HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/06/1961 ,..--- 70 ~ ProceeDings of the City Commission of tne City of Port Angeles, Washington APltIt 6, 19~ L III PI PfllNTlNO (;0. P.l<llU ...... The City Council met in reo;iujar session at 7:30 P.M. Roll call of Officers showed the following present: 1 Mayor Maxfield, Councilmen Smith, Richardson, Thome, Randall, Caldwell and Haguewood; Manager Slanka , Attotney Moffett and Clerk Law. I Councilman Smith requested that attemdahCe fee be stricken from the previous minutes. It was his opinion I! that the Attendant or Instruct or of the Junior Badminton Club should' be entitled to compensation similar to that: paid Instructors during the summer recreation program . It was then moved by Councilman Caldwell that minut~s ! ~~~:teVious session be approved as corrected and placed on file.. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and II !!Under the head of unfinished l:l!,lsinesS, tabulations of bids for l1i;)hting fiXtures for playfields were considered. The ftllal1ager read bids and recommendation ohhe Light Department which spec1f1ed the offer by GrayMr II Electric Company at $9,750.00 as the lowest and best complete bid. It was moved by Councilman Richardsori that the bid by Graybar, ElectriC Company of $9,750.00 be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Randall and I carried. I I Bids for Installation of substations for the Light DepartmMt were r!lceiVed as follows: II Del Guzzi Construction, Inc., $24,980.00. State sales tax $999.20. :tarthwork unit price $2.00 per cubiel: yard. Owens Brothers, $25,550.00/,State sales tax $1,020.00. Earthwork unit price, $1.75 per cubic II yard, It was moved by Councilman RiGhardson that the bid by Del Guzzi Construction, Inc.. be accepted at $2$,979.20 plus the earth movtng at $2.00 per cubiC yard. Sec:ohded by Councilman Randall and carried" Two offers for the purchase of Lots 5,6,7,8,9 and It), Block 3$7, Townsite were received: II Glen Peters"r.$l60.15 per lot. Norman:t. LeClnatd, $126.00 per lot. It was moved by CounCilman Caldwell that the bid of Glen Peters at $160.15 per lot be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Richardson and carried. Bids to furnish one truck ehassls and cab for tile Street Department were received from~ Robertson~Gray Motor, Inc.. 1961 G.M.C.. $3,432.00 less trade in 1952 Intetnatlonal, $446.00. Net $2,986.00. Bob Bolter CheVrolet Company, Inc.. 1951 Che"rolet, moeiel CS303, $2,999.95 plus sales tax $120.00. i5f;' less trade~ln, $300.00, Net $2,Bi9.95. J International itarvester Company, 1961 LH.C., $~,808.68, Sales tal( $112;35, less trade-in $500.00, Net, $2,421.03. ' It was mOVed by Councilman CaldWell tbat the bid by I.lI .0. at $2,42 i .03 net be accepted, contingent upon provision that the equipment is aCG:ordirll;l to spel1!flcatbns as required by the Street Oe):>artment. Seconded b Councilman Thorne and carried. Under the head of neW buslI'leSS I the Council receiVed communication from Arthur A. Smith, 717 East Front Street requesting that consideration be <;Ii ven to installation Of Olrbs, gutters and sidewalks on the North side of East Front SttMt for the benefit of pedestrians. Councilman Randall reminded of a legal problem and moved that any action be postponed until the next regular meeting In order to giVe the City Attorney plenty of time to give Legal adyice. Seconded by CQuncllman Richardson and carried. One reapplication Was received for beverage license approval: Orilla R. Draper, Shamrock Tavern and Cafe. It was moved by Councilman Thorne that application be approved. Seconded by Councilmatl Caldwell and carried. Minutes of the Plai\ning Commission, Marth 21, 1961, were read for Council acceptance. Order of business II was: McDonald Funeral Home for zoning recalsslfieation. Mrs. Violet Hurlong, vacation of alley and portiolil of Vine Street. Woodlawn Investment compa.n. ye, stab. ,lISh area in Grandview lieiQhts Subdivision, permitting ~Il mobile homes. Re2lon.tng certain area, 9th and Washington, frorri second to first class residence. o ffstreet I parking area west of Police Station. It was moved by Councilman Ittchardson that the minutes be accepted an ! placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Randall and earried. .' II Claims for damage caused by recent flood conditions Were filed as follows: deotge and Nellie Sylvia, $15, 3BS. ,A. L. and Roenafluse, $2,000.00. It was moved by Councilman Richardson that claims be referred to the Clt~ i Attorney fot appropriate action. 'Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. l !rhe Council conald.ered. req. uest fOr pe.rmlsslon to publish .call for b.idS for Installation of curbs, <;Iutters a. nt!. sidewalk on the South side of Front Street from the Pollee Station to the city Ught Garage. It Was moved by Councilman Caldwell to call for bids for Items as can be done from the current budget, being curbs, gutters and sidewalk, with provision for'drlveways for a parking area. Seconded by Councilman Richardson and carrl . II Pursuallt to request by Dale tlow for'mln.tmum fixed for the sale of Lots 11, 12 and 13, Blool: 350 Townsite, It was moved by Councilman Randall that a committee be appointed to appraise and set lninlmum if the City wants to sell the property. Seconded by Councilman Richardson and carried. The Mayor named Councilmen Smith, Thorne and Ha(Juewood as Investigating committee. Reports of City Departments were approved as fOllOWS: Treasurer's Financial, Police, Fire, Light and Water work reports. It was moved by Councilman Smith that report s be accepted and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Thorne and carried. Claims payable were approved in amounts of: General Funds, $15,073.05. Water Fund, $3,653.B3, Pipeline Fund, $20,749.77. Ught l'und, $67,340.67. It was moved by Councilman Thorne that all claims be paid as enumerated. Seconded by Councilman Smith and carried. Payrolls for March: General Funds, $37,624.10. Water Fund, $6,9BO.19. Pipeline Fund, $2,266.53. I Light Fund, $11, 4B9 .41. It Was moved by Councilman Richardson that Payrolls be approved and the Coundl I authorize payment of the same. Seconded by Councilman Caldwell and carried. ~ The Mayor informed of the Council meeting in Joint session with the Board of Directors for the Chamber of i' 'Commerce, the purpose being to discuss events within the next two years affecting the general area of II I I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the Ci~ of Port Angeles, Washington 71 (Continued) APRlL 6, 19~ L.6M.IlIH,.INGlCO. P_UU.. ~ I Port Angeles, Century 21 and 1962 Centennial year for the City, and attempt to spearhead any action desired to start promotion of events. It was the concensus of both groups that a jatnt rommittee be appointed which I would possibly rectUest assistance of other organizations and groups within the City for promotion of projects. the Mayor then named Councilmen Randall, Caldwell and Richardson as Counoil Committee to serve with the I Chamber of Commerce Committee to further activities. Councilman Randall was requested to act as Chairmanj the City Manager to as slst where needed. . I The Council discussed location of area for the proposed Municipal sWimming pOOl and results of soil struotur ' tests. The Manager reported that tests have been mad.e and found suitable, this being assured by the ArchitdJt. Area considered Is five Lots on East rUth Street between !Jntoln and Chase Streets at cost of apprOximately $8,100.00. It was moved by Councilman Haguewood,that the City Manager be authorized to conclUde negoti~ atlons for purchase of five lots on the North side of Fifth Street between !Jncoln and Chase Streets, and that the preliminary drawings of the pool be acknowledged and the Architect be instructed to proceed. CouncilMan i Smith expessed approval of the plans but did not favor the location. Councilman Caldwell requested clafiflccition lasto the price ~f the lots before hegotaHons. The Attorney advised that a hearin9 will be necessary and thel property declared surplus before the School Disttictw1ll be permitted to sell without calling for bids. The I question was called for and all voted "Aye" elCcept Councilman Smith, he voting opposed. 1I110tion carried. I I Mayor Maxfield reminded that some time ago the Council adol:led by motion certain policies in regard to ate!! South 6f the City limits which at that time Was requesting anMxatlon to the City, Since this Is thl! last scheduled meeting prior to annexation vote April 20th, it was the opinion of the Mayor that it would be well to reiterate stand in regatd to polli::Y cohcernlng the area South t>f the City. This was once read into !>rt>ceedlngs of the Council, the polley being nine questions and answers Which the Mayor re-read at thiS time. It Was th& opinion of council.mafi Rat\d.all that the co.uncll should reiterate their pos.itiOn and Sh. auld publish this by way'[' , of advertisement In the Evening News Eln April 19th, the day before election, so everyone in the Annexation Area gOlnt to the polls to vote will be well acquainted with the position of the City and will not be there uncte, , any false infOrmation. Mr. Randall then mOved that the Council reiterate their position on these questions anI\:! answers and publish by way of advertisement on the 19th of April, these same questions and answers In the ' Evening News. Seconded by Councilman HaguewOod and carried. ' Councilman Richardson read correspondence to Engineer Warder frOm Ted Nyberget of Anacortes expressing appreciation for prompt reply to inquitles regarding t.r.D. construction in this City and the cost of the same. It appears that cost of iir1prdltements and estlillates of that City are about 120% higher than siMilar projects cd\-.- eluded In Port Angeles. Also asked the names and adresses of contractors sublll.ltting bids. Mr. lU chard son i then cOmmended the Engineer and Manager on their work ihconnection with L.J. D. Work and on bids reCEived by this City Which shows very efficient organl zation on the part of City officials. ' Councilman R~ndallinquited as to progress of proposed L .I.t>. No. 180, having been questioned as to when ' e" , work would be started. the Engineer advised that the aSsessment roll Is ready except pro-rating the grading II 'j and paving. there being approximately 1,500 parcels ahd each requiring indiVidual calculation. . the Attorney I, cited streets in the a rea being different width which increases engineering problems. It was still hoped by t he Engineer that dates of notices, hearing I1nd bids would be as previously scheduled. II: Councilman Randall cited thll light service at Lincoln Park as Inadequate and recommended that the wiring be I checked. Park Superintendent Adartls assured that all circuits and wiring will be eheckedImmedlately and ,deficiencies corrected. I "The MaYQr, on behalf of the Council, commended the Junior Badminton Club for distinct honors and awards II brought nome from the tournament In Boston and assured that !lark Department budgl:!t for next Yllar willProvld~ : assistance for the progratn. I Jack Hoover, Secretary of the AnaE'!xat1e;,n League, personally Invited the Mayor and Council Members to atten& the League meeting at the Elks Club, Friday evening. Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was introduced and read by Title: ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE adopting a codification of the ordinances of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, entitled little Code of the City of Port Angeles, Washington", provid- ing for the repeal of certain ordinances not Included therein, with ,certain except- ions, and for other purposes hereinafter set out. It was mcved by councilman Richardson that the Council acknowledge introduction of the Ordinance as read by title ,and authorize publication of the same, and that May 4th be fixed as hearing date. Seconded by CounCil- man Thome and carried. I No further business appearing the meeting was declared adjou'rned. 0, 8 tI -;;Ceuv- CITY CLERK NOTICE( OP HEARING XQTICE IS H.h:.REBY GIVE;\"" that the ordinance~ of the City IOf Port' Angeles have been coclifled, nod that \a. copy of .!"uch codification il" all f;je. I i~..];~gli~~~J~ldo~h~~~ea CJ~bli~lfll~~/~:_ on the MlvIRnbillt)" Ilf ndrlptinj::" l-;aid (COdificalion will l'e held by the City roun('il af the City of ['Ol"t Allgeles J)~~t:~I1~I;sil~~, J;~~cij' 6~~~~b~~. 71:~g j ~r~rS\~IIIl~~~~. Street, Port Angeles, i I DATBD this 14th clay o! April,' t9U 1. J. E. .LA W, 1 ':rublished: April 20 and 2fl\~(]tlerkJ 1------~