HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/06/1982 t. . ""1l?~:-::''':~: -:., :;..~.. ~.~ ~1-,-",.,,~-;~~:t5;.7i~~.~'~: ~.-._;.. - -, .-,....~..~~;~...,..'-.-6- 258 -.....-~-~.---._~-~..........-.....-" CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles. Washington April 6. 1982 I CALL TO ORDER }~yor Duncan called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. ROLL CALL r.!embers Present: Mayor Duncan, Councilmen Gerberding, Haguewood, Hordyk, Quast and Whidden. Nembers Absent: Councilman Polhamus Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, City Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Lannoye, P. Carr, M. Cleland, L. Cosens, D. Frizzell, L. Glenn, A. Rose, K. Maike and H. Hutchison. ,public Present: C. Coble, J. Lavin, J. Johnson, G. Mattson, J. Mer.rill, D. Price, 'D. Bragg, and S. & G. McLain. III HINUTES councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and "place on file as received the amended minutes of the March 16, 1982 Council meeting. on Register page 254, under Conditional Use Permit - Price, the sentence "Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried" was omitted. Councilman Haguewood seconded to accept the amended minutes and the 1!\otion carried. ,- lv 'ITEHS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA ., I " VI ~---==---- -- None. --- ITEMS FROM THE CITY COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA ~~ 1. Civic Pride Fund - Councilman Quast thanked all those involved individuals for their donations and help towards putting together the Coast Guard Appreciation Day on April 1, 1982. .He also reintroduced his concept for the establishment of a non-profit "CIVIC PRIDE FUND" and moved the council establish such a fund to which donations could be made and the monies used for "special functions". Councilman Gerberding seconded the motion. After further discussion, Councilman Haguewood moved the Council table this item to the next regular meeting; Councilman Hordyk seconded and the mOtion carried with Councilman Quast voting "No". 2. Municipal pier - Councilman. Hordyk suggested the City contact NOAA regardin9" the vessel space available at the' Municipal Pier. He also moved the Council allow "non commercial", recreational boats up to 40 feet in length to IIIOor at the finger piers (the limitation of 30 feet restricts many sailing boats from mooring at the pier) . Councilman Quast seconded and after further discussion regarding signing of the water depth, the motion carried. An amending ordinance will be prepared for the Council's consideration. Councilman Hordyk then questioned Manager Flodstrom regarding the status of the "mental health property" to which Manager Flodstrom indicated Clallam County had secured the necessary funding for the project and final transfer of the property will come before the Council in late April or early May. councilman Quast suggested the City consider a St. Patrick Day's activity such as painting a portion of the bicycle paths green every year. FINANCE: l. Heater Wrap Program ~layor Duncan su~~arized the memorandums received from Light Department staff re- garding the bid opening for the water heater wrap program. Councilman Quast moved the Council concur with T. Sterner's recommendation to award the contract to the low bidder, peninsula Excavating, to supply and install approximately 3,500 residential electric water heater insulation wraps by December 31, 1982, at a unit price of $18.74 -...._~.~-~ ~-....~~ '--r-'. F _..._....... ....'"'-......____... ..,.....~_ ,,~.....~......._..........~. " , ORDINANCE NO. 22\lof AN ORDINANCE 01 Ihe e-ilyol , Port Angel&& amending ,Sec. I 'ion 8, Cnopfer '6"; ..('of .Or~ dinancs No. _218-1, '0 revise Ihe melhod 01 billing fo, fire protec::tEon service. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE (I. TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGnES, as follows: . Section 1. Section 8 of , Chopte, 6 01 O,dinonce No, 2181 is he,eby amended 10 ~ r..od ... follow", Section 8. Rots! - Fire Prolecllon . A, (1) W"e'e City wate, is t used for fire protection pur- poses, no monlhly role will be chorged for suct! service. " (2) The cuslomer and/or ; property owner -she 11 be 'esponsible lor 011 reapirs ] and maintenance associated , wit" the fire protection sar. i vi<:e. beginning at the conneC:a tlon to the City woter main Clnd ending at' and including the service within the building, The deporlm..nt I sholl p<>rlorm 011 r..pairs and ~ maintenance- activities on tne i -fire protection service line within City righls.ol.woy, All -costs. os'Sotiated wi'tl $I,u;:h repoir!!5 ond maintenance by th.. depo,lmenl sholl be paid for by Ihe cuslame' and/or property owner. (3) 1/ such repoirs and mo.ntenon(:e costs (for work perfo,med by Ihe deparl' ment) e~ceed $1,000, Ih.. customer andlor property ~:~~~c~:rul:r~~~hg:heQ DFr:~: tOI' of Finance to pay for the cost! over a period of time not fo exceed twelve months. . Inlerest sholl be chorg..d 0 the rate of one percent per month on the unpaid balance. The minimum interest !thaU b. /ilty c..nls, 8. Where 5-U"ch fire service IS provided, nO ch-arge will be ,mode fot water used in ex- tingui'Shing fires of incendiary !o, occidenlol origin, il Ihe customer at the location : where the fi.re occurs g.ves lwritten notice to the depart- , menl with i n len (10) doys I from the time of sucl1 fire. I Otherwise, all water used [will be bill..d 01 Ihe op. ~Plicable role. os "slablished .for the primary metered ser- vice serving the premises, as provided for in this Ordinance. Section 2. This Ordinance sholl be in fu II lorce and el. feet ofter its. passage, C1p- pl""ovol and publication os pro- vided by low. PASSfD by Ihe City Council of the City of Pwrl Ang..les. 01 o regular meetIng of tne Council "eld on Ihe 6th day of April, 1982, Dorothy OLlncan Mayor ,ATTEST, iMorian C. Parris", City Clerk .APPROVED AS TO FORM: :C,aig L. Miller, City Attorney :Pub,: April 1,3, 1982 . __ ,. ..J i , t , ORDINANCE NO. 2206 I' , AN ORDINANCE 01 Ihe City of Port Angeles re-vising the ener.9Y credit program for ~ lOW-income senior citi2&ns of i Port Angeles, allering Ihe cOflditions for.'" qualification, and the amounts eligible for payment under thot or. dinence, end amending Sec. tions -4. 5. 6 end 7 or Or- dinance 2107, and Sections 13.20.040, ,05Q....06Oond ,070 of th-& Port Angeles Munidpol Cod., BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CI. . TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF , PORT ANGELES, os lollows: Section 1. S.c;;tion . of Or. dinonce 2107 - on.d Section 13.20.040 of the PorI Angeles Munic;;ipal Code ore each omel'lded to reod os follows. 13.20.040 InfonTiotion t6 b~" I made a'iailable. The City.1f CI"rk sholl moinloin 01 011 times the following informa. Hon which shall be current and applicable to current ap. plications for, and awards of. energy credits under the' terms of this chapter: A. The Washington Stata medIan income, adjusted for lamily size, which sholl b.. YO, . ed to calculate energy credits to be gronted in any par- ticular year; S, A list 01 ollledera!. slole . or local e"e..gy-reloted pro- 1 grams which ore available to ~ i pro, vide fiscal ossistance to ~,Jow.income senior ciHzens ..- C-.- A H,t Qf eU EOn...... ......t..... or consumption reductfon programs af Ihe City 01 Port Angel"s, and Ihe r". quiraments for each such · program. D. Current application forms. Section 2, Section 5 of Or- dinance 2107 ond Section 13.20.050 at the PorI Ang"le. Municipal Code are eech omended to reed os follows: 13.20.050 Qualifications for energy crecUt. Each recipient of an energy credit must meet tf1e following criteria: A. Be 0 low-fncome 'Senior citlzen: B. 1, Agree to participate in -available conservation o-r conslJmption reduction pro- groms of th" Cily of Port Angeles; 2. Foilure at Ihe applicanl to partkipate in an avaUable conservation or consumption red~ction program, afta.. receipt of on energy credit, $l1all cons.titute 0 basis for , denial by the City 01 par. ticipation in the energy credit program durrng the ensuing years. Section 3. Section 6 of Or- dinance 2107 and Section 13,20.060 allhe Po,1 Ang..les Municipal Code are each amended to reod as follows: 13.20,060 Application lor /Ii credit. A. Applications for annucl ,energy cr"dils sholl be filed ,with Ih.. City Clerk nal 10ler "hon Ihe Iwenty.fifth doy 01 Jonu-ory of the year for which Ihe credit is desired. Applica. tions sholl be for one year on- ly and must be renewed on an annual bcsis. B, The City may occepl op. I plicotions for energy credits ofte, Ihe 25th day of Januory for the remaining portion of a l calendar year. Ac<:eptonce of such applications shall be dependent upon the ex- ~~ce of unaUocot-ed funds. j ~nm'R-....the ~ppropriCltjon fa.. tne energy- credit program for Ihe currenl y..or's budget, after the allocation of funds. nec::EI'ssory to pro'iide ,he .Qn~ J nual energy (red.. to all per- . sons applying before January , Z5th. Such applications sholl be -considered in the priority ~:e~~ir filing with Ihe City , C. Application, qualiliea. I Hon. and payment of any I -energy credit for a portion of f the year sl1ol1 be In accor. " donee with the terms of fhis ordinance. ~~.-----=--- - ORDINANCE NO, 2207 I AN ORDINANCE of th.. ClIy 01 . Port Angelle. providing lor, budgel payments lor utility I . Q-ccounts, and adding Q flaW section to the Porf Angeles Municipal Code, 8E IT ORDAINED BY THE CI. TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, os tollows: . Section 1. A new section is hereby added to Ih" PorI Angeles Muni-cipal Code, D'S follows: Section 13.1 6.O6l. Sudg,,1 P-ayment I If the consumer deSires 1.0- pay ulilily charg..s upon an annuo1 overaged basis rather than on a monthly bos.is. the City MOliog-er. or his d..signe", may permil Ihe consumer" to make -averaged payments, WIth at leost one . annual adlllstmen.t so thot the amount paid on Gn annual basiS sholl ,..tlecl Ihe oClual chc.rges incurred. Section 2. This ordinance sholl take effect in QCcor. dance with the provisions of low. ' PASSED by the City Council 01 the City of Pori Ang..les 01 a regulaI' meeting of the \ Council held on ,he 61h day 01 April, 1982. Oorothy Duncan ATTEST: Mayor Maricn C. Parrish. Cily Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Craig L. Mille" City Allomey Pub,: APri!,13,.1982,_ f '<! .'~, ----, CE OF CALL FOR BID luipment is oHered for sale: cus rd C750 garbage truck with 116 yard packer body 31,000 mi. 0312 NOTICE OF CALL FOR IlIDS I Nollce Is hereby g!>'en lhal . .ealed bid. will t.. rKttlveO < by Ihe City Manalil.r of Ihe , City 01 Po,1 Angele. at UO, We.1 Franl S"....I of .ald City unlil2:oo p.m. March 30. 1982 : lor fu,nishlng the followlnll equipment and/or molerlal: One (11 4/5 Yard Dump Truck Body equlvolenl to Truckweld model T.W, 15 On. (1) ~.5 Yard Bed One OJ New midsize high performonce Pot lee cor , Two (2) New midsize pickup Irucks equivalent fQ mocletT.W.15 On. (11 New IT B.ooo Fore cob and chassis or equlvc1ent. One (11 new 1982 LN Ford 7 000 or equivalent . Bid .heels, speclficalians and in.lructlons ore available from Marion porr.sh, 'Per... sonnel DireclO', p,e. Sa. r' 1150, !'art Angel.., WA 983621 j (206.457 .()<I1I , e~l. 117). 1 Seetled bid. .hould be mol~ 10 David Flodstrom, City Manager. P.O. Sax 1150. 140 Wesl Fronl Slr....t. Pori 1 Angeles, Washingl"" 98362. l All bid. .hall be op""ed Q1'I March 30, 1982 and lalnllated : lor the City Council with a l recommendotian attached for ,.. conslde,alian by sold Council in se..ion Aprtl6, 1982. A c.rlified check or bid bond lor 5% at lhe amount bid .hall accompany each bid. All bids 10 include delivery F.e.B. Port Anilel..s, Washinglon. The City Council ......rv.. Ihe ,ight 10 con.ider delivery lime and 10 occepl or rej..ct :BY GIVEN that sealed bids for the any or all bids or any pori Int will be received by the City Clerllj Ihereat DAVID T. FlODSTROM ,40 Wed front Street, .P.O. BOI 11, PUB,: Mor.12c:rl~:"~~~ :00 p.m. Thursday, April 1 , 1982. - .. - -' - . Ispetted at the City Service Garage located at 17thl ahireen 8:00 'a.m. aild 4:80 p.m. weekdays. old "as il" to the hlghelf acceDtable bidder. The C'1ty will make no wamlnty about the operating condition pmem. ill be conSIdered on an ecceptable bid for pur- the Ford C750 truck. Contract terms are 30% lyment with the balance in 36 equal monthly s. ef an annuel rate of interest of 15%. be in the ferm of a seeled letter to the Cify ~ust include the name af the bidder, equipment the emount of the bid. '~be eddressed to the'City Clerk, 140 West Fronf )X 1150, Pert Angeles, Washington 98362. The envelope should be merked "Bid Opening- 1ge1es Surplus Equipment 2:00 P.M," The name ,f the bidder should alsa be included on the envelope. rves the righf to reject any and ell bids, end "ortlon of the terms herein. (I - , .' I D. The City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles sholl publish a notice In 0 newspaper of general circulation within the City of Port Angeles, not later than the 10th day of January, of any year. Such notice shall state that an annual energy credit for a low-income senior citizen program is available. E. Submission of an ap- plication for on energy credit shall constitute 0 verification by the applicant that all infor- mation provided in such ap- plication Is true and correct to the best of the applicant's knowledge. Section 4. Section 7 of Or- dinance 2107 and Section 13.20.070 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code are eoch amended to reed as follows: , 3.20.070 Calculation of credit. Calculation of the amount of the energy credit for eligible low-income senior citizens sholl be in accor- dance with the following procedure; A. The amount available shall depend upon the gross household Income of the ap- plicant. based upon the following cotegories: (i) Group 1 shall consist 01 applicants whose gross household Income does not exceed 38% of the state me- dian income adjusted for family size. (i1) Group 2 sholl consist of a~pliconts whose gross household income Is greater then 38% but does not ex- ceed 57 % of the state median income adjusted for family size. (iiI) Group 3 sholl consist of applicants whose gross household income is greater than 51% but daes not ex- ceed 80% of the state median income adjusted for family size. B. Within each group. the amount credited to each eligi. ble low-income senior citizen will be based upon the appli- cant's gross household, in- come; provided, 'hat, no energy credil shell exceed $169 for persons in Group I, $108.16 for persons In,'Group 2, or $<C3.94 for p....sons in Group 3. . Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect' in accor- dance with the provisions of law. ' PASSED by tbe City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular rrieeting of the Council held on the day of April, 1~,B2, I Dorothy Duncan I Mayor ATTEST:, Mario . Parrish, City C rk APP VED AS TO fORM; era. l. Miller. Cil :,,Alforney P .: April t3, 1982 ORDINANCE NO. ~, , AN ORDINANCE"f the OJ)" of Port Angelsfi. emending Sec. fion 8. Cnapt-or :"6~ .t"ofOr- din once No. .2181, to revise the- metflod of billing For fire protection service. 6E IT ORDAINED 6V THE CI- TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF !'ORT ANGELES, os follows: , ,Sectio" 1. Section B of Chapier /) of Ordinance No. 2181 is. tlere-by amended to t re~c:,~or~W~:a1e$ _ Fire Protection , A. (1) Where City weter is t usttd for fire protection pur- poses, no monthly rate will be(~ra;~:d ~~~f~~:rse~~;~r property owner shall be responsible for all reapirs and maintenance associated ~ with the fife protedion ser- vice, beginning at the connec- tlon to .J,e City water main and ending at and including .tle service witnin the building. The deportment shall perform all repairs and maintenance activities on the 'fire protection se:rviee line within City dghts-of.wcy_ All costs associated with su-ch repairs cnd maintenance by the department snail be paid for by the customer and/or property .owner. (3) If such repairs and maintenance costs (for work performed by the depart~ ment) exceed $1,000, file customer and/or property ~~~:~chedul:r~~:hgfhea DFr~~ tor of Finance to pay for the oosts ever 0 period of time not to exceed twelve months. Interest shan be 4::harged a the rote of one percent per mont" on the unpaid balance, The minimum interest shall be fifty cents. 8. W"ere sue" fire service is p:rovided, nQ chorge will be made for water used in ex. I tlnguishing fires of incendiary lor occidental origin, if t"e customer at the location : where the fire occurs gives Iwrftten notice to the deport. ment within ten (10) days :from tile t;me of sl1cll fire. I Otherwise, all water used I will be billed at 'he op- I plitable rote, as established ~ fc:'r the p:imary metered ser. . IVlce serving the premises, as provided for in this , Ordincmce, Section 2, This Ordinance shall be in full fe>rce and ef- fect after its passage, ap. proval and publicatioll as pro- vided by low, PASSED by the City Co"neil of the City of Pert Anger es, ot a regular meeting of the Council held on the 6th day of April. 1982, Dorothy DUllcan Mayor , ATTEST: : Morian C. Parrish. City Clerk ,APPROVED AS TO FORM: 1 Craig L. Miller, City Attorney ~p~2 '___ -JO e~DW ')juo~ I!O -J06 -OSZ: '&D&SQWJey& ,4&!M J!D peJ,J:oj -!n1.9 OOQ'U '''lOA OlL 'eJOU -Jnf I!O &d~&..e6oJD6 ,'VWS 'B6E:l:-SBC-1 'uolOS 5u! .:)npa}:l =>ldw,(IO 'tJO,!&DXDI&J '&:lU9P!jUO) s&^!6 'J&!soa 6U!&8IP S&:!tDW AdOJ9YlOud^H iH!)13M 3S01 l::S130-S8C- L IIDJ 'pa&!W!1 14 S! 8Z1S sSOIJ .s-a WOJf '1.7. Y:lJDW "IO'S S! Jou!was uado C I-xBN 's60I IOJnlOU WOJ! ~ ~ asno~ 601 'pa4JI-OU '~46!P!D ~ uo PI!nq Ol M04 noA 4'Oa-III!M ( ~VNIW3S 3SnOH !)01 t .lLEL.L~l' 'OJJV I S luo'Soald 'I-W -pept)pu! 6u!& ~ -unoW 'Saz!S liD &SOW 'S6-V€$ 'SIO!PDM 'S6'6t$ 'se!Jas 09 0 Ana .S6'6tS 'sell8S al. 0 Ana 'spCaJl9ij . t I!JdV 'Ho sonlS 'St'96-lSt '&lqol!oAD salqol lJO!&OJ&SUOW90 '8105 PDOI -'1JonJI 9jojdaJ!f eU!lJeqW!l 'Iuewd!nbe UO!IDJDdeJd pOOt UO XOI ON 'llUL IIJd\i' snoAZapUeJ 6u!Jds 'spoo6 d 6U!iJodS - NOS1VM no::! 1: .e^IJO GUIJDV\' 0&6 'S:llS3 N .sJ!odeJ puo s&Jod WOiStl) 'pl:MOW9J SanlS N3)10}lS ~ s t \ n -j ~ ti k . 0' snaauolla~s!w vS 'IOOl'lS~ -01:$ 'UOWOj cj' -iO puo J!oy:) ASO:! 'SS"$ '8Iqo~ de; j881S SSaIU!D&S '~LLS 'SSIOUi pr -lOW PUD s6ulJdsxoq .j.noY.j.!M '.j.as wooJpa-q .eZ!s.'ONI>I. sh 'OLlL-lS~ 'S~l$ "pua, he 'B6110J 'J8^O dOl "3.~ f~, 'OlLS-LS~ '>S!W -8ml! uJnt tJMol PUD :lSnOH of 'StOL-L-St "s:Jlddo &deJ ho .)(e 6\.1!"IlA.UM9 '3HnllNHn::l d~ 'OOOl.-lSt '!r8tS 'anlDh 009$ fen 'dOl elClJDW '~6!\f ,l' 'UOM!Dl U! epDw '~V8 OOOM 03^M'VJ -0~>1l- LS~ .~l.$ 'jlJqoJ P!Old MOlleA '8 ueeJ6 'e6UDJO V:;tOS ,!. 'S8l::9.L~t' .OO~$ 'al-DJodas lies 'SJ!O_,p paJe&sJo~d(1 ~...c: _llInn'I~"II"'I,I,n,.. e, V 0. fa of hOL tho ce. inCl ~ , 'UOOS ~_..---._. r._____-- ORDINANCE NO, 2207 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles providing far budget payments for utility occounts, and adding c new section to the Port Angel$s Municipal Code. BE IT ORDAINED 6Y THE CI- TY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGElES, as follows: Section 1. A new sec1ion is hereby added to the Port Angeles Municipal Code, os. follows: Sec::tion 13.16.061. Budget Payment If tl1e consllJmer desires to ~~~u~~*~~er~~~3b~s~r:~th~~ than on a monthl')i basis. the City Manager, or his designee, may permit the consumer to maKe averaged payments, with lOt least one annual adiustment so thot the amount paid on an annual basis- sl-lol1 reflect t"e actual c.harges Incurred. Seetioll 2_ This ordihOllce shall toke effect in accor- dance with the provisiolls of low. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles at a regular meeting of .he I.: CotJnci I held on the 6th day of ~ A~ril, 1982. I Dorothy Duncan ATTEST: Mayor Marian C. Parrish, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO fORM: Crcig l. Miller, City Attorney Pub.: AoriI13.J982,. "___ S J~HD 'OStS '~~~~nbD qns) "ns AJa -001$ .a5no6 JnsSEfJd PUD Jo,alnBeJ aIJo!HPuo::>&J '~'V:3'O 'V8n)S BJr96.lSJI' 'uOSlo~.l9~;~ uo spOO!) eu lPodS Inoqo, ~OdS Aq P9..losuodS -,uew lnba JOOpinc JO S 06 U!&J~d!:t He pLIO ,,(UD :DJI ',9S Ana 'Z$ 'alejOI- ,104/&'$ S9JQDI IIn:l '9JOiS jOJau.ao ~O$iDM UO:f ID .it ,udV uo ~9)jJDW 091:1 s,uowsl-J'OdS enH OJ MOU &jqo.J Jno,( eAJ8S9H SnOMaN3~ !)NllIdS .,,--,- ._-._:~~.!.., SBtr;"f:96 ~JOM Spaeu 'SOli MA Ot. . . . . . , . . JlIl'10A 9l. . . . . ~ . . . ORI! AlA 69, ~Yll!SVj I}A U,_ NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that sealed bids for the sale of surplus equipment will be received by the City Clerk, City of Port Angeles, 140 West Front Street, P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles. until 2:00 p.m. Thursday. April 1 , 1982. The fallowing equipment is oHered for sale: SURPLUS VEHICLES One (I) 1975 Ford C750 garbage truck with Heil Mark Three 16 yard packer body 31 ,000 mi. Vehicle may be inspected at !he City Service Garage located at 17th, and "8" .treet. between 8:00 a.m. and 4,30 p.m. weekday.. Vehicle if to be .ald "a. i." taibe highett ~ bidder. The City of Pm Angeles will make no warranty about the apenning condition of any of thll equipment. Tennf: Terms will be considered on on acceptable bid for pur: chase of fhe Ford C750 'ruck. Con'rac' terms are 30% down payment with the balonce in 36 equol monthly payments, at on annual rate of interest of 15%. . All bids are to be in the form of a sealed letter fo the CIty Manager and must include the name of the bidder, equipment being bid, ond ,he omaunt of the bid. , The bids should be addressed to the City Clerk, 140 West Front , Street, P.O. Box 1150, Port Angeles, Woshington 98362. The outside of ,the envelope should be marked "8id Opening- City of Port Angeles Surplus Equipment 2:00 P .M," The nome ond oddress of the bidder should also be included on the I outside of the envel ape. : The City reserves the right to reject any and 011 bids, and , to waive any portion of the terms herein. t CI -...i.~_,__,.__. '. 259 ---- -----.."...------------....----. CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 6, 1982 VI FINANCE: (cant.) l. Heater Wrap Program (cont.) ~ per wrap. Councilman Gerberding seconded. Mayor Duncan requested Light Director Cosens explain ~he rationale behind the $32.00 per wrap reimbursement received from BPA and after further discussion, the motion carried. I . . 2. ~Surp1us ,Equipment Bids Mayor Duncan read a memorandum from Acting City Manager Pittis which advised the Council that one bid was received from Robert King for purchase of the City's '75 Ford Garbage Truck w/packer body. The bid was for $6500 with $500 down and the balance to be paid at 15% interest in monthly installments of $208 over a two-year period with two balloon payments - total being paid $7,650.36. 'Councilman Quast moved the Council accept Mr. King's bid for the '75 Ford C750 garbage truck with Hei1 Mark III 16 yard packer body for $6500., plus l5% interest. Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried. 3. Equipment Bids Mayor Duncan reviewed Manager Flodstrom's memorandum regarding the March 30, 1982 bid opening for City equipment with the following action being taken by the Council: I Five Yard Dump Truck & Body The low bids received were a cab and chassis unit from Koenig.Chevro1et for $24,340.46 and aSyard body for $9,873.l4 from Lynnwood Truck Equipment,. for a total unit cost of $34,213.60. Additionally, an alternate bid was received from Birdwell Ford for a complete used unit which met and exceeded the specifications. It was recommended the Council accept Birdwell Ford's alternate bid of $25,972.00 for a 1979 LN8000 cab and chassis, (24,562 miles), with a 5-yard body. Council questioned staff regarding this unit and Councilman Quast moved the Council accept Birdwell Ford's alternate, bid of $25,972.00 for a used 1979 LN8000 cab and chassis with a 5-yard body, odometer reading 24,562, and authorize financing through a Conditional Sales. Agreement. Councilman 1~idden seconded. Councilman Haguewood questioned the use of financing through a Conditional Sales Agreement and moved to table consideration of the equipment bids with the exception of the pqlice vehicle, to the next meeting at which Finance Director Orton could dis- cuss the "terms of the financing; Councilman Hordyk seconded. The motion to table was denied with Councilmen Quast, Whidden and Gerberding voting "No", Councilman Quast, noting that a Conditional Sales Agreement may not be available for a used unit, amended his motion to purchase the 1979 LN8000 to authorize-Finance Director Orton to select the best means of financing. Councilman Whidden concurred and did not withdraw his second. On call for the question, the motion carried with Councilmen Quast, Whidden and Gerberding voting "Yes". Ten Yard Dump Truck and Body I Councilman Gerberding moved the Council concur with the recommendation to accept Birdwell Ford's bid of $36,000 on the cab and chassis and Mobile Equipment's bid of $l2,456.21 on the Truckwe1d dump body, to be financed by a Conditional Sales Agreement. Councilman Quast seconded. During discussion of the motion, it-was determined more information was, required regarding the 10-yard dump body and financing of the unit. Councilman Hordyk therefore moved the Council table consideration of this bidcto the April 20, 1982 meeting. Councilman Haguewood seconded and the motion carried. Two Mid-Size Pickups Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the low bid received from Koenig Chevrolet of $14,296.57 for two mid-size pickups, and waive the exceptions to the bid specifi- cations noted. Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried. T~"~~"< :, 260 ~.~~_""---,,,...~..:...s-,..; .I!' ~...... ,...~"~"-,_ "~:;-S~~."':'."" ... --"-';'::"~.''t:!' . . - . ~ . .... "'"..p~~;""t.~"" ~ _..~... ..- . CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 6, 1982 VI FINANCE: (cont.) 3. Equipment Bids (cont.) TWo New, High Performance Police Cars The State bid for a high perfoDmance pOlice car, 1982 Dodge, is $8,034.61 per unit. The bid received from Murray Motors is $9,709.44 per unit. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council concur with the recommendation to accept the State bid for two high performance" police vehicles as per the bid specifications. Council- man ~fllidden seconded and the motion carried. 4. Surplus Property It was noted no bids were received for the purchase of City surplus property situated at 7th & Peabody Streets, bid opening April l, 19B2. VII CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the items listed under the Consent Agenda including payments to Don Jewell; Cohen, Andrews, Keegan & Goeltz, SSI; vouchers of $206,l90.74 and payroll of $l87,204.80. Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried. VIII' LEGISLATION: 1. Planning Commission Minutes - March 24, 19B2 Mayor Duncan read the Planning Commission minutes and Councilman Gerberding moved the Council accept and place on file as received the March 24, 19B2 Planning Commission minutes. Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried. 2. Convention Facility - Report on Schematic Design Manager F10dstrom reviewed the final schematic design received from Ellerbe & Associates and Don Jewell for the Convention Facility. He noted the reconunended alterations and additions to the existing building and reviewed the estimated costs for completion of the Convention Facility. Council discussed aspects of the final design and scheduled a public hearing for the April 20, 1982 meeting to receive public comment on the proposed final design of the facility. A joint meeting with the County Commissioners will be held imrnediately thereafter. Council also requested a report from staff regarding financial considerations of funding and operating the proposed facility. 3. Modification of Monthly Fire Line Charqe Mayor Duncan revie\~ed a memorandum from Public Works Director Pittis reporting on the public hearing held February 25, 1982 concerning the monthly charge for fire line water service. Councilman Quast reported it was the recommendation' of the Utility Advisory Committee to reassign the responsibility for repair and maintenance of the fire line service from that of the City Water Utility to the customer/property owner; thus dispensing with a monthly rate for City water used for fire protection services where charged for such service. Mayor Duncan then read Ordinance No. 2204 by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2204 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles amending Section 8, Chapter 6, of Ordinance No. 21Bl, to revise the method of billing for fire protection service. Councilman Quast moved the Council adopt the foregoing ordinance as read by title; Councilman Haguewood seconded and the motion carried with Colli~ci1man Whidden voting "No". . ....-'_.---:-":--......-:"~~T'~.~~_.~-..... ... ....--.-.--..-.-~_..__. -- .'~'7~~~~r I I I J" ""'Y-~--~-'J... ~r .~i-~' ~-.;,. '.1'... ~..'''''-__ ... ';"'i-I1 ,;._~~ ',C, __~~.__261 _...............____......_____.,--.~ 1" 1_~At-~ . CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 6, 1982 VIII LEGIS~TION: (cont.) 4. Letter tc U. S. Coast Guard - Tanker Regulations I Mayor Duncan summarized the content of the letter the Council had requested be drafted regarding the Final Environmental Impact Statement and proposed regula- tions allowing 125,000 DvIT tankers to proceed to the new Dungeness Light. The letter protested the ruling as unjustified and requested the Coast Guard study the issue further. After discussion of the letter, Councilman Quast moved the Council authorize }Byor Duncan to send the letter on behalf of the City of Port Angeles. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried. 5. Revised Leases for Dock Space at Foot of Oak Street At the March 16, 1982 Council meeting, the Council authorized staff to prepare leases for Pisces Seafood, High Tide Seafoods and Friedman Gallery for an ex- panded term of three years with termination clauses and renewal options to be negotiated with the tenants. Council considered a draft of the revised leases and Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize the City Manager to execute the leases as drafted with the tenants of the dock space at the foot of Oak Street; Councilman Quast seconded. Manager Flodstrom noted that the tenants had requested that Section 13 be changed to read: "Lessee shall insure and keep insured, all' property leased to Lessee by this lease, against loss or damage by fire or other hazards. Lessee shall provide a certificate of such insurance to the City, and shall also provide certificates of renewal of such insurance to the City". Council- man Hordyk moved the Council authorize the City Manager to execute the leases as amended; Councilman Quast seconded and the motion carried. 6. 4th Street Vacation Ordinance - PICO I At the February 16, 1982 meeting, the Council voted to proceed with the PICO 4th Street vacation and directed staff to prepare an ordinance for their consid- eration. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council pass Ordinance No. 2205, entitled, ORDINANCE NO. 2205 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles vacating the west 150 feet of Fourth 'Street east of Peabody Street. councilman Quast seconded. During discussion of the motion, Councilman Hordyk suggested the Council authorize the City Manager to negotiate Section 2 of the ordinance, COMPENSATION, with PICO and amended his motion to reflect this. The second, Councilman Quast, concurred. On call for the question to adopt Ordinance No. 2205, the motion carried \iith Councilman Whidden voting "No". 7. Amending Senior Energy Credit Program and Implementing Budget Payment Plan At the March 16, 1982 meeting, the Council reviewed the utility Advisory Committee's suggestions for revising the Senior Energy Credit Program and expanding the Budget Payment Plan and instructed staff to prepare the necessary ordinances implementing these changes. Mayor Duncan read Ordinance No. 2206 by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2206 I AN ORDINANCE of the city of Port Angeles revising the energy credit program for low-income senior citizens of Port Angeles, altering the conditions for qualification, and the amounts eligible for payment under that ordinance, and amending Sections 4, 5, 6 and 7 of Ordinance 2107, and Sections l3.20.040,.OSO, .060 and .070 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing ordinance as read by title; Councilman Haguewood seconded and after further discussion, the motion carried. -', 262 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 6, 1982 VIII LEGISLATION: (cant.) 7. Amending Senior Energy Credit Program & Implementing Budget Payment plan (cont.) Mayor Duncan then read Ordinance No. 2207 by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2207 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles providing for budget payments for utility accounts, and adding a new section to the Port Angeles Municipal Code. I Councilman Quast moved the Council adopt the foregoing orcinance as read by. title. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion carried. 8. Draft Response to Concerns Raised by Irate r~:tcJ'nye"E. Manager Flodstrom advised the Council of the Utility Advisory Committee's :3'J<:-';:=Dtion for the City to adopt a policy concerning "~]PPSS Projects 4 and 5 and related issues" and l1ayor Duncan reviewed the content of the draft of this position paper. Council discussed the issues raised and scheduled a public hearing on April 13, 1902 at 7:30 PM to receive public comment on the City's proposed policies. , .;. 9. Termination of WPPSS 4 & 5 - Financial Impacts on Port Angeles City Light Mayor Duncan summarized a memorandum from Power Manager Booth recommending a rate increase effective May 1, 1982, to cover the estimated costs for termination and interest charges for WPPSS 4 & 5. The Council indicated this item would also be considered at the April 13, 1982 public hearing. Council also scheduled a tour of the City Light facility for 6:00 PM on that date. 10. Private Property Week I Nayor Duncan proclaimed the week of April 18-24 to be PRIVATE PROPERTY WEEK in Port Angeles as per the request of the Port Angeles Board of Realtors. 1l. Reimbursable Work Agreement with Washington State Department of Transportation Mayor Duncan introduced a memorandum from Public Works Director Pittis addressing the necessity of executing a reimbursable work agreement with the Washington State Department of Transportation for miscellaneous services and read Resolution No. 8-82 by title, entitled RESOLUTION NO. 8-82 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to execute an agreement between the City of Port Angeles and the Washington State Department of Transportation for performing miscellaneous services. Councilman Quast moved the Council adopt the foregoing resolution as read by title. Councilman Haguewood seconded and after further discussion, the motion carried. 12. Traffic Violations Bureau Council had authorized the establishment of a Traffic Violations Bureau through I adoption of the 1982 Budget. Mayor Duncan read Ordinance No. 220B by title, entitled ORDINANCE NO. 2208 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles providing for the processing of traffic violations and other violations through a violations bureau. Councilman Hordyk moved for adoption of the foregoing ordinance as read by title ;'" Councilman Whidden seconded and after further discussion, the motion carried. I I ,- . .~. 263 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 6, 1982 IX LATE ITEMS 1. Help Young America Week Proclamation ~~yor Duncan proclaimed the week of April 11-17, 1982 as HELP YOUNG AMERICA WEEK as per the request of the local 4-H group. 2. U.S. Postmasters' pancake Breakfast - Municipal Pier Manager Flodstrom advised the Council of Postmistress Thorpe's request to use the Municipal Pier for a pancake breakfast on June 23rd as part of the State Postmasters' Convention to be held in Port Angeles. After discussion of the request, Councilman Quast moved the Council refer this item to the Park Board for their consideration, noting that the Council has no objection to this function. Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried. 3. Marine Laboratory - Admission Fee Councilman Quast referred to a letter included in the information packet regarding an admission fee to the Marine Laboratory. Manager Flodstrom indicated permission for an entrance fee was included in the lease with the City of Port Angeles, but that the Marine Laboratory wished to advise the Council of their intention to establish such a fee. X ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE AND/OR CITY COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA Mayor Duncan requested the Real Estate Committee and Utility Advisory Committee each select a chairman at their next meetings. She indicated the City of Port Angeles had obtained the Campbell's ship bell and introduced a plaque given to the people of Port Angeles by the Coast Guard Cutter Campbell as its home port. She also thanked all those 'who took part in the Coast Guard Appreciation Day. Councilman Haguewood questioned the status of the past and present Council photo- graphs; the status of bids received for the second phase of the Downtown Improve- ment Project; and the-dates of the AWC Convention to be held in Spokane this June. Manager Flodstrom noted a public hearing was scheduled for April 7, 1982, 7:00 PM, in the County Courthouse on the Clallarn,Bay Prison Facility. XI ADJOURNHENT Mayor Duncan adjourned the meeting at 10: 00 PM. ~~ c9.,4~ City Clerk ORDINANCE NO. 2208 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles providing for the processing of Iraffic in. fradions and other violations througn a violotiC?ns bureau and adding a new section to Title 2 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code. WHEREAS, the creation of 0 violations bureau operated by the Cityof Port Angeles will expedite and make more effident the disposition of traffic infractions. facilitate the unjform implementation of the decriminalizotion 01 rlfQff-i&off~..,..andgelleral. Iy promote' th.__,p~blic safety and welfare _ on public 1 highways w~thintt,. Cltyj and WHEREAS; the - processing o'! tr?ffic infractions by" a VIOlations pureou will oullSt I ~:~~~f~;Sintt;rof~~I~~:S ~~ F district court cases and Ii'l- I creasing the raf. of which penalties Qre transferred to . the city's general fund; now, therefore, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE CI- TY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, as follows: Section 1. Violations Bureau EstQblished. Pursuant to RCW 3.30.090. there is hereby established the Port Angeles ViolQtions Burecu hereinaft~r referred to. as th~ Bureau, to receive Qnd pro. cess .bail and monetory penalties for traffic infrac- tions, and such other crimes as may be determ ined by the Clallom County District Court No. I, hereinafter referred to os the Court. The Bureau sholl be under the operation and control of the Chief of Police, subject to the supervj- si~n of}he Court. ~;. th~":JC"~~;t:"i-h;'-B';r~~~ sholl be under the operotion and control of the Chief o' Polke, subject to the supervi- sion of the Court. Section 2. Infractions: Payment-Failure to Respond- He(~~~t~ S.ureov s,hall c;lcc;ept payment of monetary pE'tnolties for all .roHic infrcc- trons com mitted in the City of Port Angeles. The Bure(lll sholl note upon its re-cords thol the p-enalty was paid and forward a Iloti'te of disposi- tiol'l directly to the Depart- men. of Licensing f,or recording or o,,",ef ac.jon as required by Icw. (8) If of tel" a period of time not to exceed sixty {60} days Q violator has foiled to res- pond to a nQtice of .roHic in- froetton other than those issued for 'parking. standing, stopping or pedestrian viola- tions, tt1e B\Jreo\J ei'l1er sholl file the infraction witn Clallam County District Court No.1 far entry of on order fin- d;ng that the violator hos committed the infraction, ossessmen.t of monetary penalties and notification to the Deportment of licensing, or sholl file a "riminel "harge for foilure to respond to a notice of trcHic infraction. (C) If 0 person cUed for violotio", of 0 traffic infraction timely elects to contest the in- fradion or e:xploin miligcting circumstances 5urrou",ding the infraction;~ the Bureau snail file tile infraction wlth the coul" for a hearing and dispasitiQn pursu(mt tQ justice CQurt rules, Sec.tion 3. Crimes: Receipt end Disposition of BaiL ou\~~ri:~d ~~r:~derm~r t~: Court to rece-ive the posting of boil for such criminel of. fenses as the Court may specify. The Bu raou may -also accept forteitu re of bail for sucn crimes as the Court may allow; pro....ided that. the Bureau shall acc<ept posting and forefeiture of ball for any crime wl1ichi is made forfeitablg bV taw. (a)-- TheuSareou-;""'\:Ipol'r""Ge- cspting 1he prescribed bail, sl10lt issue a rec&ipt to the alleged Y'iolator, whic;:h receipt shall beor 0 legend in. forming him or her of 1h. legal c:onsequen-ces. of boil forfeiture. Tl1e Bureou shall :h~~~:~r~o~:r ~~i:h;'~~:d~ ~: well as copies of all receipts. Section 4. Bail or Pe"'alties~ Amoun Is. Oi s posi t ion. Records. (A) The amount of bailor monetery penalty collected by the Port Angeles Viola- tions Bureau shall be that amount specified by JCrR 2.09(1). JT1R 6.2(d), o,dor 01 the Court, 01' order of any alhet person or agency hav. ing authority tQ set bail or monetary penalties. (B) AU penalties paid 10 the violotions bureau for traffic violotLons sl10ll be plac;ed in the city's genera' fund. The Bureau sholl deduct from suct'. penalties its CO:5ts and assessments. The as. sessments. and cost:5 sholl assessments and costs. shall be forwarded to the <JP' propriots agendes or funds. as required by ~ta.tute and ordinance. (C) Tl1e Bureau sholl keep 0 proper and complete record of all mo",etory penoltiQs ~:~~~de~i tht~1~t~idiS;::~iO~ of all offenses and infrac:tions and, along with monies disbursed to other agencies or placed in the genQral fund. forward such records Qf pellollies to tl-1ose agencies as tl1e Director <>. Flnonce and Administtotivl9 Services may requ;re. Section 5. Sections 1 through 4 of ,his ordinance sl-1ell be codified os a new chapter of Title 2 of tl1e POl't Angeles Municipal Code. Section 6. This ordinance slloll toke effect five days aher the dote of publication as prescribed by law. PASSED by the City Council of the City of Port Angeles ot a regulol' meeling of the Councill1eld on the 6tl1 doy of April. '982. Dorothy Duncan Mayor ATTEST: Moricn C. Porrisl1, Cily Clerk APPROVED AS TO fORM: Craig L. Miller, City Attorney Pub,: April 15, 1982