HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/07/1955
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
April 5 55
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The City Council met in special 'Session at 7:30 P.M. and was -cailed to order by Mqor Smith. lUlll call
of officers revealed the following present: l~pr Smith, Councilmen Brown" Neer, Sandison, Powell, and
Wolfe, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns' and Clerk ~w.. .
Pursuant to' hearing continued from March 24th On petition fol' vacation of' portioes of L and ~1 Streets and
portions of alleys in Blocks 248, 249; and 250, the Mqordeclared hearing opened to consider report from
committee appointed to investigate requested vacation.
Fred Strange, Chairman of Planning Commission, reported for the Committee, a.dvising that the Committ.ee has
made investigation to ascertain if another location c an be made adaptable for requirements. Also demon-
strated elevations and topography from sketches exhibited. It .appears that a better location..could not have' _
been chosen, ha.d the Planning Board first studied the. area... Mr. Strange informed that it is consensus of
the Committee that petition for. vacation be .granted on condition tl)a.t the School.District acquire right-of-
way l;leginningat 8th and H Streets and gra.dua.lJ.y.. curving to Tenth Street, thereby . diverting arterial
traffic from school area.. 'PUs would westitute a compromise and appears t.o be the best way out.
Manager Vergeer concurred with committee report and School Board members agreed to cooperate if legally
possible. . '. . . .
i It was moved by Councilman Neer that this governing body concur with Committee recommendations if it is
i legally proper- to acquire right-of-way in J!l'UIIler proposed. Motion seconded by Councilman Powell and unan-
\ imously carried. Councilman Wolfe spoke on behalf. oL the Council, also Ifenr,y Charnell for, the School
I Board, expressing appreciation with commendation to the Committee for thorough investigation>dtlJ results
accomplished. 1/ '
A. G. Koch and Richard Boughner appeared for the State Pollution Commission regarding sewage disposal ,and
water contamination. }lr. Boughner cited report of Consulting Engineers accepted by the Council .as of last
December 16. Discussed proposals submitted, two of same having 'been approved by the Control Board. He
said it is the .City's responsibility to accept one of the proposals for eventual construction. When.
, questioned as to estimated time the deep outfall would, be adequate, he replied, until bacterial content
requires other arrangements.
Mr. Koch intbmed of inspection tour conducted by Local Sanitarian Don Morrison, including aread not
having sanit~ sewer service and confirming opinion that . immediate .action is imperative. He said present
plans are in preliminary stage, requiring much engineering which should be done in advance.. Cited a.dvant-
age of separating stom wat.er from sanitary sewers and confirmed that plan acceptable would be a.dequate
for fifty years. It was the opinion of Mr. Koch that if Eogineers were pitt to work developing plans for
a.dequate disposal,. the ban would be lifted.
Manager Vergeer emphasized that the City had secured and accepted report voluntarily and without' force. Thl!;
onJ.,y difference is that no immediate' steps are planned, definite acti~n contempJ!ted during the year 1956.
" . . "-
Councilman Neer inquired as to why immediate action is demanded from the City at this time and what ;ore
other cities with less adequate wntrol doing to correct. Mr. Kqch replied that the Control Board has
been working fro elimination of water pollution in Port Angales. Harbor since 1940. Also named the cities
with similar conditions, some having taken action to correct.
The representatives of the State Board of Heil.th and the Rilution Control Commission re.affirmed their sta"lIi
that they would refuse approval of aoy applications for sewer extensions now pending bEilre them or in the
future. submitted, until' the City adopts definite plans to solve the pollution contro,1 problem.
As no other business could be considered, the meeting was declared adjourned.
. <1, e. ~~
7! CityC1erk
/ ~~~f~~
The.City Council met in.regular.session at :'1:30 P.M. and was called to orcter by Mayor Smith. Roll call of
officers showed the following present: Mairor Smj,th, Counci.lJnen Brown, Neer, Sandison, Wolfe ani McFadden,
Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law.
It was moved by CoUlicilman Wolfe that minutes of the previous meeting be approved as corrected. Seconded
by Councilman Brown and Carz:ied.
Under the head of unfinished business, bids to furnish cast iron pipe alii fittings for the Water Dept. were
received as follOW8':
2,000. i't.. 10" it ].l!~ 2", Mechanical Joint @
3 10" All Bell M.J. Bends @
1l0~ All Bell M.J. Bends @
& 3.53
If quantity of. pipe is increased to 2,100 ft., price reduced to $3.48 per foot.
2,000 .ft. .10" U.S. ,foint pipe .. . . @ S.575
Alternate 2,000 ft. .10" U. S. Joint pipe @ 3.469
3 10" U. S. Joint Bends III 37.45
1 10~ U. S. Joint Bend @ 38.30
It was moved by Councilman Brown that the offer by Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co. for 2,100 ft. of pipe
and fittings be accepted. Motion seconded.by Councilman Neer. All voted /we. Motion carried.
1 Engineers Ahlvers submitted the third estimate (March) of work d~ne and material furnished by Pi. . aler Con-
struction Co. in L.I.D. 167, Marine Drive alii Lagoon J?ridge, in amount of $72,694.21. It was moved by
! Councilman McFa.dden.that pay estimate be approved and warrant issued on L.I.D. no. 1.67 Construction Fund
in payment of .same, ani that the City Clerk be authorized to issue warrants nl.llIlbered 85. t~ and incl~ng
156 for $1,000.00 each and warrant nl.llIlber 157 in amount of $694.21, in aggregate amount of $72,694.21 on
L.I.D. 167 Fund, bearing interest at the rate of 3 3/4% per' annum, and dated April 11, 1955; to supply the I
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
April 7 continued 19~
the necessary fums to be deposited in the L.I.D.. No. 16.7 ponstruction Fund. Motion second~d by Councilman
Sandison and unanimous~ carried.
It was also moved by Councilman McFadden, seconded by Councilman Erown, that the following vouchers be
approved, covering fixed estillat\'l expense on L.I.D. No. 167 and that warrants be issued on L.I.D. No. 167
Construction Fund in payment of same:. .
P~roll period, March 16- 31, 1955 $;1.,'700.04
Pieler Const. Co., force acct. ex-
ploring for water, Marine Drive
Bussing Office Supply, bboks, cleaning"
. fluid, pencils.
Dept. of Labor and In:Iustries. .
.Ind. Ins. and medical aid
Lowman. and Hanford, level rod
. Burning' 5 Cedar Products, stakes
. and hubs 33.48
Port Angeles Evening News, pub. 18.24
John M. King, labor on,prints .72
On roll call." all members voted ~e. The Mayor declared the motion carried.
Pursuant to speda.l meeting of April 5, the Council. discussed demands by the State Health Dept. and Pollution
control Commission. Manager Vergeer entertained an idea that if agreeable with the Council, a moti9n be made
/l.uthorizing him to st;<rt Engineers on final plans and specifications for construction of seWage disposal and!
pollution control facilities. Don l'.orrison suggested that a time limit be set for completion. of such plans.
It was moved by Councilman .'/'olfe that recommendation be approved, plans to be submitted not later than one
.year from this date. Seconded by Councilman l-lcFadden and unanimously carried.
Property owners representing residents at' the west 7th and 8th Street districts East' of I' Street requested
that action be. taken on proposed sewer district to eliminate \I!lSanitary conditiqn in that,area. . It was
decided to ascertain eetimate. of cost for. improvement. Also appearing were representatives of PelJll Street
,District, Priest Crest Haven and Del Guzzi improvement district.
. Under the head of new busine.ss, George King, Principal of Washington School, presented four nembers of their
I student council wo. complained about inte1'll!1Ption caused f1U'ing school hours by trucks on 1st Street betweenl
,Peabody and Vine.. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that. request for t ruck routing be referred, to the Police
Itor further study. '.Seconded by Councilman Brawn. All voted ~e. Motion carried.
,;Claims paid March 15, 16, 22 and' 29 were approved i~ total am~unt. of $55,738.38. It was mated by Council-
'man Brown that claims be approved as paid. Seconded by Councilman Neer and carried.
l Accep~ance . of monthly Budget repa- ts of City 'Departments was considered. It was mood by Councilman
,Wolfe that reports be accepted and approved. .Seconied by Councilman Sandison. All voted Aye. Motion
I c;arried.
IAPproval at' beverage license transfers were request~d as follows: Corner Cupboard from A. T. Filion to
Thomas R. McRoberts. West Dependable Market from Cohens, Levys, .Shores, El;c., to West Dependable Stares,
Inc. Manne Drive Lunch, from Dorothea Averill to W. M.Rideout. It was mOJ'ed by Councilman Brown.that
transfers be approved. Seconded by Counc:ilman Neer and carried.
Report of Poliee Judge, also Police CJjef, for month of March were filed for approval. It was moved by
Councilman. Brown that reports. be approved and filed. S~conded by Councilman Sandison. .All voted Aye.
Motion carried.
Council considered application for cardroom license filed by Palsce Tavern. Chief Kochanek expressed opinion
. that another cardroom is riot warranted. That kind of cards W;lS not specified ani a. rear exit is contemplat-'
led. C.ity Manager. Vergeer stated no valid. reason existed for refusal of license. After due consideration,
it was moved by CounCilman Neer that application 1B approved. Seconded by Counc1l.m<1n Sandison ani carried.
'I. A. Strang appeared for \'/'~ter Akeley Post .29, American L"gi~n, regardin€; decision ~n carnival site,
IllOQ Block, East lst Street. C01ll.1cilman..}lcFadden_c ited previous objec~ions by motel owners and others
i and moved that Council disapprove all carnivals within.the Cit;y except at Fairgrounds. Mbllion seconded by
C.ouncilman Brown. The question arose as to wether or not circuses should.be included. ."After discussion
it was decided that. circuses would not be included and ll)O~ionwas unanimousJ.y carried. ,
I U~der the hea.d of introduction of Resolutions the following were introduceq.and read in full:
I A RESOLUTION authDrizing the investment. of Twenty Thousand Do11aJ.s ($20,000.00) i rom the cust-
omers' light,depo. sit funds of the Light Department and the balance f. rom:the Light Department Cash Account
in bonds d: the Port Angeles Light Department. .,.,
. WHE!1EAS"there are now.butstanding against the Light Department of the City of Port Angeles
I bonds number .201 to 250, inclusive, t<hich can be purchased from the present holders at Ninety-nin!, Dollars
($99.00) per One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) value of said bords plus accrued interest to date of purchase, and
" _ WHEREAS, there are sufficient _funis in the Customers' Deposit Funds so that $20,000.00 may be ut:"
ilized as an .investment in said bonds and t.lJere is sufficient balance in the Cash Account of the Light I
Department of the City of Port Angeles to purchase the balance of said bonds, and " . .
. WHEREAS, the City Cguncil finds that the same will be a good investment' for the funds of the
Light Department.
Manager be, and. he is,hereby authorized and directed to. purchase bonds, nUIcl>er. 201 to 2~0, inclusive, now
standing against the Light Department at the price of 'Ninety-nine Dollars ($99.00) per One Hunired Dollar
($100.00) of value, plus accrued interest to date of purchase, and .that he~is authDrlzeQ. to, utilitze' for
such purchase the sume of $20,000.00 from the Customers' Deposit Fund now' held by the Light Department
and the balance of the purchase price of said bonds to be .taken from the Cash Account of said Light Depart-
ment. . ,
That said bonds be held by the Ci.ty of Port Angeles as an investment of funis utilized for
the purchase' thereof..
It was moved by Counci.lJnlln Mcl'adden that the foregoing . Resolution be approved and ad:op'te'd. Seconded by
Councilman Brown. All voted lJye. Motion carrie,d. .
A RESOLUTION authori:dng the sale...o.f.real,estate hereinafter described to JACK DEL GUZZI and
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
April 7 continued
~.. . '''''". ."",. .."..,.. ""."., ..,.. .....
rRUNO D~ GOZZI d/b/a DEL GUZZI BROTHERS and confirming contract of sale. I
,I .' WHER&AS; the CITY. OF' PORT' AIDELES did on th,e 17th and 24th days of November publish a call fur bids
~ ~he~a:ter, in accordanc~. wit!) said .publication DEL GUZZI BllOTllDlS did on th.e 2nd day of December, '
~bmit ,then bid for the purchase of the hereinafter .descri,l;led property and indicated the manner of payment,
l ,IHEREAS, the SaIne has been thoroughly con:sidered by the City Council and said City Council have
decided that. said bid should be accepted and a contract entered into w.i.th the Purchasers.
I N(}/, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL that the bid f or the. hereinafter described
property to-1oi.t: .' . -
Lots ll, .12, 1.3, 14, 15 Md 16 in Block 346
Lots 1 to 20 inclusive in Block 3~9
Lots 1 to 10 inclusive and. Lots 12 to 20 inclusive inBlock 410
Lots Ii to 10 inclusive in Block 4-33 .
Lots 1 and 2 in Block 4.32 .
Lots 1 to 20 inclusive in m.ock 411
Lots 12 and 17 to 20 inclusive in> m.ock .398
Lots 6 to 15 inclusive in Block .386
Lots 6 to 17 inclusive in Block .369
Lots 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, and.1G in Block .397
Lots 1.3, 14, and 15 in Block 412 ..
Lots 5 to 10 inclusive in Block 4.31
Lets 1.3, 14, 15, and 18 1n Block .370
Let 10 in Block 396
from DEL GUZZI: BROTHERS for the total purchase price of $6,050.00, upon a contract payable $2,100.00 in
cash'and tl)e balance'in five' (5) equal annual installments, together with the further right to pay off and
purchBRe an.Y single full block at.the rate of'$50,OO per lot, and that the contract as ,presented to the
City Council, be and the same is hereby confinned and the Mqor and City Clerk be, and they are hereby
authorized to execute the same.
-iii was moved by Councilman Neer that the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Council-
imatl Sandison and carried. '
IUn:ler the hea.d of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was introduced and read in full
for Council action: '
AN ORDINANCE vacating a portion of Eighth Street from the Easterly line of "M" Street to the
iEasterly line 9f Lot Sixteen in Block 249 and "L" Street from the Southerly line of .Seventh Street to the
Northerly line of. Eighth Street and a portion of.the alleys :I:n Block'248, 249 and 250 of the City of Port
Councilman McFadden questioned as to existence of compromise and did not approve vacation. Attorney
Severyns explained that compromise is School District aC1J.uiring right of ~ from 8th Street. to 10th St.
(It was moved by Councilman McFadden that action 'be tabled until it is ascertained as to whether or not
the right of way ban be legally acquired by the School District. Seconded by Councilman Sandison. Council-
man Wolfe emphasized that action should be taken now, otherwise the school will be held up for a year or
two. Manager Vel'geer advised that ,there are ways and means the City can be legally cOlllpensated. That
Idefinite .commitment has been made both by the City and School ,Board. The .question was requested and on
roll call Councilmen McFadden and Sandison voted Aye. Councilmen Brown, Neer and Wolfe voted opposed.
110tion did not carI7.. It was then'moved by Councilman Wolfe that the Ordinance be .approved and adopted.
Seconded by Councibnan Brown. On roll call Councilmen.~eer, Wolfe and.Brmm voted Aye. Councilman
.iMCFadden and Sandison voted oPPosed. The VlSYor declared moti(!n carried.
11}u.;or Smith read correspon:lence 'from G:~ound Observation Corps advising of observance week with activities
and requestwg that the Council participate in said observance. The Mayor also announced that General
. L. H. Stevens of ,fashington State Guard l<ill be in the City April l5:th to assist the Council in
locating building site for Armory.
No further business appearing,
the meeting was declared a4johrned.
1/'. im-r--~;
? e'c6~
l:~~g~I~~l ,~t l'e~:l~~d ~r~eB~f?i~e
!'cf the Clly ClerK, 140 west Front
I~I street, Port Angeles, Washington,
I~UP to fIve PM, May 19,1955, and
~ \\ill be publicly opened, at saven.
, ltlirty P:\t for the tnstallation of
!' flU estlmated quantity of 4100 llneRl
, feet Df cUl'b nnd guttel' and fln
I estimated ,2300 sQuare yards of
,Cour Inch concrete sidewalk,
'Detailed spcciflcatioM svnl1a.blc
, fl'OlIl the Engineering Depal'tment.
G, S. Vergecr,
II City MRnager
I Pub: Apr, 20, May 3, 1955N
I' Bids WillC:e~:~~?V~d B~flle Office
I of the City Clerk, 140 West Front
Stre.et, P01't Angeles, Wa::bington,
up to five PM, May 19, 1955, for
the following quantities of fire
"2,000 feet of 21'2 inch, double
jocket wax treated hORe, with
rockel' lug protecting ring
couplings. Hose to ,be of Dncl'oll
fiHer or fiber mixed with cot-
ton, flat cure, and 600 lb. test,
1,000 feet of 11,~ inch, double
,I jacket wax treated hose. with
~ rO~~i~lg1. \H~sl:~o~~rba~:'~~
i'81er or nber mixed wHh cot-
': to~fJ8.t cure, and 400 lb. teSt,"
~il . git:'1\~~:::'
~~jJr. :':0, 27, 1950.N