HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/07/1943 Proceedings of tbe City Commission of tbe City of Port Angeles, Washington ...... 509 P,oril 7. 1943 19_ I I I I I The Cowmission met in regular sessicn at 10 A.~. and was called to order by Meyor Robinson. Roll oall shm1ed the follovnng officers present: Mayor Robinsonj Commissioners Beam and Masters, Attorney Johnston and Cle rk Hawkins. The minutes of t he previous session 'Were read and approved. Un:ier the head of Applications for Bllilding r'ermits and licenses the following were gr~r,ted: '1. R. Bishop, Build Garage, Lot 7, Block 95, Townsite Harvey 1no~pson, Build Garage, Lot 18, Block B, Glover's Subd. Port Angeles Poster Advertising Co., Bill Boards, 1941, 1942 ~ 11 . II ~ 'T ,'1942, 1943 150.00 200.00 25.00 25.00 Police Judge, IV.' Phillips, reported 78 cases tried and $1204.00 collected in fines for He month of March, 1940. Report ordered filed. Under the head of Reading and Passage of Ordinances the fcllowing ordinance passed its third reading and vm s finally adopted : AN ORDINANCE relating to taxicabs and buses requiring the regJ_stration of drivers and operators, providing for the filing of published rates or tariffs, providing penalties for the violation thereof, and declering an emergenc..y. It was moved by Mayor Robinson that the foregoing ordinance be placed on its final reading and adopted. I Seconded '!Jy COIT'.missioner Beam. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried.. Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the follUi'Ting resolutions were introduced: RESOIUTION WHERE~S, Begir~ing January 1, 1943, the wnited Etates Government required every employer of lebo~ to withhold and collect upon all wages of every employee a tax of 5% of the excess of each payrr.ent of such wages over the exemption allowable, said exemption being $52.00 monthly. The amount of such tax retained must l!le remitted to the Collector of Internsl Revenue of the district not later tha!; one month after the close of the o,uarter durine whioh it was withheld. The first re:urn of Victory Tax will be due not later than April 30, 1943, for the quarter ending ~arch 31, 1943, and VW~RE~S, for the convenience of hand~ing acccu~ts it appears necescary that a ~und be created, and all 5% Victory Tax salary deductions be credited to such Fund. Warrants to be issued by the City Clerk to the City Treesurer each ",onth for all the Victory Tax deductions shown on each Ci.ty payroll. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles that there be and there is hereby created a City Fund to be known as the Victory Tax FW1d, into which said fund all Viotory Tax _ deductions shall be credited and helo qy the City Treasurer until remitted to the Collector of Internal Revenue at the end of each quarter. It was coved by Comrr.issioner Beam that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Corrunissioner Masters. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor d eelared the ffio:.ion carried. ......- RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The City of Port Angeles havinF acquired Lot 6, Bleck 319, Townsite of Port Angeles, Washicgton, by foreclosure of Delinquent Local Improvement Assessments, did by Resolution adopted July 23, 1941, and r3corded in Vol. 20; Page 313 of Comrr.issioners Proceedings, authorize the sale of the foregoing described real prcperty to Lawrence E. Mallor}, and WHEREAS) the said Lawrence E. M811o~' did later transfer his interest to the said foregoing described real property to Thompson R. Mallory and 1~ry w. Mallory, husband and wife, when all pB~~ents for said property have been completed. The said request was granted by the City Commission 1~reh 10, 1913, and recorded in Vol. 20, page 497 of the Co~,issioners Proceedings, and '1IHERIlAS, it appears that Clallam Oounty had foreclosed a tax Judgment en said foregoing real proJl'rty and taken ~ title to same and that later the said property was ~cquired by the City of Port ~neeles as shovm by County Treasurer1s deed dated Uarch 3, 1943; NOW, THEREFOill, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Comwissicn that thp above resolution referred to, authorizing the sale of Lot 6. Block 319, Townsite of Port Angeles, to Lawrence E. Mallory be cancelled and that the City Clerk be instructed to prepare a resolution authorizing the sale of the foregoing described real property to Thompson R. Nallory and Mary M. Mallory, husbafid and wife) who have acquired Lawrence E. Mallory's interest in said property. It "as. moved by Commissi cner Beam that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Comnissioner Masters. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motIon carrIed. RESOLUTION r~ffiRE'f, The City of Port Angeles is the owrer of the follo~~ng described real property, having acquired the sar.!e qy Treasurer's deed dated March 3, 1943, under and by virtue of the authority of Section 9393 of Remington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 143 of the Laws of 1929, page 365, ti-wit: Lot Six (6), Block Thrse Hundred Nineteen (319) of the Townsite of Port P~geles, W~shineto~, and ~~EREAS) Thompso~ R. Mallory and Ma~ H. ~allory, husband and wife, have offered to purchase the above described real property from the City of Port Angeles for the sum of $125.OC, and WHEREAS, The City Commission of Port Pngeles has viewed the said property and is of the opinion that the offer i.s f.ir value and is in excess of the amcunt paid by the City for said property, plus all L.LD. assessments, ir.cludi~g interest anc other charges against the same. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RES01',ED that the said offer be ac.epted and that the City of Port ,'ngsles sell the said property at private sale to the said Thompson R. M"llory and Mary M. Mallory, husband and wife, for the BU:'ll hereinfl:bove set forth, subject to any othel' valid liens p,gainst the same; that the Cit.Y Attorney be instructed to prepare a quit claim deed conveying said properly to the purchaser, and thot the City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles be and he is hereby instructed to execute said quit claim deed, and that I I I ...4 r- 510 Proceedings of tbe City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Wasbington April 7. 1943 19_ ..... .,."'~". uu..........TUl.n"'ONIA.. ..'...... Dl>40o " the ~ayor of the City of Port Angeles be and he is hereby instructed to countersign said quit claim deed. It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the fDregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seccnded tv Corrmissioner Masters. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The CO!J1'r.ission ey",nined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn fo,.. same: I2lj(REl'l1'.J:XP ENS]:.l'g]J!2 Olympic Printery n Staioners Port Angeles Evening News 11 11 II 11 , Supplies Blank Index Sheets Publications I Olympic Stati oners Ci ty Light 11 Treasurer Hoare & neadrick Larrick I s Cafe Western Auto Supply Olyn:pic Prin terJ" Waitkus Supply Co. Ci ty Treasur~r Fire Department ~ n Dr. R. L. Gilliarr. City Treasurer n n Time Book & Scotch Tape Office Rent Light and Wa tEr Repairs, etc. Meals for Prisoners Batteries Supplies Radio Tub es Light and 1'iate,.. Extra Firemen Pay Roll Volunteer Firerr.en Pay Roll Meat Inspection Fees Light l1nd Wete,.. n t;i ty -Coun ty Has pita 1 Service Dictionary Sharpen Lawn l~ower 25 Notices {J,-- 1'-1'" 4.31 1.29 14.51 29.79 :3 .19 fJJ .00 869.25 17.05 62.57 1.24 0.95 5.83 37 .55 82 .50 258.00 12.36 109 .89 1.80 24.94 .86 lose 5.15 I Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Olympic Stationers Ralph Stone Evening News Press, Inc. CITY S'I'R~ "UNO D. P.. Masters, Sr. Western Tractor & Equipment Car Mile Bge for ;ncnth of kerch Parts o'} 23.40 1t ./ 50.63 VIA TEE FUND Cd ty Light Dept. ~ Street Dept. Port Ang-eles Motors Harold Hibbes Plumbing Co. Hoare & Headrick Port lIngeles Concrete Products Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. J.~ontgor.1ery Ward & Go 6 City Transfer CD. Howard-Cooper Corp. Rcnt and Lights Gas & Oil Truck Parts Sink Trap Tire Inspect.ion Se:ovi c:e Boxes Supplies Sink Parts Coal Coil 0.10 '/ 111 32.57 35.40 1.55 2.37 1.28 23.69 4.12 7,64 4.12 4.66 I LIJHT FUND City Treasurer City Water Dept. Homer Black Port Angeles Thrift Market The Grange ,Store A. W. ~Iard Olympic Printery II Sta tionsrs Standard Oil Co. Hoare & Headrick Port ~ngeles Even:ng News Puget ';ound Power & Light Co. General Electric Supply Corp. II ".. Cash for postag-e Water at store Garag-e Rent Soap, ete. Rat Poison, etc. Car Expense Supphes Prints Gasoline Truck & Car Repair Adv, March Power BilJ Meters l~ +/ 1,'69 3.00 1.90 3.00 .91 1.55 16.10 2.32 2.52 9.00 5.93 2.00 11572 .67 201. 67 72.41 and adapters LIB RI.RY FUND ~ty Treasurer Jendlu Norris I Light and Water Pet ty Cash Expense Account Electrical &Jpplies Fertilizer Repair Water vloset Lock Set Installed Books 8.10 8.33 16.95 11.90 4.94 7.93 17.00 15.46 19.65 26.21 2.33 7.00 4.69 9.79 9.67 16.87 I The EJe ctric Co. Olyrr.pic Seed Co. Harold Hibbs Plumb" ng & Heatine Angeles Gravel & Supcly u6. The Macmillan Company " n Hertzberg era ftsnen The H. W.Wilson Co. Reffiington Rand, Inc. A. C. ~cClurg & Co. Doubleday, Dora" & Co., Inc. Wilcox & Foll ett Binding Office Supplies Supplies Books \;1/ ./ 19b PARK FUC;]) City ~reasurer . . ~./ 26.20 ~ '1 27 . 60 Light & Water Parks II II Playfield LIGHT INVESTl.1ENT PUND City Treasurer Water Fund Warrants Purchased 3310.54 6t~ There being no !'urth8r~)(r~~_>>~.J_~m.'r.ission then adJourned. . ~" r...,CitY~ 1J~f Mayor