HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/06/1932 ~ '26 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington April 6 193~ TO". . "Uft,"V. U.Y"1L OT."O"~"" ...,"'~... ...,~ The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present, Mayor Davis,Commissioners Beam and Filion,Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for permits.and licenses the following were granted. Donald J.Smith Addition to residence I.C.Groves Remodel house Louise Gray - Oak Rooms A.B.LaFrancis - Rainier Roome Hanning & Pedersen Olympic Laundry & Cleaners Joe Sylvia A.Larson Emery Winters Peoples FurnituEe Olympic Laundry & Clean6B8 Frank Brennan Lot 11 Bloak 171 Townsite lot 5 Bloak 181 Townsite Hotel - 10 rooms Hotel - 10 rooms Olympus Hotel -48 rooms Cleaning & Pressing 1 Card Table - at 113 East First St. 2nd hand dealer 1 Truak 1 Truak 3 Truaks 1 Truck 500.00 100.00 10.00 10.00 48.00 5.00 5.00 25.00 2.50 2.50 7.50 2.50 1 Police Judge Thos Geisness reported 10 oases tried for month of Maroh 2nd $51.80 oolleated in fines. Report ordered filed. Under the head of reports from City Offioers,. Office of City Engineer April 6,1932 To the Honorable Mayor and City Commission, Port Angeles,Wash. 1 Gentlemen,- I herewith submit the first and final estimate (Marahl,of work done and material furnished by Jas.H.Coyne,Contraator,on Looal Improvement District No.145. There being no unaompleted or defeotive work for whioh the City makes olaim, I therefore reoommend that the work be accepted. 200 lin. ft. of 4 ft. sewer trenoh 120" " "5" " " 215" " "6" 250" " "7" " 250" " ~ 8 " " " 100 " 9 " " " 299" " "10" " " 100" " "11" " " 159-" " "13" " 150" " "14" " " 320 "~15 " II " 50" " "16 II " 5' Standard Manholes l'Standard Flush Tank Clearing (Lump Sum l 1095 lin. ft. of 6 in. sewer pipe 1109 TI II of 8 in. ,II !! 3 - 8x6 Wyes, (extra) 3 - 6x6" 11 1 Standard Sand Box Grading Alleys (lnmp sum 1 Foroe aaaount work on Risers. 210 1in.ft. 6in pipe @ .21~ ______________________ 34 - eighth bend @ .75~ ______________________ 153 brs.labor g .50~ _______________________ Ind.Ins.& Med.Aid @ .22~ per ft. ------------- 44.00 @ .22~ " " ------------. 26.40 @ .35~ " " ------------- 75.25 @ .39~ II II :1::1::1:---------- 97.50 ~ .44l!' 11 " ------------- 110.00 @ .49~ II TI ------------- 49.00 @ .59~ " 11 ------------- 176.41 I @ .69f/ " " ------------- 69.00 @ .~9~ " 11 ------------- 118.50 @ .84~ " " ------------- 126.00 @1.19 " II ------------- 380.00 m.19 11 " ------------- 59.50 @ 70.00 each ------------- 210.00 @ 110.00 " ------------- llO.OO @ 25.00 ------------- 25.00 @ .29~ ler ft ------------- 317 . 55 @ .385" n ------------- 426.97 @ .60~ eaah ------------- 1.80 @ .60~ n ------------- 1.80 @ 55.00 ----...-------- 55.00 @ 40.00 ------------- 40.00 $44.10 25.50 76.50 8.26 154.36 Plus 10% Profit 15.~ l69.79 Less 15% retained 169.79 2690.27 403.54 1 Amount due contractor 2286.73 Plus fixed estimate 500.00 Total amount due aontractor 2786.73 Yours very truly, I Thos.w. Owen , City Engineer It was moved by Commissioner Filion that the City Engineer's Ist.& Final estimate on ,Local Improvement Distriot No.145 be accepted and the City Clerk be instruated to drsw : a warrant on L. I.D.No.145 for $2786.73 in favor of ;<i:'.1I,fs:.tI.., Coyne".dl Contraotors on said distriot in acoordance with said estimate. Seoonded by Comuissioner Beam. On Roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion oarried. The City Engineer having reported that the work of Jas.H.Coyne,Contraotor on Local Improvement Distriot No.145 was oompleted and that there was no unfinished or defeotive work for whioh the oity makes claim. It was moved by Commissioner Filion that the work of Jas.H.CoYne Contractor on L.I.D.No.145 be aaaepted. Seconded by Commissioner Beam. On roll oall all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. ~ 27 ., Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington April 6 193~ Under the head of Reading and Passage of Ordinanoes the following Ordinanae was read by Title and placed on its Third Reading,- An Ordinance Relating to and providing for the licensing of certain occupations, vocations, trades, amusements, plaaes of amusement, exhibitions, entertainments and oertain motor and other vehioles; Defining offenses; Providing certain regulations for same; Providing penalties; Providing tor the suspension and revocation of licenses; R Repealing ordinanoes NO. 418, 452, 682, 693, 703, 757, 805, of the City of Port Ange&es and. other ordinances and parts of ordinances in oonflict herewith. I ~tnwas moved by Commissioner Beam that the ordinanoe be placed on its final passage and, adopted. Secondsd by Mayor Davis. On roll oall all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for, same,- 1 Automotive Parts Co., Laura Burns Western Tractor & Equipment Co. Western Tractor & Equipment Co. Penn's Garage James Hardware Co. H.T.Swanson Motor Co. Willson Hardware Co. Edgar A.Jaaobs Harold T.Caven Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Gehrke & Johnson Lysall Welding & Forge Works Evening News Quick Print Ulmer Printing Co. Harold T.Caven Ulmer printing Co, Taylor & Caven Howard-Cooper Corp. James Hardware Co. Paaific Goodrich Rubber Co., City Treasurer Gehrke & Johnson Thos T.Aldwell Fire Department Ulmer Printing Co. Lee,Cafe James Hardware Co. J.E.Patten City Treasurer Nattinger Bros. Lowman & Hanford Co. Harold T.Caven George's Service Station Thos Saott 1 1 Rensselaer Valve Co. Natt~nger BIOS. C.M.~T.p.& .Ry.Co., Puget Sound Navigation Co. Lysall welding & Forge Co., Harrison & Fernandes Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Willson Hardware Co. Willson Hardware Co. J.Lloyd Aldwell,Ino. Gehrlce & Johnson Johnson Transfer Co. D.N.Hurley Ida J.Morse James Hardware Co. 1 General Eleotria Supply Corp. Gordon Prentioe,Ino. Fobes Supply Co Eleotrioal Engineering Co. Service Electrio Co. C.W.Alexander C.W.Alexander Northwest Plumbing & Heating Co. Floyd Barnett Puget Sound Navigation Co. Taylor & Caven Lysall Welding & Forge Wor~s Thos.T.Aldwell J.Lloyd Aldwell,!na. Linooln Insuranoe Agenoy Current Expense Fund Repair Parts Rent Repair parts 1 Au to Patrol Repairs Hardware & Tools Repairs Hardware Repair parts Repairs Lumber Lumber Gas Repairs Publioations Supplies Printing & supplies Repairs Supplies 1 Blaok G.J.Union Gaskets Supplies Fire Hose Water Gas & Oil Insuranoe pay-roll Supplies Meals for Prisoners Supplies Wood Light & Water Paint Supplies Repairs Repairs Com.on Dog Lioenses,eta. ,.. {,/otU 3.10 10.00 56.13 3500.00 11.19 58.90 7.45 29.93 5.50 1.20 60.38 180.91 Z47.60 44.81 146.93 2.40 22.90 .25 6.35 1.50 2.90 ;80 150.00 3.85 96.25 31.68 213.00 lO.40 30.80 5.95 3.00 967.05 ll6.85 23.67 12.95 12.80 27.50 Water Fund Valves Shovels ,eta. Freight Freight Repairs to tools,eta Gas Lumber Hardware Hardware Insurance Gas Hauling Water Pipe Oil Rent Shovels 20.54 22.60 9.21 19.91 29.60 2.00 ll.12 27.87 12.06 33.95 48.22 68.75 1.00 10.00 7.50 3 2'1 ~p Light Fund Thor Parts Supplies Springs Repairs Wiring Wiring Wiring Plumbing Wiring Freight Plumbing Repairs Insurance Rent Blue Prints .10 8.80 .53 3.58 42.10 35.00 9.50 17.75 35.00 29.35 21. 75 2.00 19.85 50.00 4.08 ..... r'" 28 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington April 6 193~ Freight 7,06 Flue stop l.lO Rent 3.00 Hardware 4.75 Insuranoe 90.75 Supplies 19.25 Oil 6.98 Gas 43.20 Ba ttery 14.15 step Ladder 5.00 Wa ter 2.05 Paint Eto. 6.05 Repairs .50 Wood 3.00 Wood 3.00 Conduit,etc. 40.83 Supplies 36.75 Supplies for wiring l.62 Oil drum 15.00 Wire 119.86 Transformers 193.52 Oil drums 60.00 Labor & material 85.90 Lumber ,eta. 34.20 Advertising /I 9f ~t 42.30 Equipment 80.00 Cemetery Fund Vfheel Barrow,etc. 12.00 LibraryFund Deisel 156.37 Service 4.25 Petty Cash 6.73 Books 6.88 Periodical 4.00 Up-keep of Grounds 7.00 Up-keep of Grounds 7.00 Repairs 2.70 Supplies 2.50 Insuranoe 57.00 Supplies Z.65 Light & Water 14.70 Insurance 72.00 Insuranae 37S ~' 19.38 Periodioal 12.75 Park Fund Light .90 Grass Seed 35.00 Hardware 13.55 Labor 16.00 Labor ;- 64.00 Labor & team 17<f"- 45.00 Aocident Fund Damage to goods 25.20 L. LD.General Fund Publioations j~.51 i 45.15 Blue Prints ... 9.99 I Ill....- Puget Sound Navigation Co. Harris & Schuller S.T.Eddy ~illson Hardware Co. J.Lloyd Aldwell,Inc. Quiok Print Shell OilCo. Gehrke & Johnson Mooks Eleatric Serviee Epperson & Sons City Treasurer Johnson & Bork Harold T.Caven Ed. Smith Ed Smith Graybar Eleotrio Co. Ulmer Printing Co. , C.W.Alexander General Eleotria Co. Paoific Lamp & Supply Co. Wes'tinghouse Eleatrio & Mfg.Co. Westinghouse Electrio & Mfg.Co. Mathews Sash & Door Faotry Mathews Sash & Door Factory Evening l~ews The Finzer Co., Nattinger Bros. City Fuel Co. Pacifio Tel.& Tel Co. Jennilu Norris Charles W.Clark Co. Paoific Tel & Tel Co. Verne Franoisco A.A~-Young Johnson & Bork paaker-Soott Co. J.Lloyd Aldwell,Inc. Demeo Library Supplies City Treasurer Union Bond & Mtge.Co. l'lm. J . Ware New'York Times City Treasurer Nattinger Btos Nattinger Bros Louis Huoke lil,1V.Caskey Claude Menary B &-M Grocery Evening News Lincoln Insurance Agenoy Water Department V/ater Department I 1 Munioipal Water Works Repair Fund I Pay-roll Pay-roll iJ. oLs: 243.00 163.50 There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. l!.lJ? ;1~ City Clerk ~i)~ Mayor I