HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/04/1989I CALL TO ORDER Mayor McPhee called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 7:00 P.M. II PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Claire Turner's Fifth Grade Adventure Club. Members present, Emily Turner, Jessie Price, Erica VanCalcar, and Corinna White. III ROLL CALL Members Present: Members Absent: Staff Present: CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington April 4, 1989 1313 Mayor McPhee, Councilmen Gabriel, Hallett, Hordyk, Lemon, Sargent, Stamon. None. Acting Manager Pittis, Attorney Knutson, 0. Miller, M. Cleland, S. Hursh, S. Campbell, D. Wolfe, G. Kenworthy, C. Ridout, C. Jones, D. Dickson, B. Becker, Warner. Clerk Maike, Brodhun, M. Headrick, K. D. McKeen, D. Public Present: D. Smith, M. Haller, R. French, S. Switzer, J. Reid, A. Blakesley, S. Everett, M. Merrick, A. Reeves, W. Anabel, D. Morse, R. Kott, E. Watson, L. Beil, K. Dolan, W. Schilke, J. C. Jarvis, M. Landree, C. Stocker, Mr. Mrs. D. Brewer, S. Davis, R. Reidel, G. Pettit, R. Hoyle, E. Reandeau, H. Crawford, M. Schmitt, C. Rasmussen, C. Lammers, K. Crabb, J. Robertson. IV APPROVAL MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF MARCH 21. 1989 Councilman Sargent moved to accept and place on file the minutes of the March 21, 1989, regular City Council meeting. Councilman Gabriel seconded and the motion carried unanimously. V FINANCE 1. Consideration of Bid Award for Microfilm Services Councilman Sargent moved to accept the bid for microfilming services from Northwest Centers Industries and to authorize the City Manager to sign a contract for services for 1989, with the option to renew for an additional year. Councilman Stamon seconded. Following a short discussion, the question was called and the motion carried unanimously. 2. Consideration of Bid Award for Eouipment Replacements Councilman Hordyk moved to authorize purchase from the State awarded bidder for equipment replacements as follows: #1881, 1979 Chev. pick -up; #1853, 1979 Chev. pick -up; #1550, 1981 Toyota pick -up awarded to Jet Chevrolet of Federal Way, at a per -unit cost of $9,636.48 plus tax of $780.55, for a total of $10,417.03 for each vehicle; #1552, 1989 Dodge Cab Chassis awarded to Smokey Point Sales of Arlington, at a cost of $9,561. plus tax of $717.08, for a total of $10,278.08; and #138, 1974 Dodge van awarded to Capital Chevrolet of Olympia, at a cost of $10,568 plus $825.71 tax, for a total of $11,411.71. Councilman Gabriel seconded. Councilman Hordyk pointed out the State bid for all five units was $4,399.38 less than the lowest locally quoted total and that is the reason the State awarded bid is being accepted. On call for the question, the motion carried unanimously. -1- 1314 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 4, 1989 3. Consideration of Bid Award for Medic I Ambulance Councilman Hordyk moved to refer the issue to the Audit Committee. Councilman Lemon seconded. Councilman Stamon spoke in opposition to the motion, as the issue is very clear. The bid specifications have been before the Council and she did not feel the Audit Committee could provide the Council with any further information. She stated the Council should proceed with the purchase of the vehicle. Councilman Hordyk stated he has not seen the bid specifications. Councilman Hallett stated he also felt the Council had sufficient informa- tion, and the bid specs were prepared after several meetings with the Audit Committee. On call for the question, the motion carried with Councilmen Stamon, Hallett, and Sargent voting "No 4. Reauest Permission to Release Retainage to Continental Systems. Inc.. for Relocation of Electric Power Lines Alone Golf Course Road $3.023.34 Councilman Sargent moved to declare Contract CL88 -2 complete and authorize the retainage payment of $3,023.34 to Continental Systems, Inc., for the relocation of electric power lines along Golf Course Road. Councilman Hallett seconded and the motion carried unanimously. VI CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Hallett moved to accept the items as listed on the Consent Agenda, including (1) Correspondence from Washington State Liquor Control Board; (2) Vouchers of $1,891,982.31; and (3) Payroll of 3 -19 -89 of $235,629.18. Councilman Sargent seconded. Councilman Lemon questioned Assistant Fire Chief Campbell on Voucher #8111 to Olympic Ambulance Service for medical transport services. Assistant Fire Chief Campbell stated there was a need to use multiple advance life support simultaneously, and inasmuch as the City provides ALS transports, this particular individual was transported by a private carrier and the City opted to pay the charges. Councilman Gabriel questioned Voucher #8229 to Puget Sound Underwriters for special risk insurance. Assistant Chief Campbell was unable to provide the information. Mayor McPhee requested that staff provide the information in the form of a memo to the Council, outlining the requirements for such insurance. He also requested details regarding the times involved and the circumstances surrounding the private carrier on the ALS call. Further, he questioned Voucher #8172 in Solid Waste to Zee Medical Services for first aid supplies in the amount of $85.07. He requested staff provide information on what and when supplies are provided for Solid Waste. On call for the question, the motion carried unanimously. VII ITEMS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL /AUDIENCE TO BE CONSIDERED AND /OR PLACED ON THE AGENDA Lewis Sample, 732 Caroline, requested the Council provide funds to repair the portion of Francis Street north from the alley between Georgiana and Caroline to the waterfront. He proposed he would build the following: A gravel path from the alley to the Waterfront Trail with stairs to the beach. This could be done with volunteer help if the City would supply 15 cedar core poles at $5.50 each for a total of $82.50; 135 #5 by 30" rebar stakes at $0.85 each for $114.75; 21 yards 3/4" gravel at $14 /yard for $294; two sacks of concrete mix at $3.15 each, for $6.30; approximately 50 linear feet of 6" corrugated drain pipe at $1.08 per foot, for $54; bringing the total amount to $551.55, plus tax. He stated this would not be built to City code nor wheelchair access; but it would look nice and it would be very usable. His reason for being so benevolent in this issue is because he sees -2- VIII LEGISLATION -3- 1315 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 4, 1989 people walking from the Waterfront Trail up the unimproved Francis Street hill, only to reach the alley which has been blockaded. Further, he stated for the record that he is the person who removed the guard rail return to enable people to get around the barricade. He did this because he had seen an elderly woman come up the path, get to the barricade with no way around it, therefore, she crawled under, through the mud. He suggested if the City wished to have Francis Street blocked off, it should be barricaded at both ends. He requested a reply from the City as soon as possible as to whether or not the money would be supplied for the project. Mayor McPhee asked Acting Manager Pittis to make a note of the numbers, and also asked him if the guard rail had been damaged. Acting Manager Pittis replied not to his knowledge; however, he has not been to the area recently. Connie Lammers, 495 Little River Road, requested the Council let her address Legislation Item No. 8 regarding the Watson Annexation Request. Councilman Stamon addressed a statement to the members of the public and Council members, stating it is with deep regret that she is faced with the task of resigning from the Council. She has not set a specific date, but was informing the Council of her intent to resign from her position. Mayor McPhee requested staff provide a list of outside contracts for services that the City recruits on a recurring basis, listed by type of service, the dollar amount, actual or anticipated, and to make this list available to the Chamber of Commerce or the Employment Office, and also possibly post it at City Hall. This would enable people within the City of Port Angeles who may be qualified to perform such services. 1. Consideration of Wellness Committee's Recommendations on Pharmacy Contract (Continued from 3- 21 -89) Councilman Hallett moved to concur with the recommendation of the Wellness Committee to award a three -year contract, with provisions for yearly review and /or renewal, along with the standard 30 -day cancellation clause, to Jim's Pharmacy. Councilman Stamon seconded. Councilman Hallett, in speaking to his motion, stated he appreciated the effort put forth by the Wellness Committee and particularly Claude Jones, Risk Manager. He stated he thought this review was very thorough; that there had been five local pharmacies responding to the bid; and in his opinion, the City had come to the best possible conclusion. Councilman Sargent also stated her concurrence with the handling of the bid review. She further stated she felt the blind review process was very fair. Mayor asked Risk Manager Jones if the recommended pharmacy prices were the same as the existing contract. Risk Manager Jones stated no; however, the professional handling fee is the same across the board. The prices of drugs were different. Mayor McPhee asked if the discount was the same. Risk Manager Jones stated, yes. Mayor McPhee asked what the 5% was deducted from. Risk Manager Jones stated from the average wholesale price. Mayor McPhee asked if 5% was the highest discount quoted. Risk Manager Jones stated no, but in taking into account what some of the other pharmacies were adding in on professional fees, Jim's Pharmacy's discount was less than the others quoted. Risk Manager Jones reviewed with Council the rating criteria for the pharmacies and the discounts offered. Councilman Hallett stated there were seven criteria used in determining the lowest prices and the discount was one part of the criteria; however, the overall cost is affected by the hours of operation, emergency services and 1316 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 4, 1989 free delivery, other discount policies on non prescription goods, additional services, expertise, sample drug prices, and reporting practices. On the basis of those criteria, the recommendation was made by the Committee. Mayor McPhee stated one of the Goals the Council has is to cut expenses whenever possible, and a 5% discount is not cheaper than 11, or 10, or 9. The Council has been informed that the Jim's Pharmacy proposal would cost less than any of the others, when, in fact, it does not. Councilman Stamon stated there are two segments. One is the discount, but the other is the dispensing fee, and that is the point Risk Manager Jones is trying to make to the Council. Mayor McPhee stated he had done a sampling, using some of the bills the City had paid, and the information he received was that the City has paid too much on certain bills. In each case, the other pharmacies which staff says are more expensive are actually less. Councilman Hallett stated Mayor McPhee is only taking one factor into consideration, and therefore it is quite possible the other pharmacies could have different prices, but this is not the only criterion taken into consideration. Mayor McPhee asked Councilman Hallett which of the other elements affected the dollar price. Councilman Hallett stated whenever a contract is awarded, the bottom line dollar and cents figure is not the only element reviewed; the City also considers whether it is getting the overall lowest responsible bidder. Price is only one element in a contract. Sometimes it is the only element, but most of the time, especially in a professional services contract, it is not the only criterion that is entertained. He did not feel there is any argument at all that this is the preferred provider. Mayor McPhee replied it is the statement the Council was given which he is challenging, and he was concerned that the Council was told "this would cost less than any of the others Councilman Sargent requested that the members of the Council present during the Wellness Committee selection process give reports to the Council. Councilman Stamon stated she, Councilman Hordyk, and Mayor McPhee were present and during the meeting there had been a discussion about the pricing issue. Councilman Gabriel asked if any of the members of the Wellness Committee voiced any concern or complaints with regard to having to purchase their pharmaceutical services from one agency. Risk Manager Jones responded "No Councilman Hordyk asked Risk Manager Jones if the bid specifications had indicated this would be a three -year contract. Risk Manager Jones said it was not on the cover letter, but that is the recommendation from the Wellness Committee. Councilman Hordyk stated he was not totally satisfied with the results of the Wellness Committee's recommendation and he felt the additional services expertise had too much bearing on the recommendation. He also voiced his concern over the three -year contract term, recommending the proposal be reviewed by the Audit Committee with the full criteria of the ratings submitted. Mayor McPhee agreed. Director of Administrative Services Wolfe indicated to the Council that any concerns they have can be written into the terms of the contract. Mayor McPhee expressed his concern regarding the verification of drug prices charged to the City, and he requested staff provide him with a copy of the contract with Network Management, Inc. Councilman Gabriel stated he is opposed to the motion as it stands because of the proposed three -year term of the contract. He then offered a friendly amendment to change the contract term to one year. Councilmen Hallett and Stamon concurred. -4- 1317 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 4, 1989 Councilman Sargent stated in view of the concerns expressed, she would be in favor of the one -year contract. On call for the question, the amended motion carried, with Councilmembers Hordyk, Lemon, and Mayor McPhee voting "No Councilman Sargent stated it is her understanding that staff will draft a contract with extra provisions outlining the concerns expressed by the Council members, one of those concerns being the regulation of prices. 2. Mayor McPhee's Reouest To Discuss Chip Seal Proiect. Particularly on Francis Street and a Portion of West 12th (Continued from 3- 21 -89) The Council and staff discussed the chip sealing of Street and 12th Street. The program was constructed in since the project was completed, factors have resulted of the streets experiencing some form of rock failure. the job is not adequate or satisfactory. Further, the to pay for this project as it was not a job done by the of the failure was due to oil products supplied by U. S. Francis Street, "A" September, 1988, and in approximately 60% Mayor McPhee stated City should not have City. However, part Oil. Dale Warner, Street Superintendent, reviewed with the Council some of the factors involved with the failure, those being (1) the weather turned bad and the temperature dropped in the two weeks following the application of the chip seal; (2) in an effort to keep the road closure time to a minimum, traffic was allowed on the streets immediately after rolling of the aggre- gate was complete and this caused damage to the chip seal at intersections and alley crossing; (3) an oil was used which had a more rapid curing rate and had not been used by the crews in the past; (4) the severe winter that had been experienced with its freeze and thaw cycles can dislodge the rock from the chip seal oil. Following further discussion of the issue, the item was taken as information only. 3. Consideration of Recommendations for Appointments to Senior Center Board of Directors (Continued from 3- 21 -89) Councilman Stamon moved to concur with the recommendation to re- appoint Margaret Pohl and to appoint Thelma Clevenger to serve three -year terms as members of the Senior Center Board of Directors. Councilman Sargent seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 4. Consideration of Letter of Resignation from Board of Adiustment from Geral Barnhart (Continued from 3- 21 -89) and Scott Lewis Councilman Hallett moved that the Council regretfully accept the resigna- tions of Geral Barnhart and Scott Lewis from the Board of Adjustment and to direct the Mayor to write a letter of thanks for their support on the Board of Adjustment. Councilman Stamon seconded. Councilman Sargent added the understanding that they would continue to serve until new appointments have been made. Councilman.,Hallett concurred. On call for the question, the motion carried unanimously. 5. Planning Commission Minutes of March 22. 1989 Councilman Sargent moved to minutes of March 22, 1989 carried unanimously. 6. Setting Public Hearing Density accept and place on file the Planning Commission Councilman Hallett seconded and the motion Date for Zoning Code Amendment Senior Housing Councilman Hallett moved to refer the issue to the Planning Commission for a public hearing, and following that, the Council set a public hearing for the May 16, 1989, City Council meeting to receive the recommendations from the Planning Commission. Councilman Stamon seconded and the motion carried unanimously. -5- 1318 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 4, 1989 7. Request to Consider Zoning Code Amendment Heckman. Rental Vehicle Lots in CBD Councilman Stamon moved to concur with the recommendation of staff and refer the matter to the Planning Commission for its review and hearings if necessary, and a recommendation be made to the Council. Councilman Sargent seconded. Following some discussion of the issue, the question was called and the motion carried unanimously. 8. Request for Reconsideration of Annexation Request Watson. A- 88(10)2 Connie Lammers, 495 Little River Road, addressed the Council on the issue, requesting that serious consideration be given to the request for annexa- tion. She stated the underlying issue here is the Club Ted, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Watson; that there is a need for a place for young people within the City of Port Angeles to go which is drug and alcohol free. Jennifer Lammers, 495 Little River Road, submitted a petition to the Council signed by 169 teen -agers of Port Angeles High School. The petition stated the following: "We, the teen -agers of Port Angeles have been in need of a place to go for quite some time some place where we could go out and be with our friends without having to go to a party where there always seems to be alcohol. Fort Watson gave us that chance. We always had a good time, enjoying the music and watching movies. The club was chaperoned closely to make sure the use of alcohol and drugs was not anywhere present on the grounds. Please consider allowing them into the City so that once again we will have a place to go." Ms. Lammers strongly urged the Council consider the annexation request. Sherylynn Switzer, 1716 West 15th Street, a senior from Port Angeles High School, also requested the Council consider the annexation request, citing this is a drug and alcohol free premise where the teen -agers can go. She also pointed out that the teen -agers present in the audience were members of the Roughriders Against Drunk Driving, who also supported the annexation request. Dorothy Smith, 1628 Milwaukee Drive, cited Clallam County has one of the highest rates of alcoholism in the State of Washington. Also, surveys conducted at Port Angeles High School and middle schools have indicated higher consumption of alcohol and drugs and she felt there is a need to have a place for teens. She spoke in support of the annexation request. Councilman Sargent commended the teen -agers for coming before the Council, stating it was refreshing to see the support for drug -free premises. Cindy Rasmussen, 2248 Bagley Creek Road, also spoke in support of the annexation. Mark Seward, 3786 Liljedahl Road, spoke in support of Club Ted as well as the annexation. Ed Watson, 1004 Bean Road, owner of Fort Watson, reviewed with the Council some of the practices that have taken place at Club Ted and their policies and procedures regarding drugs and alcohol. He stated he felt Club Ted was a benefit to the City and requested that Council reconsider the original petition for annexation submitted by himself and the Timms. Mr. Watson stated the annexation will not be extending the City north or south, it will not be extended any further than the commercial zone, any further than the Welcome Inn Trailer Court, only extending it west. In consideration of the neighbors, he has requested a commercial rating which would not allow alcohol to be sold on the premises. Councilman Hordyk asked Mr. Watson if the basic reason for the request was the lack of sanitation. Mr. Watson stated yes, his facility is in need of sanitation and that is the main handicap. Chester Wasankari, 992 Bean Road, urged the Council to refer the issue back to the Planning Commission for due process. -6- 1319 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 4, 1989 Bob Hoyle, 996 Bean Road, was opposed to the annexation. Mr. Hoyle read portions of a letter from the County Planning Department stating that the original building was to be used for storage and Mr. Watson has been operating the facility without the proper permits. Councilman Hallett inquired what is annexed property zoned. Acting Planning Director Miller stated it is annexed in as RS -9. Councilman Hallett asked who pays for the utility service to the annexed property. Acting City Manager Pittis replied the property owners pay. Councilman Hallett stated despite the fact there has been a lot of positive support for the facility, the issue before the Council is whether or not the annexation has merit. Following further discussion, Councilman Hordyk moved to refer the original annexation request to the Planning Commission. Councilman Sargent seconded. Following some discussion of the motion, Councilman Stamon offered a friendly amendment, citing the following findings: (1) that precedents or previous actions of Council have extended boundaries in this manner in other areas of the City for annexation; (2) the issue has not had a full hearing before the Planning Commission in which all of the issues have been thoroughly examined. Councilmen Hordyk and Sargent concurred. Councilman Lemon suggested that staff counsel Mr. Watson regarding the cost to extend utility services to the property. Following a lengthy discussion, the question was called and the motion carried, with Councilman Hallett voting "No BREAK Mayor McPhee recessed the meeting for a break at 9:22 P.M. The meeting reconvened at 9:37 P.M. 9. Request for Zoning Code Amendment to Allow Bed and Breakfasts in CSD -C1 District Councilman Lemon moved to refer the issue to the Planning Commission for further review and possible hearings. Councilman Sargent seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 10. Consideration of Ordinance Vacating Portion of "K" Street Mayor McPhee read the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2527 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles vacating a portion of "K" Street north of Marine Drive and south of Front Street. Councilman Hordyk moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title and to set the compensation at $26,250. Councilman Gabriel seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 11. Consideration of "Jake Brake" Ordinance Councilman Sargent asked Chief of Police Cleland if he felt the present ordinance regulating jake brakes was, in fact, enforceable. Chief Cleland responded that the ordinance is enforceable in one way and not in another. The ordinance proposed, however, would give the Police Department a better tool and would be easily enforced. Richard Kott, 2077 Sutter Road, owner of Atlas Trucking, addressed the Council on the issue, stating that 97% of the problem is caused by about 3% of the trucks. He suggested that the Council work with other law enforce- ment agencies in the area to strictly enforce the laws on the books for one day. He felt this would stop the problem. He stated his business would prefer that the present law be enforced to eliminate the trucks operating without mufflers. If there is to be a jake brake ordinance, it should be on -7- 1320 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 4, 1989 the basis of preventing the operation of unmuffled jake brakes without restriction on where they are used. The last alternative would be the ordinance as it is presently proposed, which would be prohibiting the use of compression brakes in the City except in emergency situations. Councilman Lemon moved to enforce the present prohibition of unmuffled jake brakes. Councilman Sargent seconded, with the understanding that the Council get the cooperation of the Washington State Patrol and other government agencies to enforce a one -day crack -down. Following discussion of the motion, the question was called and the motion carried unanimously. Councilman Stamon moved to continue the items as listed on the Agenda. Councilman Hallett seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 12. Reouest from Port Angeles Symphony to Reconsider Conditions of Granting City Funds for 1989 Councilman Sargent commented on the information provided to the Council from the Port Angeles Symphony Orchestra. One issue she referenced was the free concert provided to the public, stating when the suggestion was made during the budget process, she envisioned this would be performed on the City Pier or somewhere during the summer months when tourists would benefit, rather than in March at the High School. Although this may be nice for the community, it is not promoting tourism. Councilman Sargent then moved that the Council authorize $2,500 to the Port Angeles Symphony Orchestra from the Hotel/Motel Tax Fund with no conditions added with regard to performing a concert. Councilman Stamon seconded for purposes of discussion. Councilman Lemon spoke in opposition, as he was in support of giving the total funding amount without conditions added, as the Goals and Objectives of the tourist money is more for the off season. Councilman Hallett questioned whether the conditions the Council was refer- ring to are the providing of two free concerts. He stated he would be willing to waive the conditions this year and to look at the issue in the forthcoming budget hearing process and to encourage the Symphony to be prepared. He offered a friendly amendment to fund the $5,000. Councilman Sargent concurred, with the understanding that the Council would encourage the Symphony to perform in a more public place, and to authorize the Mayor to sign the contract. Councilman Stamon offered Orchestra that they may concet. On call for the question, the amended motion voting "No the suggestion to the Port Angeles Symphony consider different timing when offering the free 13. Consideration of Contract for 1989 with the Marine Lab Councilman Stamon moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the contract with the Arthur D. Feiro Marine Lab for tourist promotion services for 1989. Coun- cilman Hallett seconded. Councilman Stamon stated one of the stipulations imposed during the budget process was in exchange for additional funding levels, the Marine Lab would provide either later hours or programs which would be intended for the visitors during the summer months. She stated that is not specified in the contract and wondered if it was clearly understood by the Marine Lab. Attorney Knutson stated the stipulation would be outlined for the Marine Lab in a cover letter with the contract. On call for the question, the motion carried unanimously. carried, with Councilman Hordyk 14. Consideration of Applications Received for Vacancies on the Board of Adiustment. Planning Commission. and Parks and Recreation Commission Council set a special meeting for Thursday, April 13, 1989, at 6:00 P.M. to set interviews for the Board of Adjustment, Planning Commission, and Parks and Recreation Commission. 15. Consideration of Ordinance Establishing Salaries for Local 997. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (Addition of 2% COLA) (Continued from 3- 21 -89) Mayor McPhee read the Ordinance by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2528 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles establishing a pay plan for the employees represented by IBEW Local 997 for the period of April 1, 1989, through March 31, 1990, and providing for the payment thereof. Councilman Stamon moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title, and to direct the City Clerk to publish by summary. Councilman Hallett seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 16. Consideration of ReschedulinE City Council Meeting of July 4. 1989 Councilman Sargent moved to reschedule the first City Council meeting in July to be held on Wednesday, July 5, 1989. Councilman Stamon seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 17. Consideration of Travel Request for City Light Trainine Conference Councilman Stamon moved to concur with the recommendation and authorize the travel request for $604 to send the Engineering Operations Manager to the NWPPA E 0 conference. Councilman Sargent seconded and the motion carried unanimously. 18. Reauest for City Councilmember to Participate on the Selection Committee for City Planner Position Councilmen Sargent and Lemon volunteered to serve on the selection committee for the City Planner position. 19. Consent to Assignment of PenPlv /Ediz Hook Sublease Councilman Stamon moved to authorize the Mayor to sign the letter of consent to assignment of PenPly /Ediz Hook Sublease to ITT Rayonier. Councilman Sargent seconded and the motion carried unanimously. IX CITY COUNCIL COMMITTEE REPORTS /LATE ITEMS K Councilman Stamon reminded the members of the Audit Committee that protocol for calling meetings is at the direction of Council. She therefore suggested the setting of the Audit Committee meeting. The meeting was scheduled for April 5th at 1 P.M. in the Caucus Room. A Real Estate Committee meeting was set for Thursday, April 13th, at noon. Councilman Hordyk requested that the UAC meeting minutes of March 9, 1989, reflect his presence and to strike Councilman Gabriel from the roll call. Councilman Hallett questioned the status of the Waterfront Associates issue. Mayor McPhee stated the Waterfront Associates have not provided the information requested. Councilman Hallett asked whether or not foreclosure proceedings had been started. Attorney Knutson stated the bank has filed a Notice of Default. They have 30 days from that date to begin formal foreclosure proceedings. That date will be April 9th. -9- 1321 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 4, 1989 1322 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 4, 1989 Councilman Gabriel informed the Council that he will not be present at the April 18th City Council meeting, as he will be out of town. He asked if it would be appropriate for the Council to solicit for the Council vacancy. Mayor McPhee directed staff to advertise for the Council vacancy. Councilman Stamon pointed out that Lou Russo is retiring from the Volunteer Fire Department after 35 plus years and she suggested the Mayor and the Council sign a letter to Mr. Russo thanking him and expressing Council's appreciation for the years of dedicated service to the City of Port Angeles. She offered that as a motion. Councilman Hallett seconded and the motion carried unanimously. X ADJOURN TO EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor McPhee recessed the meeting to executive session at 10:35 P.M. to discuss two items of litigation. Approximate time, 15 minutes. XI RETURN TO OPEN SESSION The meeting returned to open session at approximately 10:59 P.M. XII ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at approximately 11:00 P.M. CC.66 Clerk rt Mayor ORDINANCE NO. 2529 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washing- ton, amending the lodging excise tax ordi- nance, Chapter 3.48 PAMC, and Ordinance No. 1854. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES as follows: Section 1 Section 1(d) of Or- dinance No. 1854 and Sec- tion 3.48.050 of the Port An- geles Municipal hereby amended o a ed torread as follows: 3.48.050 Special Fund Created. There is hereby created a special fund ns the e treasury of the C�:y. All herein beeplacedecnedsuch fund for the purpose of paying all or any part of the cost of acqui- sition, construction, or op- erating of stadium facilities, convention center facilities, Prformine arts center fac- and /or visual arts center facilities or to pay or secure the payment of all or any portion of general obli- gation bonds or revenue bonds issued poseorpurposes under this chapter, or to nay for adver- tising. quglicizine. or rothe for s t o distributing jn uroose of attract I li' visitors and a cqu a In tourist exgension, and un i withdrawn tor use, the mon- ies accumulated in such fund may be invested in interest bearing securities by the Fi- nance Director in any man- ner authorized by law. rtion 2. Effective Date. is ordinance shall become effective five days after publication. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 18th day of Aprih. 1989. Frank McPhee, MAYOR ATTEST: Camille Headrick Acting City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson City Attorney Pub.: Aoril 21, 1989. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL will hold a public hearing on MAY 2, 1989, at 7:00 P.M., or as soon there- after as possible, in the City Council Chambers, 321 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles, Washington, to consider a request for vacation of City right -of -way. LOCATION: Alder Street be- tween Front and First Streets abutting Block 133 TPA, along with the alley in said Block 133, abutting Lots 4 -15. APPLICANT: Glen and Mary Priest, Richard and Muriel Zeigler and Gale and Betty Quinn. PROPERTY OWNER: CITY OF PORT ANGELES. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL PO- LICY ACT (SEPA N /A. All interested parties may appear at the hearing and express their opinion on this proposal. DATE: April 7, 1989. Michelle Maike City Clerk Pub.: April 21. 1989. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL will hold a public hearing on MAY 16, 1989, at 7:00 P.M., or as soon there- after as possible, in the City Council Chambers, 321 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles, Washington, to consider a request for VACATION OF CITY RIGHT -OF -WAY. LOCATION: Victoria/ EastCaro- o- line Alleyway, Francis Street. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: That portion of right -of -way abut- ting Lots 5 through 11, Block 32, Norman R. Smith's Subdi- vision, Townsite of Port Angeles. APPLICANT: TERMINAL LAND CO. PROPERTY OWNER: Paul P. Cronauer. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL PO- LICY ACT (SEPA): N /A. All interested parties may appear at the hearing and express their opinion on this proposal. Date: 4/19/89. Michelle Maike City Clerk Pub.: April 21, 1989. RESOLUTION NO. 9-89 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles amending Res- olution No. 4 -89, and setting a hearing date for a petition to vacate a portion of Alder Street and alley in Block 133, Thomas W. Carter's Sub- division. WHEREAS the owners of in- terest in Lots 4 through 15, Block 133, Thomas W. Car of Suburan ter's Lots 11 in Townsite of Port Angeles, have filed a petition with the City Clerk to vacate that portion of Al- der Street and the alley in Block 133 abutting said lots; and WHEREAS, said petition ap- pears to have been signed by the owners of more than two thirds of the property abutting upon the rights -of- way sought to be vacated; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PROT ANGELES as follows: Section 1. The petition to make such vacation shall be heard and determined by this Council on the 16th day of May, 1989, which is not more than sixty (60) days nor less than twenty (20) days hereafter. Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to give twenty (20) days notice of the pendency of said petition according to the provisions of RCW 35.79.020. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 18th day of April, 1989. Frank McPhee, MAYOR ATTEST: Camille Headrick Acting City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson City Attorney Pub.: April 21, 1989. 98 100 Public Notices NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids will be rec- eived by the City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles at 321 East Fifth Street of said City until 3:00 P.M., Tues- day, May 2, 1989, for furn- ishing the following equip- ment and /or materials: One (1) new and latest trac- tor and brush cutter combi- nation equal to Ford Model #6610. Bid sheets, specifications and instructions are avail- able from the City Clerk's of- fice, P.O. Box 1150, Port An- geles, WA 98362. Phone (206) 457 -0411, ext. 118. Sealed bids will be opened at 3:00 PM, Tuesday, May 2, 1989, at 321 East 5th Street, Port Angeles City Hall. A certified check or bid bond for 5% of the amount bid shall accompany each bid. All bids to include F.O.B. Port Angeles, Washington. The City Council reserves the right to consider delivery time and to accept to reject any or all bids or any part thereof. David T. Flodstrom City Manager Pub.: April 16, 23, 1989. 1 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS City of Port Angeles Project No. 87 -14 and 85 -19 SEALED BIDS will be rec- eived by the office of the City Clerk at 321 East Fifth, P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washington 98362, until May 9, 1989, 2:30 p.m., and not later, and will be opened publicly at that time in the City Council Chambers. This contract provides for the improvement of signal systems under Schedule A: First and Front on Race Street, and Schedule B: First, Fifth and Eighth on Lincoln Street. The work contem- plated to be performed un- der this contract includes the removal and construction of curb, gutter and sidewalks, driveways, installation of RESOLUTION NO. 10 -89 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting a hear- ing date for a petition to va- cate a portion of the Caro- line /Victoria Alley east of Francis Street. WHEREAS the owners of in- terest in Lots 5 through 11, Block 32, Norman R. Smith's Subdivision to the Townsite of Port Angeles, have filed a petition with the City Clerk to make vacation of that portion of the Caroline/ Vic- toria Alley east of Francis Street and abutting said lots; and WHEREAS, said- petition ap- pears to have been signed by, the owners of more than two thirds of the property abutting upon the rights -of- way sought to be vacated; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RE- SOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES as follows: Section 1. The petition to make such vacation shall be heard and determined by this Council on the 16th day of May, 1989, which is not more than sixty (60) days nor less than twenty (20) days hereafter. Section 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to give twenty (20) days notice of the pendency of said petition according to the provisions of RCW 35.79.020. PASSED by the City Council I of the City of Port Angeles at a of said Council regular he d on the 18th day of April, 1989. Frank McPhee, MAYOR ATTEST: Camille Headrick Acting City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig D. Knutson City Attorney Pub.: April 21, 1989. the Standard Specifications. Detailed plans and spec fications may be obtained from the office of the City Engineer, City of Port Ange- les, upon payment of a non- refundable fee of $25.00. Bidders shall be qualified for the type of work proposed. A Bidder's construction Expe- rience Form is included in contract documents. All proposals or bids shall be submitted on the pres- ribed form and in the man- ner as indicated in the Pro- posal Requirements and Conditions and said propos- als or bids shall be ac- ompanied by a bid proposal deposit in the form of a cashier's check, postal mon- ey order, or a surety bond in the amount of five percent (5 of the total amount of the proposal or bid. If a surety bond is used, said bond shall be issued by a surety authorized and reg- stered to issue said bonds in the State of Washington. Faxed bids and /or surety bonds shalrhot be accepted. The City of Port Angeles hereby notifies all bidders that it will affirmatively en- sure that in any contract entered into pursuant to this advertisement, disadvan- aged business enterprises will be afforded full opportu- nity to submit bids on re- sponse to this invitation and will not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, color, sex, or national origin in consideration for an award. The City of Port Angeles re- serves the right to accept the proposals or bids and award contracts to responsi- ble bidders which are in the best interest of the City, tc postpone the acceptance of proposals or bids and the award of the contracts for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days, or to. reject any and all proposals or bids received and further adver- tise the project for bids. When awarded contracts, the successful bidder shall promptly execute contracts and shall furnish bonds of faithful performance of the contracts in the full amount of the contract prices. Bids must be sealed with the outside of the envelope marked BID OPENING DATE (May 9, 1989). PROJECT CITY OF PORT ANGELES ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID PURCHASER WATER UTILITY MATERIALS Sealed bids will be received by the office of the City Clerk, 321 East Fifth Street, P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washington 98362, until 2:30 p.m. May 9, 1989, and not later, and will be opened I publicly at that time. Bids will be taken for: Project No. 89 -2 (1) Water Meters (2) Fire Hydrants F (3) Water /Sewer Pipes ittings. Bid documents may be ob- tained from the office of the City Engineer, City of Port Angeles, at the above ad- dress (206) 457 -0411, Ext. 120. All proposals or bids shall be submitted on the pres- cribed form and in the man ner as indicated in the In structions to Bidders and Conditions and said propos- als or bids shall be ac- companied by a certified or cashier's check or a bid bond in the amount of five per- cent (5 of the total amount of the proposal or bid, said bid bond shall be issued by a surety auth- orized and licensed to issue said bonds in the State of Washington. The City of Port Angeles re- serves the right to accept the proposals or bids and award to responsible bidders which are in the best inter- est of the City; to postpone the acceptance of proposals or bids and the, award of the contracts for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days; or to reject any and all proposals or bids received and further advertise for bids. Jack N. Pittis, P.E. Director of Public Works Pub.: April 23, 26, 1989. JIMMIMII 111111 1 AA Public 1 00 Public w Notices W Notices both pretimed and actuated (Race Lincoln St. Signals). traffic signal system, and Name and address of bidder other work all in accordance should also appear on the with the attached plans, outside of the envelope. Bids these special provisions, and should be addressed to the City Clerk, 321 East Fifth Street, P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washington 98362. Jack N. Pittis, P.E. Director of Public Works Pub.: April 16, 23, 1989. CITY OF PORT ANGELES ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID PURCHASER WATER UTILITY MATERIALS Sealed bids will be received by the office of the City Clerk, 321 East Fifth Street, P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washington 98362, until 2:30 p.m. May 9, 1989, and not later, and will be opened publicly at tnat time. Bids will be taken for: Project No. 89 -2 (1) Water Meters (2) Fire Hydrants (3) Water /Sewer Pipes Fittings. Bid documents may be ob- tained from the office of the City Engineer, City of Port Angeles, at the above ad- dress (206) 457 -0411, Ext. 120. All proposals or bids shall be submitted on the pres- cribed form and in the man- ner as indicated in the In- structions to Bidders and Conditions and said propos- als or bids shall be ac- companied by a certified or cashier's check or a bid bond in the amount of five per- cent (5 of the total amount of the proposal or bid, said bid bond shall be issued by a surety auth- orized and licensed to issue said bonds in the State of Washington. The City of Port Angeles re- serves the right to accept the proposals or bids and award to responsible bidders which are in the best inter- est of the City; to postpone the acceptance of proposals or bids and the award of the contracts for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days; or to reject any and all proposals+ or bids received and further advertise for bids. Jack N. Pittis, P.E. Director of Public Works Pub.: April 23, 26, 1989. More Public Notices on Page D7 NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of Port Angeles, Washington, will hold a special meeting on Thursday, April 13, 1989, beginning at 6:00 P.M., in the City Hall at 321 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles, Washington. The purpose of this special meeting is to inter- view the candidates who have applied for the vacancies on the Board of Adjustment, Plan- ning Commission and Parks Recreation Commission. Michelle M. Maike City Clerk Pub.: April 9. 1989. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS City of Port Angeles REGENT, ALDER AND 6TH STREET PAVING Project #86 -13, 81 -16 86 -21 Sealed bids will be received by the office of the City Clerk at 321 East Fifth Street, P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washington 98362 until 2:30 p.m. May 30, 1989, and not later, and will be opened publicly at that time in the City Council Chambers The contemplated work to be performed under this contract consists of excava- tion, construction of curb and gutter, placement of ballast, crushed surfacing top course, asphalt concrete Class B, trench excavation for the City of Port Angeles, and other work, all in accor- dance with plans, special provisions and standard specifications. Detailed plans and spec- ifications may be obtained from the office of the City Engineer, City of Port Ange- les, upon payment of a non- refundable fee of $20.00. Bidders shall be qualified for the type of work proposed. A Bidder's Construction Ex- perience Form is included in contract documents. All proposals or bids shall be submitted on the pres- cribed form and in the man- ner as indicated in the Pro- posal Requirements and Conditions and said propos- als or bids shall be ac- companied by a bid proposal deposit in the form of a cashier's check, postal mon- ey order, or a surety bond in the amount of five percent (5 of the total amount of the proposal or bid. If a surety bond is used, said bond shall be issued by a surety authorized and registered to issue said bonds in the State of Wash- ington. Faxed bids and /or surety bonds shall not be accepted. The City' of Port Angeles re- serves the right to accept the proposals or bids and award contracts to responsi- ble bidders which are in the best interest of the City, to postpone the acceptance of proposals or bids and the award of the contracts for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days, or to reject any and all proposals or bids received and further adver- tise the project for bids. When awarded contracts, the successful bidder shall promptly execute contracts and shall furnish bonds of .faithful performance of the contracts in the full amount Df the contract prices. Bids must be sealed with the Dutside of the envelope narked BID OPENING DATE ;May 30, 1989) PROJECT (Re- gent, Alder 6th St. Pav- ng). Name and address of the bidder should also ap- pear on the outside of the envelope. Bids should be addressed to the City Clerk, 321 East Fifth Street, P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Washington 98362. Jack N. Pittis, P.E Director of Public Works Pub.: May 3, 7, 1989. SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City Council of Port Angeles, Washington, will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, April 18, 1989, at 6:30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers, 321 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles, Wash- ington. The purpose of this special meeting is to inter- view candidates who have applied for the vacancies on the Board of Adjustment and Planning Commission. The special meeting will take place prior to the regular meeting of April 18. Michelle M. Maike City Clerk Pub.: April 18, 1989. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN 1 that the PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL will hold a public hearing on MAY 16, 1989, at 7:00 P.M., or as soon there- after as possible, in the City Council Chambers, 321 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles, Washington, to consider an amendment to Ordinance #1709, as amended, (the Zoning Code), to allow bed and breakfasts, by condition- al use permit, in the CSD -C1, Community Shopping Dist- ricts. LOCATION: CSD -C1, Commu- nity Shopping Districts of the City. APPLICANT: City of Port Angeles. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL PO- LICY ACT (SEPA): A Determi- nation of Non Significance has been ff1d for this proposal. All interested parties may appear at the hearing and express their opinion on this proposal. DATE: May 3, 1989 Michelle'Maike City Clerk Pub.: May 5, 1989. NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Utility Advisory Committee, a sub committee of the Port Angeles City Council, will hold a special meeting on Tuesday, May 9, 1989, at 12:00 noon, at City Hall, 321 East Fifth Street. The purpose of this special meeting is a discussion of Telecable issues. Michelle M. Maike City Clerk Pub.: May 7, 1989. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Port Angeles City Council will hold a ublli hearing on Tuesday, May 1989, at 7:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter, at 321 E. 5th Street. The purpose of this public hearing is to receive public input on a proposal to declare the following as sur- plus property. One (1) 5MVA 69KV:4160/ 2400 volt substation power transformer. The public is invited to attend. Michelle M. Maike City Clerk Pub.: April 25, 1989. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the PORT ANGELES CITY COUNCIL will hold a public hearing on MAY 16, 1989, at 7:00 P.M., or as soon there- after as possible, in the City Council Chambers, 321 East Fifth Street, Port Angeles, Washington, to consider an amendment to Ordinance #1709, as amended (Zoning Code) to allow an increase in the density and a de- crease in the parking re- quirements for publicly subsidized •elderly apartment developments as conditional uses with the Residential Multi -Fn ialy Districts. LOCATION: RMF, Residential Multi- Family Distr APPLICANT: City of Port Angeles. STATE ENVIRONMENTAL PO- LICY ACT (SEPA): A Determi- nation of Non Significance has been filed for this proposal. All interested parties may appear at the hearing and express their opinion on this proposal. Michelle Maike City Clerk Pub.: May 5, 1989.