HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/06/1977 ~39 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington April 6, 1977 I CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood at 7:30 P.M. I II ROLL CALL Members Present: Councilmen Buck, Haguewood, Hordyk, Ross, Wray. Members Absent: Mayor Olson, Councilman Anderson. Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Walrath, Clerk Parrish, P. Carr, G. Honnold, D. Frizzell, D. Flodstrom, R. Orton, H. Kochanek. Guests Present: L. & E. Attwood, A. & J. Haugstad, A. Lannoye, K. Isinberger, C. Friedman, W. Hedahl, D. Chin, M. Yeung, R. Anderson, T. Halsey, R. Leach, F. Bird, L. Hagel, D. Crumb, S. Eiskemans, H. Neider, F. Dalton, L. Jagger, S. Fahnstock, Mr. & Mrs. J. Sutton. Manager Whorton stated that a motion would be in order to nominate Councilman Haguewood to serve as Mayor Pro Tern in the absence of Mayor Olson. councilman Hordyk moved to nominate Councilman Haguewood to serve as Mayor Pro Tern at this Council meeting, April 6, 1977. Councilman Ross seconded the motion and it carried. III MINUTES Councilman Hordyk moved the minutes of the March 16 and 29, 1977 meetings be accepted and placed on file as received. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and carried. I FINANCE IV 1. Consideration of Bids for Cedar Distribution Poles Councilman Wray moved the Council award the bid for one load of approximately 45-40 foot Class 3 Butt-treated Western Red Cedar Poles to low bidder National Forest Products Co., sequim at a total bid price of $4,311.41 including sales tax. The motion was seconded by councilman Buck and carried. Other bids received were $5,933.16, Cascade Pole Gompany, Tacoma; $5,174.07, J. H. Baxter & Co., Renton; $4,788.62, Rainier Wood Preservers, Rochester. 2. Bid Call Authorization Councilman Buck moved the Council authorize the Light Department to call for bids on approximately 5000 feet of #2, 7200 feet of #1/0, and 2250 feet of #4/0 aluminum jacketed concentric neutral URD 15 KV cable. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. 3. Sale of Equipment Councilman Buck moved to authorize the Light Department to sell one 500 KVA 3 phase pad-mounted transfer to M & R Timber 'for:'$4., 366.00" including ~ta}C. Councilman Hordyk seconded the motion and it was passed by the council. I 4. Sewer System Evaluation Survey Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve payment of $4,681.75 to CH2M/HILL for engineering services from 25 December 1976 through 24 January 1977, for physical survey and rainfall simulation phases of Sewer System Evaluation Survey. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. 5. Water Quality Litigation Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve payment of $15,652.41 to Helsell, Fetterman, Martin, Todd & Hokanson for professional services rendered in connection with the Water Lawsuit from July 2, 1976 through March 31, 1977. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. 270 City Council Meeting April 6, 1977 IV FINANCE (Cont.) 6. Payroll Councilman Hordyk moved the council approve $115,368.66 Payroll Transfers. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and carried. V ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA I None. VI LEGISLATION 1. PUBLIC HEARING - L.I.D. 19B-A PEABODY HEIGHTS Manager Whorton explained that the original scope of work on Peabody Heights L.I.D. No. 198 was changed, as allowed by state law, to include improvements to certain streets within the L.I.D. area. Approximately ten property owners involved in this additional work did not receive a preliminary notice of estimated assessment against their property for these improvements. Rather than subject the L.I.D. No. 198 Final Assessment Roll to challenge because of an apparent improper notification procedure, a new L.I.D. No. 19B-A was created to accomodate these property owners. Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood then read City Engineer Warder's Certification of Evaluation and Outstanding Assessments and Certificate of Mailing of Hearing Notices and Preliminary Assessments. It is noted that four written protests, representing 35.5% of the total estimated cost- of the improvement of $7,267.79 were filed prior to or at the public hearing. At this time, Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood declared the public hearing open and asked for comments from the audience. Mrs. Georgia Phillips expressed a concern to the Council as to whether her letter of protest would be accepted since it was filed at the public hearing and also requested that all the letters of protest be read by the chair. I Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood assured Mrs. Phillips that all letters of protest would be accepted and then proceeded to read each letter of protest..- Councilman Ross then on L.I.D. No. 19B-A. by the Council. moved the Council accept the four letters of protest The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and passed Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood then asked for any additional comments from the floor. As there was no further response from the audience, the public hearing was closed. A general discussion followed between the Council, Manager Whorton and Mrs. Phillips on the legality and authorization for changes to the original planned work on L.I.D. No. 198. The discussion concluded with Councilman Hordyk moving the Council table this subject until such time as the Council are provided with written explanation of the extra improvements involving the ten property owners, including the procedure by which the added work was initiated and by whose authorization the work was done. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and passed by the Council. The Ordinance creating L.I.D. No. 198-A was tabled. I 2. PUBLIC HEARING - STREET VACATION PETITION Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood read the Planning Department's report to the City Council and the portion of the Planning Commission minutes of February 28, 1977 that related to the petition of Mrs. Gladys Nelson for vacation of a portion of Fountairi-:St:i:eet-:and adj-~cent -alley-west of:oF;iirmont- Avenue.- Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood then opened the public hearing on the petition and asked if anyone wished to speak on the request. There were no comments from the floor at this time. Councilman Hordyk commented On the Fire Department's concern about providing fire protection to properties west of Blocks 16 and 21 should the vacation be approved and moved the Council deny the request. -- VI - :'::>-+--':~.O,.:=lI)"'C~L..c:n-~tJ .8-~tict. '2on~lIl ~'u~;" ~E~ ';01:5 1 ~D~~~~~mE~~~~..~~ ~~~ ~i~2~ m~~~ -;~~:~~ ~ - -g .:: q; .- u ~;Jo ED '"';- 0 . >..J ~ ~ ~ en 0 ~ In)o.. co Q,I l... ltJ C ~ C > _ V') ~ _ ...,~ I.... 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PUBLIC I The motion was followed by a general discussion relating to the historical events associated with this particular vacation request, the location of the Nelson's home and garage on the property in question, and provisions for adequate fire protection for any further development west of this area. Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood asked for further comments from the audience. As none were forthcoming, the hearing was declared closed. Councilman Buck moved the Council approve the vacation of a portion of Fountain Street within Pennsylvania Park Addition because it appears to be of benefit and interest to the Public. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross. Councilman Hordyk stated he favored vacation of the alley but not the street. On call for the question, the motion carried with councilman Hordyk voting 'INOII. Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood then read the title of Ordinance No. 1916 entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 1916 AN ORDINANCE vacating a portion of Fountain Street west of Fairmont Avenue and the alley of Block 21, Pennsylvania Park Addition. Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and passed with Councilman Hordyk voting "NO". 3. PUBLIC HEARING - STREET VACATION PETITION I Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood read reports from the Planning Department, the Light Department and the Police Department concerning a petition filed by the B. Ulin's and H. Meredith's for the vacation of a portion of Eunice Street between Rhodes Road and Rose Street. It is noted the Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of the request subject to dedication of an easement over the south half of Rhodes Road and the north half of Rose Street abutting the petitioners property and subject to retention of a utility easement on the vacation portion of the street. Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood then opened the Public Hearing for audience participation on the vacation petition. Petitioner Meredith spoke in support of the City retaining utility easement rights. As there were no other comments from the audience, Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood declared the Public Hearing closed. Councilman Ross moved the Council approve the request and adopt the Ordinance as written for the vacation of Eunice Street between Rhodes Road and Rose Street. Councilman Buck seconded the motion. On call for the question, the motion carried with Councilman Hordyk voting "NO". ORDINANCE NO. 1917 AN ORDINANCE vacating that portion of Eunice Street between Rose Street and Rhodes Road. 4. PUBLIC HEARING - SEABREEZE ESTATES PRELIMINARY PLAT I Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood read the Planning Commission's decision regarding the preliminary plat of Seabreeze Estates, Block C. The Planning Commission voted to recommend approval of the preliminary plat subject to the following conditions: A. A ten foot easement to be granted on the north line of Lots 1-7 to permit a 40 foot street in the event that the other half of 12th Street is not available from other property owners. B. A master plan for all development proposed by Seabreeze, Inc. is to be prepared prior to submittal of the final plat. C. All improvements are to be to specification of the Public Works Department, and all standard Light Department easements at lot corners are to be provided. 272 City Council Meeting April 6. 1977 VI LEGISLATION 4. PUBLIC HEARING - SEABREEZE ESTATES PRELIMINARY PLAT (Cont.) D. A written commitment for the planting strip on "N" Street is to be furnished. Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood then declared the public hea~ingopen and asked for comments concerning the preliminary plat. During discussion of the conditions set out by the Planning Commission, Mr. Frank Dalton, President of Seabreeze Inc. explained that the Planning Commission is asking for a master plan showing all streets and utilities in the area that Seabreeze Inc. is developing to be able to see the overall picture in the development area. Manager Whorton suggested Item No. B read. A master plan for all development proposed by Seabreeze Inc. within surburban Lots 69, 70, 7l and 79 is to be prepared prior to submittal of the final plat. After asking for further comments from the audience, Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood declared the Public Hearing closed. Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council accept and approve the preliminary plat of Block C, Seabreeze Estates subject to the conditions established by the Planning Commission as amended. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and_carried. I 5. PLANNING COMMISSION Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood read the Planning Commission Minutes of March 14, 1977 with the following action being taken by the Council. Councilman Wray moved the Council concur with the Planning Commission recom- mendation and approve a permanent Conditional Use Permit for peninsula Plywood to operate a retail plywood and lumber business at 430 Marine Drive. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council concur with the Planning Commission's I recommendation and approve a six months extension to Charles Friedman's Conditional Use Permit to operate a pottery studio as a home occupation at 814 W. 11th Street. The motion was seconded by Councilman wray and the motion carried. Councilman Ross made a motion to approve a six month extension to the Conditional Use Permit of John Sutton to operate a bathtub refinishing business at 718 E. 3rd Street. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council. Councilman Ross moved to concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and approve a Conditional Home Use permit for six months to Verne Hedahl to make pottery-stoneware as a home occupation at 2318 S. Laurel. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and passed by the Council. Councilman Wray moved to concur with the Planning commission's recommenda- tion and approve a six months Conditional Use Permit to Bart Eijkemans to make orthodonic appliances (braces) as a home occupation at 416 W. Boulevard. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and seconded. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file the minutes of the Planning Commission March 14, 1977 meeting as read by Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and passed by the Council. 6. BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT I Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file the minutes of the Board of Adjustment meeting March 29, 1977 as read by Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. 7. DATA PROCESSING PROPOSAL Manager Whorton presented his recommendations to the City Council for proceed- ing with Finance Director Orton's proposal for acquiring a data processing system for the City. His first recommendation is that the Council authorize the expenditure of up to $12.000 to hire a systems analyst of computer consultant to assist City personnel in the study, design, acquisition, installation and implementation of a current generation processing system and r>~3 :;.. i City Council Meeting April 6, 1977 VI LEGISLATION 7. DATA PROCESSING PROPOSAL (Cont.l I systems programs. As an alternate approach, Manager Whorton recommends the City Council appoint a committee composed of Harold Buck, Dick wray, John Hordyk, Rob Orton and Kenneth Whorton to oversee the system analytical process and formulate the necessary recommendations to the City Council; and, that the City Council authori~e the expenditure of an amount up to $3,000 for a consultant to assist in the systems analysis phase only. The funds would not be expended without the expressed consent of the committee. After a brief discussion, Councilman Buck moved the Council appoint a committee composed of Councilmen Buck, Wray and Hordyk, Finance Director Orton and City Manager Whorton and authorize the expenditure of an amount up to $3,000 for a consultant to assist in the systems analysis phase only. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and carried. 8. WATER PLAN PROPOSAL Manager Whorton recommended that the Water Plan Proposal for submittal to the Court be referred to executive session. Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood announced that the Council would adjourn to executive session at the conclusion of this meeting. If a decision is reached, the public meeting will be reconvened and action will be taken on the matter. 9. 1976 BUDGET AMENDING ORDINANCE I Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood requested Finance Director Orton to briefly explain the purpose of this ordinance. Mr. Orton explained that the closing and audit of the 1976 books have revealed certain over-expended accounts in the Light and Water Funds. State law requires that over-budget accounts be corrected by City Ordinance authorizing appropriation transfers. It is emphasized that Light Department overruns were balanced against proportionate increases to billing revenue. Expenses in the Water Department operating and new construc- tion accounts reflect virtually all of the utility's 1976 budget deficit. Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood then read the Ordinance by title. ORDINANCE NO. 1918 AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance No. 1865 of the City of Port Angeles by decreasing the expenditure appropriation for the Street Fund of the City and transferring portions of this appropriation to the Water Fund and Light Fund of the City. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the Ordinance as read by title. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and unanimously passed by the Counci 1. 10. PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO WATER ORDINANCE I Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood read the memorandum from the Department of Public Works on proposed amendments to Ordinance 1529, the City's Water Service Connections and Rate Ordinance. According to the Department of Public Works, it is necessary to update Ordinance No. 1529 because of increased requests for new water services, relocation of existing services, and improved materials now available for water services. After a brief discussion between the Council, Light Superintendent Honnold and Public Works Director Flodstrom, Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood read the title of the proposed Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 1529. ORDINANCE No. 1919 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles amending and repealing certain sections of the City Code with reference to water service connections and rates. Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unanimously passed by the Council. 274 City Council Meeting April 6, 1977 VI LEGISLATION ll. PARKS AND RECREATION COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Manager Whorton briefly recapped the purpose for recommending to the City Council that a firm be selected to develop a Park and Recreation Comprehensive Plan for the City. To be eligible for state and federal financial assistance on recreation projects, an approved Comprehensive Plan must be on file with the Washington State Interagency for Outdoor Recreation. The cost estimates I received from the three firms interviewed ranged from $10,500 to $25,174. It is the recommendation of the Park Department and the Park and Beauti- fication Commission that ORB be selected to complete a Comprehensive Plan at a cost of $15,500. Manager Whorton also informed the Council that at least two projects would be eligible for financial assistance; the last 200 feet of the proposed municipal pier and a fishing pier at the Owens Brothers dock. The Council discussed this matter at length with Manager Whorton. During the discussion Manager Whorton pointed out that approximately 11 million dollars is available for recreational projects. Councilman Haguewood expressed the opinion that this matter should be deferred until after the May 17, 1977 Special Bond Election for a Municipal pier and Renovation of Civic Field. Following the discussion, Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize ORB to develop a Comprehensive Plan for $15,500. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross. On called vote, Councilmen Hordyk and Ross voted "AYE", Councilmen Buck and Wray voted "NO". Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood voting to break the tie, voted "NO". The motion was denied. 12. LETTER OF REQUEST, RE: POWER RATE Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood read a letter from John R. Pickett requesting a power rate change from commercial rate to residential rate at 925 W. Front Street. I Manager Whorton stated that all persons who are issued a Conditional Home Use Permit to conduct a business out of a residence are charged a commercial power rate. Mr. pickett is the owner of Leo's Ambulance Service and this residence has a telephone service and a 911 extension for the ambulance business and is used as one of the bases for stationing the ambulances. Councilman Buck moved the Council deny the request of Mr. Pickett for a power rate change. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried with Councilman Ross abstaining. j 13. LETTER, RE: ENERGY SOURCES Councilman Ross read her memo addressed to the Clallam County Governmental Conference Chairman regarding Energy Sources in Olympic National Park in Clallam County. As Chairman of the Clallam County Governmental Conference, Councilman Ross requests all Conference members to discuss with their representative bodies the funding of an impact study (with or without state and federal aid) of the potential for water and power generation from all lakes, rivers, creeks and springs, as well as waste timber resource, in that portion of Olympic National Park that is within the borders of Clallam County. After reading the memo, Councilman Ross made a motion to table this energy source item to a Council work session, with Manager Whorton providing the Council with copies of the City-County peninsula Water Basin Study. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council. 14. APPOINTMENTS I A. Senior Citizens Board Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood read Parks and Recreation Director Frizzell's memorandum regarding reappointments to the Senior Citizens Board of Directors. It is the recommendation of the Board of Directors that C. Vernon Basom, Mark Cole, Pearl Devine, Carman Rivett be reappointed to serve another three year term of office. Councilman Ross moved to concur with the appointments as recommended by the Senior Citizen's Board of Directors. The motion was seconded by Councilman wray and passed by the Council. 275 City Council Meeting April 6, 1977 VI . LEGISLATION 14. APPOINTMENTS (Cont.) B. Board of Adjustment I Councilman Hordyk moved to reappoint Mr. Jim Rexroat to the Board of Adjustment for a four year term. The motion was seconded by Councilman Ross and carried. The second appointment for a four year term on the Board of Adjustment was tabled to the next council Meeting. C. Councilman Ross moved to appoint John Ralston to a three year term to the Park Board. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and passed by the Council. Another opening for a three year term on the Park Board was tabled to the April 27, 1977 Council Meeting. D. Planning Commission After a brief discussion on appointments to the Planning Commission, Councilman Hordyk moved to table the Planning Commission appointments to the next Council Meeting. Councilman Buck seconded the motion and the motion carried with Councilman Ross voting "NO". 15. DANCE LICENSE I Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood read Police Chief Kochanek's memorandum requesting revocation of the dance license at the Hong Kong Restaurant and Bar due to excessive fights and attacks on police officers. During discussion between the Council and Chief Kochanek it was brought out by Chief Kochanek that in his opinion inadequate supervision exists in the bar and there has been several problems with minors. Councilman Ross moved to concur with Police Chief Kochanek's request and revoke the dance license for the Hong Kong Restaurant and Bar. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk. After further discussion between Mr. Dan Chin, Manager of the Hong Kong Restaurant, and the Council on the responsibilities of holders of a dance license, there was a call for the question. The motion to revoke the Hong Kong Restaurants Dance License was passed by the Council. The Council advised the owner of the Hong Kong Restaurant and Bar that he may reapply to have the Dance License reinstated in six months. 16. LIQUOR LICENSES Notification has been received from the Washington State Liquor Control Board that Safeway Store, Incorporated have applied for renewal of their Class E, F Liquor License, and of Babe's Tavern Transfer of Class B, c, E, F Liquor License from Harry Gerald Davis to Mervyn LeRoy Barnes. 17. LATE ITEMS None. VII STAFF REPORTS A. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept Water Superintendent Wait's Out-of-Town Report. This motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and passed by the Council. I B. Councilman Ross: Recommended the Ordinance regulating teen-agers attending Adult movies be reviewed and enforced. Suggested Police Chief Kochanek and the theater manager meet on this matter. C. Councilman Hordyk: Discussed the water shortage and watering of City Streets with Public Works Director Flodstrom and requested Mr. Flodstrom to check a water leak at the Panorama Manor. D. Councilman Wray: Commented on the water shortage in Northern California and indicated that all new building is being curtailed until the situation improves. 2fr. City Council Meeting April 6, 1977 VII STAFF REPORTS Attorney Walrath: Informed the Council that the 1974 suit against the City by J. Plaskett, concerning the east entrance to the City and McDonald's, is being dismissed. In reference to the oil Port, a notice of intervention has been filed by the Attorney General on behalf of the State Fisheries and Game Departments in the administrative proceedings before the Energy Facilities Site Evaluation Council. E. VIII ADJOURNMENT At 9:45 P.M., Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adjourn to executive session to discuss the Water Plan for submittal to the Court. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried. Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood informed the audience that the Council would recess to executive session for fifteen minutes. At 10:00 P.M., Mayor Pro Tem Haguewood reconvened the meeting. Councilman Ross then moved the Water matter be Session on Monday, April 11, 1977 at 7:30 P.M. Councilman Wray and passed by the Council. tabled to an Executive Work The motion was seconded by The meeting was adjourned by Mayor Pro Tern Haguewood at 10:10 P.M. ~(]-~ City Clerk Mayor ~~ r-=---- I Legal Publl.... Ion L. iool PU."ca'lon ~I I - /. 4177C I NOTiCe OF ttRING OTICe IS H G EN tllat tile P rt eREBY cf. Council Will hold Angeles h ring on Wedne. a public 19 ,at 7:30 P.M ind~:, April 6, Cf1llmbers at 134 vi CoFuncil Slteet for th - ront COflSldering tell/u~~~~1 Of C(jnmlsSlon's recommendafi~~ glftce;fnl~g ~"e prelim Inary Blick C, one~r6;eer'e Estates, as[l;uburban Lot 7J 'toe:;~:bed :"t",~~geleS' lOcated at ~~I W hlngt~~~eets, Port Angeles: a II Interested parties mayl ~"ar at Such tim ' ~~!l~~rn~~~I~I~r_inlons :n ~~~, i Marian C. parrls~ Pt.: Aprlll, 3, 1977~ltYCI"ri -, 4177E NOTice OF i APPLICATION FOR ~ SHORELINE MANAGEMENT ! SUBSTANTIAL DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Notic" Is her"by given that ITT Rayonler, Inc. WIlo fs owner and-or lessee of th" I below-d"scrlbecl property has I filed an applIcation for a 'substantial development ; per~1t for the development Of ,. maintenance dredging located ~ allhe north end Of Ennis Slreet Iln Port Angeles, Clallam I County, WaShington. Said development Is propoSed to be within _ PorI Angeles Harbor and-cr lIs aSsociated wetlands Any person deSiring 10 expresS his views or to be nolilled of the acllon laken on this applicatIon should nOllly th" City Engineer P.O. ~ox 711,. Port Ang"'es, WA ' 98.J6~ In writing 01 his Inter"'t ' Within thirty C301 days of th" I I last no lice glv"n P<./rsuanl to WAC 173.14-020. The flnlll date I Of publication, posting Or mailing of' nollce Is April 8 I )1977. '. Written comments must bel I received by May 9, 1977. .. I Pub.: April I, 8, 1977. . ~~i'::~t2;~~i~Q ~--~ ~ .. .- ~i~~~N~_-ec-S..o<c ~~gG~oti~~ ~=~~ ~~L =~~ . ~~~o~~:~~ .:~~~!~~ ~~~2~~m~~ ~~:~ €~~~~~o ~ o ~ ~<~N~LE E-~~ - ~ ~u~ ~G 0 C ~co~~~_ J ~_Q~ a ~-L2 ~ o~o8~ E~_~_o~-~ iu ~~~~L ~ . om~~~Lt~==~~4~-;Q~~ -I>~E~ < c ~~ ~ttt~~s ~ ~w<<~~u~Q~aieQ=~ E~~~ ~U~~a~d~t X~ ~ t~~~=;E.~ ~uOt~~~~~~~~~i~~L~C~ ~! ~~~~~l QUe> ~~~t~~-~~ ~~~~-~~~~~_~~ _~o~o __O~~~VL ~oe L~ ~MLX~~ ~o~~it~~ :o>~~ +~u~ t~ ~~.o~~m ~~~~ L2~~~~~~ z....U;~u~,..,c"o~Qju:a; lO:::fD'OtI~~ ..,<(u..._rl. -1".= .=a;~;.~CJ>-w~ < u -xo:~v Q_O~~E~L--if-~O._t~~~ew~CLL~~ I U~4C0QQ~:~~~~Ec->~Ln-~a~u~~~s=-~0~~a~G~~~~ti ~iu~m~p~ 3~u5E~~~~~i~~~~rl=~D~i~~,Bu~a~uu:; ~~~~o:~;~i~~c~~~~i~~~~t:~.~~~c8~~~~~~~~t:~ ~.c<(tl~o.:c-5ra~;5-J-~Q.t::a:I~Q.:<( .~~._:; c=.c__:gatEoo. ~, - ~400n_~ ~!~ ~~~~~a:I~L~a~a~_~"OU&~ ~ --- - ~__ -.au> ~.eU--l 'L~;; .i..eE~ r l ~ z ii2 -< w J: U >.... ~ ... u :!:: 0 I: CIl .:; V lX) e -8"- ",!;:LL::IV CIl_ _lD CIl - VI ..c: :g,-.t CIl fe - 1:_ s: l1> 0 <( 'i: "Of - - T:~~~{l o _C a.. 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