' Townsite as per plat thereof, recorded on Volume 5 of plats, page 16, records of Clallam County, Washington. All Interested parties may appear at the hearing and :e~~i~f;~. their opinion on the ~I p M~rl n C. parrish , , /1 It V Clerk ~PUb.: March 19,~,1 978. . I NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARNG . . I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN th~t the Port An~e6es City ~~~n~~u~~:l ~h~mab~~:lilc3~e~~~i' ~:;'~P~;~~t~~~8~0~:i~;r :';~~~exalion peti. tion from Johnie Key. I 60 south of Compbell Avenue and , locotion: Approxlmote y acres East 01 Mt. Angeles Road. I h thwest quorter , legal Description: The northeosthqu~rter 0 6t ~~~~ W M Clallam 01 Section 14, Township 30 Nort, onge 5 8 -9 10 and County, Washington, (Being v~~a!ed blodk~12~:; t' 6' 7' 1 i ond 12 - \ vacated streets ond alle~~ ?~lo'"'"I?" oFred~rick's 'Addition to Port ond streets ond alleys 0 10w,","gh" a .'nn occording to plat thereol Angeles, Clallam County, as '"g 0 , recorded in Volume 1 01 Plo~s, pa~e 6~) of the Norfheast Quorter That portion 01 the ~ut east uo R:~ e 6 West W.M" Clollam 01 Section 14: Townsh~p 30 Nhrt~, I fhge southerly boundory line County. ~Oshmgtoni I~,"~ ~ut i~: "cIa 110m County, Washington. 01 the CIty IlIdl~i 0 k ~r 8 9ngtO the south hall of vocoted blocks (Being vacate ac s ';'ith thos~ portions of vacated streets and ~ ond 6, .a~d togel~,er B' H'II Addition to Port Angeles, Clollam r alleys adlo,"l~g, A In eacd~n 't plot thereof recorded," Volume County, Wosh,"gton, occor mg 0 3 of Plats, Page 72,) 1 h N theost Quorter Thot portion of the Southwest Quarter : ~ 'We~: W,M., Clallam of Section 14, TownshIp 30 North, Rang therl boundory 01 County, Woshington, lying southerly of the souwosh\n ton, (Being the city limits 01 Port ~nc~e~e~-S~::aol ~~~k~Y8 and 9. 1~Ii~OiS Addi. t~e southerly hall 01 ~III C nty Washington, accordIng to plat tlon to Port Ange es, V a, om IOU f piats poge 71 ond streets and thereof recorded In 0 ume 0 r , alleys adjoining.) . " \ Applicant: John,? Key th heoring and express their All interested part,es may appear at e opinion on this proposal. MARIAN C. PARRISH City Clerk \ ~~J4d-/ NOTICE IS HEREBY 1 gj't~EC~u~hc~r ~~~ ~ga aA~~~II~~ hearing on April .4, 1978 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers, 1314 West Front Street, to consider.an annexation petition from Johnie Key. Location: ApprOXimately 60 acres south of Campbell Avenue and Ea'st of Mt. Angeles Road. Legal Description: TownShip 30 North, Range 6 West W.M., Clallam County, Washington. (Being vacated Blocks 2, 3, 4, S, 8,9, 10 and vacated streets and alleys ilIdiolning, and Blocks 1, 6,7, 11 and 12 and streets and alleys adjOining, all in Frederick's Addition 'to Port Angeles, Clallam County, Washington, according to Plat thereof recorded in Volume 1 of Plats, page 62.) That portion of t~e Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarte~ of Section 14, TownShIp 30 North, Range 0 West. W.M., Clallam County, WaShIngton, lying. Southerly of the Southerly boundary line of , the city I!mlts of Port Angeles, . Clallam County, Washington (being vacated Blocks 7, 8, 9; i 10, the South half of vacated f ~ Blocks 5 and 6, and together I with those portions of vacatedj stre~ts and alleys adjoining, . All In Beacon Hill Addition to , .Porl ~ngeles, Clallam County, Vv:(;IShmgton, according to Plat ~hl:~~fp~~c~r7~~? in Volume 3 of1 That portion of the Southwest I Quarter of the Northeast j . quarter of Section 14, Township 30 North, Range 6 West W.M., ; CI~llam County, Washington, lYIng Southerly of the Sourtherly Boundary of the city. limits of Port Angeles, Clallam County, Washington. (Being the Southerly halfof Block 5 and all of Blocks 8 and 9, illinois Addition to Port Angeles, Clallam. County, Washington, aCcording to plat thereof recorded - in Volume 1 of Plats, Page 71, and streets and alleys 3djolning.) . Applicant: Johnie Key All interested parties may Ippear at the hearing and ~xpress their opinion on this Iroposal. Date: March 24, 1978. MARIAN C. PARRISH __. ~ City Clerk .~ M~IQ)/fJ'~ _