HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/07/1948 ,..' 436 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington April 7, 19~ T The Colllllli.ssion met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was of. officers revealed the following present: Mayor Epperson, called to order by Mayor Epperson. Roll call 'I Commissioners Steele and Johnson, and ,Clerk Law. i j 1.000.00'1 500.00' 7,000.00, 2SO.00 SO.OO, 300.00 I' 300.00 5,500.00, 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 6,000.00' 6,000.00 5,000.00 5,000.00 5.200.001 5,000.00 Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. !'Under the head of applications for wilding permits and licenses, the following were granted: .- 'It 1(:0 ~ Build Garage and Wood Shed; Lot l4. Blk. 121, Townsite Remodel Existing Dwelling; Lots 1-2-5, Blk. 1, London Park Add. Build Service Station; Lot 474, Blk. 152, T.W. Carter Add. Remodel-Foundation, New Skirting; Lo~ 11, 3lk. 101, Townsite fut in Laminated Partition in Store; 312 So. Lincoln Reshingle, fut Concrete Floor in Garage; Lot 12, Blk. 166, Tovmsite Build Garage; Lot 11, Blk. 3, Dyke Land Add. Build 5-Room Dvrelling; Lot 6, Blk. 194, Tovmsite Move 4-Room House; Lot 1, Blk. ll9, Tmmsite Move 4-Room House; Lot 2, Blk. ll9, T01msite Move 4-Room House; Lot 5. Blk. 119, TOlmsite Build 4-Room House; Lot 6, Blk. 544, Townsite Build 4-Room House; S2 Lots 9-10, Ink. 162, Townsite Build 4-Room House; S2 Lots 8-9, Blk. 39. N.R. Smith Add. Build 5-Room House; N2 Lots 8-9, Blk. 39, N.R. Smith Add. Build 5-Room House; Lot 9, Blk. 177, Townsite Build 5-Room House; Lot 15, Blk. 269, Townsite Building Permits: ,Cecil M. Brown 'R. H. Bronner ,'John Driscoll 'D... M. Buchanan . Tom Hilla s Clarence Williams Albert A. Hale H. E. Brisbin Ovrens Bros. IIOvrens Bros. Ov,ens aros. Jack DelGuzzi Jack DelGuzzi Gordon I<mch Gordon Lynch I,RO bert Mulligan Wm. Bissell II 1(. Licenses: .23 - .Wash. Pulp Cafeteria Wash. Pulp Cafeteria liI'/ash. fulp Cafeteria Dr. Vernon S. Behymer Restaurant, 7 Mo. Music Machine, 7 Mo. Soft Drink, 7 Mo. ]lassage. 5 Mo. 7.00 7.00 2.91 6.25' I Under the head of unfinished business, there having been no bids submitted to furnish one service truck for I the Light Dept., the opening date was extended until April 14th. 'I I IWray and Raber, property owners on East First Street appeared before the Oommission regarding one hour 'parking from Chase to Peabody Streets. 'Chief Ide recommended that a Commercial Zone be established for G & L Paint Shop, and one hour parking from Chase Street east to termina tion of business property. It was Imoved by Colllllli.ssioner Steele that the Chief's recommendation be accepted and approved. Seconded by Mayor Epperson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. 'I 'Under the head of new business, W. G. Bissell requested permission to construct a house in the first residence district on th'e front of a lot which now has a resi.dence on the rear of the same lot. Request was, granted to live in house until new residence is completed, after which the house on rear of lot will ba II moved. Mr. Bissell presented a written agreement to this effect which the Commission accepted. , I I,LeRoy Jagger, supt. of the Sanitation Dept. was authorized to sell one truck bed and hoist owned by the ,Garbage Dept. . Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the following was passed third and final reading and adopted: ORDINANCE NO. 1196 AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance No. ll92 of the City of Port Angeles, the same being an ordinance fixing monthly salaries. compensation and wages of officers and employee a of the City for the year 1948, by adding thereto Sections 2A and 2B, defining overtime work and fixing the pay therefor, and declaring an emergency. "It was moved by Commissioner Johnson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third reading and finally "adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Steele. All voted Aye. Motion carried. under the head of introduction of resolutions for the sale of real property by the City, the following was introduced: Cecil M. Brown Lot 15, Blk. 121, Townsite I, It was moved by Commissioner Steele that the foregoing resolution be approved and the property sold. iSeconded by 'Colllllli.ssioner Johnson. All voted, Aye. Motion carried. 175.0011 I The Commission examined and approved "CURRENT EiPENSE WOO , ~ "" f ~ 7 Dept. of Labor and Industries 'D & B Battery & Electric Station Ci ty Treasurer Olympic Ste tionera Bates Accounting Forms Co. IQuick Print City Light IJept. ,lJov,ns Auto Electric "City Street IJept. Ross & Beasley, Inc. Hazel's Cafe Schreiner iChevrolet Co. I.Hooker Storage Garage & Servo Stn. 'Fi tcbard I s Asso'Ciated Service 'Hoare & Headrick Allan Dis t. ::0. Epperson & Sons James W. Caven I 27 CITY STREET FUND: 757- Port Ange les Concrete Products Co. H. G. Horstman the following claims and ordered warrants issued in peyment of same I Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Magneto, Belt, Filter, Battery, Coil St.Lites, Fire !!yd., st. & Sew., t, W, G, postage, Exp. Office Supplies Individual Employee I s Payroll Records Letterheads Rent Parts Gasoline Carburetor, Condensors, Piston Pin & Assy. Meals for Prisoners Tail Light Supplies & Repair Lub., etc. Parts and Labor Mobil Gas Lumber Mercury TUbe 84.24 86.11, 1,462.77 . 15.25' 15.25 5.41 SO .00 .95 4.60 14.01 153.98 5.66 2.78 8.24 19.88 114.10 19.16, 1.80' I 462.461'1 30.00 Sewer, Plumbing SuppEe s Rent of Lots for Stock Piling ~ I I I I I I 1 I I' I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington _.."~...~~ft._ ...."..."..." I CITY STREET FUND, continued: [Richfield Oil COrp. IAllan Diet. Co. : Dept. of labor & Industries ID & B Battery & Electric Stn. $7 WATER FUND: 57.?? "- Dept. of La bar and Industria s ICity Street Dept. D &. B Battery & Electric Stn. City Light Dept. Hooker Electrochemical Co~ Port Angeles Concrete Products Co . Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co. Ol;ympic Foun:lry Co. Pacific Water Works Supply Co. Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. Atlas Foundry &. Ma chine Co. Willson Hardware Co. Janish Motor Co. Epperson & Sons II LIGHT FUND: .;zo 753 " American Photo-copy Equip. Co. Cla11am County P.D.D. No.1 Olympic Stationers Quick Print McMahan FUel Co. Dept. of Labor &. Industries. Samuelson Motor Co. Schreiner Chevrolet Co. D & B Battery & Electric Stn. Lunt's Battery Service Evening Naws Pre s s 'Ci ty Water Dept. Willson Hardware Co. Westinghouse Electric SUpply Co. I Home Ele ctri c Co. Hood Canal Auto Freight 3/ SANITATION FUND: .<. sf " I City Street Dept. Dept. of Labor and Industries I LeRoy Jagger . Willson Hardware Co. Stuart Filion Kenneth D. Owen City Treasurer Port Angeles Evening News 70 LIBRARY FUNDI :J.37- City Treasurer Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Jennilu Norris Gaylord Bros., Inc. A. A. Young Jerry Nelson Agency Doubleday & Co., Inc. A. C. Mc'Clurg & Co. Miller Freeman Publications Aoril 7. continued, Diesel FUel Oil Mobil Gas Industrial Ins. and Medical Aid Parts and Supplies Ind. Ins. and Med. Aid Gasoline and Oil Plugs Rent and Lights Chlorine S Pipe Pipe Fittings Valves Fittings, Pipe Tees Tools, etc. Parts Nails and lumber Copy Supplies March Paller Repairs, 7 Blueprints Printing :FUel Oil Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Repairs Parts Parts Battery Folders Water Tools, etc. Connectors Sockets Frt. Chgs. Gas and Oil Ind. Ins. & Mad. Aid Car Mileage for March Chain, Links, Bolts 5 Brooms Garage Rent-March Water Display Adv. Light, Water, Garbage Service 467 Postage, Express Library Supplie s Pruning Shrubbery Ins. Policies No. P1032826, CG1B9944 Books Books Sub. to fulp and Paper PARK FUND: !:I. 7 j-3 Pittsburgh Paint Store Paint, Linseed Oil Ross &. Beasley. Inc. Sickle Drive Stud and Link City Street Dept. Gas, Oil, Kerosene city Treasurer Light, Water, Garbage . Willson Hardware Co. 1 Rake, 2 Maps 3~ PARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL Ji1JND: '1';' f ' : Kenneth D. Owen Warehouse Rent. March , City Street Dept. Gas The Ele ctric eo. Wire, Coupling, Cond. 11: H. Rhodes, Inc. Co.'s Share of March Collections ne:pt. of tabor & Industries Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 0' FlREMEN'S PENSION FUND: .3 3 ~ Clallam Co. lied. Serv. oCorp. I There being no further business, the session was declared adjourned. Medical Service Fees for April a G.~. (/ City Clerk ~A 19~ 437 " " 111. 94 Ii 89.96 i 58.77 4.74 i, II 79.60 I 67.16 i .4.02 30.54 34.01 16.07 4,345.15 520.79 500 .0.7 64.56 74.01 45.59, 3.19, 6.01 14.49 20,146.50 5.B5 4.64 45.49 121. 52 16.55 9.08 4.91 103 .72 56.65 68.80 10.60 16.14 127.06 1.00 127.75 56.67 56.96 6.65 11.12 50.00 1.60 7.56 9.70 14.42 7.55 24.40 16.00 12.15 6.95 145.77 5.00 27.16 10.09 15.64 69.75 4.79 --1 15.001 9.89' i3.11i 925 .64 , 4.71 3'5.00 I -c:z--~ ) Mayor , , I i ~ ~