HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/05/1933 1 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 103, ., April 5,1933 193~ 'RIC~ . ",,"'>1M. .~""'" .t~r',",,"'''' """"UO. .~.,. The Commission met in Regular session at 10 a.m. and was oalled to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present. Mayor Davis,Commissioners Beam and Filion,Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minute s of the previo~s session were read and approved. Under the head of permits the following were granted,- L.A. Hunting, Office building Lot 4 Block 30 Thompson & Goodwin Sub. Herbert Vloods, Addition to chicken house Lot 16 & V/~' Lot 17 Blollk 1,P.S.C.C. 11 . Under the head of applications for licenses the following were granted,- $500.00 200.00 Cashman "s Recreation 6 Bowling alleys to June 30,1933 60.00 11 Il 5 Pool tables " " " 50.00 );] 1 Soft di'ink 10.00 Little Brick C~gar Store 1 Soft drink 2.50 M.Osasa Resturant - Noodle House Il 3.75 1 Luigi Casilio 7) I t<-e- 's Soft drink To June " 2.95 H~ Doughnut Shop Resturant 11 3.75 'Lee Hotel Hotel 55 rooms " " " 27.50 Club Cafe Resturant 7.50 Harrington & Giles 8 Card tables " 20.00 ." " 1 Soft drink " " 5.00 I Peggy Fosses Rainier Rooms 10 rooms to June 30,1933 2.50 Commercial Hotel Hotel 26 rooms " " " 13.00 LOOp Cafe Resturant 7.50 Union Drug Co Soft Drink 10.00 'Fisher'S Drug Store Soft Drink 10.00 Goneis Cafe Resturant to June 30,1933 7.50 1 I I 'Police Judge rro-tem John Geisness reported 14 cases tried and $30.00 in fines collected for the month of March,1933. Report ordered filed. Under the head of New Business,- NOTICE OF VACATION OF PREMISES. Tp'AEFRED BOVffiRS and MRS.ALFRED BOVffiRS, '109 East 14th Street,Port Angeles,Washington: YOU AND EACH OF YOU PLEASE TAKE NOTICE That the undersigned City of Port Angeles, owner of the premises situated at 109 East 14th.Street,Port Angeles,Washington,desires to.terminate your occupancy of said premises. You are Further Notified To Quit and vacate the premises on or before the 30th. day of April,1933. It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the foregoing notice to Quit and vacate the said premises be served on Alfred Boweres and 1~s.Alfred Bowers. Seconded by Commissioner Filion. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. . Under the haed of reading and passage of Ordinanoes the following Ordinance was read by -Title and placed on its 3rd. reading,- . AN ORDINANCE Amending Sec tion 1 of Ordinance 981 enti tled "All Ordinance Prohi bi ting the sale or gift of liQuor in public places; prohibiting the sale or gift of liQuor to minors; prohibiting the drinking of liQuor in public plaoes; defining as a nuisance oer- tain places operating in violation of the law and citW ordinances and providing for the closeing and abatement thereof; and declaring an emergency. It was moved by Mayor Davis that the Ordinance be placed on its final passage and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Beam. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor deolared the motion carried. Under the Head of Reading and Passage of Ordinances the following Ordinance was read by Title and placed on its 3rd.reading. An Ordinance licensing the sale of beer and wine as limited and authorized by the laws of the United States for the purpose of revenue,regulation and control; providing for the suspension and revocation of licenses; Defining offences against said ordinance and providing penalties for the violation thereof; and declaring an emergency. It was moved by Mayor Davis that the Ordinance be placed on its final passage and -adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Beam. On roll call all members voted aye. The lmyor declared the motion carried. Under the head of New business,- The term of office of Donald Lutz as a member of the Library Board having expired, 'Mayor Davis submitted his name for re-appointment to servo as a member of said board for rnother te'rm. It was moved by Commissioner Filion that the appointment of Donald Lutz as a member f the Library Board be confirmed. Seeonded by Commissioner Beam. On roll call all members voted aye. Tho Mayor declared the motion carried. ~ ~ 104 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193~ April 5,1933 ,",e. . "~"""'. on"u. .Tn'ONln.. p........ .,;21 Under the Head of applications to sell beer and wine the following applications were granted,- License to June 30,1933, To sell in sealed containers not to be consumed on premises Lioense to June 30,1933,To sell to be consumed on premises To sell to Club Members only to be consumed on premises To sell in sealed containers not to be consumed on premises To sell to be consumed on Premises 'To sell to bont-fide guest of Hotel in rooms Wholesale to licensed retailers only , To sell to be consumed on premises To sell to be consumed on premises To sell to be consumed on premises To sell in sealed containers not to be consumed on premises To sell in sealed containers not to be consumed on premises To sell in sealed containers not to be consumed on premises To sell to be consumed on premises ,. B & M Grocery Club Billiards il Eagles Clup Pete Masi Grocery ) .{ Cashman's Recreation t Lee Hotel 1 8 r E.E.Nichols Lee Cafe Club Cafe If. ./ Harrington & Giles /3 Cherry-Eight Grocery LJ Bailey's Grooery /) ! /7 McClean's Grocery Bobs Lunch (R.D.Foster) " " $ 8.75 18.75 3.75 1 11 ,IT 8.75 18.75 3.75 25.00 18.75 18.75 I 11 .,\S 11 ' 18,75 8.75 8.75 8.75 18.75 The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same,- R.E.Davis Thos J.Scott Fire Department street Department street Department Lysel1 ~elding & Forge ~orks Water Department Water Department M.W.Caskey R.E.Maxwell Richard Riesman P.A.Concrete Products Co. R. Owen Thos C Scoles Current Expense Fund Expense account 14.95 Killing and desposing dogs 21.00 Pay roll 105.00 Pay roll 371.25 Pay roll 18.00 ','lelding oil tank fore Fire Department IJ:> 36.25 I Sl.~ / Via tel' Fund Pay roll 248.75 pay roll ~ I" 5" 63 75 ~ , Park Fund Labor 67.50 Labor 10.00 Labor 10.00 Pipe etc. ,'1-,10 :005.20 Library Fund ? Wood 21.00 Wood it)' 5.97 'l The Commission then adjouned to meet Thursday April 6,1933,at 2 p.m. 7;?11,~ City Clerk ..... ~~ Mayor 1 1