HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/07/1981 64 CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington April 7, 1981 I CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewobd at 7:00 P.M. II ROLL CALL I Members Present: Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Boardman, Buck, Duncan, Hordyk, POlhamus, Quast. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Headrick. P. Carr, M. Cleland, G. Booth, L. Glenn, A. Rose, R. French, R. Orton, D. Frizzell, L. Cosens, J. Pittis. Public Present: E. Christiansen, W. Foley, H. Hill, J. Doherty, B. LaRue, W. Hatch, D. Rudolph. II I MINUTES Councilman Buck moved the Council accept and place on file as received the minutes of the March l7 and 31, 1981 meetings. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. IV ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA None. V ITEMS FROM THE COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA Councilman'Duncan questioned Manager Flodstrom in regard to the City's safety I and/or management responsibilities concerning lightering activities in the Port Angeles harbor. Councilman Duncan expressed her concern that the harbor may be designated a "lightering area" by precedence. Councilman Quast reminded the radio listeners and the audience that the polls will be open for one more hour on the school levy. He also reminded the Council that Public Disclosure forms are due on April 15th, and expressed his thanks to those people who worked to obtain additional funds for the Downtown Improve- ment Project. VI LEGISLATION 1. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Hearing on Assessment Roll for L.I.D. No. 204 Mayor Haguewcod read a memorandum from Public Works Director J. Pittis concerning certain changes to Exhibit "A", Ordinance No. 2041, the need to modify the final 'assessment roll to incorporate comments made at the January 6, 1981 meeting, a recommendation to the Council to lay aside the final assessment roll, direct the Public Works Department to revise the roll, and set a new public hearing on May 19, 1981. Mayor Haguewood then opened the continued public hearing on the final I assessment roll on L.I.D. No. 204. There were no comments from the audience and the public hearing was closed. Mayor Haguewood then ' introduced and read by title Resolution No. 7-8l entitled, Resolution No. 7-81 ~t: ~~o~ cc i1~1 ~ !:: u:- ~~'u"E~~~~ 3;i.!!!.~ u~~~-~ ..e-u-~ w~~ -~~2~!~-ox~~ ._;o~~ ~~.o~ 19 GlOg).. ~aOIL__~o.. -o~c:: -fct:~.:Q !~;'i~2.s: uiU~j~~U .o~~~:s~u.~ 5 ~~~.2Qi'E "Q..c~ ~a a::5-J:!~:~;:?.2:g--.~~CJI ....;; .U~!E. 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Staff Present: Manager Flodstrom, Attorney Miller, Deputy Clerk Headrick. P. Carr, M. Cleland, G. Booth, L. Glenn, A. Rose, R. French, R. Orton, D. Frizzell, L. Cosens, J. Pittis. Public Present: E. Christiansen, W. Foley, H. Hill, J. Doherty, B. LaRue, W. Hatch, D. Rudolph. III MINUTES Councilman Buck moved the Council accept and place on file as received the minutes of the March l7 and 3l, 1981 meetings. The motion was seconded by councilman Hordyk and carried. IV ITEMS FROM THE: AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA None. V ITEMS FROM THE COUNCIL NOT ON THE AGENDA Councilman Duncan questioned Manager Flodstrom in regard to the City's safety I and/or management responsibilities concerning lightering activities in the Port Angeles harbor. Councilman Duncan expressed her concern that the harbor may be designated a "lightering area" by precedence. Councilman Quast reminded the radio listeners and the audience that the polls will be open for one more hour on the school levy. He also reminded the Council that Public Disclosure forms are due on April 15th, and expressed his thanks to those people who worked to obtain additional funds for the Downtown Improve- ment project. VI LEGISLATION ~~ tt ',' .. ~ ~,I ,~ . g~, ~' ~ .. ~, 0 ~ 0 '~, l. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Hearing on Assessment Roll for L.I.D. No. 204 Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Public Works Director J. Pittis concerning certain changes to Exhibit "A", Ordinance No. 204l, the need to modify the final 'assessment roll to incorporate comments made at the January 6, 1981 meeting, a recommendation to the Council to lay aside the final assessment roll, direct the Public Works Department to revise the roll, and set a new public hearing on May 19, 1981. Mayor Haguewood then opened the continued public hearing on the final I assessment roll on L.I.D. No. 204. There were no comments from the audience and the public hearing was closed. Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Resolution No. 7-81 entitled, Resolution No. 7-81 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, fixing the time and place of hearing upon the assessment roll for Local Improvement District No. 204. CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 7, 1981 65' VI LEGISLATION 1. Cant. I Councilman Buck moved the Council accept Public Works Director J. pittis' recommendation and lay aside the final assessment roll for L.I.D. No. 204, direct the Public Works Department to revise the assessment roll, and adopt th~ foregoing Resolution as read by title by Mayor Haguewood, setting a public hearing date of May 19, 1981 for the final assessment roll for L.I.D. No. 204. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. It is noted for the record that City Engineer Rose's Certification of Expenses Used in preparation of the Final Assessment Roll, dated April 7, 1981, was filed with the City Council at this time. B. 0318B NOTICE IS fiERE8Y GIVEN that Ihe Pori Angele. City Council will hold O~Ubl;CI hearing on April 7, 1981, at 7:00 p.m., or as soon .hereafter os possible, in tne Council Chambers, 134 West Front Street, to consider a I petition to vocate a or'; n of ~ the soulh 0 treet, west ot Jo t. I ocotlon: oulh holl 01, Water Street, west of Jones I Street. Legol Description: The hn f h . h .oulh 'holf 01 Wot"r Street Dave Jo sonr attorney for one 0 t e applJ.cants, t en abutting Lots '-3. Block 2"'1 Council to explain why the applicants feel that this v Pug,,1 Sound Cooperative in the best interest of the public. Following Mr. Jo I Colony. I Applicant: Dana Si eJ1.!!L Councilmen Hordyk, Polhamus and Quast stated their opin Kolhleen Ston;r.--Charles' posed vacation, after viewing the property. They note ~ngrotz Property Owner: Same, ation is very unique in that the south forty feet of P All intere.ted po,tie. may owned which decreases the square footage of the lot and appear at the hearing and express their opinion on this ';unbui1dable" lot. One alternative, councilman Hordyk p,opo.ol. be a variance. Councilman Polhamus then moved the Coun Dole: Mar~alr~~~~\;arrish requested street vacation, subject to maintenance and e CilyClerk visions. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast. Pub.: Moreh 18,1981 _.J cussion on the motion, Parks Director Frizzell inforrned'the-C;:uunc.J.".J.-- that the Park Department has no plans to convert this area into a mini- park. The Council also discussed the possibility of using the power lines on this property to supply power to the Port's proposed Boat Haven; the possibility of obtaining a variance instead of vacating a portion of the street; whether or not an easement would be needed; and the current landscaping on the Stone property and the landscaping proposed by Mr. Pangratz. Councilman Buck spoke against the motion, agreeing with the concept of protecting the rights-of-way for scenic views of the harbor and strait. After further discussion on the advantages of the proposed street vacation, the question was called for and the motion carried with Councilman Buck voting "NO." Staff will check into compensation for the vacated portion of the street and draft the appro- priate ordinance for consideration at the next Council meeting. Street Vacation: Siebel, et al. Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on the Siebe to vacate a portion of the south half of Water Street, Street, and requested comments or questions from the a Mayor Haguewood also read a letter signed by Charles P Siebel offering to build and maintain a park for the p property in question in return for vacation of Water S Jones Street. I \ C. Amendment to Shoreline Ordinance . ' I Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from planner Carr explaining that during the review of the Shoreline Ordinance (NO. 2033) the Planning Department discovered no explicit provision authorizing staff to write letters of exemption for certain projects and provide_responses to other formal requests for information on developments and the Shoreline Master Program, such as informing the Army Corps of Engineers that a Substantial Development Permit has been obtained. Recently the Army Corps of Engineers has been requesting clear indicatio~ of staff authority to prepare such letters of exemption, thus the proposed amendment to the Shoreline Ordinance. Mayor Haguwood then opened the public hearing and requested comments or questions. from the audience. Mr. Brian Downie then addressed the Council to question which projects would be exempt under the Master Program. There were no further com- ments and the public hearing was closed. CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 7, 1981 65' VI LEGISLATION 1. oE:OrL"z;sr'S6u!ua^a pq 1'uo ""'IAod 01 ~'olq [,,"'UD!lddD 110 :U,,~"'~ ;;eJH 'Plo 'SJoeA V .pa~s!, 11'fM 'wooaoll'OM.L Councilman Buck moved the Council accept Public Works Pi ttis' recommendation and lay aside the final assessn,~~1'!UO>l p"J; l\c~~aplpA:~ "'loq "Ii' SWOOJ .., L. I. D. No. 204, direct the Public Works Department to ~PI!nq ,"ICI p..pC~M L uO assessment roll, and adopt the foregoing Resolution a~lwOH 1.,01) no' t Mayor Haguewood, setting a public hearing date of May tl6'LS~JOLLf:L'~S~4'!W$ final assessment roll for L. I.D. No. 204. The motion I,CJIUO) 'pooll 11!~ r~~ Councilman Hordyk and carried. I^MI 10 IUS OMl , ;WpJOMS aor 110) 'ooS'9~S \61^ Ja~CM pUD U!Otunow City Engineer Rose I s CbOJ41oq 6!q ~ '.u!cd 6u, the Final Assessment ~,~ .,~I ''''4,nol 6u'~'!U!l Council at this time. !U'dWO) OMIH.LIWOS ) tEU-try;U01ld ~. ~ ~, ~ Cont. 'N;, I It is noted for the 'record that Expenses Used in preparation of 7, 1981, was filed with the City B. Street Vacation: siebel, et a1. Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on the Siebel, et al petition to vacate a portion of the south half of Water Street, west of Jones street, and requested comments or questions from the audience or staff. Mayor Haguewood also read a letter signed by Charles Pangratz and Dana Siebel offering to build and maintain a park for the public on the property in question in return for vacation of Water Street west of Jones Street. I Dave Johnson, attorney for one of the applicants, then addressed the Council to explain why the applicants feel that this vacation would be in the best interest of the public. Following Mr. Johnson's comments, Councilmen Hordyk, Polhamus and Quast stated their opinion of the pro- posed vacation, after viewing the property. They noted that the situ- ation is very unique in that the south forty feet of property is City owned which decreases the square footage of the lot and makes it an "unbuildab1e" lot. One alternative, Councilman Hordyk suggested, would be a variance. Councilman Polhamus then moved the Council grant the requested street vacation, subject to maintenance and easement pro- visions. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast. During dis- cussion on the motion, Parks Director Frizzell informed the Council that the Park Department has no plans to convert this area into a mini- park. The council also discussed the possibility of using the power lines on this property to supply power to the Port's proposed Boat Haven; the possibility of obtaining a variance instead of vacating a portion of the street; whether or not an easement would be needed; and the current landscaping on the Stone property and the landscaping proposed by Mr. Pangratz. Councilman Buck spoke against the motion, agreeing with the concept of protecting the rights-of-way for scenic views of the harbor and strait. After further discussion on the advantages of the proposed street vacation, the question was called for and the motion carried with Councilman Buck voting "NO." staff will check into compensation for the vacated portion of the street and draft the appro- priate ordinance for consideration at the next Council meeting. \ C. Amendment to Shoreline Ordinance I Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Planner Carr explaining that during the review of the Shoreline Ordinance (NO. 2033) the Planning Department discovered no explicit provision authorizing staff to write letters of exemption for certain projects and provide" responses to other formal requests for information on developments and the Shoreline Master Program, such as informing the Army Corps of Engineers that a Substantial Development Permit has been obtained. Recently the Army Corps of Engineers has been requesting clear indication of staff authority to prepare such letters of exemption, thus the proposed amendment to the Shoreline Ordinance. Mayor Haguwood then opened the public hearing and requested comments or questions"from the audience. Mr. Brian Downie then addressed the Council to question which projects would be exempt under the Master Program. There were no further com- ments and the public hearing was closed. 66 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 7, 1981 VI LEGISLATION 1. Cont. Mayor Haguewood,then introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2134 entitled, Ordinance No. 2134 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, providing authority for responses to requests for information on the Shoreline Master Program, and amending Section 15.08.080 of the PAMC and Section 8 of Ordinance No. 2033. I Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing ordinance as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Council- man Duncan and carried unanimously. D. PURPA Section 210 Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Greg Booth, Power Manager for the Light Department, explaining that PURPA Section 210 requires the City Light Department to purchase any power offered to it from quali- fying facilities, at avoided costs. In order to encourage co-genera- tion and renewable resources, City Light will transfer any power offered to it to BPA or any utility with higher avoided costs. Mayor Haguewood also read the "Policy on Implementation of Section 2l0:~ Public utilities Regulatory Policy Act of 1978", and then opened the public hearing. There were no comments from the audience or staff and the public hearing was closed. Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Resolution No. 8-Bl entitled, PUBl~~2~~TICE ' Section 210 (I) of the I I Federal Puhlic UtililV . Regula'ory Policies Act of 1978 (pURPA), Puhlic law 96- 617, requires Ihe City 01 Port I j Angeles to ~mp'emenl a I po~iq, ofter notice and on i oppor1unity for publi<: ~ hearing, os is necessary to , utility Regulatory Policy Act of 197B. encourage cogeneration and sma" power production. ~ Seelion 210 goes on 10 soy u.. nci1man Hordyk moved the Council adopt the thol the Port Angeles City, h . light Oepa,tmenl must ad by t~t1e by Mayor Haguewood. T e motl.on purchase all energy produced Polhamus and carried. from c qualifying c:ogenerotor I or smoll power producer a1 0 price which r..llect, .he I,NG COMMISSION MINUTES D\loided cost 01 power. and is. reClsonable, just, in Ine pubHc: interest, and non- 1man Buck moved the Council accept and place on file the Planning ~:'~~ii~i~~:~::: ;ho; fo,~:~~~~ sion minutes of March 25, 1981. The motion was seconded by Council- d..linitions are oll..r..(I, rdyk and carried. l, A small power pro' duction facility - 0 fodli'V t which produces elec'ric NARY PLAT: BUTLER SUBDIVISION energy solely by the use, os (] primary energ'r' source. o. biomass, wa,te, renewol'1man Hordyk moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the resou,ce' or onv olher' "' h 1" 1 f B t1 · Subd. , . combination th",eol and hos ng Comm~sSl.on and approve t e pre ~m~nary p at 0 u er s ~v~s~on, o power production capabilitv ting of two lots on 37, 25l square feet located on Milwaukee Drive, which together wi.h any " (1) , " 1 " d t otner 'Iocilities located at the n S~xth and Tenth Streets, because: publ~c ut~ ~t~es an s reets same site, i, no greater than ailable to the subdivision and capable of servicing the additional 80;'Co~:~:~~tion facility u02} the proposed plat complies with the Subdivision Regulations; (3) facility whi~~~P!oduces oposed plat is compatible with the residential policies of the elec',lc energy on(l ,Ieom or , ,. "ll b d b forms 01 usoble enerilv such hens~ve Plan; and (4) the publl.c use and J.nterest Wl. e serve y as heat which or" used tar'ing the plat. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and .industrial commliHclol d. r hheo.il19 Or cooling purposes 1 t rough the se~ 'I 1 energy, .,u..ncla USe 0 ND RECREATION FEE AND CHARGE ADJUSTMENTS 3, Avoided cost of power- the Cost to the electric utiHty of the electric ene'gy which ubhouse and Longhouse Fee but fo, the purchase f,o"'; such c:ogenero1or or small ' . powe, purchaser, such utility ~yor Haguewood ~ntroduced and read by title Resolution No. 9-81 iwou1d gene,ote,o; pU"hose-ftitled from anotner Source. ," The Po,t Angeles City light Departm~nt is formulating (] droit pol,cy within the spirit ,01 Section 210 of PURPA, to J promote cogeneratFon and sma,fl power produ(tion, / Cop'es 01 this d,alt policv will Resolution No. 8-81 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles, estab- lishing a policy for the purchase of power from, and the sale of power to, cogenerators and small power producers, in compliance with the Public I foregoing Resolution as was seconded by Council- I ::tmulI power proaucHon. Copies of this draft policy will be available prior 10 the public hearing schedu"ted in the paragraph belowj at the Port Angeles City Light Depo rtment j Box 11 50 -' 240 011 West Front Street P'ort , . Angelest Washington 9836~. j ~ J At its regularly scheduled meeting of April 7 f 1981, at the Council Chambers, 134 W es t F-ron I Street t Port Angetesr Washington 98362, commencing ot 7:00 p.m. j the Port Angeles City Council will receive comm~nt and te~timony from interes'ed parties in a pubUc heQring~ c~n either the draft policy or any other aspect of cogeneration and small power production within the scope of Section 210 (f) of PURPA. AU questionst comments or inquiries regarding Section 210 of PURPA should be addressed to: Mr. Greg Booth, Port Angeles City light Deport- ment, P.O. Box 1150r 240 West Front. Pori Angeles. Washington 98362. Pub.: March 251 April 1. 1981 66 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 7, 1981 000' Lt. Isnr -SI004~~ \ 8"N 'uoHopunoJ \uaUl uo , woo,paq-~ Azo' sNI '~~'bH HMO lInOA 1I'.....M , , 6uI UO~'iea-J~ ,,-uaPH i. ;J.'OldsJH.~ Ilun LI,03 I' oMI s.p"I'U!, ~ ,I ~:wo,ul pUD,5U!A!l8.1QDIJD' 1-__~_ ......0:1 10 ,lUSJ18"J i nON , Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2134 .entitled, Ordinance No. 2134 OliHS. oHo-m /60S-iS, n09-m 169S-IS. fBBI-iS. 969[-B/6 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, providing authority for responses to requests for information on the Shoreline Master Program, and amending Section loo,-m \, l5. 08.080 of the PAMC and Section 8 of Ordinance No. u~~;I~s:~~ 2033. ",WCQ ~u'lUao~ J , _ IJJOdouncllman Hordyk moved the council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as qqaM'ead by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Council- S",~I'M ~l,qlan Duncan and carried unanimously. ! OOO'S~I. '1010, 'S9DD la..,}1RPA Section 210 ~o e6og,loJJ AOM,415!1l pauf sa'jJado,d 5U!U!O!pD OM1',yor Haguewood read a memorandum from Greg Booth, Power Manager for \e Light Department, explaining that PURPA Section 210 requires the )jaajJ a,SJOW puo ~!DJlS ~~ . . . -Isod D puo J'MO' '''''I s~ty Llght Department to purchase any power offered to lt from quall- -JDd aDO-"^!I-'IUOM, S!4J,ing facilities, at avoided costs. In order to encourage co-genera- US^8S ^IUO ~a.A. 'e~o^I.Jd ~ . . . , ~on and renewable resources, Clty Llght wlll transfer any power :fered to it to BPA or any utility with higher avoided costs. Mayor .101 Po:Jqwnld pun paeoa-, II ' .. Mau oSI'<' 'llo'lS "41 10 Aguewood also read the POllCY on' Implementatlon of Sectlon 210, YjlM U04'1!~ PUDIS! UD 'slblic utilities Regulatory Policy Act of 1978", and then opened the '09'41 'Mau-o~!1 0 s,<lJ91lblic hearing. There were no comments from the audience or staff and 'SWJOI pOllUO> \e public hearing was closed. Mayor Haguewood then introduced and OOtf9l, ~s.nr "snld-v uo ap:. . . OW04 JO s,,5p04 UO!lDIlu!ad by tlt1e Resolutlon No. 8-81 entltled, 9~~ WOJ~ !iia,~UJ &iJJlH ^IUO p&h8^JnS 'pepooM. OM1- I Resolution No. 8-8l OOO'OSLI j.;:i&S o~ A-SD9 PUD peJJed..:unp!d 0 PUD sa:> o aa$ OSlO lI,n"A "dII.JSU[ .J&dns Inq u6!sap uJapow -......A..U.,<l!A..... 'llnFl.;:lII~. ..1::_1 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles, estab- lishing a policy for the purchase of power from, and the sale of power to, cogenerators and small power producers, in compliance with the Public utility Regulatory Policy Act of 1978. I Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the forego~ng Resolution as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Council- man Polhamus and carried. 2. PIANNING COMMISSION MINUTES Councilman Buck moved the Council accept and place on file the Planning Commission minutes of March 25, 1981. The motion was seconded by Council- man Hordyk and carried. 3. PRELIMINARY PLAT: BUTLER SUBDIVISION Councilman Hordyk moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning commission and approve the preliminary plat of Butler's Subdivision, consisting of two lots on 37,251 square feet located on Milwaukee Drive, between Sixth and Tenth streets, because: (1) public utilities and streets are available to the subdivision and capable of servicing_ the additional lot; (2) the proposed plat complies with the Subdivision Regulations; (3) the proposed plat is compatible with the residential policies of the I comprehensive Plan; and (4) the public use and interest will be served by approving the plat. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried. 4. PARK AND RECREATION FEE AND CHARGE ADJUSTMENTS A. Clubhouse and Longhouse Fee Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 9-8l entitled, I CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 7, 19B1 67_ VI LEGISLATION 4. Cont. Resolution No. 9-81 A RESOLUTION of the city of Port Angeles, establishing fees for the use of the clubhouse and 10nghouse at Lincoln Park, repealing Section 2 of Resolution l4-79. Councilman Quast moved the Council read by title by Mayor Haguewood. man Hordyk and carried. adopt the foregoing Resolution as The motion was seconded by Council- B. Ocean view cemetery Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. lO-8l entitled, Resolution No. 10-81 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles establishing fees and rates for services provided at Ocean View Cemetery, and re- pealing all resolutions of the Council in conflict. Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Council- man Duncan and carried. C. senior Citizen Center Building I Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 1l-8l entitled, Resolution No. ll-B1 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles, establishing fees for rental of the Senior Citizens Center Building. Councilman Boardman moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Council- man Quast and carried. 5. AMENDMENT TO METAL DETECTOR USE ORDINANCE Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 2135 entitled, Ordinance No. 2135 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, estab- lishing areas within parks within which coin recovery is not allowed, establishing a permit- ted technique for coin recovery, and amending Sections 3 and 4 of Ordinance No. 2l32. I Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast and carried unanimously. 6. PLANNING DEPARTMENT FILING FEES Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from the Planning Department informing the Council that the Department has conducted an evaluation of the current Planning Department application fees with the intent to revise them. Before proceeding with this analysis, the Planning Department requested some direction on the following policy issues: ell should Planning Depart- ment fees be set to generate revenue?; (2) should fees recover 100% of the costs involved in processing permits?; and (3) should fees be set to recover a percentage of processing costs? 68 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 7, 1981 VI LEGISLATION 6. Cont. Councilman Quast then moved the Council consider Option No. 3 and set the fees to recover 80% of the processing costs. The motion died for lack of a second. Councilman Buck then moved the Council adopt Option No.2, with fees set to recover lOO% of the processing costs. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried. 7. I CONTRACT FOR HOUSING STUDY Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from the Planning Department informing the Council that staff has completed the contract to be signed by Statis- tical Services, Inc., the selected consultant on the housing study for Northern Tier Pipeline Company and the City of Port Angeles. This contract constitutes a formal agreement implementing the agreement between Northern Tier and the City signed on May 27, 1980. During discussion on the proposed contract, Attorney Miller advised the Council that both he and the Prosecuting Attorney had reviewed the document and found it acceptable. The Council also briefly discussed why preliminary work by the consultant had already occurred. Councilman Quast then moved the Council authorize the execution of the contract with Statistical Services Inc. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. 8. AMENDMENT TO FIREWORKS ORDINANCE During the March 17, 1981 council meeting, the Badminton Club requested an amendment to the current Fireworks Ordinance (Section 5.32.060 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code) which would allow more than one fireworks stand per vendee within the City limits. Section 5.32.060 currently restricts any vendee to only one retail outlet for the sale of fireworks. At this meeting Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Assistant Attorney I Fischer advising the Council that they can amend the Fireworks Ordinance in several different ways, as long as it is done in a non-discriminatory manner. Councilman Buck then moved the Council amend Section 5.32.060 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code to allow a licensee to maintain two retail outlets for the sale of fireworks within the City limits. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman. During discussion on the motion, Attorney Miller and Fire Chief Glenn briefly explained the location restrictions on fireworks stands within the City. On call for the question, the motion was passed by the Council. 9. CONSULTANT REVIEW: NORl'HERN TIER FISCAL IMPACT REPORT Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Finance Director Orton concerning review of Northern Tier's Fiscal Impact Report, completed by the Denver Research Institute (DRI). Mr. Orton advised the Council that Jerry Parker, negotiator for the county, has received authorization to contract with Mr. 'Reed Hansen, of the Urban Institute, to review the DRI report. It was Mr. Orton's recommendation that the City participate in this review and have some input as to the scope of work ordered. Councilman Duncan then moved the Council authorize Finance Director Orton to approach the County with a request to join in the review of Northern Tier's Fiscal Impact Study and offer an equal sharing of the costs. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman. During discussion on the motion, Councilman Hordyk questioned Manager Flodstrom and Finance Director I Orton as to the cost to the City for this review (approximately $1,000) and how long it would take Northern Tier to reimburse the City. On call for . the question, the motion was passed by the Council. 10. COUNTY PROPOSAL: NORTHWEST PUBLIC POWER ACT Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Manager Flodstrom informing the Council that County Commissioner Harry Lydiard had recently approached the City in regard to implementation of the Northwest Public Power and Conser- vation Act in Clallam county. Manager Flodstrom's response to Commissioner Lydiard was that he did not feel the Commissioner's proposal would lessen I I .1 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 7, 1981 69' VI LEGISLATION 10. Cont. the impacts or improve the benefits of the Northwest Power Bill as it applies to the residents of Port Angeles. One value of Commissioner Lydiard's proposal, however, would be to establish the Council of Govern- ments as a centralized board of information which could assist the County in understanding the directions of the pun and City Light as they proceed with implementation of the Power Bill. During discussion on this matter, Councilman Buck explained the statuatory authority of the Council of Governments. The Council also discussed whether another agency is really necessary since the City and pun cover all utility customers within Clallarn County and additional boards or commissions might not bring about a better result for those utility customers. Councilman Duncan also pointed out that the City and County could cooperate on con- servation matters without an added bureaucratic step; the County could perhaps designate someone within County government to communicate with the PUD and City. Following this discussion Mayor Haguewood directed Manager Flodstrom to write a letter to Commissioner Lydiard concerning the City's decision. ll. SAFEHOME PRESENTATION Mayor Haguewood read a letter from "Safehome", a domestic violence treat- ment center located in Port Angeles, and introduced Ms. Ann Loveridge who gave a brief presentation on the operation and intent of this organization. Safehome, Ms. Loveridge explained, is currently being funded by the Depart- ment of Social and Health Services, and offers a 24-hour emergency line for victims of domestic violence, safe shelters for victims of domestic violence (for both women and men), medical and legal advocacy, and women support groups. Ms. Loveridge also pointed out that the volunteer safehomes are kept strictly confidential. However, additional volunteer homes are needed plus more "exposure" to the general public. Ms. Loveridge's presentation concluded with a request for a letter of support from the Council to the State LegiSlators, since state funding of this program may soon be cut off. Councilman Duncan then moved the Council send a letter of support for the Safehome organization to the State Legislators. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. l2. SALE OF CITY PROPERTY Councilman Hordyk moved the Council take these agenda items from the table. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast and carried. A. Lots l3-l8, Block 45l (18th Street Between "D" and "E") Councilman Hordyk reported that these six lots are currently zoned RS- 7; however, they are two lots away from an RMF zone. Councilman Hordyk then recommended that the lots be sold with a minimum bid price of $ll,OOO per lot. The Council discussed this recommendation briefly and whether the balance of the L.I.D. should be included in the sale price. The Council then decided to first clarify the appraised value of the subject property, and the surrounding property, plus the market value. Manager Flodstrom will bring this information back to the Council at the next regular Council meeting. B. Morse Creek Gravel pit Property The Real Estate Committee recommended this property not be put up for sale, and the Council concurred. l3. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BALLOT ON OILPORT ISSUE Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Manager Flodstrom which referred to a ballot being used by the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce to poll its 70 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 7, 1981 VI LEGISLATION 13. Cant. membership on the issue of supporting an oilport in the Port Angeles area. Councilman Quast then pointed out that the vote was taken prior to March 25th and the results already announced; why should be City be voting now? Manager Flodstrom responded that as a member of the Chamber Board he will be asked to vote on this issue at the April 10th Chamber Board meeting. Manager Flodstrom also expressed his concern with the balloting procedure used by the Chamber. He felt that the time for returning the ballots was too short and proper consideration was not given to agencies such as the City. However, regardless of the March 25th cut-off date, the issue is important enough for any return ballot, and to be valid the total vote should be considered. I Councilman Quast then moved the City Manager be instructed to submit to the Chamber of Commerce that the City of Port Angeles' position on the oi1port is well-known, has been well established. and it continues to be the City's position. After a request from Councilman Buck to be more specific, Council- man Quast added "and therefore, the Council would urge the Chamber not to support the oilport issue." The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan. Following a brief discussion on the possible loss of the Thunderbird Boat- house and Coast Guard Station, and the confidential results of the ballot- ing, the question was called for and the motion was passed unanimously by the Council. The discussion on this matter concluded with Councilman Quast expr~ssing his dissatisfaction with the Chamber's balloting procedure. l4. SPECIAL MEETING Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Parks Director Frizzell informing the Council that Mr. Don Jewell, of Event and Facility Consultants, will be speaking to the Council at 5:00 P.M. April 8, 1981 on the marketing analysis for a Convention Center in Port Angeles. 15. PARK BOARD RESIGNATION: R. TAYLOR I Mayor Haguewood read a letter of resignation, dated April 2, 1981, from Rosemary Taylor. Ms. Taylor is resigning from her position on the Parks and Beautification Commission due to other obligations. Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council accept Ms. Taylor's resignation with regret, and instruct Manager Flodstrom to write Ms. Taylor a letter of thanks for her many years of service on the Park Board. The motion was seconded by Councilman Quast and carried. Councilman Quast then moved the Council re-appoint Si McLaughlin and Don Mudd to the Parks and Beautification Commission, each for a three-year term, effective March 1, 1981. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. l6. PARK BOARD INTERVIEWS Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Manager Flodstrom informing the council that there are currently two vacancies on the Park Board, with three letters of interest received thus far. Councilman Buck then moved the Council schedule interviews with the applicants for the Park Board prior to the April 21, 1981 Council meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Polhamus and carried. 17. PROCLAMATION I 19B1 Mayor Haguewood read a Proclamation proclaiming the week of May 10-16, as Small Business Week. 18. ANNUAL AWC CONVENTION Manager Flodstrom informed the Council of the 1981 Annual AWC Convention. to be held June l6-l9 in Yakima. He will make accommodations for those council members wishing to attend. CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 7, 1981 71 VI LEGISLATION 19. SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT: OREGON ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION I Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Attorney Miller concerning a Settle- ment Agreement and Assignment between the City and Oregon Electric Construc- tion, Inc. The proposed document carries into effect the settlement which was agreed upon last fall between the City and Oregon Electric, arising out of the Elwha Water Project, Contract No. 5, for electrical work. Briefly, that settlement involves retention by the City of all amounts otherwise retained, against the costs incurred by the, City as a result of the water problem. VII Councilman Quast then moved the Council authorize Mayor Haguewood to sign the Settlement Agreement.and Assignment between the City and Oregon Electric Construction, Inc. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and ~arried. I I 0306 NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS City 01 Port Angeles Ughl Department NOTICE' is he,eby gillen Ilhal sealed bid. will be 'receilled by Ihe City Clerk, . City of PorI Angele., 140! I Wesl Fran! Slreet, P.O, Box 1150, PorI Angeles, I Washinglon 98:)62, unlil 2:00 . ,p,m, Monday, March 23, Councilman Hordyk moved the Council concur w~th the r.19Bl and that the City will e .Light Department and award the bid for purchase of 58lreject 011 bids receilled ahe, :ners to North Coast Electric Company, Portland, Oregon, wii ~~~ dC;~u~~~ ~~.;ne..i1:ib: cost of $l06 930.76 and actual cost at $42 018.76' aw:opened publicly at thaI lime , . ' , ,dor furnishing the following chase of 22 s~ngle-phase padmounttransformers to Nor, equipmenl ondlar male,ial: Company with a low evaluated cost of $48 908.05 and I 1. 58 UNITS 7200 VOlT, , . ' POlE TYPE DISTRIBUTION' $20,902.05; and award the b~d for purchase of one thr'TRANSFORMERS. ype transformer to North Coast Electric Company with a 10 2, 22 UNITS 7200 VOLT! $8. Ol2. 85 and actual cost of $3,334.85. The motion .; ;:~~~~~~ER~ISTRIBUTION cil- man Polhamus and carried. ; 3. 1 UNIT DUAL VOLTAGE' PADMOUNT 30 DISTRIBUTION I I TRANSFORMER. Bid specifications may be oblained from Ihe light iOepartmenl office at 240. Counci.lman Quast moved the Council authorize payment ,Wesl Front Streel. Port :rk and Associates as the final progress payment for engi;Anl~~'::~t~~dhi~~~~~9~~id "r- formed through March 31, 1981 as certified by Public I'band'far 5 percent of the '; , .' . 'amount of Ihe bid shall oc. , P~tt1.S. The mot~on was seconded by Counc~lman Boardm,campany each bid; All bids, :a,e to include delillery F,O. B. I PorI Angeles. Woshir.glon. , Bid, will be opened and 'tabulated.far the City Council '. for consideration by said Councilman Buck moved the Counc~l approve payment of : Council in session Tuesday, m of the contract retainage in the amount of $17, 981. 76Ap;~I:'~~~~~il reserlles the' Company, L.I.D. No. 204 contractor, as recommended byri9~1 10 consider delivery :tor J. pittis in his certification letter, dated April l,'ime and to occepl or to reject l,ishes . d . d . l' d ,any or all bids or ony po,t t that the th1.rty' ay per~o s~nce comp et~on an accep,thereof,: has elapsed, clearance has been received from the Dep T~e unil p,ice s~o" prelloil ,and . d h ' .' " f ,ond t~e City ,eserves t~e ;e Labor and Industrles, an t e C~ty 1.5 ln recelpt 0 a,rig~1 to correct ony ex. bond to cover the cost of the street failures. The miten,;ons or improper sale, by Councilman Duncan and carried. ~~xb~~Marc~6, 13, 1961 ITEMS FROM THE'AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA None. VIII FINANCE 1. AWARD OF BIDS: DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS I 2. L.I.D. NO. 203: PAYMENT TO CLARK AND ASSOCIATES 3. L.I.D. NO. 204 VIX LATE ITEMS 1. PROCLAMATION I Mayor Haguewood read a Proclamation proclaiming April 19-25r 1981 as Private Property Week 2. L.I.D. NO. 203: FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolutio~'No. 12-8l entitled, Resolution No. l2-8l ~t Q:l CD :Is ti 1:- "E C ..!'- D CJl J- -..c:;' - I>> ~ ""C .... - - - u~~~-E ~~E:~U~~ -gj ~~~~=~~;i ~~~~jl08~1]~~~~~~~~ ota~= ~OZ]~ c .+: 0 ~ ..!! ..,a ..t:. )(' ~ ~.:). CI D.....D c"'i.:;: G,'I E E '- a 1ft - J!: .. eo+- ~... .. 41 .. 1iI-= - ~ c t. ~ 0 > i:ol:.1~c iEwjl~..c: .8.siD-;~~:g>>.!!~i~ D:oi:~:~~ijllgi2.~t::~.g~~r5< ~::;~< z ..... ~ 0"0 'E .. ~ 0 - - w l'" ~ >........t:. a. 0( 0. In 0 > QI- - J: t: L., .. .. ... ... III coo So(l... _ Z Z :J:E QCDOUa,Gldl~ 8~..c;"i ;5 ~{jt:..2.giU! ~;a. ~'a..;..g~o2:gg"c~llt1llzJ1L~u Q?Q .(~g' I-NZ .5~!iE a.-8'::~'~- "'1110]", -~tii+-l!]..s us~- =l'j~o.ao~-~~~o ..c:c>>-e o~ ~~I 3""":g.:~Q.;~ ';:Q~<;;o.g~ t!-;~~~~S'EolD~~ '11G.;~E; ~g-~c~~g-o~~~~~O:2"O 3~....; 1~~=':;:li~ ~~oa.~tJQ. ~~;c::8~Le~~~R:~~j.~~tc~:~c3~"tI~~~"U~~o ~~~ o~ ~ !IK go .a.,e I.iJ zlig"u fa.-Ec:o~__~;;~...tor:,=oao L.~=Dc-51-g'5 -a;Bcn-.... 5'0" e ~ ~l~;~~P~ [0]: ~~~~!H~l 0 i-1.~2~~I.~F]~ 5 ~i; ~ =~.E :~t1~J~5l~~ 5 ~ . .....oc.&.\,jcP..-;;.~~E=zU)-a:CI)>--...>-'" o-:::..-o"''''c L.otl~~ -W'l-_ 4liP..... i.,,' l v~;~3z ECdO~:: ~o~ ~o~~~S1E5C1)l-0!!~~o~~~:~~~~~OS~O~~!GE~j ~ __ ___________ _ ~.________ - ... -- __ - :I> C1~ '- 0 u Q;.tL.__"'"O _;> .J:.__ ,...0 1 ~ r>>N ~ !!~~II .~<~~~ '":61~'E I :;;~i)...J~ ~ w .2 a::: 0). ., t:J~'e~it oo(<<UQ.._. 19. SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT: OREGON ELECTRIC CONSTRUCTION 1(lopOIJV) O~lt6 "ON AO""'16!H '!dwAl0 PIO 'ele d~:> "19"8.I'LS ,AOIJ8^O UO!'I~w~ '(101'''1'11) J.~.6 'oN poOj ..",ulO6unO .w!nbes 'in:' "...H) "9l"l6l"tS '1lOljd.v ~0!'lnw3 ~I!"" Aol'''''O '(n""",} OLltt 'ON pool! ,,~.va '9te dH) '18'lKl'0&$ '1104d.0 Jo!slr\we lIl!M. A.DIJ9AO St'OI ''''W 01 00'6 "d'W (IO!JSIJ",} 0~lt6 'ON AOIllIjll!H .!dwAIO PIO 'Slll dll) , 'll'~S&'~1'$ '6u\,o/.ln. pUO i6U!U!DJP 'SUIPOJO 'L8'S 'd'W Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Attorney Mille~1 L&'. 'd'W '(IOIJB,JV) OtOI6 ment Agreement and Assignment between the City and Or,ON POOll.i:~) 'Cli~:,~AS tion, Inc. The proposed document carries into effect~O!p"I"a"I'!'l"^~!"'lJ."O " , I'S'9 'd'W 01 Lt'9 'd'W was agreed upon last fall between the Clty and OregonIIO!JauV) 00l:1l 'ON pOOH of the E1wha Water Project, Contract No.5, for elect"SP!JI! ~'np<>IOS '618 dHJ .y, . '.' 'tl;'SO&'9l$ ',,,a"'loaJI that settlement lnvolves retentlon by the CJ.ty of a11",oIJns .noU!W~llq P"D retained, against the costs incurred by the City as a6u!U!OJp 'Bu!p"'!) '8&'0 'd'W 'r DI 00'0 'd'W '(....,,"1') OO!ist problem. 'ON 'pOOH SlIaUJV 'SI8 dHJ , '0\"&1:1 '11 "U"WI08JI , . . ..,ojJns snol.llwn.llq 8:)Qld puo CouncJ.lrnan Quast then moved the CouncJ.l authorJ.ze MaY,epoJliaJ, 'uaplM '90'0 ''''W the Sett1:ment Agreement an~ Assignment between the ~~N<l9~~~f~~~~;"~~YJ ~tl ConstructJ.on, Inc. The motlon was seconded by Councl: "01"6911'91$ "~U9W~OeJl e:JIOfJns f,nou!wnl!q "'Did '&0'& 'd'W , IS' I 'd'W '(Iopal''''' 0ClQ!;6 ON 'poo~ lIa~.o!) 'LOe d~J , 'S&'S'9lftl$ 'Iuaw .:'".oeJ~ 9JDJJns tiIlQU!U,In.I-!q 'U!OJp '''pOJ!) 'IIC'O 'd"W ,01 00'0 ''''W ,(...~) OOSst ~N":pOOH :!""UJY :Sf>L,dH:I h _-' 71 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 7, 1981 VI LEGISLATION I fle- ,ruc- ,ch out I n tric ried. VII ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA None. VIII FINANCE 1. AWARD OF BIDS: DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS I Councilman Hordyk moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the ,Light Department and award the bid for purchase of 58 pole type transformers to North Coast Electric Company, portland, Oregon, with a low evaluated cost of $l06,930.76 and actual cost at $42,018.76; award the bid for pur- chase of 22 single-phase padmounttransformers to North Coast Electric Company, with a low evaluated cost of $48,908.05 and actual cost of $20,902.05; and award the bid for purchase of one three-phase padmount type transformer to North Coast Electric Company with a low evaluated bid of $8.012.85 and actual cost of $3,334.85. The motion was seconded by Council- man Polhamus and carried. 2. L.I.D. NO. 203: PAYMENT TO CLARK AND ASSOCIATES Councilman Quast moved the Council authorize payment of $3,682.00 to Clark and Associates as the final progress payment for engineering services per- formed through March 31, 1981 as certified by Public Works Director Jack pittis. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. 3. L.I.D. NO. 204 Councilman Buck moved the Council approve payment of the unliened portion of the contract retainage in the amount of $l7,98l.76 to J. D. Shotwell Company, L.I.D. No. 204 contractor, as recommended by public Works Director J. pittis in his certification letter, dated April 1, 1981, which establishes that the thirty day period since completion and acceptance of the project has elapsed, clearance has been received from the Department of Revenue and Labor and Industries, and the City is in receipt of a $30,000 maintenance bond to cover the cost of the street failures. The motion was seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried. VIX LATE ITEMS 1. PROCLAMATION I Mayor Haguewood read a proclamation proclaiming April l~-25, 1981 as Private Property Week 2. L.I.D. NO. 203: FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 12-8l entitled, Resolution No. 12-8l -, CJ ~ 8 ~ , ~m~Be@OSmBeC!l@Ol!l11 lD 6'~:~~8~f"~cn:zl~;:O"'~ ~ ~ =:;:;; 5' lD~ l ~ ~: [~ ~ i ~!.g&:I'o~'II~~Oa!!;c.~!, Q,::D!ID _pll ~="a~ at ~&.:! ;!~r:lD:~=;:l~~!:~~~ CD ~~ ~ =i ~: ~ ~ 50 = ~ 0 -= '< . :g,g ~ ~ :~ i-- J l_~ A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, fixing the time and place of hearing upon the assessment roll for Local Improve- ment District No. 203. I -. 72 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 7, 1981 VIX LATE ITEMS 2. Cant. Councilman Quast moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title by Mayor Haguewcod, setting a public hearing date of May 5, 1981 for consideration of the Final Assessment Roll for L.I.D. No. 203. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. It is noted for the record that City Engineer Andrew Rose's Certification I of Expenses, dated April 7, 1981, and totaling $824,831.43 was filed with the City Council at this.time. X CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Hordyk moved the Council approve the items listed under the Consent Agenda including vouchers of $84l,939.44 and Payroll of $182,017.40. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. XI STAFF/COUNCIL REPORTS Manager Flodstrom: Noted that the April issue of Sunset Magazine has an article and pictures on the Port Angeles Municipal Pier, plus the American Public Works Association's washington Chapter Newsletter. Also, General Construction has been designated as Contractor of the Year for Washington State for their work on the Municipal pier and have also been nominated for the national award for the Pier project. Informed the Council that on Thursday, April 9th there will be a dedication on the Municipal Pier of the Coho Salmon rearing pens which were installed by the Outdoor Sportsman Association. Reminded the Council of the special meeting on April 8th starting at 5:00 P.M. Councilman Hordyk: stated that he felt the contractor working on Galaxy Street should be billed for the clean-up of that street. Mayor Haguewood: Read a letter from Mr. K. L. Hall, President of Trans I Mountain Pipe Line Company, Ltd., agreeing to begin negotiations with the City regarding the impacts of the proposed Trans Mountain oilport and pipeline project. Questioned planner Carr in regard to the status of the new Sign Ordinance. Councilman Quast: Noted that more dirt dumping has occurred on 5th Street and discussed the possibility of extending the culvert pipe into that area with Manager Flodstrom and Public Works Director Pittis. Discussed the needed repair of pot holes throughout the City with Public Works Director pittis. Questioned Police Chief Cleland in regard to the recent apprehension of a county Jail escapee by a City police officer. XII ADJOURNMENT TO EXECUTIVE SESSION The meeting adjourned at 9:30 P.M.to an Executive Session. XIII RETURN TO OPEN SESSION/ADJOURNMENT The meeting returned to open session at 10:45 P.M. and was adjourned. ~&~~ City Clerk A~,~~I ~Mayor _ "