HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/05/1939 ... 42 Proceedings of tbe City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Wasbington l April 5, 1959 19_ The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Ma,yor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present. Mayor Davis, Commissioners Henson and.Masters, Attorney Conniff and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Police Judge,Thos Oeisness reported 56 cases tried and $260.00 collected in fines for the month of March, 1959. Report ordercd filed. Under,the head of Introduction of Resolutions the following resolution WaS introduced: RESOLUTION wr~s, !he City of Port Angeles is the ov.~er of th~ follovnng described real property, having acquired the same oy Treasurer's Deed, dated October 7, 1958, under by Virtue of the authority of Section 9595 of Remington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 145 of the Laws of 1929, Page 565, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the West line of Lot 11, Block 140, Townsite of Port Angeles, 18 feet north€rly from the Southwest corner of said Lot, thence running northerly along said West line of Lot 11, a distance of 66 feet to the right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St.Paul and Pacific Railroad, thence easterly along said right of way line to the east line of said lot 11, thence southerly along the East line of said lot 11 to a point 18 feet northerly of the Southeast corner of said lot 11, a distance of 65 feet, thence westerly a distance of 50 feet to the point of beginning; Also, beginning at a point on the West line of lot 12, Block 140, Townsite of Port Angeles, 18 feet northerly from the Southwest corner of said lot 12, ~hence ruIk'1ing along the West line of said lot 12 to the Chicago, ~lilwaukee, St.Paul and Pacific Railroad right of way, a distance of 65 feet, thence easterly along. said right of way line to the East line of s~id lot 12, thence southerly along the East line of said Lot 12 to a. point 18 feet northerly of the Southeast corner of said lot 12, a distance of 64 feet, thence westerly, a distance of 50 feet to the point of beginning, and j I WHEREAS, M. LaMere, has offered to purchase the above described real property from the City of Port Angeles, for the sum of $150.00, payable as follows: $60.00 as a down payment and the balance Of $90.00, payable I $10.00 on or before M~ 1st, 1959, and $10.00 on or before the 1st. day of each and every month thereafter I until paid in full. Interest on the balance due to be computed and paid monthly at the rate of 7% per I annum, and I I I' -1 I I j lVHEREAS, The City Commission has viewed the said property and is of the OplnlOn that the offer is fair value and lS in excess of the amount paid qy the City for said property, plus all L.I.D. assessments, including interest and .other charges against the same, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the said offer be accepted and that the City of Port Angeles sell the said property at private sale to the said M. LaMere, for the sum hereinabove set forth, subject to any other valid liens against the same; that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a quit claim deed conveying said property to tho purchaser, and that the City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles be,and he is hereqy instructed to execute said quit clairr. deed, and that the Mayor of the City of Port Angeles be, and he is hereby instructed to countersign said quit claim deed, when the purchase price and all accrued. interest thereon has been paid in full. It was moved by Commissioner llasters that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. seconded lJ;,' Comrnissioner Henson. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. j Under the head of new business: H.C. La Marty having sold his business the Shamrock Cafe to Ivy and Gil Lowry, requested in writing that his Restaurant Licenoc lio .4591 be transferred to the said Ivy and Oil Lowry. Therebeing no objection the Commission instructed thc City Clerk to make said transfer as requested. A ccmmunication from the Recreational Council was read recommending that the following named persons be removed frcru membership on the Council for lack of attendance and interest taken in the activities of the Council: Mr. W.D.Welsh, Mrs.Kate Needham, Mr. Harry Stockinger, Mr. C.W.Headricl{ and Mr. Pete McGoff. Upon the foregoing recmr.mendation, it was moved by Commissioner Masters that the above named persons be removed from membership on the Recreational Council and that the City Clerk be instructed to remove their names from the records as members of the Council. Seconded by Commissioner Henson. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Commission examined and allowed the following clai;11s and ordered warrants dravm for same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND Quick Print Evening News Evening News Evening News Press Evening News Press H.E.Dodge City Treasurer Nina Sever;l'lls City Treasurer J ,Y ,Sneddon Citv Treasurer Bob"' Wil12G Pug~ Sound Tent & Duck Co. M.F,Murdock Co W. S .Darley Co Hooker Storage Garage 1. C .Groves Evening News Pres s Johnscn TUg & Barge Co. Paris 1I0tor Co. City Tre aSU rer Fire Department Fire Department Supplies Publications Publications Supplies Supplies Expense ac count Cash advanced for stamps Court reporter Cash advanced for Court Costs Repair chair Cash advanced for supplies Repairs Repairing School Boy Patrol rLags Trucking chargea Hand Cuffs,etc. Repairs Meals for prisoners Supplies Coal Pyroil Cash advanced for brooms Pay roll Pay roll $ 10.50 180 . 55 95.20 20.80 B4.BO 24.77 1.00 10.00 6.00 2.50 9.17 8.95 2.60 4.80 14.45 1.97 48.50 5.50 144.58 1.50 2.00 24.00 114.00 ,{.or 1l? ,/ I I I I ,. I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington "'Ill 43 l\pril 5, 1959 19_ CITY STREET FUND D.A.Masters Car Expense $ 20.75 Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Lumber, nails etc. 52.84 Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Lumber, nails etc. 105.81 Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Crushed gravel 21. 70 Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Paint etc. 127.48 Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. Pipe etc. 146.55 iIoVlard-Cooper Corp. Low pressure dozer hose 8.50 I Wes'tern Tractor & Equipment Co. Parts 9.00 Marshall Wells Co. Shovels, etc. 20.80 Paris Motor Co. Parts 2.09 Nattinger-Levy Co. Ins. on tractor-dozer ,7;1 55.75 Angeles Mill Work Co. Lumber 51 f. - 7.00 WATER FUND Hooker Electrochemical Co. Chlo rine 14.92 I 1iontgomery Ward & Co. Belt .60 Ford Meter Box Co. Coppersetters 119.57 G. Iverson Halling gravel 18.00 City Treasurer Misc. cash payments II 3.40 Kr~eles Gravcl & Supply Co. L\llIluer and concrete I ~ ~ - 32.62 LIGHT FUND Qui ck Print Envelopes 31. 42 Myers Electric Co. Repairs 15.11 City Treasurer Ca sh payments 76.40 '.oo"ntgomery Ward Co. Switches .51 S:H.White Car expense 3-' 47.70 J ames Hardware Co. Tools & Lamps J~? ~ 12.19 LIERARY FUN1l Mr-s . Florence McLane Emergency help 4.25 J eimilu Norris Petty Cash 7.07 Am'ericana Corporation Books 6.00 Library of Congress Supplies 6.72 GaYlord Bros. Inc. Cabinet 46.75 Hertzberg Bindery, Inc., Books 101.05 EdWin Allen Company Books 64.62 Follett Book Compar~ Books 2.04 I Ea'stern Book Co. Books . ~ "V 5'.42 r T~e Union Library Association Books' 4.04 ..The Puget Sound News Co. Books )0'1-" /' 56.96 PARK FUND Johnson & Boli< Green stain,etc., 29.20 California Plow Co. Barbecue Equipment 54.40 Port Angeles Evening ~ews Call for bids . 2.94 E.' O'Brien Wood 18.00 Hurd Transfer Hauling trees , ~~~' 12.00 Hurd Transfer Express 2.97 UGHT ENVESTMEIJT FUND Ci'ty Treasurer Werrants purchased 4618.29 There being no further business the COmIT~ssion then adjourned. I 7;7~h-n-d ~.~ City Clerk Mayor I .....