HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/05/1956 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 491 ~ Apnl , 19-#_ I I I I "0' . .'MH, .."" """'~', "'",,.. ..... '<:\!>- . The City Council met in regular sessien at 7:30 p. M. and was called to erder by ~or Smith. Roll call of efficers showed the following present.: CounciJmen Brown, Neer, SaIdison, Matthieu, Wolf'e and McFadden, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns ani Clerk Law. I It was lIlO'Ted by Councilman Neer that minutes of' the previeus meeting be approved. Seconied by Councilman I Brown and carri ed. i Under the head ef unfinished business, bids to furnish fencing material for the Cemetery and Park Depts. , were received as fellows: CYCLONE FENCE, U. S. STEI;:L CORP. . 626,tt. of 6' fence" ,. . $1,745.00 250~t. of 5~ fence, 595.00 , COLORADO FUEL AND..IRON CORP. I ..' 250 ft., of 5', fence, - 494.00 626 ft. of 61 fence, 1,717.00 I SEATTLE FENCE OF SAN JOOE STEEL CO., n~c. ,650.ft. of .6' .fence 1, 810.OQ Alternate 2,030.00 250 ft. ef 5'. fenee 635.00 Alternate 767.00 I The Park Board recollllllended that bid be awardeg to Culorado Fuel alii Iron Corp. for 350 feet. of' 5,' line 1 fellce with 2.25 H posts and 700 feet of' 6' fenee with 2.75 H posts, 2" OD gate fralOOs, 3" tenninal pests. I Mr. Vergeer cencurred with same and it was move.<! by Councilman McFadden, that Park Board recommendation ])e ap,preved. Seeon:ied by Ceuncilman }latthieu and carried. _ . , : Pursuant to Reselutien No. . 4-56 fixinil date of h~aring fer illIprovanent of I~est First Street by construction I pf sidewalks, Manager Vergeer recemmended that clue to advers.e weather conditiens and. installation of I street lighting system, the hearing be centinued for 60 days. It was moved by Councilman Matthieu that I reeommendation be approved and hearing oontinued. Secollied by Councilman Sandison ani carried. I I The City Engineer filed for apprpval the twelfth (March) pay estinate of' work done ani material furnished in :bID No. 167, TuJmfater Access Road Unit "A~ in amount.ef $8,640.03. It was moved by Councilman Neer that.pay estimate be approved and ~larrant issued on L.I.D. No. 167 Cenetmction Fund in payment ef same. Seeonied by Ceuncilman ~lcFadden and carried. Alternate, $1,966.00 Alternate" 705.00 Alternate, Alternate, 596.00 1,925.00 : Fixed estimate claims agaimt L.I.D. No. 167 were filed for approval as follows: I , Tacoma-Port Angeles Auto Freight $ 2.00 . , I City Treasurer, postage 2.9l I Dept.. Labor an;! Industries, Ind. ins.) 3319 Mad. Aid.) . Robert Clawson, Car Mileage,. March 15.05 It was moved by CeunciJma,n Matthie)l that claims be approved and warrants issued en L.I.D. No. 167 Construc~ iep. FllI4 in p~lII; of same. Secollied by Councilman liolfe alii carried. . . . I I . , . i Pey estimate to Donald W. Close Co. on street lighting eontract fer Iw.rch was approved in net amount ef $30,637.65. It was mov~ by Ceuncilman Saniison that estimate be approved ani paid. Secellied by Council- man Matthieu and carried. . . Ceuncil considered contract ~tith F. H. Jarnagin fer oonstroction ef Penn Street Area Sewer ani closing ef said eontraet. Mr. Vergeer informed that clean-up is still unfinished as required and recorrnnended that the City eemplete same, cest as estimated by the Engineer, $792.00, to be deducted from 15% retained. It was ,meved by Couneilman Neer that the Engineer's final estimate dated Febmary 2, 1956, in,favor ef F. H. Jarnagin of Port Angeles, liashington, be accepted upon the cenclitien that final clean-up ~lork in,amount of I &792.30 be withheld frem peyment to said contracter until,..,rk has been cempleted to the satisfaction of the C:i,ty and that the Treasurer be direeted te issue warrant te the bond purchaser in the full amount of ; estinate whieh is $8,583.13, the receipts ef which shall be placed in the L.I,D. No. 169 Censtruction Fund 'in faver ef the contractor in amount of' $7,790.83. }lotien seconded by Councilnlan Brown and unanimeusly , carned. ,Coun::il also considered I'lNuest by Robert Cahi11jthat the City re-purchase Lot 1, IUock 49/+. Mr. Vergeer I advised that pursuant te investigat1en there is ne goed reason for re-purchase of'. the lot ani reeemmellied that request not be considered. It was meved by Councilman Neer that request formpurchase be denied. ,Seconied by Councilman Brown and carried. I, . . lUn:ier the head of new business, Council received mtice of' resignation from the Library Board of E. H. Woodruff. It was meved by Councilman Matthieu that resignatien be accepted with, regret and letter selll; j;e Hr. vioodruff cenveying Ceuncil appreciation for satisfactory service. Secollied by Councilman rlelf'e and, cart;ied. 1 Pursuant to requests for minimum priees en certain real property, the fellcming were set: Lot 16, Elk. :34, Tewnsite, $600.00; Lot 17, Clk. l41, Tmmsite, $300.00 , - . 'J. R. Lewis of 302 N. Albert Street filed complaint that stem drainage is causing damage te bluff and his 'preperty. Mr. Vergeer.advised that damage to bluff is caused by drainage from private property, not from the street. ~or Smith also explained that according to investigation, damage is not caused by neglect 'on part of 6ity and o~ remedy is by installatien of' storm sewers. Ceuncilman Neer suggested that the lnatter be further investigated regarding storm sewers, the findtnga to be reported later. I 'The following reports were filed for Coun::il approval: Water and Light Depts. eperating for February, Fire Dept., Pelice Dept., Street Dept., Pelice Ju:lge report. It was moved by .Councilman Wolfe that all reports be apprpved and placed en file. Se!;Onied by Councilman McFadden and earried. I I ' Ceuncil considered payment of assessments due en Lot 5, Blk. 50. At terney Severyns advis ed that deed to the preperty sheuld be free and clear, therefore the City is obligated to pay. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that the Treasurer be autherized to pay assessments. Seconied by Couneilnlan Neer and earried. \ .. . Claims paid ~larch 21, 22, 23, April 2, and 4 were approved in total amlxunt of $48,34J..53. It was moved by ~euncilman. Matthieu that all claiJn<l he appreved as paid. Seoonied by Ceuncilman Saniison and carried. Chief Kochanek reperted en investigatien of' application for dance lic ense by Palace Tavern. Imrestigatien l;'eveB.led that premi.ses do not comply with requiremmts of' Ordinance Ne. 1366 tegulating dance.halls ldth beverage service. ~Ir. Vergeer advised that a request has alse been refused by the State Liquor Board. It was moved by Ceuncilman Weer that the application be denied. Seconied by Couneilman Brown and carried. j One request fer transfer of beverage license was received as fellows: elm Billiards from Louise T. Williams, Gilb~rt E. Brewer Estate and Rllt.h Brewer est.at.e t.n ,F.l~nn A. J?r~l'r and Helen Me Brewer. It was moved by Counc~1man Neer 1lbat trans1.er De approvea. Seeorti.e~ carneo. oy vOWlCiIm.an: rown. " ~ 492 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington April 5 continued 19...s6- .... . ''"''', "",", ",.,,~..., ..""..,..... <illt- Clallam Ceunty. Fair Asseciation requested in writing that the Asseciatien be relieved of paying admissien taxes. It was moved,by Ceuncilman Neer that the request be de~ed. Secenied by Ceunc:ilman Brewn and carried. . Montly bldget reperts of receipts and expenditures of City departments were submitted for approval. It was moved, by Councilman 11atthieu that reperts be accepted and filed and it was seeonded Iv Counc:ilJllan. Welle an:! carJ;ied. Ceunc:il discussed eff-street parking and areas available. Also legality eL cities collecting for s_. Fred Strange, Chairman of Planning COlIlIlIission, inferned that the Cemnission can investigate ani, submit reeommendatiens. It was moved by. Councilman. Welfe that the natter be referred te the PlSnning .comniss:ilon for stu.ctr and submit reconnnendations to the .c.ouncil. Seconded by Co~ilman Matthieu and carried. ~or Smith read letter from Military Order.of Ptuple Heart infonning ef centemplated weapons display here this summer. Also netice ef meet:j.ng ef. Washingten Fact Finding .comnittee in,Port Angeles" June 6 to discuss road preblems with all interested pl.rties. UIrler the head of introductien of Resolutiens, the fellowing were i.nt-roduced and read in full: I RESOLUTION NO. ll-56 WHEREAS, lJIrler provisions ef the "Statewide,City.&iployees Retirenent System, established by chapter 41.44 l!CW" ",hich 'Will be refl!JTed te herein as the Retirement Act.. . ANIi'WHERBAB, the 195.3 Ame~nt to the Retirement Act, ~es it optienal "With each City whether the maxin)wn Salaxy, en which employee's contributions ,md city's matching centributions are calculated, is to be increased from $.300.00 to $400.00 per month. NOW TIffiRBFOHE BE :IT RESOLVED: By the City Council ef the ,city ef Port Angeles, l1ashington That the City of Port Angeles, Washington, effective ApriLl, 1956 takes the optien of iIJ:reasing the maxilllum salary te. $400.00 on whi,ch E!Ilployee I s conttilh\ltions are calculated. The. adeption ef the within and feregoing Resolution was moved by Ceuncilman Welle, seCOlJied by Councilman Brown and carried and adepted at a regular meeting of the City Ceuncil of the City of Pert Angeles, Washington, held at the City Hall this Fifth daor of April, 1956, it was maved by Coilncilm8.n Near that the City adopt the plan to increase retirermnt deductions to maximum of $400.00. Seconded by C01!llCilman San:lison and carried. . It was then moved by CeuncilJllan Welfe that the foregoing ResQlution be approved and,adopted. Seconied by. Ceuncilman Brown am carried. RESOLlTl'ION ID. 12-56 ,..A RESOLUTION of thll POJlIlCil of the City of. Port. Angeles, Washirgton, employing counsel for certain "ervices.in cennection 'With proposed. sewer Illld s1;reet improvements in Leeal ImproveJl'ent District Ne. 170. It was moved by Councilman Brown that the feregoing Resolution be approved. Secomed by Oeuneilman SSftdison and carded. IMPllO~ RESOLUTION NO. 170 A RESOLU'lION of the Oity of Port Angeles, l-Tashim1;en, declaring the intentien ef the City Council to impr01re. a. certain area within the, city by the construction aIrl inst'!liatien ef trunk anj.lateral stom sewers therein and the grading, ballasting and paving of certain streets therein ani the constructing ef curl;>s and gutters therefer where necessary, and by doing all werk necessaxy in connection therewith, aIrl filcing a time and date for the hearing en this ~esolutien of intentien. ' It was moved by OO1.1llcilman McFadden tint the foregeing Improvement Resolution be approved and adopted. Secon:!ed by CeuncilJllan ijattbieu ,and unanimeusly carried. . No further business appearing, the meeting was declared adjourned. -(1 B. cJ LCUA/ CITY CLERK. 2i:~t-~~J. MAYOR. AL PUBLICArION lrJ;; CALL FOR BIDS -- . '1-- , CALL ,:,"OR BIDS ' P.~~~ .A~~l, bl~J~C~tV~~eU~t}fc::~~' .s~~~N~ Bids will .be re.celved up to 5:00 the CIty Clerk Port Angel€s Wash r Notice is. hereby given 100 .m" April 23rd 19M. at the Officelto furnish three 15 KVA line trans.: fll-ds will be received 'ty f the City C,lel'k. 140 W. Front S~., fO,nners 4160"240/48() Volts w 1 t"h Clerk Of .the City of or,t :,ng~le~, Wash.. to fumlsh the tap.., & bushings. . Washington, until -May rOIlO~lnf' G. S. VE'fWEER : p.m., ~nd n~ later, at the office of 6 ~~;~ ~, ~Xty~'i~!~~~Vc~m; J'Ub: AP~:t~, ~r~~~ T ' I ~~~;~ W~:ro~,e f~~l;y thO: :rz: taps, " ,~ I chase of cast lron water pipe and 6 ~~~,)2~~41~'~,J~~/~~~nvr~~ ~~IiC~R~tpl~~~~ ,~~~~;r~~~ec:~~:e~~ will be 2 ~t~i;) lM), KVA Jit!e ,~ransfor~- CJltOJl~~JsA~l~:i~r ~Wle~e}r~ ~~ ~f~:~1f61~r31~~~~,t.i~iIron ers,.2400;4160 Y, 12(),240 V Wlth highest and best bidder the fOllQY;,. ,pjpe@_.,."..pel'l111e.tt. ta~s. S VERGEER ing described real propert.y, to.wtt.: "PJ fj(Jj Jfn. Ft. 14" 9lus lot). Cast Iron City. ':Manager ' ~~~u:l~o~ ~4. TownSite,; I: K&e Lin:..Jtr ~~~'6i~.'15O Ca$ : April 13. 20, 1956'r Lot 17, Block'14i Townsite, i'IronPlpe@..... ' CITY TREASURER'S ,minimum 300.00 ~ _!pta006 Un. Ft. Asbest06 CALL ."OR ~ND8 . edNb\~Se ~jflur~e~~I~~~dth~/~f f2~~';~6 ......:.. ,f~;rt9:k~;a~l~e~a~ru~b~l ~:~ ~~ka~.~~ ~~~ r-i~5~~d5~~~ i=}g::; ~~:, ~~~~e~h. lr~t~o9niI~'~~~e OT;6~JBf~~r~~~ i~?fLter. ~id mUst be ac~()mganlrd b~'~' A certifJed check.m bId bond.'!or D]e~~i~l~:~~~~'\e~O:,J:k:'!t~ne City \~rd:f:6i1n~f_b~~t ~~th~~r~r ~~i~le~~i!1 ~,~ bi?unt b1d mwt accomp- No interest 'y/ln -b:- allowed on 'be c011Sideret!.. The City Council n~. All PMCf'S to be P.O.B. Port An- these lJO~~~ ~;rA-liL195G. ,~r{'b~~ls~he nght to reject ally ur ge~e }jtW= reserves the right Treasurer J.. E. LAW. to ;reject a.ny or ~l bids. Ci'. I P rt A . I I Clt),-. Glel'k. J. E, LAW. City Clerk. Pub: Apr >~' Ig. 1!)~6, -i-1",e es,pub:_ AP1"'- 13, 20, 1'95OT hb.: April 20, 27, 1956T ...... , .: I 1 .1 I