HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/05/1955 I I I ""--: 43~ Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington April 5 55 19_ _ ".,. ...... .mm. on,,_.~. .".".. "''' _ I The City Council met in special 'Session at 7:30 p.M. and was awed to order by Ha,yor Smith. Roll call of officers revealed the following present: Ma;ypr Smith, Councilmen Brown" Neer~ Sand:!.son, Powell, and Wolfe, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk L8w. Pursuant to' Ilea~ing continued from March 24th on petition for- vacation of portions of L and M Streets and portions of alleys in Blocks 248, 249~ and 250, the Mqor.declaredhearing opened to consider I;'8port from colmllittee appointed to_ investigate requested vacation. Fred Strange, Chairman of Planning Colmllission, reported for the Colmllittee, advising that the ColmIIitt.ee has made imestigation to ascertain if another location can be. made adaptable for requirements. Also demon- strated elevations and topography from sketches. -exhibited. It _appears that a better location. could not have - 0 been chosen, had the Planning Board first studied. tne area. _ Mr. Strange .informed tnat it is consensus of the Colmllittee that petition for_ vacation be .granted on condition that the School.District acquire right-of- wlq beginning at Sth and H Streets and gradually'_ curving to Tenth Street, thereby . diverting arterial traffic from school area.. 'rids would oonstitute a compromise and appears too be the best way out. Manager Vergeer concurred with committee report and. School Board members agreed to cooperate if legally posBible. -'. ' It was moved by Councilman Neer that this governing body concur with ColIllIlittee recollllllendations if it is legally proper' to acquire right-of-wlq in manner proposed. lfution seconded by Councilman Powell and unan- imousq carried. Councilman Wolfe spoke on behalf_ of7 the Council, also. Henry Charnell for, the School Board, expressing "ppreciatiol} with commendation _to the Committee for thorough investigation with results accomplished. / A. G. Koch and Richard Boughner appaared for the State Pollution ColmIIission regarding sewage disposal.and ",ater contamination. ~lr. Boughner cited report of Consulting Engineers accepted by the Council as of last December 16. Discussed proposals submitted, two of same having been approved by the Control Board. He said it is the -City's responsibility to accept one of -the proposals for eventual construction. When. questioned as to estimated time the deep outfall would. be adequate, he replied, until bacterial content requires other arrangements. Mr. Koch informed of inspection tour conducted by Local Sanitarian Don Morrison, including areali not having sanitljI'Y sewer service ani confirming opinion thatimmediate.action ill imperative. He said present plans are in preliminary stage, requiring much engineering which should be done in advance.. Cited advant- age of separating storm water from sanitary' sewers and confirmed that plan acceptable would be adequate for fifty years. It was the opinion of Mr. Koch that if Engineers were pitt to work developing plans for adequate disposal, the ban Wlluld be lifted. Manager Vergeer emphasized that the City had secured and accepted report voluntariq ani without' force. The onq differenc.e is that no ~ed1atS' steps are planned, definite actiencontem~l!I;ed during the year 1956. Councilman Neer inquired as to why immediate action is demanded from the City at this time and what !Ire other cities with less adequate control doing to correct. Mr. Koch replied that the Control Board has been worldng fro elimination of water pollution in Port Ang~es. Harbor since 1940. Also named the cities wi th similar conditions, some having taken action to correct. The representatives of the State Board of Hed.th and the RUution Control ColIllIlission re,affirmed their stani that they would refuse approval of allJ" applications for sewer ext.ensions now pending bEi>re them or in the future. submitted, until: the City adopts definite plans to solve the. pollution contro~ problem. As no other business could be considered, the meeting was declared adjourned. l e. ~~erk ; 1!~,-L,-;-~ J!aoror. APRIL 7, 1955 IlOOULAR MEETING The_City Council met in.regular.session at "7:30 P.M. and was called to o~der by Mayor Smith. Roll cali of officers showed the following present: Mqor Smith, Councilmen Brown, Neer, Sandison, .Wolfe ani McFadden, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law. It was lIlOVed by Councilman Wolfe that minutes of the previous meeting be approved as corrected. Seconded by Councilman Brown and CarM.ed. Under the head of unfinished business, bids to furnish cast iron pipe am fittings for the Water Dept. were received as followa: PACIFIC STATES CAST IRON PIPE CO: ~,OOO.ft..10" i 18!' 2", Mec!lanical Joint @l 3 10" All Bell M. J. Bends @l 1 10~ All Belll~.J. Bends @ $ 3.53 .33.53 33.53 If quantit;y of- pipe is increased to 2,100 ft., price reduced to $3.48 per foot. UNITED STATES PIPE AND FOUNDRY COMPANY: 2,000 .ft. _10" U.$. .[oint pipe __ _, _ @ lJ.575 Alternate 2,000 ft. .10" U. S. Joint pipe @ 3.469 3 10" U. S. Joint Bends @ 37.45 1 10~ U. S. Joint Bend @ 38.30 . It was moved by Councilman Brown that the offer. by Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co~ for 2,100 ft. and fittings be accepted. Motion seconded.by Councilman Neer. All. voted ~e. Mot1on carried. of "ipe Engineers Ahlvers submitted the third estimate (March) of work done and material furni'shed by Pieler Con- struction Co. in L.I.D. 167, Marine Drive am 1!l.goon Bridge, in amount of $72,694.2l. It was lDOVed by CouncilJllanMcFadden' that p;q estilnate be approved and. warrant issued on L.I.D. no. 1.67 COlIStruc~ion Fund in p;qment of .same, ani that the Cit;y Clerk be' authorized to issue warrant.s "umbered 85. to and 1ncl~ng 156 for $1,000.00 each and warrant number 157 in amount of $694.21, in aggregate amount of $72,694.21 on L.I.D. 167 Fund, bearing interest at the rate of 3 3/1{/, per' annum, and dated Aprilll, 1955; to suppq the ...olIll