HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/08/1936 """ 374 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington April 8, 19:36 193_ The Commission met in regulsr session at 10 A,M. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the following officers present: Mayor Davis, Commissioners Lutz and Masters, Attorney Conniff and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Introduction of "esolutions the following Resolution ViaS intro- duced: RESOLUTI ON AUTHORIZING nIE EXECUTION AND DELIVE~Y OF A CONTRACT WITH THE PUGET somm POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY FO R FUR- NISHING VillOLESAIE ELECTRICAL SERVICE FOR RESALE ,\lID USE. \mERSAS, PUGET SOUND POWER AND LIGHT COl.IPANY has offered to furnis h 1'0 l' a period of , Six (6) years and Five (5) months, upon the terms set forth in the following proposed I form of contract, to-wit: PUGET SOUND BOVlER & LIGHT COMPANY, herein called "Company", and the CITY OF PORT : ANGELES, herein called "Purchaser," agree as follows: FIRST: This co~tract is for wholesale power for resale and use. SECOND: DELIV3:RY. In consideration of the mutual promises, and subject to the limitations herein contained, the Company agrees for a period of Six (6) years and Five (5) months, consecutively, beginning August I, 1935, to reserve for and furnish to Purchaser, and Purchaser agrees during said periud to buy from the Company, exclusively, at the rates.herein fixed, all power required or used to operate Purchaser's plant or additions or renewals thereof in the same location, and to operate said pjIJBllI1t only wi th electrical energy purchased from the Company hereunder, excep t as here inafter provided. Said plant is IDeated and a escribed as follows: The distribution system owned n nd operated by the City of Port "ngeles furnis hLlg lieht and power servic e to the inha bi tants of the City, street lighting, water pumping and other miscellaneous municipal services and in additivn light and power service to the inhabitants of an area outside of the City of Port Angeles but inside of the boundaries as shown on ihe attached map which is hereby made a part of this oontract, provided, however, that thc buundaries between the ter- ritory served by the City and the territory served by the Comp~ny may be changed in the event of a change in the municipal boundaries. Said power shall be three-phase, sixty oycle, alternating electric curre~t at approximately 66,000 volts, and 00mpany agrees to furnish not exceeding 2,000 kilowatts but will furnish any additional amount required by Purchaser if it has the power avail- able. The Company will, however, make additional power available in blmcks of 500 Kw en six months ~otice by the Purchaser, up to a maximum of 4000 Kw, The point of delivery shall be: The ~ity's high tension substation located in Block 386i Government Townsite of Port ~ngeles, but metered on. the 2300 volt bus in the City's substation. THIRD: RATES. Purchaser agrees to pay each month for the electric service furnished, at the following rates: . . DEMAND CHARGE First 1,000 KW @ ~2.00 per ~~ p~r month Excess KW @ ~1.75 n ENERGY CHARGE For First 500,000 KWH Used per month First 250 Hours use of the monthly demand at Schedule 1. Exces.s over 250 KWH used per month per )("1 of Maximum demand at Schedule 2. ENERGY Cffi\RGE For Excess Over 500,000 Kvm per month .4)1 per K',m. SCHEDULE 1 First Next Excess SCHEDULE ;: First Next Excess over MINIMUM CHARGE The demand charge based on the hiehest previously established billing demmd, plus the demand charge on additional capacity requested in writing, but unused. FOURTH~ ADDITIOl'I.\L CAP ACITY. Purchaser agrees tha t be for.e malcing any increases in its connected load which shall result in increasing Purchaser's demand beyond 2000 kilowatts it will give the Company six months written notice in order that the Company may make the necessary preparation to take care of the increased load. FIFTH: VOLTAGE REGULA Troll. The Company agrees to pro vid e reasonably cons tant voltage regulatiun, the variation to be not ffiJre than 5% above or below the ,standard voltage adopted, add the total variati0n of voltage from minimum to maximum shall not exceed 8% of the standard voltage so long as the oOl'ler factor is 851; or better. If the power factbr falls below 85%, the voltage variation shall not exceed 10% above or 10% below standard nominal voltage. I SIXTH: INSTALLATION OF HYDROELECTRIC PLANT 3Y PURCHASER. Company agrees too t the City may, for use after January 1., 1940, install and operate a hydroelectric generating unit in connection w~th its city water supply system, the capacity of said plant not to exceed 500 horsepower, to supply a port ion of Pul'chaser' s re quiremen ts. It is agreed thut the power plant of Purchaser, if installed, shall operate in loultiple vlith the I system of the Company and thut Purchaser must assume full and complete responsibility for division of load, regulation and wattless cunrent flow, and the operating problems which arise as the result of parallel operation, and that the Purchaser shall so regulate i its prime muvers and governors as to accomplisl, successful multiple operation, Pur- ; chaser agrees that the wattless current flowing into its distribution system will be I divided betweljO the --:ompany's system and Purchaser's hydroelectric plant in proportion to ,the kilowatt load taken from the respective systems for Purchaser's distribution system. SEVENTH: RATE CHANGES. Rates are subject to chanee in aC00rdance with the laws of : the State of ':/ashington and whenever a neVi schedule of ra tes for the same class of service' tunder similar conditions is made effective, t.he Furchaser shall thereafter pay the new I 'rates; provided, if the new rates are higher than those herein fixed, the Purchaser shall be entitled to cancel this contract. EIGHTH: UEASUR<<:I,iENT. Maximum demand, consumption and powe r factor shall be moasurc- ed by-commercially accurate maximum demand, watt hour and power factor meters furnished and installed by City, provided, however, th8t the Company may install its own meterine 5,000 J(','ffi @ 5 ,000 KVIH <!; over 10,000 KWH @ 1M Per KVIH 1 ~ n " .6i1 1 ~ Per KWH ~5~ n .4!l' 5 ,000 K\7H @ 5,000 KWH @ 10,000 Krill @ ~ I' I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ""Ill .375 Arl'il R, 19:\(; 193_ I I I I I equipment in suitable space furnished by Purchaser, The billing demand shall be of the averaee of the three highest fifteen minute demands established during the month for which" the bill is being determined. NINTH: In so far as they conflict with anything herein cdntained, Sections 2, 3, 4 5 ~ and 8 of Ordinance No. 428 of the City of Port Angeles dated December 23, 1913: a~d the amendment t6 that Ordinance dated October 9, 1929, are hereby amended and superseded as of JulY 31, 1935 by the provisions of this contract. TENTH: In order to permit of the deli very of the ele ctrical power and energy re- quire~the City of Port Angele s, the right, privilege and author ity is her ~by grn nted to the Company for the period beginning on the effective date of this ordinance and ex- piring December 31, 1941, to construct, reconstruct, maintain, repair and operate lines of poles, with wires strung thereon, and all necessary crossarms, brackets, insulators, guy wites, transformers and other apparatus affixed thereto, for the transmission of electric energy on, along, over and across all of the following streets and portions of streets wi thin the Ci ty of Port "ngeles, to-wit: Front "treet from easterly ci ty limits to lIashingtan Street. Uashington street from Front "treet southerly to the Boulevard. Boulevard from Washington Street westerly to the westerly city limits. Cherry Street from Boulevard to Fourteenth Jtreet. Fourteenth ~treet from Cherry Street easterly to the transformers and substation of the City of Port Angeles between Laurel and Lincoln ~treets. , ELEVENTH: The City shall have the right at all times to make contact with and fas- ten ci ty circui ts to the poles of the Company si tua ted wi thin the ci ty limits for the purpose of supplying electric enerey; such use to be limited to the lower twenty-five (25) feet of said poles; provided, the City shall not at any time make any change whatsoever in the voltage carried over its wires which shall requite the installation of larger or longer poles than those now existing on said streets. In the event that the City shall change the grade of any streets occupied by the Company, the Company shall immediately, upon notice from the City, st its o~n expense change ~ts lines and equipment to conform to the change in street grade; provided. the City shall at its own expense ohange its own wires and equipment which may be affixed to or located upon said poles to such new location. TWELFTH: The Company shall hold the City harmless from any and all damage to per- sons or to property whioh may result from any neglieent act or omission of the Company, its agents, servants or.employees in the construction, reconstruction, maintenance, repair and/or operation of said lines and the e.quipment and accessories thereof. The City shall hold the Company harmless from any and all damage to persons or to property which may result from any neglieent act or omission of the City, its agents, servants or employees, in the maintenance or operation of the City's lines upon said poles, 'rHIRTEENTH: During the term of this contract the iiompany shall at all times main- tain its lines in a satisfactory condition and comply with all laws of the citate of \/ashington, and reasonable regulations of the Cit~7 of Port Angeles relating thereto, and work on said lines shall be peTformed in accordance with State laws and municipal ordinances. It shall construct and/or reconstruct its lines with such appliances as may conform to standard modern pr&ctice for the reduction and elimination of interference with radio reception. FffiJRTEENTH: All equipment maintained by the ComDan~ under this ordinance shall be subjectat all times to inspection by the officers of' the City of Port Angeles. FIFTEENTH: If at any time aft9r Five (5) years after the effective date of this p'ilrmit the enfire occupancy of said portions of streets is required by the City to complete any project for state or national defense or public safety, the Cit~ shall provide other adequate and convenient right of way for the said electric lines of the Company and the Company shallmove the same to such new right of way at its own cost; provided, the City shall at its own expense remove its own electric lines affixed to said poles to such new location. SIXTlmNTH: The Company's occuDancy of the streets is for the pUrpose of transmit- ting electric energy to the substutlons of the City ofP0rt Angeles and to transmit electricity to consumers outside of the City. The Company is not permitted to sell or deliver electric energy to any customers ~ithin the City unless and until Rermission has been granteq by a proper lega2 resolution or ordinance adopted by the ~ity. SEVENTEENTH: USE OF E(UIPlll:ENT. Purchaser agrees to insta~l and maintain in good condi tion proper equipment for the use af such power and to save the Company harmless from all liability for any loss or damaee caused by such equipment to either party hereto or to any person whomsoever; and further agrees notto use or permit others to use any of such power in any other place than in the area described in ~ection "SECOND" of this contract. All equipment furnished by Company on either side of the point of delivery shall be and remain its property, and at the expiration or sooner termination of this contract, or of any renewal or extension hereof, Company may remove same from the premises. Purchas~r aerees to use reasonable dilieence to protect the Company's property from injury, and ~ompany sh211 have free access to all parts of ~he premises where its elec- tricity is used to inspect, repair, remove and replace its property. EIGHTEENTH: Purchaser agrees to require its customers to make no installations which will result in abnormally Ipw,power factors on the system of the Purchaser which will be reflected in the Company's "ys tem , and also agrees to require its customers to operate their equipment in such a way as not to interfere with the service furnished by the Purchaser and by the Company to other customers: NINETEENTH: SERVICE INTERRUPTIONS. Company shall use reasonable diligence to fur- nish uninterrupted service but shall not be liable for any interruptions caused by strikes, accidents or acts of God, or by any cause beyond the control of the ~ompany. and no temporary interruption shall cancel this contract. The monthly minimum charge shall be reduced inproportion to the period of any interruption of service, The Company shall have the right to cancel this contract if any part of the Company's property used ~or the rendition of this service is taken by eminent domain or if such service can no longer be rendered by reason of franchise expiration and the inability of the Company to secure a renewal thereof. TWENTIETH: PURCHASER'S SHUT-DO~NS. Purchaser shall not be requIred to accept service or pay the minimum charee when it is unable to operate its electricity usine apparatus on account of strikes, the acts of p~blie officers or other conditions beyond its control, market conditions excepted, Within twenty-four hours after any su~h shut- down Purchaser shall give Company written notice thereof in order that meters may be read. TWENTY-FIRST: SUCCESSO:lS ,crm ASSIGNS. The successors ani assims of buth parties shall~nt;tled to all the benefits and be bound by all the obligations of this con true t. .... """ 376 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington April 8. 1936 193_ Signed this day of 193 Witness: Purchaser. By PUGET S WND POWER & LIGH'l' COMPANY Witness: By MAP SHOWING AREA (DESIWATl:.D BY SF.illBD BOUl1DARY LIN"iS) 0GTSL:': 0:!' "'HE CITY 'OF PORT AlIGELES rtEnR!EJ TO n: AR':CICLE SECO:m OF AT'l'AC:W POnR CO!'::'RACT BETWm; CITY OF PORT Al:GEL~,S Al:-D l'Um:T Svli1:D Puy;;:n /.; LIGHT ce. El':,'ECTIVE AUOU3T 1,1'J3::'. POR.I' A.NGr=- . ~ll2.s \1 '~ I I --t-~ I I I I I ~- I I I I ~-~- I I "'Tr~(ed frCX1\ ~ 5.1(<U"""5 Map. "1 T'vYP. .30 N.. SCALt .2"= I MILL NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles that a contract be entered into with Puget' Sound Power & Light Company for the furnishing of wholesale electri c service for resale and use upon the terms above proposed, and tha t the Mayor be and he hereby is authorized and directed to e~ecute and deliver such contract' ,on behalf and in the name of the City of Port .,ji,.ngele s, and the \llerk be and he he reby is I' authorized and directed to attest such contract and to affix there to the seal of the City of Port "neeles. It was moved by Commissioner Lutz th~t the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Mayor Davis. On roll call all mm.bers voted aye. The ~ayor declared the motion carried. Under the head of New Business,- A communication was read from a sub-committee of the City Planning Commission recom- mending that ap~lication be made for a ITPA engineering project to make a eomprehensive ,survey of the arterial and residential streets of our city, with the idea in view of securing data on the cost of various types of pavement and curbing- fo~ the streets. After duly cDnsidering the abuve recommendation, it was moved by Mayor Davis that the City Engineer secure all information necessary and prepare an application for a YIPA Engineering Project to make a comprehensive survey of the arterial and residential streets of the City to secure data showing the cost or pavement and curbing for the various street of the oity, and that the ~iayor and City Clark be authorized tosign said application on behalf of the City. Motion seconded by Commiss ioner Lutz, On roll call all members voted aye. '['he Mayor declared the motion carried. Under the head of Reports from City Officers the following was read: April 8, 19:36 To the Honorabl e Mayor and Iii ty Commi ssion, Port Angel.os, 'ihshington. Gentlemen: I hereby submit the fourt~ monthly estimate (March) of work done and material furnished by the Angeles Bravel & Supply Company, Contracmors, on the Eighth Street Bridges, pWA Project Docket No. ~ash. 1245R. ~ I. I I: I I .1 I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington A],)ril 8, 19(',6 193_ Item rI 1. ') ,. . 734 Cu. yds. footing exc. @ ~3.00 per cu. yd. 453" II abutment exc. ((" ~6.00 lieI' cu. yd. 377 II channel change exc. @ 1ili1.50 per cu. yd. 1,485 lin. ft. removal old pipe @ 40~ per lin. ft. 1,585 II 3' trench @ rorj per lin. ft. 532 cu. yds. footing cone. Class B. @ ~23.00 per cu. Yd. 138" " conc. abutments, Class B. @ $26.50 per cu, yds. 302 M. erection creo. timber @ ~37.50 per M. Removing existing structures @ 8,000.00 lump sum Tota 1 3. 4. .5. 10, 11. 12. 2.5 Less 15% re tained 2,202.00 2,718.00 565.50 594.00 792.50 12,236.00 3,657.00 11,325.00 8,000.00 $42,090.00 6 ,313 . 50 ,$35,776.ro Less previous estimates 18,907.82 Amount due Contractor ~16,868,68 Previous Estimates: Very truly your s , H. E. .uodge, City Ene;ine er December, 1935 January, 1936 February, 1936 none .h2, 636 .10 6,271.72 ;)18,907.82- Itwas moved by Commissioner Masters that the City Eneineer's 4th estimate on the Eie;hth dtreet Bridges, P'iIA Project, DocJre t No. .Iash. 1245R., be app roved and the City Clerk be instructed to issue a warrant for the sum of $16,868.68 in payment of same, on the 8th St. Bridge Construction fund. Seconded by Com~ss]oner Lutz. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. CURRENT SXPENSE FUND The Commission examined 8nd anowed the following claims and Cll'dererl vlarrants drawn for same: Ulmer Office Equipment Co. Blackburn Printing Co. Quick Print Olympic ~tationers Evening News The Pac Tel & Tel wu. Ulmer Office E~uiDment Co. J. R, 1,!cDona ld Automotive Parts Co. F. R. Herron Ulmer Office E~uipment Co, Angeles Gravel & Sup_.ly Co. The Pac Tel & Tel Co. Ulmer Office EqUipment Co. C. W. Yoakum Harris & Schuller Walkling Motor ~o. Harris & Schuller Puget Sound Navigation Co. City Treasurer Glenn's Service Station Paris Motor Co. The Pac Tel & Tel Co. The Pac Tel & Tel ~o. Willson Hardware Co. I. C. Groves Hooker Storage Garage Willson Hardware Co. Epperson & Sons Johnson & Bork V. A. Samuelson & ~o. Garvin ,\u to Go. Lysall ~elding Works Port Angel es Concrete Products Co. Highway Equipment ~und Associated Oil Co. Superior Blue ~rint Co. American City Magazine Willson Hardware Co. The Pac Tel & Tel Co ~ssociated Oil Co. H. E. DOdge State Tileasurer State Treasurer Supp,lie s Filing Case Publica ti OilS Ser vi ce Supplie s Services as dog catc~.er Repai r Ea ttery Gloves Supplies Cement, etc. Servic e Suppli es Typing Car Marking Tool Repairs Signs Fre ight P.O. Box rent Oil, etc, Repairs Service " Hardware Meals for prisoners Oil Hardwar e Lumber Turpen tine, etc. Repa irs " Pipe, etc. Painting Traffic Lin e Gas Blue Prints SubscriptdlOn Copp er Tacks Servi ce Gas Expense Account Ind. Ins & Med Aid If "If II n ~,,-FUN1! James ,I. Caven Puget Sound Nav. Co. Johnson & Bork Ci ty Light Dept. Epperson & "ons Grinnell Co. 7illson Hardware Co. ~ort Angeles Concrete Products ~ngeles Foundry Co, !Sea ttle Plumbing Supply Co. ~almer 5upply Co. Palmer Supply Co. ~. Lloyd Aldwell, Inc. I Co. Supplies Frei gh t Paint, etc. Gas Ma tel' ial s Pipe Fittings Supp lie s Servi ce Boxes Meter Boxes Pipe Fi ttings Pipe Fittings Pipe Fi t tings Insurance on truck ,,!,J. 1.1 , 5.15 15.00 9.00 5.75 152.11 2.00 .35 25.00 2.00 2.90 16.45 3.55 8.65 3.85 3.00 1.25 3.40 10.85 1.31 .75 2.00 3.50 3.65 .4.10 4.10 15.40 2.15 5.86 .55 4.20 16.50 53.93 1.50 18.46 1.40 80.ro G.G8 2,00 .35 .50 21. 75 6.60 14.98 79.97 1.:)7 2.00 .67 18.53 36.68 8.10 14.61 19.08 14.28 77.84 35.09 23.36 23.80 377" .... JIll"'" 378 April 8, 1936 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 193_ Harris & Schuller Spokane Radio Co., Inc. Ci ty Treasurer Pac Tel & Tel Co, Lysall TIelding & Forge ITorks State Treasurer LIGHT FUND Gakin & ~ickersham Via ter Dep t. Puget Sound Nav. Co. Quick Print J. Lloyd Aldwell, Inc. J. Lloyd Aldwell, Inc. Willson Hardware Co. General Electric Co. J. G. Breitlauch Harry B. Sherman Mfg. Co. puget Sound Power & Light ~o. City Treasurer Pac Tel & Tel Vo. Lysall ~7elding & Forge ,larks State Treasurer LIBRARY FUND Ethel Osterhout Library of Congress University Society, Inc. The Hertzberg 3indcry Jennilu Norris Union Library Ass'n Lowman & Hanford Co. Lowman & Hanford Co. Americana Corporation Charles W; Clark Co. Puget Sound News Co. Pac Tel & Tel Co, City Treasurer PARK FUND C. R. Dolson Harris & Schuller Willson Hardware Co. Johnson & Bork Filion Mill &uumber Co. State Treasurer 8th St. BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION FU1~ Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Meter Washing Sink Radio Parts 11 II Serv ic e Shop Vlork Ind. Ins. & Med Aid Wood Water at Substation Frei gh t Printing Insurance on ranges Insurabce on trucks Hardware Meters Fauce t Connect0rs Power Bill Misc. Paymen ts Servic e Shop Work Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid ,<J. p_<J./ - , Extra Help Supplie s Books Books Petty Cash Books Boo ks Boo ks Books Books Books Ser vi c e Wa tel' & Light Repairs Supplies Hardware Red Stain, etc. Supplie s Ind. Ins. & Med Aid There being no furtfler business the Commission then adjJurned. 4th Estimate on contract ??~~ Ci ty Clerk .... ~~ Mayor n'l'j. 3<1-G 7.58 11. 74 4.42 4.25 5.51 40.08 25.00 1.95 3.3;: 20.96 3.00 96.40 6.33 173.10 1.87 10.95 6,867.22 a.54 12.35 1. 95 13.20 ..-.r 1.50 5.64 14.50 84.00 9.27 2'3.65 4.11 1. 61 89.50 29.95 n.17 4.25 11.90 30 I .s'1 tJ;!. 12.70 5.50 3,55 10.68 4.00 14.9B 16,868.68 I I I " .1 I