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APRIL 7, 1970
The Council met in regular session' at 7:30 P.M. Officers present were Mayor
Wolfe, Councilmen Edwards, Basom, Hordyk, Olson, McRevey and Ross; Manager
Herrman, Attorney Moffett and Clerk McNeece.
A motion was made by Councilman McRevey, seconded by Councilman Edwards and un-
animously carried, to accept and place on file the Council Minutes of March 17,
1970, with the correction in paragraph B on page 132, to show that Councilman
Olson abstained from voting on'this motion.
A motion was made by Councilman McRevey, seconded by Councilman Edwards and un-
animously carried, to table for a work session the request from the City Manager
for authorization to construct two small restrooms in the rear of the parking
lot adjacent to the City Hall. .
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilwoman Ross and carried,
to grant permission to call for bids for a New Garbage Packer for the Sanitation
A motion was made by Councilman McRevey, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unani-
mously carried, to accept the bid of Schmitt Steel, Inc. of $1,724.00 F.O.B. Port
Angeles for 271 60 KV Structure.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Olson and unani-
mously carried, to accept the low bld of Sea Tac Ford Co. for the Street Flusher
($14,155.95 (opt. axle $393.90 and opt frame $152.50), and the low bid of
Anderson Ford Co. for the Dump Truck ($B,340.00).
A motion waS made by Councilman Basom, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unani-
mously carried to accept the low bid of Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Co. for
20,000' of 2" cast iron pipe $15,500.00, and the bid of Pacific Water Works
Supply Co., Inc. for 10,0001 of 6" asbestos cement pipe $11,500.00 and 10,000'
of 8" ac pipe $17,200.00 (total including Sales tax $29,991.50).
A motion was made by Councilman Edwards, seconded by Councilwoman Ross and unani-
mously carried, to authorize the issuance of cash warrants for the closing ex-
penses in both L.I.D. No. IB9 and L.I.D. No. IB9A.
A motion waS made by Councilman Edwards, seconded by Councilman Olson and unani-
mously carried, to approve for payment Claims Vouchers in amount of $1Bl,770.88,
and Payroll Transfers $55,837.95.
The Mayor presented certificates for Meritorious Service and commended Harold
Widsteen for his six years as a Park Board Member, and Hugh Hankins for his
fifteen and one-half years as a Planning Commission Member.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman McRevey and unani-
mously carried, that in ,view of the fact that additional protests (approximately
10 or 12 names) had been received, the request of Mr. Frank Thompson for a vari-
ance to permit him to construct a single family residence and garage fifteen feet
from the north margin of Columbia Stree~nstead of the required 25 feet be tabled
to the next Council work session.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman McRevey and carr.ied,
to concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and grant a variance to
Mr. Edward L. Hutchinson, 92B West 14th Street, to permit installation of a mobile
home on his property as temporary living quarters for an aged parent, with the
stipulation the application is to be resubmitted in one year, and at such time as
this facility is no longer required for this individual, the mobile home is to be
.removed immediately.
A motion was made by Councilman Edwards, seconded by Councilman Basom and unani-
~MntY carried, to concur with the mQjority vote of the Planning.Commission and,.
a variance to Mr. Earl B. Miller to permit him to rehabilitate two fire damaged
apartments above the business ~nown as P.J's Tavern.
A motion was made by Councilman MCRevey, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried,
to accept and place on file the Planning Commission Minutes of March 23, 1970.
The following resolutions were introduced and read in full.
. April 7, 1970 (Page: ''-; 2-
A RESOLUTION consolidating the utility receipt
posting procedure to allow the Light Depart-
ment to purchase all Water, Sewer and Sani-
tation Departments-accounts receivable so
that all utility monies received may be cre~i-
ted to the Light Department.
A motion was made by Councilman Basom, seconded by Councilwoman Ross and unani- I
mously carried, that- the .foregoing'resolution be adopted as read.
A RESOLUTION proclaiming the accomplishments of
the Peninsula Community College Basketball
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilwoman Ross and unani-
mously carried, that the foregoing resolution be adopted as read.
The following ol'dinance was read in full.
AN ORDINANCE establishing a work release program
for City prisbners.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Ross, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unani-
mously carrried, that the foregoing ordinance be adopted as read.
A motion waS made by Councilman
mously carried, to approve I]
and authorize construction of
9th and Jones Streets as soon
Hordyk, seconded by Councilwoman Ross and unani-
11 ' the proposed additions to the Water System,
a permanent pumping station in the vicinity of
as funds are available. (The estimated cost is
A motion was made by Councilman Basom, seconded by Councilman McRevey and unani-
mously carried, to table the report on the State Board of Health's proposed new
and revised rules and regulations concerning public water supplies.
A letter from the State Highway Commission concerning the 8th Street Bridges
was read and discussed. (Consideration of a new pedestrian rail, as suggested by
the City, will be reviewed at their next budget preparation period------"such
expenditure of funds will have to be considered in relation to all needs on our
bridges t1 . )
A motion was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unani-
I mously carried, that the Mayor be authorized to sign the Amendatory Agreement
executed by the United States of America Department of the Interior acting by
and through the Bonneville Power Administration and The City of Port Angeles,
Washington, Re: Crown Zellerbach and Rayonier Points of Delivery. Dated 1-27-70.
A motion was made by Councilman Basom, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried,
to accept the State Auditor's Reports of the City of Port Angeles Electric Utilit~
the Water Department and the General Audit Report for the year 1968.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Olson and carried,
to accept and place on file the Olympic Air Pollution Control Authority(Agenda
and minutes of March 4, 1970. (4~1~70)
A letter from Mr. Geo P. Wood the newly elected Civ,il Service Chairman, expressing
appreciation and commending Rev. Robert J. Lieby for his valuable service to the
City as Civil Service Chairman for the past eight years was read. The Mayor and
Council added their thanks and appreciation to Mr. Lieby.
A motion was made by Councilman Edwards, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried,
to accept and place on file the Civil Service Minutes of March 12, 1970 - Fire
and Police.
A motion was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Councilman H0rdyk apd carriep,
tq accept and place on file the Clallam-Jefferson County Commun~ty Act~on Counc~I
M-i.nutes of March-'18, ....1970.
April 7, 1970 i?a:ge :,.;~-
A motion was made by Councilman McRevey, seconded by Councilman Olson and carried,
to accept and place on file the Human Relations Commission Minutes of March 9,
The City Manager made appointments to various Boards and Commissions effective
March 1, 1970.
A motion waS made by Councilman Hordyk and seconded by Councilwoman Ross, to
confirm the appointment of Mrs. Agnes Sannes and Gerald Young to six year
terms on the Planning Commission. The motion passed with one dissenting vote
by Councilman Edwards.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by' Councilwoman Ross and unani-
mously carried, to confipm the appointment of Mr. Ed, Bedford to a term of three
years on the Park Board.
A motion was made by Councilman McRevey, seconded by Councilman Edwards and un-
animously carried, to confirm the appointment of Mr. Dale Brusso to a five
year term on the Library Board.
A motion was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Councilman McRevey and un-
animously carried, to confirm the appointment of Dr. John Siemens to a one year
term and Mrs. Robert Corning and Mrs. Robert Rice to two year terms on the
Human Relations Commission.
A motion was made by Councilman Edwards, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and un-
animously carried, to confirm the appointment by the Mayor of Mrs. Doris
Goodman, Mrs. Pearl Divine and Mr.'Gust Johanson each to a one year term on the
Senior Center Advisory 'Board.
A motion was made by Councilman Edwards, seconded by Councilwoman Ross and unani-
mously carried, to immediate.ly,write Congressman Meeds and Senators Jackson and
Magnuson and tell them we would like to proceed to repair the Hook by the method
of direct congressional appropriation (GI Program), as recommended by the City
A letter from Southwick, Campbell, Waterman Co. reducing the interest rate on
L.I.D. No. 189 Bonds from 7.75% to 7.5% was read and appreciation expressed.
The following ordinances were agoptecl.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Wash-
ington, providing for the issuance of bonds of
Local Improvement District No. 189 in the prin-
cipal sum of $403,000.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman McRevey and unani-
mously carried, that the foregoing ordinance be adopted.
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Wash-
ington providing for the issuance of bonds of
Local Improvement District No. 189A in the
principal sum of $14,000.
A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman McRevey and unani-
mously carried, that the foregoing ordinance be adopted.
A motion waS made by Councilwoman Ross, seconded by Councilman Olson and unani-
mously carried, that the fees for the Senior Citizens Center be $10.00 per night
with use of the kitchen to be $2.00 additional.
A motion was made by Councilwoman Ross, seconded by Councilman Edwards and unani-
mously carried, to empower the Senior Center Advisory Board to waive charges and
fees for the Center at their discretion.
Other subjects discussed were: A meeting with the Industries and the Health De-
partment on April 14, 1970, concerning solid waste problems; a dinner meeting
of the Council and County Commissioners April 16, 1970; and the City Attorney
April 7, 1970 Page -4-
waS requested to get information and have a report on the Optional Municipal
A motion was made by Councilman Edwards, seconded by Councilman McRevey and un-
animously carried, that permission be granted for the City Manager and the Per-
sonnel Director to attend the Washington State Municipal Employers, Conference
in Port Ludlow May 1 and 2, 1970.
The meeting adjo~ned at 9:40 P.M.
4-d ~J~'L ~
City C er
Ntltle~ is horeb}" given that ~eall?d t
hids will be received by the City
:\tanaR'er of the City of Port Angeles
:~t, HIJ .-\\'~st }<""rolit Street of Fuld.
~H.Y ~nttl .1:00 ~.:\1., Thursday. AJ)l'J1
~;;U\~:l~E';~~ra~~/I~~'5I~~~~e:j~l~. following
I 1 .21~tt; ,69 :kv Sub~ta.t1-an structure.
: Sp(>~lflcntlon~ can be ohtalncd fit
'}J~~n~I~~r~.J:~ht Gnrage at 240 'Vest
All hlds shall b(l opC'ne<l am) tabu-
lJated for the Clt)" Council with a~
<rccQ!TImenda.tjor'l attAched for cllllsid_
!~~~~::t~, i~\~O.salcl Council jn s(:l$:::ion
... A ('('rUfled check or bW bond for
.,:J% of' tile amount bifl ::hnll tl.('('om-
ipany each bid, .AU bids to include
~eIlY('ry J:o....O.E. Port Angele~, "'R..c:;h-
mgton. '
The Cit:r Council l'escn.'ef4. the l'lght.
to consider (1-e-Ii'l.'-el'~' time and to ac-
~~~~ ~he~~~~t any or all bids lit' any
))O~.., T.J) n. HEnn.MA~
City Manager
publi.shed: Mal'eh ]2 an(l ILl, ]1170.
. Xotice i8 J]()r~by given that 8calcd
bids \\"iiI be recel....ed bv the City
Manager of the City of l")ort Angelcf'l I
at 14-0 ~Vcst Front Street of Sall}
cit~.. .un~ll 2:00 P,:M.. Apl'll 6, 1970 fOt.
i~~~/~~l~~te~?:l: follOwing equipment
.N;:~ui:70 4-5 Cubic Yard Dum.p
I Trade-in 1963 G~lC Dump Tl.uck.
, All hidfl f'hall be opened and tab\!-
:latc~d lor the City Council with a
!l'cco~menantjotl attached for cOll!,;:id-
lcra.non b;.' said Council in seH~ion
,AprH 7, 1970.
~ A certified check or bid bond 1-01'1
~tl~yOf<,~~~ ~~~U~~I b~~ld;h~l i~~~~rd; I"
dcliyer)' :1"',0.13. Port Angeles, 'Vash-
The efh' Council ref'(>n;es the rigl1t
to -consider delj"ery time nnd ifl ac- (
~~~t ~~e~~joOf~t any or aU bids or a]]~"
I g~;:A~~.;'nn~'c;II>nRMAN
; PubH~h{'d: March 19 and :G, l~ .J
T~-;;-TICll or CALL FOR :ums
::-\Otlce is hereh;)" gh'en thnt $(,'~Jec1
bids will be receIved In' 1:11 . Cit.
Manager ~f th~ City of l-'ort Ansele~
n.t 110 "cst Front Str.e~t of ::mid
, ;lty until 2:00 P,M., .Am'il 6 1970 fol'
: A~~/~~\~l~tt~~~l /Ollowing eqUipment
I 1 N:: i!l.?tO ~~~~her MOUJIt&d
li'l~~~~~.-in-l~Cl Intornatlon.'\I StreH
I All bids :o;halJ he oJ)encd anll tabu_
Jated few th<:- CUy Council wHh a
re?QmmCl\datio~ Rt-tnchC(l for con5ld~
,~~~~lt~, ~~7ci~~Jd Council in ~essJon
fnA certified ch('cl.. .or bid bond for
,5 H' ,Of the nmOUnt bid shall n~Com-
~:I~tel~~C~.o~~~' P~~t ~lggSe]~Os 1\"\~}.~dhO'
ington, ' , ~....,,-
, The C;lty Councj} rCAer\'cs the rig-ht
Ito conslllc!" d()livoCl'y time and to fi('-
~~~t r~{!~~~~~t any or all b1ds Or tlll)'
CIty Manager.
'Published March 19 and 26, ]970.
. ;'