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Minutes 04/06/1927
170 ~ ~ - - ~, , I I':] ~ j ~. ~ c: ti I '~ l~ I"',: " i ProceCdings of.the City Commission of the city of Port Angeles, Washin~ton cff-~f 10 tf- 192 -r I -i _~~ 'h-tA.- ~ ~~- ~.-:........-"- ~~ I ~~ ~-,,~:b- ~-.~ --<.-J.~J!4--c-t-~cA. 7\rl1 c...J-1 'tl~ l -teL ~~ ~_ O~-L: I:r.'[..-J J./-~.!o~n-h~t Vl..--u .J+-.>.-L<.."---,1-<- _ ~~_,-lb.e...~~~'i--u. cfI.~~..A____t _c~ ~. ~~ C'_L.~;. .~~ <9~. g~~ c-: b,~, --KY'\":""~=' ~__~~LL ~...-a~~: ._. C.....-y 'f._ . _,?:-", 'i..'icX.~~'(' .) I ( ~ c.-<JL'lf<- UJY'.J.A-.J_ U~_~ ?-~i --1-.-7\ l.tL~'t 'a/Yl 2-, ~CA.--'~'-<- -i Cn'L~'~,"A.-(" Jb.,_;~,,--<-..::tli-~~- ~ --;k:IJ,.'L , '_ . --!. _L-/ .' -I II. .rJ. J .. '(~~-\ ."'6-U--~"'-.-.~WL<-~-. ~_e.:~~ >-<-$.{- ~~~~A7l-~tv~-o--\~,~_~"" ~~~~ c~,~ ,~_, (?~__~I_~<~_'~~\--~":~--~'J\A'L. ~~j'<-- )Lv1.-~. ." ---- -----,,-, . ~. ~ ~~.~ ~1K;i,- t~/Vh--~.. <'~~~--{ -- ~-.~ ~'U'C-i ---:)~-h-<-~"-"~l-~--idi. '----1 CY'l.---J....~ ~.- "-'-. ~ -- "--<--~~ _/"'- ~~~ :---- ,---~--,----- - . ()~a-<- ~ i1~-~L~-~.<---O~J~ -~~ -=->>-->-~.>-- ~t <-. - - ~J. L-<.r'''---'> Jofl.....f --1j ftL_ -~ r""-:'- ~~ J1J1.--e. "-:~-L-{; k___ 1A. :H:.z_C;;cr-vr--~~s.--~ ,-- - -- ------ - - -- - -- --- -. - ----- -----1 cJ;LL-__~~ .--:=-____~ :_________L __'U---~L-CCL-e__._______ ~s. ^-'-~ .- rLi{I-;=F~'~~~::;;~~;~~~~~~~~l,io _. ~~F. ~~;:t:06oLV.&Dt~;: i~~~~~~~:i C"mml"lnn or the Cll)" or t'ort _\n- ~. ce~~~~;?~';;-R~:;-t"'-;!I'i ;he '-~I;~;;UO~ ~"(l(n -----....--.--- - - ~- - ---- -- - ---- - ~\~l ~gKJ(ii~~n;~821~~~erO~(th~hefOr.~~;:~ lleBC'rJhell dmIHo'temellt-s ., ~n the tol- :Jt~lt~~rt".e~cl~~~~:;' PO:~!~lt:ot T~~r. ~*~: ___________..__,_~._ ______ ---.-~-I.1ructlon ~C an eight Inch wood wnt-- ~rm8ln pipe IIn8 tor CPlI!tah water with l :all r neee2lnr)' ~ lire 'hytlrantll, '\'"Rh'e2l, teeR, . equlpmentS and" lilting'!!, "Ion",. _____,,____'_. ..._____~_______'_._ 110ver and nerOll$ the' ((1110\\'1.... g - d@s- ern~l!jl Ilroperl)-"IIl"the City or'Pbrt ~Me~f~nl~:--~It t;~;I;;;' In~~'i\:;' ___ _.______.____.____; ~:~\lt:r~l~a~rd..WPr~;~~~t:~~l ~~ ~~:. ctlntol; Hnl' of Third street. thence In ~- lIiDrlherl)- cllw-ctlon nli)u~ SeA View :DrlvfIl -' tll th... wellterJ)' -- enll oC that por:tjoll oC J<:dlz Hook Llghthoufle' Re- ser\'atlon. n (ll~tRn('e tit npJlroxlmllte. 1)' 1100 feel, thence .northcl~'-nlbn&' tI:lhl LIFththonge. ne!ler-.atloll, throURh ou~ Jot8 1, !, 3. 4, r., Ami r. and such ff"f:r!~ ~U~~ol:lt ~::Iel: l~t;'r~:~th6es~iG lifmtt,. or the ett:,.' or pott'AngeJe'.l _ _.---._ _ ._,,__ _._____ . __ _ ___ ~e~~~O~\1 d(s~~r:a~e ol~)etw~o::at':.\~{l ~~:~ I ~en.8e~ot tbe' II.bo\e 'leurlhed Im-l prturement!'l shall he. borne -by a.nd &S-I eaaed aKnlll"" tb.- prop~rU... which _ _ _ _____ __ IIhAlI llc'henent~d -hS ~8nld 'llUJlrOVp.~ 'mehts, v.;hlch propert", Ip; hereb)' de- ~ 10' hp. that portion or the I ~ Hook LlghthoulO' ReM-nation . nileI' lense by tht: City o' Port ---~ --- --- -- - - u___ - ----, i (rom th. United Statei. be., I If( two !ltntute miles In lenp;th, .:JntJ ~o tt U;~\~ r~~ ~~{~ ~~~~It~e~t !I~~~: c~~~ I -.---------.--.- ----- - ~ - -~ F-~ht~~lr~~IT~8~r R.l~n~~r~~~:n.;~~~I~t8h1; .tch.tJbjorl to the ..aiel' Improvement,' 01". to .all)-' part thereol', arc hereby nOll-I' _____._~__~___.______ _~______ ~'f:e1{o~~ a:rea: . ::~~t~r:etJ:rt ~~~h ~~~ ~mmlllaJon In the cOInmlllslon room .n the city hall oC Bald elt). or Port _ ______ ----- ---- ffl'~'~t. ~~~ t~:~6r!~~I; ~8~'-O?~O~[:~ ~~;'::l~n:~ofh:~g). d~~~r~~~l, h~t:;~ I .__.__.___.__.______~~_____________ l~e:~llmr:~~~~il'l~~lll:~ldg n~i ::l~c'Y~~;: ttl rcto, nml ,fot:' d'~~r.~~I~tn::.l~~~'}~~.~-71 he ell). J:;:lIglr.cer I", Inion ;~~ ~):u~~~~ ~~' ~~: I d!l.:l-' oC April., n:!1. being I tll fOI" the hear-Ing dl'oe.; ~ 'tD~l ~f~,~r::I~~lt~~Cl.~:I~~~.:~ ,~~~.' 4~; ~$)ror~O~~~I~~t:~ ~~~ j -tJ ,'.April; 19n.~~.:..." .;,~ ..s'