HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/06/1976
Port Angeles, Washington
Apri 1 6, 1976
The meeting was called to order by Mayor Olson at 7:30 P.M.
Members Present: Councilmen Anderson, Buck, Haguewood, Hordyk, Ross, Wray.
Members Absent:
Staff Present:
Manager Whorton, Attorney Taylor, Clerk Parrish.
D. Flodstrom, P. Reed, T. Honnold, D. Frizzell, R.
Parrish, J. Hill, P. Carr.
Guests Present:
J. Sutton, J. Hinshaw, Mr. and Mrs. Vail, J. Key, K.
Clark, V. McLaughlin, D. Livingston, L. Switzer, C.
V. Basom, D. Hilt, V. Lawrence, N. Hill, P. Wilden, R.
Achenhouser, D. Price, T. Lunderville, W. Muller, G.
Albetta, C. Albetta, R. Miller, K. Thoroldsen, P.
Doherty, B. Dalton, C. Renm, L. Doherty, J. Milton, J.
Ducceschi, N. Quast, J. Estes, R. Richards, J. Abram,
M. Mattila.
Councilman Ross moved the minutes of the March 16, 1976 meeting be accepted
and placed on file as received. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Hordyk and passed by the Council.
1. Bid Call Authorization.
a. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize the Light Department
to call for bids on one KVA dual voltage 3-phase pad mounted
transformer. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and
carried. The intended use of the transformer is for McDonald's
Restaurant located at First/Front and Penn Streets.
b. Councilman Haguewood moved the Council authorize the Water Department
to call for bids on 12 hydrants and 27 gate valves. The motion
was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council.
2. Bid Awards.
31976C a.
NOTICE is hereby given lhaft
sealed bids will be received by
1M City Clerk, C'Iy of PorI'
Angeles, 140 W. Fronl Streel,
P,O. Box 711, Port Angeles, I
Washington, 98362, until 2:00
P.M., Apri I 2, 1976, and the C ily I
will reject all bids received
and dale, and will be opened
pUblicly al Ihat lime for I
furniShing Ihe following!
4 equipment and-or ma, lerial: I
1 - VAN
'Bid specificallons may be ~
obtained from the City Clerk's'
Office. ,
A certified check or b, id bond 1
for 5 per cent of the amounl at
1110 bid shall accompany each
bid. All bidS to include delivery
F.O.B. Port Angeles,
, Bids will be opened and
,~) tabulaled for lhe Cily Council
lor consideration by said
(;ouncil in sess~ofl April 6, 1976.
The Council reserves the
right to consider delivery time
, and to accept or to reject any or
all bidS or any parI thereot.
-~l an~h;:,:~tt:~~;~r~~lih~r~~~~:
to correct any, ,eXI,e n,Sians o,r1'
I improper sales I~,
Mayor Olson read Shop Superintendent Thompson's report on the bids
received on a 1976 van and a 1976 4-door sedan for the police
Department, and a Sewer Department 1976 ~ ton pickup. The report
indicated all bids submitted met City specifications and bid de-
posit requirements. Councilman Wray moved the Council award the
bids for the 1976 van and 1976 ':;: ton pickup to low bidder Koenig
Chevrolet at a bid price of $4,432.56 including sales tax for the
van and $4,265.00 including sales tax for the pickup, and award
the bid for a 1976 Police 4-door sedan to low bidder Lannoye Motors
at a bid price of $4,894.40 including sales tax. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Haguewood. On the Mayor's call for dis-
cussion on the motion before the Council, Councilman Hordyk
referred to the bids received on the P01ice car.and questioned the
less than $100 difference between the low and second 10w bid and
its relationship to the quality of the two vehicles. Manager
Whorton informed the Council that Police Chief Kochanek and Shop
Superintendent Thompson analyzed all bids received, that all met
the City's minimum specifications, and that in each instance, Mr.
Thompson recommended acceptance of the low bid. On call for the'
question on the motion before the Counci1, the motion carried with
Councilman Hordyk voting "NO."
City Council Meeting
April 6, 1976
2. Bid Awards.
Murray Motors bid $4,672.50 on the van, $4,567.00 on the pickup, and
$4,987.50 on the police car; Anderson Ford bid $4,648.78 on the van,
$4,449.70 on the pickup, and $5,131.02 on the Police car; Lannoye
Motors did not submit a bid on the van or the pickup; all above
bids include sales tax. 1976 Budget Items.
b. Councilman Wray moved the Council award the bid for one 75 H.P.
pump to low bidder Industrial Pump Sales at a bid price of $7,374.16
including sales tax as recommended by Water Superintendent Wait in
his bid report. The motion was seconded by Councilman Haguewood
and passed by the Council. Stang Hydronics bid $8,737.79 on this
1976 budget item.
3. Peabody Heights L.I.D. No. 198 - Engineering.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve payment of $40,000.00 as the
fourth fixed estimate of work done and material furnished by the City of
Port Angeles in the construction of streets and drainage on Peabody
Heights L.I.D. No. 198 as established by City Enginner, J. B. Warder, in
his Certification letter dated March 30, 1976. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Haguewood and passed by the Council.
First and Front Street Lights Project.
Councilman Anderson moved the Council approve payment of $2,960.03 to
Harstad Associates, Inc., as progress payment No. Four for engineering
services from January 26 to February 25, 1976 on the First and Front
Street Lights Project. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve $96,700.04 Payroll. Council-
man Wray seconded the motion and it carried.
Norma Turner, representing a "No Oil Port" local group, addressed the Council
and stated that their group has gathered 1,500 signatures on petitions in
opposition to an oil port being located in Port Angeles. According to Mrs.
Turner, 40% of the 1,500 signatures are residents of Port Angeles. She pre-
sented to each Council member a list which contained 600 names and addresses
of citizens who signed the petitions. In addition, Mrs. Turner urged the
Council to take a leadership position on the oil port issue and requested
the Council reconsider and take action to co-sponsor with C1al1am County
and the P.U.D. Commissioners an investigative study of Northern Tier Pipeline
Company's financial status. She also encouraged the Council to proceed on
the premise than an oil port will be located in the immediate Port Angeles
area and to disregard the news media reports which indicate the possibility
of Prince Rupert being an oil port terminal.
Councilman Hordyk moved the "Northern Tier Pipeline Company investigative
study" subject be taken from the table. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Wray and passed by the Council.
City Council Meeting
April 6, 1976
Councilman Hordyk then moved the City not participate with Clallam County
and the P.U.D. in the investigative study of Northern Tier Pipeline Company's
financial status. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck. On the Mayor's
call for discussion on the motion, several Councilmen expressed their
views on this matter. Councilman Ross felt an investigation of Northern
Tier's financial position is not the proper approach to be taking as the I
compos iti on of the group propos i ng an oi 1 port coul d sudden ly change
which would then negate the inquiry. Councilman Haguewood commented
that at this point the City has not been formally approached, and if
formal application is made, it should be accompanied with a financial
statement of the firm's net worth. In Councilman Hordyk's opinion, the
City's participation in this study would create a defensive posture on
the part of prospective new industries, and the City should be demonstrating
a more positive attitude toward encouraging new industries to our area
for the promotion of new jobs.
On call for the question on the motion before the Council that the City
not participate in an investigative study of Northern Tier Pipeline Company's
financial status, the motion was unanimously passed by the Council.
Mrs. Gene McWilliams next addressed the Council. Mr. and Mrs. McWilliams
are the owners and developers of Seamount Estates which is located
between "M" and "N" and between 6th and 10th Streets and consists of four
divisions. Mrs. McWilliams read a letter which explained in detail pro-
blems the McWilliams have experienced in the development of their subdivision
since June 9, 1975, the date their Plat for Division I was approved. Con-
tending that development of their subdivision was held up due to these
problems, the McWilliams request compensation and indicates certain conditions
be met by the City.
Public Works Director Flodstrom's response to the McWilliams allegations I
was read by Mayor Olson. In his memorandum, Mr. Flodstrom explains the
circumstances relating to this incident and states the McWilliams were
furnished a complete profile in July, 1975. The memorandum also indi-
cates the responsibilities and options that are available to developers/
subdividers which are outlined in the "Subdivision Regulations."
Addressing the conditions requested by the McWilliams, Mr. Flodstrom
presents the facts as they pertain to each condition and states a revised
profile has been committed to the McWilliams by April 9, 1976.
During the discussion which followed, Manager Whorton reported that Agenda
Item No.7, "Amendment to the Subdivision Regulation," is an attempt to
develop a policy whereby developers could be compensated for service
connections made available to adjoining property owners when the property
Owner connects to the stub. Manager Whorton also explained that in the
interim the City's policy regarding providing engineering services to
developers has been revised. However, the City is obligated to a certain
extent, according to Manager Whorton, and he assured Mrs. McWilliams of
receipt of a revised profile by April 9, 1976.
The Council will be kept advised on this matter by Manager Whorton.
The next matter brought to the Council's attention by O. Bieber, Clallam
County Trucker's Association, was the Boulevard and "L" Intersection
Improvement Project. The Council discussed this project with Mr. Bieber, I
Manager Whorton and Public Works Director Flodstrom. According to Mr.
Bieber, the 60' landing zone is not sufficient and requests the landing
area be extended to 100' and the west bank be built up. Mr. Flodstrom
reported that the original design of the intersection improvement was
for a 60' landing zone and this-design was agreed upon by the Trucker's
Association and the Port of Port Angeles. He further explained that
after discussions with the Trucker's Association and the Port, the City
has requested a bid cost from the Contractor for expanding the project.
Mr. Bieber also stated that travel through this intersection has in-
creased significantly and will continue to increase.
City Council Meeting
April 6, 1976
Following the discussions, the Council directed Manager Whorton and
Public Works Director Flodstrom to work with the Trucker's Association
and the Port on the improvement of this intersection to obtain a
mutual agreement of the invol,ved parties,
At this point, Everett Hassell addressed the Council and briefly spoke
about oil pollution inside the Port Angeles harbor and explained the
reason sludge is found within the harbor and on the beaches.
1. Certificates of Competency were scheduled to be presented to Donald
Anding and Terry Wilcox, Water Department employees. As the
recipients were not in attendance, the presentation was deferred to
the April 20, 1976 meetin9.
. 2. The minutes of the Planning Commission March 22, 1976 meeting were
read by Mayor Olson with the following action being taken by the
Councilman Haguewood moved the Council concur with the Planning
Commission's recommendation and approve Frank Dalton's preliminary plat
of Block ~, "Seabreeze Estates" contingent upon the utilities being .
installed according to the specifications of the Public Works Department
and the transformer easements for the power meet the City Light
requirements, with lots 20 and 21 in Block A and lots 24 and 25 in
Block B fronti ng on "N" Street. The moti on was seconded by Council-
man Hordyk and passed by the Council.
Councilman Haguewood moved the Council concur with the recommendation
of the Planning Commission and consider Johnie Key's request for
annexation to the City only if an annexation petition is drafted to
include the area northerly of the south line of Vista Meadows,
westerly of Mt. Angeles Road, easterly of National Park Boundardy,
northerly to present city limits and that the bonded indebtedness
be assumed, the annexation policy requirements are met, there is
equitable sharing of utitilites construction costs by area residents
and the area be zoned RS-9. (In the event the area west of White's
Creek and east of Mt. Angeles Road, and northerly of the south line
of Vista Meadows extended easterly could be included without making
the requestor's assessed value less than 10% of the assessed value
of the proposed annexation area, it should be included.) The
motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried. By this action,
the City authorize Johnie Key to circulate a petition containing
the conditions described in the foregoing motion. It is noted that
this consideration of Mr. Key's request for annexation does not mean
approval of the annexation if a valid petition is submitted.
Councilman Wray moved the minutes of the Planning Commission March 22,
1976 meeting be accepted and placed on file as read by Mayor Olson.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council.
At this time, Attorney Ron Richards, representing residents in, and
within the vicinity of, the proposed annexation area addressed
the Council and requested clarification of the action taken by the Council
on Johnie Key's annexation request. In his opinion, the Council should
define the boundaries of the area that the Council would consider
for annexation to the City.
City Council Meeting
April 6, 1976
2. cont.
Following a discussion on this matter, Councilman Ross moved to
table discussion on th~ proposed annexation to the April 8, 1976" .-
work session. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and
passed by the Council.
Councilman Haguewood then moved the Council reconsider their
previous motion to concur with the Planning Commission's recommenda-
tion on J. Key's annexation request. The motion was seconded by
Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council.
Councilman Ross moved the Council table the decision on J. Key's
annexation request. Councilman Haguewood seconded the motion and
the motion was passed by the Council.
W. Muller filed a petition with the Clerk of the Council which
contained signatures of 36 proposed annexation area residents and
property owners who Object to being annexed to the City of Port Angeles.
3. Refer to Agenda Item No.2 for Council action on this Agenda Item,
"Annexation-Johnie Key."
4. Mayor Olson introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 1876
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles providing for
and authorizing the levying and COllecting of a
leasehold excise tax on and after January 1,1976
upon the act or privilege of occupying or using
publicly owned real or personal property within the
Councilman Haguewood moved the Council adopt the foregoing
Ordi.nance as read by title. The motion was seconded by Councilman
Anderson and unanimously carried by the Council.
Councilman Haguewood moved the Council authorize Mayor Olson to
sign the Agreement between the State of Washington, Department of
Revenue and the City of Port Angeles regarding administration and
collection of local leasehold excise tax. Councilman Buck seconded the
motion and it carried.
5. Kim Folk's request for Council authorization to hook-up to the City
Water System for property described as Lots 23 and 24, Block 5,
Mallette's Second Edition, located On Spruce Street just west of
the city limits, was read by Mayor Olson. Councilman Haguewood
moved this request be tabled and referred to a work session. The
motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried.
6. Mayor Olson read A. Hoagland, Hoagland Inc. 's dba Thurman Supply,
request for Council authorization to hook up to the existing city
sewer for property abutting the city limits. Councilman Haguewood
moved Manager Whorton correspond with Mr. Hoagland by letter and
invite Mr. Hoagland to annex his property to the City as it is
contiguous to the city limits. The motion was seconded by Council-
man Wray and passed by the Council.
7. At the request of Manager Whorton, Agenda Item No.7, "Ameridment
to Subdivision Regulations" was passed over.
City Council Meeting
April 6, 1976
8. Attorney Taylor briefly reported to the Council concerning a com-
plaint received from the Port Angeles School District in reference
to a Mobile Concessionaire. Mr. Taylor noted that Joe Sutton of 328
E. 5th Street has a Business License for a Caterer's business which
expires June 30, 1976. Explaining that he had conferred with the
school authorities, Police Chief Kochanek, Parks Director Frizzell and
Mr. Sutton's attorney, Mr. Taylor stated a report on the legal aspects
of this problem should be ready for the Council at the April 20, 1976
meeting. Attorney Velie, representing Mr. Sutton, was in attendance
and assured the Council that Mr. Sutton is willing to do whatever is
necessary within reason to carryon his business and comply with
school regulations and City Ordinances.
Councilman Haguewood moved the foregoing matter be referred to Attorney
Taylor, with Mr. Taylor reporting to the Council at the April 20, 1976
meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and carried.
9. The next order of business was Attorney Taylor's report on the progress
of the Burrowes and Fox Logging Company's suit against the City for
denial of an easement through the City's Morse Creek watershed on the
grounds that the logging activity would be detrimental to the city's
water supply. Mr. Taylor explained that in February, 1976, the city
was dismissed from this action with the Superior Court ruling that the
City was not subject to statutory right-of-way b, necessity. In March,
1976, the plaintiff filed an amended petition on the theory of prior
use, as an easement had been granted in the past. Again Superior Court
Judge Robert Ryan, Kitsap County, ruled that City property cannot be
condemned. The question of "inverse condemnation" was then tried with
the Judge ruling that the plaintiffs had not established a claim of
inverse condemnation against the city, the main reason being that other
accessible routes were available to the logging firm.
On April 6, 1976 Attorney Taylor was advised by Mr. Burrowes Attorney
that the firm has in the mail a motion for reconsideration, and if the
motion is not granted, they will appeal the ruling. The ruling is,
at this point, that Burrowes and Fox have no right to an easement
across City property, Mr. Taylor stated.
Mr. Taylor also felt he should point out to the Council that the
plaintiffs two highly qualified experts in this field testified
regarding the various routes, their associated costs, and the effect
on the environment, and continued to make the point that there would
be less damage to the City's watershed by going through City property
than any other. route available to them. But this was not the matter
that was before the Court to be decided; the Court decided strictly
on the matter of law, correctly, Mr. Taylor concluded.
10. The "Arts in Action" report was the next item before the Council.
Parks Director Frizzell presented a verbal report on this matter
stating that conferences were held with the Arts in Action Committee and
the Laurel Street business firms and an agreeable site for the Arts
In Action program was negotiated. The site however, required final
approval from the Downtown Parking Association, and after meeting with
this agency, Mr. Frizzell recommends the Arts in Action Fair be held at
the Laurel Street location as scheduled and approved by the Council,
thus affording the Arts in Action Committee the opportunity to resolve
the problems that have been associated with the fair in the past and caused
some of the Laurel Street business establishments to object to this
11. Mayor 01 son requested a report' from the Real Estate Committee .on Sunny-
side Enterprises proposal to purchase all or part of the Morse Creek
Gravel Pit. Councilman Ross reported that the research on this pro-
ject has been completed and the committee is currently in the process
of establishing a price for the property.
City Council Meeting
April 6, 1976
12. Mayor Olson introduced and opened for discussion the request received
from the Northwest Troller's Association for a letter or resolution
from the City Council opposing the allocation and season limit regula-
tions being proposed by State Department of Fisheries Director Moos,
which the Troller Association allege will put the Troller Fleet out
of business. The Department of Fisheries have scheduled a public I
hearing on the proposed regulations on April 10, 1976, 10:00 A.M.,
General Administration Building, Olympia, and the Troller's Association
also request Mayor Olson testify on their behalf at this hearing. Troller
Association Treasurer, R. Thomas, was in attendance and explained the
proposed regulations to the Council. The Council decided after discussing
this matter that either Mayor Olson or Manager Whorton will testify at
the hearing.
13. Counci lman Buck moved Agenda Item No. 13, "Letter from Clallam County
Committee on Fisheries re small picnic area near Elwha Salmon Rearing
Channel", (tabled 2/17, 3/1 & 3/16/76) be taken from the table.
The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and passed.
Councilman Anderson moved this Agenda Item be referred to Manager Whorton
with a report being presented at completion. The motion was seconded
by Councilman Buck and passed by the Council.
14. The Port Angeles Water Supply Agenda Item was left on the table.
Public Works Director Flodstrom's report to be discussed at the
April 8, 1976 work session.
Mayor 01 son read a "Letter of Intent" di rected to the Department of
the Army, Seattle District, Corps of Engineers, whereby the City
of Port Angeles assures its willingness to assume obligation of local
cooperation in the matter of erosion control on Ediz Hook in Clallam
County, State of Washington; said letter to be signed by Mayor Olson
and Attorney Taylor. Manager Whorton then explained that the Council
passed Resolution No. 6-740n June 4, 1974 assuming and agreeing to
certain obligations in reference to Ediz Hook erosion control con-
struction work. It has since been determined that the Resolution is
not entirely sufficient and that a formal agreement between the
Federal Government and the City of Port Angeles will be necessary. To
alleviate any delay in the project, the Corps of Engineers request
receipt of subject "Letter of Intent" by the end of the week. The
formal agreement, incorporating the items included in the "Letter of
Intent", will probably be before the Council for their consideration
at the April 20, 1976 meeting, Manager Whorton stated.
1. Councilman Wray moved to accept and place on file the February Light and
Water Work Reports and F. Hurley's Out of Town report. The motion was
seconded by Councilman Buck and carried.
2. Councilman Ross:
Stated it is a pleasure to see the Marine Drive
and Truck Road traffic signal operating; D.
Flodstrom reported a need may exist to restrict
parking on the north side of Marine Drive; re-
quested Manager Whorton check with L. White on
progress of celebration arragnements for June I
19, 1976, the City's birthday and designated :
as "Second Nati ona 1 City Day." Reso 1 uti on -
No. 23-75.
3. Councilman Hordyk:
Recommended the bank water seepage problem lo-
cated in the 300 block of E. Front Street be
investigated, and if sewage, the matter be
referred to the Health Department; recommended
Police Officer Wilcox be presented his weapon,
which was issued to him when employed and has since
City Council Meeting
April 6, 1976
3. Councilman Hordyk:
4., Mayor Olson:
5. Councilman Wray:
6. Councilman Haguewood:
7. Councilman Anderson:
been changed, upon his retirement on August 1,
1976 after 28 years of service, at a fixed fee
of $7.00 of which Councilman Hordyk will con-
tribute $1.00; recommended the water leakage
problem on the S. E. Corner of 11th and Lincoln
Streets be investigated to determine if
water leakage or surface drainage; requested
explanation in near future on the water
customer who has an outstanding $2,000 water
bill on which no action has been taken to date.
Read letter from the Derby Days Committee
requesting a financial grant from the City to
assure good participation in the parade and
to help build the float; Manager Whorton will
notify the Derby Days Committee that the City
will not be able to make a contribution as no
money is budgeted for this activity. In
reference to the Peabody Creek Oil leak problem,
Manager Whorton reported this matter is still
being investigated and a report is forthcoming.
Mayor Olson commented on the numerous complaints
being received regarding dogs running at large
and recommended enforcement of the Lease Law,
Ordinance 1585; Manager Whorton will contact
Humane Society re this matter.
Reported on the "Energy" Conference in Portland
attended by Councilmen Wray and Hordyk and
recommended Bonneville's insulation requirements
be adopted by the city; based on the recent
Supreme Court ruling, recommended all future
employees from this date forward be required
to reside in the City of Port Angeles; Manager
Whorton will check for conflict with labor
agreements and report back to the Council.
Requested a report on the condition of the
City's Comprehensive Plan.
Stated he plans on attending the Association of
Washington Cities annual convention on June
15-18, 1976; Councilman Ross commented she
also plans to attend. Commented on condition
of floor of Roosevelt School Gym.
The meeting adjourned at 9:55 P.M.
City Clerk
~.", ~~
'4876 41476 l
The City Treasurer of the .The C,ty Treasurer of the,
City of Port Angeles C,ty of Porf Angeies'l
Washington will pay upo~ WaShington, wlli pay, upon
presentati~n at her 'Office presentallon at her office,
Bonds numbered 268 through Bonds, numbered 201 through 1
296, inclusive, of Local 2S7.. Inclusive:, ,Of Local'
rmprovemenf District Number lmprovement District Number
189 of the City of Port Angeles. 193 of the City of Port Angeles. I
No interest wlll be allOWed on No Interest will be paid after 1
Ithese bonds after April 20 1976 May 1. 1976.
. Pub,: April 8, 1976. Pub.: April U, 1976, ;
l..____ ..._