HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/07/1958 I I I 1 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington April 3 continued 58 19_ 587~ ..<. . .",,"' ...,=. ''''-''. ,"',,,........ ...... I ried. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. ~ I I I SPOCIAL SESSION, APRI.L 7, 1958 I The City COuncil met in special session at 7:30 r.M. witb the following officers present: Mayor Smith, , Councilman Matthieu, wolfe, Maxfield, and Thorne, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Cle,rk Law. 'I Pursuant to call f or bids to furnish transformers and construction of storm and lateral sewers in L.I.D. No. 177, the following were submitted: Transformers: DEMICK ELOCTRIC, $6,070.00; GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., $8 ,44n.25; LOVE ELOCTRIC, $~ ,446 .00; HOME ELECTRIC, $6,067.00; LINE MATERIAL, $8,354.00; C. D. DRAUKER, INC. $5,900.00; MAYDWELL m HARTZELL, $8,075.00; FEDERAL PACIFIC ELOCTRIC, $8,000.00; GENERAL ELKTRIC SUPPLY, $8,446.00; GRAYBAR ELOCTRIC, $8,446.00 and WESTINGIIOUSE, $8,446.25, Q-~~ (j City Clerk ';;,Lb Mayor It was moved by Councilman Matthieu that the offer by Demick Electric Co. be investigated and if trans- former meets requirements, that bid be accepted. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried. , STOllM AN D LATERAL SEWERS. C STREEI" , .En:. , MILCl'lE & TUCCI, $2n930.57: HAROLD E. OLDS., $30,881.16; ACE CCNSTRUCTION CO., $29,839.07: PAINE AND GALLUCCI, $28,449.071 PIELER CONSTHUCTICl'l CO., $33,089.50: ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE, $29,459.02. After due consiMration, it was moved by Councilman Wolfe that the bid by Paine .and liallucci be accepted. Seconded by Councilman ThGlrne and carried. + I There being no further business, a.~.z~ tI Ci ty Clerk the meeting was adjour ned. 1f>~b Mayor ~ CITY OP~TP'::G~~ WASK[ I cr1'Yo~p5:: ~~r.t:s. r Bl!)!': wlll Ile received at the oftlce WASJIDIGTOlll lor the dt,Y ('Jerk of .the City of Bid proposals will be n:<:eh"ed at Port Angeler;. Wnsl1jngtGn, at 140 t~e Off~cc of the city clerk at 140 ~~e1LFM~n; f,tr]e:i8 t:fn ~n;:~~l~'c~~~~ f ~~r:~~in~~b~: u~t~e~;o:o:'~]O:kng;.]:t: : ~~I~I: drHI[ p;tS';l'nger sedan nutomo- I ~l~n~' ~:J~;'~~6n(loth:a~~~~ ::tr~l~~~~ Is C).:llnder" with automatic tl'ftnsmi'" fuel J)J1 tank. Th13 oil tank \Va.';, In_ ~ion." . --; stalled new in 19:;0 and lias never 116" wheelu;lse. . been used. 22{1 hor.sC!lo...-er I Tank may be seen at City Light I-Iefl.tcr and defroster ~opert:'l at ::lecond and Valley Strl'et ~~~U~srl1~hts ~tllJ.fiO'iep~~~alfg% 1~~er~~~edpr~~~~:.i , Oil filter purchase prJce and .shall tcndel'lJ<~Y~, : \VindO'w washer . menl 1n full prJor to receipt Qf tbo I fJg~~~.e ~~~ht~~;lli\ a~":lttrb~~~e~' r~t~~~ ~~er~~p~~r;~ ~1~:I~eh~u'~~~~; SJ)are wheel amI tire I s1dered enrnest money and wllJ. be j Front an.<l rear bUm]ler returne('l to those bidders whose Vinyl tnm Interior. proposal is nat accepted by U1C city. ! Shock absorbers. ,Failure of the succeSllfuI bldcer to' , Dldder to al"SUIllC the Inl"ta,lIfillon . ('~..rn. out his agrcem, cnt shall result of all equipment. In forfeiture of the deposit so macc Bidder slJall take in trade nnr1 In~ (0 the City I)f Port Angeles. dlCl\.te the trade.ln allowaJl[~e of one Badder shall accept delivery at onl)' 1952 Chevrolet Srlec!a] fnur Second Rnd Valley l:;trcct Substation door Redan known as cas Car No. loC'.atlon within ten daj.'S of the ~1, Motor No. KAA14105~. Senal Xn_ flWrll'r1. EiKJB-2052. Cit}. T!?.sen'es. the right to reject City resen'{'s the right LU accep[ illl)' or all bids or reject any or al] bid/<. I Dated [his lOUl da.~. of April, 1958. G. S. VERGEJo:R, G. S. VEHGEER City Malla!;er City Manager ~llblfsb_ed: A~rn 10 amI ~,I..)!l.5~c~ April"'10 anr] Ii, 19~.~__ , I .,~