HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/06/1938 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ..... 585. April 6 I 1938 193_ The Commissioners' meeting plaae at the Fire Department Building being under alteration to inorease spaoe for the Poliae Department offioes, the Commission met in the offioe of the Commissioner of Jtreets and Publio Improvements at the City Building at 10 A.M. and was oalled to order by Mayor uavis. Roll oall showed the following officers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Henson and Masters, Attorney ~onniff ~nd Clerk Hawkins. I The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applioations for Building Permits and licenses the following were granted: Edward F. Mills, et aI, Build residenoe, Lot I, Blk. 92, ~ownsite B. J. Gilmore, Construot ~arage, Lots 9 & 10, Blk. 59, P S C C Subd. D. C. Thaaher, 1 Barber ~hair Liaense $2500.00 150.00 1.00 I Thos. Geisness, Police Judge, reported 72 cases tried ani ~507.50 colleoted in fines for the month of March, 1938. lleport ordered filed. Under the head of Introduction of Ordinanaes the following ordinanoe was read in full and plaoed on its first and seoond readings: AN ORDINANCE stating faats oonstituting an emergency, requlrlng expenditures which could not reasonably have been foreseen at the time of making the budget; declaring an emergency and providing for the issuance of emergenoy warrants. Under the head of Heading and Passage of Ordinances, the following ordinance was read by title and plaoed on its third reamng: AN ORDINANCE relating to the use of the public streets in the uity of Port Angeles, Washington, by the blind and limiting the use of white canes to such persons; requiring drivers cf motor vehioles to stop while blind persons, using suoh oanes as a means of identification, oross the publio streets, and providing penalties for violation thereof. It was moved by Mayor ~avis that the foregoing ordinanae be placed on its final reading and adopted. Seoonded by vommissioner Henson. On roll oall all members voted aye. ~he Mayor dealared the motion aarried. Under the head of Rsports from ~ity Officers the following was read: I April 6, 1938 To the Honorable Mayor and City uommission Port Angeles, Washington Gn etl emen: I herewith sub~it the first estimate of work done and material furnished by William Gorsegnor, aontractor, on the alteration of the Police Department office. Alterations to Polioe Department Office Labor to date Ma terial to da te Extra: Plastering side wall $225.00 340.00 35.00 Amount due aontractor $600.00 Very truly yours, H. E. Dodge, City Engineer I It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the foregoing Engineer's Report be acoepted and the City Clerk be instructed to issue a warrant when funds are available. Seaonded by Commissioner Henson. On roll oall all members voted aye. ~he Mayor declared the . motion aarried. Under the head of Int~oduction of Resolutions the following resolution was introduoed: RESOLUTION TO CARRY FORWARD BUDGET ITEM I WHEREAS, In the budget for the year 193~, an item of ~700.00 was provided for the Polioe Department, to be used for the installment of radio equipment for the department, and, WHEREAS, On acoount of delay in obtaining a permit from the Federal Government for the installation and operation of the said radio equipment, no expenditures were made against the said item during the year 1937, and the whole sum of ~700.00 remains un- expended in said appropriation for which a levy was made and intended to have been used in the installation of the said radio equipment. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, By the City Commission, that the said radio equipment for the poliae Department be installed and that the ~ity Clerk be and he is hereby author- ized and instruated to transfer the unexpended item of ~700.00 provided for, in the 1937 bUdget to the 1938 budget for the purpose of issuing warrants against the same in payment for the said radio equipment and to make such entries in the budgets and other plaoes as may properly indicate the purpose expressed by this resolution. It was moved by Commissioner Masters that the f6regoing resolution be adopted. Seconded ..... ~586 Proceedings of the City Commission of the. City of Port Angeles, Washington April 6. 1938 193_ by Commissioner Henosn. On roll oall all members v6ted aye. The Mayor dealared the motion oarried. ; The ~ommission examined and allowed the following olaims and ordered warrants drawn for same: CURRENT EXPENSE FtmD CITY STREET FU!ID Supplies 4.95 Publioations 19.50 I Janitor's ~upplies 213.12 1.44 Expense .loco ount 20.70 Publication 6.00 Supplies 7.60 Supplies 1.06 Sumper Springs .35 Expense "ooount- 14.12 I 11 11 15.00 Stoker "oal 69.86 Meals for Prisoners 20.65 Repairs 4.10 Batteries 2.40 Repairs 5.25 11 8.05 6.00 Battery 16.09 Materials 3.90 Supplies 13.41 11 8.11 Battery 40.45 Repairs 35.89 Supplies 1.00 Camp aign Posters 3.00 Supplies 6.72 Repairs of'" 16.95 1 Gas Can 1J} - 1.75 Pay ROll 186.00 8.15 I Repairs Pipe, eto. 19.80 Repairs 6.00 Hardware 23.00 33.55 Diesel Oil 14.50 Signs 155.00 Ba ttery gO 10.60 Cemsnt, eto. )-1 7.08 1 i1asher .49 Olympia Printery Evening News, Inc. II U U Benjamin Fr~nkltn Thrift Stores H. l!;. DOdge Evening News, Inc. Olympic Printery Shell Oil ~o. Willson Hardware CO. D. A. Masters Thos. N. Hibben Johnson Tug & Barge Co. r. C.Groves V.A. Samuelson & Co. Willson Hardware 00. ~alkling Motor ~o. Cresoent Motors Max Stockinger & wons D & B Battery & Eleotrio ~tation 'Harold Hibbs Plumbing & Ueating Co. Willson Hardware Go. " 11 D & B Battery & Eleatrio Station ,Paris Motor Cll. Eve~ing News, Ino. i National Fire Proteation Ass' n jWillson Hardware Co. Lysall \7elding & Forge ./orks Todd Cyole "hop , Fire Department V. A. Samuelson & Co. Port Angele8 C6norete Produots Co. Lysall fielding & Forge Works: Willson Hardware Co. Shell Oil Co. Charles R. Watts & Co. Automotive Parts Servioe Angeles Gravel & Supply Go. Western Traator & Equipment Co. VIA TER FUND Willson Hardware Co. Paris Motor Co. Seattle Plumbing & Supply Co. James Hardware Co. J. Lloyd ^ldwel1, Inc. Thos. H. Guptill Port Angeles Conorete Products " o. Supplies Truok Repairs Pipe Tools Insuranae Sign on :l:ruck Conorete Pipe irK ,VI - 8.32 1.89 63.84 \ 7.23 24.80 7.50 16.30 I LIGHT FUND Mook's Eleotric General Eleotrio Supply Gorp. Carbolineum Wood Preserving Co. Even~ng News Press J. Lloyd Aldwell, Ino. D & B Battery & Eleatrio Station Q.uiok Print Harold Hibbs Plumbing Co. Olymp~a Printery Willson Hardware Co. Har~is & Schuller Northern Radio Co. Truck Repair Swi tches Carbolineum Printing Insurance Ba ttery Statements Repairs Supplies Suppli ss Roof ~'lange, e to. Radio Transmitter g('" b.t" - 2.16 39.09 50.09 23.21 66.62 13.36 22.95 17.36 16.73 34.38 36.85 283.05 I .... Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington April 6, 1938 193_ 587 " I I I I I LIBRARY FUND Eleotrolux, Ina. Jennilu Norris Remington Rand, Ino. Demoo Library ::iupplies Gaylord Bros. Inc. Pacifio Pulp & Paper Industry J. Lloyd Aldwell, Ino. E. F. Zimmerman Hertzberg Bindery Co. 11 IT II The Puget ~ound News Co. PARK FUND J. C. Breitlauoh Willson Hardware Co. James Hardware ~o. LIGHT INVESTMENT FUND City Treasurer Repairs, eta. Supplies, etc. " 6.40 7.50 5.00 7.08 44.95 4.00 13.59 44.65 53.10 59.36 24.99 Subsoription Insuranoe Binding " I,V ./ ,,0 v Books- Plumbing Lawn Mower, etm'. Hardware $1 1./ 23.86 ..? 192.51 21. 50 The Commission then !l.djourned to meet Thursday, April 7, 1938, at 10 A.M. Warrants Purahased 5471. 48 71.nrJrL~~_ Ci ty !<lerk '-y~ ~~ ~ Mayor ....lIIIl