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Port Angeles, Washington
April 7, 1998
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Braun called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 5:30
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Braun, Councilmembers Campbell, Doyle, Hulett,
McKeown, Wiggins, and Williams.
Mere bers Absent: None.
Staff Present: Manager Pomeranz, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, B.
Becker, S. Brodhun, K. Godbey S. Ilk, B. Tiros, G.
Kenworthy, P. Burrett, T. Smith, D. McKeen, and J. Hicks.
Public Present: L. Lee and P. Goddard.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Braun.
CEREMONIAL A. Donation from Daishowa America Toward Downtown Fountain Renovation
MATTERS/ Project
Manager Pomeranz reported that the City had received a $25,000 contribution from
Daishowa Donation for Daishowa America for the Downtown Renovation Project. Manager Pomeranz described
Fountain Renovation the changes being made to the downtown area and noted that the Dyer Fountain serves as
the cornerstone of downtown redevelopment. The fountain area needed many
improvements. Daishowa wanted to make a contribution to Port Angeles that would have
a lasting effect on the commumty, and it was decided that the donation should be directed
to the fountain project. Manager Pomeranz felt it was appropriate that, on its tenth
anniversary, the City's largest employer made this generous donation to the citizens of Port
Angeles and to the community.
Manager Pomeranz felt the City owed a great deal of gratitude to Daishowa for its
generosity and for recognizing the importance of revitalizing the downtown. Mayor Braun
thanked Daishowa for its continuous support to this community and presented Stan Hicks
with a photo of Port Angeles staff receiving the check from Daishowa. Dave Flodstrom
stated how pleased Daishowa was to be able to contribute to the welfare of the community.
Earth Day B. Proclamation Recognizing Earth Day on April 22, 1998
Mayor Braun read a proclamation recognizing April 22, 1998, as Earth Day. Mayor Braun
pointed out that, in honor of Earth Day, Annual Spring Clean -Up Day will be held at the
landfill on April 19, 1998, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Landfill fees will be waived;
however, a donation of six food items or $5.00 per load will be aocepted for the Port
Angeles Food Bank.
April 7, 1998
CEREMONIAL C. Proclamation Recognizing Ex-POW's Day on April 9, 1998
PROCLAMATIONS Mayor Braun read a proclamation recognizing April 9, 1998, as Ex-POW Day. Mr.
(Cont'd) George Durham was present to accept the proclamation. He thanked the Council for its
recognition of this very important day.
Ex-POW Day
WORK SESSION: A. Interviews for Vacancies on Boards and Commissions
Interviews for Vacancies The following were interviewed to fill vacancies on various Boards and Commissions:
on Boards & Commissions George Bower, Matthew Kirsch, Michael Reetz, and Melody Charno.
Presentation on Electrical B. Presentation by Consultant on Electrical Strategic Plan
Strategic Plan
Deputy Director of Public Works & Utilities Titus introduced Gary Saleba, EES
Consulting, and Charlie Earl, The Charlie Earl Company, who were present to brief the
Council on the Strategic Planning Study for the Electric Utility. Mr. Saleba advised the
Council that, at this stage of the study, it is intended to provide information as to the scope
and timeline of the study, to present results of the imtial customer interviews, and to outline
the next steps to be followed. He discussed the issues associated with deregulation,
competition, and restructuring of the electrical industry. In reviewing the options for
consideration, Mr. Saleba noted the City could be conservative and sell the utility, or it
could be aggressive by choosing to compete in the open market.
The study to be conducted will focus on the strengths and weaknesses of the electric utility,
identify what the customers expect and/or want from the utility, identify the utility's
performance and competitiveness, the future role of the utility, the options available, and
subsequent policy decisions. Mr. Saleba then discussed interviews conducted with
customers, as well as City staff. He reviewed the perceived strengths and weaknesses
which were identified by those interviewed, the issue of whether local control should be
maintained, and the level of services to be provided.
In the ensuing discussion, Councilman Campbell indicated that discussion has been held
to the extent that deregulation would result in.higher prices to the customer; however, he
expressed the opinion that people should expect lower rates or perhaps more choices.
Councilman Wiggins asked the consultants to envision what the industry might look like
in five years, and Mr. Saleba responded that there will be wholesale suppliers and
independent system operators for transmission purposes. Discussion followed regarding
the potential lack of incentive to maintain integrity in the system and in the services
delivered when several purveyors are involved. It was noted, however, that there will be
performance based rate setting that would, hopefully, address that issue. Mayor Braun
expressed the Council's appreciation for the status report submitted by Messrs. Saleba and
Break Mayor Braun recessed the meeting for a break at 7:05 p.m. The meeting reconvened at
7:10 p.m.
APPROVAL OF Councilman Wiggins moved to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of March
MINUTES: 17, 1998. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried by a majority vote
with Councilman Doyle abstaining due to his absence from that meeting.
April 7, 1998
FINANCE: A. Bid Award for Parks Ballfield Maintenance Machines
Bid Award- Parks Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
Ballfield Maintenance Discussion followed, and Director of Parks & Recreation Brodhun responded to questions
Machines and provided clarification. Councilman Campbell moved to accept the bid from
Barnett Implement for a John Deere Bunker Field Rake in the amount of $6,854
plus tax and to give one of the old ATV's to the School District and store one as
backup. Councilmember McKeown seconded the motion, which carried
Bid Award - Library B. Bid Award for Library Shelving
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department. Deputy
Director Titus pointed out that the Library is funding the shelving; however, the bids were
solicited by City because it is serving as project manager. Following brief discussion,
Councilman Doyle moved to award the bid for library shelving to Technical
Furniture Systems, Inc. in the amount of $132,737.80 plus sales tax. Councilman
Hulett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Amendment #3 to C. Amendment #3 to Parametric Contract for Landfill
Parametrix Contract
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Public Works Department.
Following brief discussion and clarification provided by Gary Kenworthy, City Engineer,
Councilman Itulett moved to authorize the Mayor to execute Addendum #3
(additional amount not to exceed $114,245) with Parametrix, Inc., for solid waste
planning and engineering services. Councilman Doyle seconded the motion, which
carried unanimously.
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilmember McKeown moved to accept the Consent Agenda, including: A. Out-
of-state Iravel - Finance; B. Con~acts for tourist promotion; C. Council approval for Public
Works Trust Fund applications for 1) 8th Street construction and 2) Reservoir covers; D.
Letter to Congressional delegation concerning Public Utilities Holding Company Act
repeal; E. Payroll - March 22, 1998 - $421,370.97; and F. Check list - April 23, 1998 -
$1,653,719.88. Counciiman Campbell seconded the motion.
Brief discussion ensued regarding the 8th Street construction project. Councilman
Campbell asked why out-of-state travel is placed on the agenda when this is already
approved through the budget process. Manager Pomeranz explained this has been a policy
of the Council for several years. It was noted, however, that it did serve some value for the
Council to be aware of trips of this nature. After brief discussion, it was the general
consensus that this remain part of the Consent Agenda. At Councilman Williams' request,
Manager Pomeranz explained why item D was part of the Consent Agenda, and at
Councilman Doyle's request, Attorney Knutson explained what types of items can be
included in the Consent Agenda. He noted that Consent Agenda items do not typically
generate a great deal of discussion, and they represent routine action items. After further
brief discussion, a vote was taken on the motion, which carried unanimously.
COMMITTEE Councilmember McKeown reminded the Council that in October the Council pledged
REPORTS: $15,000 to fund the YMCA Teen Scene, contingent upon the YMCA receiving matching
funds fiom other government agencies and moving the Teen Scene away from downtown
Port Angeles. The Council suggested such possible funding entities as the County, the
School District, and the Elwha Tribe. To date, the matching funding has not materialized
from those Sources, nor has the Teen Scene found a new location.
April 7, 1998
COMMITTEE Councilmember McKeown felt the Council needed to discuss this issue further, as she has
REPORTS: received numerous complaints fi.om downtown merchants pertinent to the location of the
(Cont'd) Teen Scene. Leaving the Teen Scene downtown gives at-risk youth a reason for hanging
out at Front and Lincoln. The City is putting a lot of money into improving the downtown,
and teens hanging out detract from the many improvements. The Police Department has
had some issues regarding this, and some vandalism has occurred. Councilmember
McKeown felt it was time for the Council to decide whether or not it would support the
Teen Center at its current location and whether or not to fund the $15,000 without
matching funds from the sources suggested. Further, Couneilmember McKeown stated she
had spoken to Dan McGuire, as well as several members of the YMCA Board, and was
told the Teen Center would be closed if the City should pull its funding.
Councilmember McKeown suggested that a meeting be held with the YMCA Board, three
Councilmembers, the Downtown Association, and appropriate City staff to formulate a
recommendation to be submitted to the full Council. Councilmembers Wiggins and
McKeown volunteered to sit on the committee for resolution of this issue.
Councilman Campbell gave a brief report on his membership on the Economic Response
Task Force. Mayor Ostrowski had been a member of the Task Force, and following
discussion with Mayor Braun, it was concluded that Councilman Campbell should maintain
his membership on the Task Force in the interest of continuity, subject to Council approval.
By consensus, the Council agreed that Councilman Campbell should continue his service.
Councilman Hulett reported that, at the last Chamber of Commerce meeting, it was voted
to discontinue membership in the Association of Washington Businesses. This was due to
a lack of support for the Rural Economic Development legislation. Councilman Hulett
suggested that other rural Chambers be contacted and informed of Port Angeles' position
on this issue.
Councilman Wiggins attended a Public Health meeting, and a letter will be forthcoming
setting forth the results of the 1997 study of public health in the County and the initiatives
which may be undertaken in the future. He reported that the City received three responses
to the solicitation for Request for Proposals for tourism marketing. It is hoped that a
recommendation can be formulated by the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee for the next
Council meeting.
Mayor Braun attended a Law and Justice Committee meeting, at which time it was noted
the motor vehicle tax issue will be placed on the fall ballot. The County's Law and Justice
funds will decrease by about 40% if the bill passes. Mayor Braun hoped the public would
be well informed on this matter.
Mayor Braun advised the Council that Councilman Campbell had drawn up a plan for a
City Manager team and asked him to describe it for the Council. Councilman Campbell
cited the method used by the City of West Des Moines in seeking its new City Manager.
Two ad hoc interview teams were used, one of which was comprised of city staff. The
second team consisted of community and business leaders. The committees then reported
back to Council. Manager Pomeranz further described the interview process used by the
City of West Des Moines.
In the discussion that followed, the Council agreed that it would retain total control over
the selection process and would initially interview the Candidates. The two committees
could then interview the finalists selected and report back to Council. Councilman
Campbell suggested that the committees should be larger in order to deter any bias. Also,
a suggestion was made to seek assistance fi.om Peninsula College for facilitation of the
endeavor. It was agreed that Tom Waldron should be invited to the next Council meeting
to discuss this proposal and to receive a status report on the search for a City Manager.
Mayor Braun will contact the Consultant and make the arrangements for the meeting.
April 7, 1998
LEGISLATION: A. Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings
Fire Sprinkler Rebate 1. Fire Sprinkler System Rebates
Ordinance No. 2987 ~. : ....
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the Fire Department. Dan McKeen,
Fire Marshal, indicated that this issue was initiated through the Bureaucracy Busting
process. Mr. McKeen cited two fa:es which occurred in 1997 under almost identical
circumstances. One residence had a sprinkler system and the other did not. The residence
with the sprinkler had much less damage and loss than the other. Mr. McKeen urged the
Council to adopt this Ordinance.
Mayor Braun read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, providing a $500
rebate for the cost of installing residential sprinkler systems anywhere within the
City and amending Ordinance 2857 as amended and Chapter 18.08 of the Port
Angeles Municipal Code.
Councilman l-lulett moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman
Wiggins ~econded the motion. Lengthy discussion followed regarding whether the rebate
should be extended to retrofits for any single-family home owner, whether inside or outside
the 4-minute response time. Fire Chief Becker and Fire Marshal McKeen both supported
the incentive approach, as did Councilman Campbell, who felt the ordinance should be
adopted as mitten with follow-up by staff as to financial impacts should be program be
expanded A vote was taken on the motion, which carried nnanimously.
OutdOOr Music Festivals 2. Outdoor Music Festival Licensing Requirements
Ordinance No. 2988
Mayor Braun reviewed the information provided by the City Clerk's office. Bob Titus,
Lion's Club President, provided background on the issue and explained why the Club is
asking for the recommended changes. The major element of the ordinance is the exemption
of outdoor music festivals at the Clallam County Fairgrounds. Mayor Braun read the
Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, revising the business
license regulations for outdoor music festivals, establishing an exemption for
outdoor music festivals at the Clallam County Fairgrounds, and amending
Ordinance 2050 and Chapter 5.52 of the Port Angeles Municipal Code.
Couneilmember MeKeown moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title.
Councilman Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
B. Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings: Suspended.
C. Planning Commission Minutes/Action Items: Suspended.
April 7, 1998
LEGISLATION: D. Other Considerations
Housing Rehabilitation 1. Grant A~eard i4nnouncement: Housing RehabiBtation Program Phase IV
Program Phase IV 2. Housing Authority Presentation by Para Tietz re: Grant Application for Multi-
Family Project.
Housing Authority
Presentation Tim Smith, Contracts/Projects Administrator, provided a brief review of the Housing
Rehabilitation Program and announced a grant award of $750,000 for Phase IV of the
program. He introduced Phil Goddard and Carolyn Sparkman fi.om Community Action,
the City's contractor for the Rehabilitation Program, and Pam Tietz fi.om the Housing
Authority. Mr. Smith stated that the total value of the Port Angeles Housing Rehabilitation
Program, including Phase IV, is $2.5 million.
Phil Goddard, Clallam Jefferson Community Action, reported the City first looked into a
rehabilitation program in 1992. With the aid of photos projected on the screen, Mr.
Goddard then described several scenarios where funding was used to improve life for
citizens and, therefore, the community. Since 1993, when the program was implemented,
approximately 70 loans and 98 grants have been processed.
Mr. Smith commended Mr. Goddard for his operation of this program. Thanks to the
efforts of Mr. Goddard and Ms. Sparkman, no complaints have been registered, everything
has always mn smoothly, and contractors and homeowners have been satisfied. Because
of the success of the Port Angeles effort, Forks and Clallam County have started similar
rehabilitation programs.
Based on the success experienced with past projects, Mr. Smith, Mr. Goddard and Ms.
Tietz have discussed the possibility of a multi-family project in Port Angeles. The
Department of Community, Trade, and Economic Development has indicated it would
support this endeavor, if there was a good partnership and if it met a need of the
community. Mr. Smith then introduced Pam Tietz, Executive Director of the Clallam
County Housing Authority, who submitted a proposal on converting the Lee Hotel into
affordable, multi-family housing.
Ms. Tietz thanked the Council for the opportunity to speak to this project. She stated that
a lack of funding has prevented the Lee Hotel from being converted into affordable housing.
Recently, Ms. Tietz found sufficient sources of financing to apply for what would make this
development work. Ms. Tietz reviewed the information contained in the letter she
submitted to the Council, noting that she would like to see complete rehabilitation of the
hotel and the annex, turning the upper floors into approximately 48 units of affordable
housing and using the first floor for commercial purposes.
Ms. Tietz held discussions with the Fire Department, City Building Division, structural
engineers, and architects regarding the building. Ms. Tietz stated the Housing Authority
is confident the renovation can be successful, and she shared pictures of other Housing
Authority efforts to upgrade facilities. She stated the Housing Authority is committed to
affordable housing, and she felt this possible downtown housing would be a positive
improvement. Ms. Tietz stated she has discussed this project with the Downtown
Association and felt they would like an opportunity to address this issue also.
Tim Smith stated that Ms. Tietz has done her homework on this project and had made a
presentation to the Downto~ Association. There are members of the Association here this
evening who would like to speak to this issue and have a resolution read into the record.
In addition, Ms. Tietz made a similar presentation to the Downtown Forward Executive
Committee, to which Councilmembers McKeown and Wiggins could speak.
Terry Roth, President of the Downtown Association, 3103 Mt. Pleasant Road, introduced
Greg Scherer, Board member of the Downtown Association. Mr. Roth stated that
April 7, 1998
LEGISLATION: the Downtown Association is a partner with the Main Street Revitalization Program, in
(Cont'd) partnership with the State of Washington. This program encourages new uses for historic
structures, and the Lee Hotel would qualify. Mr. Roth read aloud a Resolution of the
Housing Rehabilitation Downtown Asso~i,ati~n:in,sppp~rt of the Lee Hotel renovation by the Housing Authority.
Program Phase IV Greg Scherer, 715 East Third Street, spoke in support of the project and congratulated Ms.
Tietz on her success in getting such a project underway.
' Housing Authority
Presentation (Cont'd) Ms. Tietz displayed photographs showing the current condition of the Lee Hotel and
described the repairs that would need to be accomplished. Ms. Tietz stated the Housing
Authority has acc, ess to submitting applications for funding totaling more than $4 million.
Ms. Tietz explained why she felt confident the Housing Authority would be successful in
the application process. Currently, the Housing Authority is waiting to see if its offer has
been accepted for purchase of the building. Ms. Tietz described the. paperwork already
submitted on this project and the time frame for responses. It is possible the project could
be started in the fall, with completion by August 1999. Ms. Tietz and Mr. Smith responded
to questions directed by the Council, and discussion followed.
Ms. Tietz requested a show of support by the Council for the Housing Authority's attempt
to acquire and develop this property, as well as make a change to the Rehabilitation
Program to allow aocess to those monies if funding attempts are successful.
Counciimember McKeown moved to direct staffto draft a letter of support for this
project to be signed by the Mayor and to direct staff to prepare a revised Ordinance.
Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion. Councilman Williams stated he would be
abstaining from the vote, due to a possible conflict of interest. Councilman Doyle
expressed concern Over preparation of an ordinance before the need for rehabilitation
dollars is decided. Attorney Knutson pointed out that if Council wished to change the way
rehabilitation fimds are spent, it would be done by resolution. At this time, however, all
that is needed is a draft letter of support. Councilmember McKeown agreed to amend
her motion to the extent that the letter of support would be provided at this time,
which was seconded by Councilman Wiggins. A vote was taken on the motion, which
carried by a majority vote, with Councilman Williams abstaining.
Break Mayor Braun recessed the meeting for a break at 9:15 p.m. The meeting reconvened at
9:30 p.m.
Appointments to Boards 3. Appointments to Fill Vacancies on Boards and Commissions
and Commissions
For the position on the Planning Commission, Clerk Upton conducted a roll call vote.
Mayor Braun and Councilmembers Williams, Wiggins, Hulett, and Campbell cast votes
for Paul Ziakin. Councilman Doyle voted for David Johnson. Paul Ziakin was, therefore,
appointed to the Planning Commission for a term ending March 1,2002. For the position
on the Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission, Clerk Upton conducted a roll call
vote, and Councilmembers McKeown, Campbell, Hulett, Wiggins, Doyle, and Williams
cast votes for Matthew Kirsch. Mayor Braun cast a vote for Michael Reetz. Matthew
Kirsch was, therefore, appointed to the Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission for
a term ending March 1, 2002.
For the position on the Building Code Board of Appeals, Clerk Upton conducted a roll call
vote. Councilmembers Campbell, Hulett, McKeown and Wiggins cast votes for Mark
Lenz. Mayor Braun cast a vote for Paul Howe, and Councilmembers Doyle and Williams
cast votes for Johnie Key. Mark Lenz was, therefore, appointed to the Building Code
Board of Appeals for a term ending March 1,2002. For the position on the Civil Service
Commission, Clerk Upton conducted a roll call vote, and Councilmembers Hulett,
Campbell, McKeown and Doyle cast votes for Patsy Feeley. Mayor Braun and
Councilmembers Williams and Wiggins cast votes for Mack Campbell. Patsy Feeley was,
therefore, appointed to the Civil Service Commission for a term ending March 1, 2002.
April 7, 1998
LEGISLATION: Councilmexnber McKeown deParted the meeting at 9:37 p.m.
4. Port Angeles I~brks - Next Steps
Port Angeles Works
Next Steps Manager Pomeranz asked the Council to select three of its members to serve on this
Committee. Once this is done, efforts can be made to actively recruit for the public portion
of the Committee. Manager Pomeranz stated he had recommended that Tim Smith serve
as staffto this Committee. Councilmembers Williams~ Hulett, and Campbell volunteered
to serve on this Committee.
Bart Phillips, Clallam County Economic Development Council, 102 East Front Street,
echoed the need to actively recruit individuals to be on this Committee. He advised the
Cotmcil that the EDC actively supports this project and wants to be involved.
William Shore Pool 5. Recommendation of Consultant for William Shore Pool Feasibility Study
Feasibility Study
Mayor Bra~n rexfiewed the intbrmation provided by the Parks and Recreation Department.
It was the recommendatio~ of Parks Director Brodhun that ARC Architects should be given
the opportuni~ to serve as the consultant on the pool feasibility study. The funds for Phase
I have been budgeted, and staff intends to stay within the budgeted amount. Discussion
followed, and Director Brodhun responded to questions and provided clarification.
Councilman Doyle moved to authoriz~ staff to negotiate a contract with ARC
Architects. Councilman Wiggins seconded the motion. Discussion followed after
which Councilman Doyle amended the motion to state, upon successful negotiation
of a contract by staff, the Mayor be authorized to sign the contract. Councilman
Wiggins agreed as seconder of the motion. A vote was taken on the motion, which
carried unanimously.
Interim City Manager 6. Appointment of lnterim City Manager
Mayor Brmm reviewed the information provided by Human Resources. Manager
Pomeranz pointed out that th~x~ would be additional responsibilities for Director Pittis, and
he was satisfied with a 7.5% increase in his present salary. This would be effective first
thing in the morning, and a memorandum would be sent to all City employees informing
them of this appointment.
Councilman Wiggins moved to appoint Jack Pittis as Interim City Manager with a
7.5% salary increase and authorize the Mayor to sign the Personnel Action Form.
Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Manager Pomeranz provided an update on the Gateway Project for Council's review and
gave a brief summmy' on the status of this project.
Mayor Braua pointed out the change to the agenda/packet format and stated any comments
could be directed to Director Pittis.
Manager Pomeranz noted that the City had rccei~,'ed the Govermnent Finance Officers
Association's Certificate of Achievement Award for Excellence in Financial Reporting.
This is the result ol'a tremendous amount of effort by thc Finance Team. Manager
Pomeranz I~It this was the Super Box~.l of awards for local government and gives the City
an A+ regarding management of its financial system.
Mayor Braun thanked Manager Pomeranz for the eight years of City management.
Manager Pomeranz stated goals will be approved at the next Council meeting.
April 7, 1998
ADJOURN TO The meeting adjourned to Executive Session at 9:55 p.m. to discuss union negotiations, a
EXECUTIVE SESSION: property transaction, and a personnel matter for approximately one hour.
RETURN TO OPEN The meeting ~~ ~t~sion at 11:00 p.m.
SESSION: "~, ~7 ~. ?; ,~r
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.m,
.- BeCky J. 0ptc~ Cit~[21erk- ' - ~ Gary 13raun, maYor