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Minutes 04/09/1918
l"'~ ~.. ~ . 392 t i 1_- , ~, ' (; r~ ProceetUngs of Cit), Council of the City of Port Augeles, Wllshingtoll ~~. 1918 ..______~~~~ .,~--~-~7:3o~.m. ~'--~ ~~ ~ ~.~~"'"""~ ~~. \\.~~~~~~..,~~~~.~~ ~, ~,~.~..~~. ,~.."'~~~~ <:\\&~. ~ A't\.~ ~.~~.~.~. .~ "'\ ~ ~~\. ,~~ ~~"'" ~~.~ ~. ~~.\~"'~.~~~~~~. ~. . .. ... ...___._- ~ ~.\)J~, ~qtt.I?ltJ. ____~ ~~'i~~~~ L ~lN'.'~' ~~ -~~ ~-~\)o.~&\.~.~.8'\\-, ~ .Il.\.~ _~ ~\\(\. S7'..~ 't:l.~ ,\\0.5'1....__-- ____ _ - ----- "-. .-~~.~. _ ( C\ f! ~~.~..~~~-./3 fl_~--nll,OIl 't~~ I~O ~,~. ~3.oo C,_..!,..' 3 '-u. ",- % 'H,d- ~~ !L~oo .~""',. -- ru ~~~,'-f hl,-i\-.~.\n, .@.. ~30.bOc- _____._____._________....__________________._J~ to ~ .--.- ----_._-~-~~ _______u. Jl.trn~~0\ m\loJ\.~ u" ____.__ ___.____~ ~S,% .______. _. ___.__ u J1.vn~ ~'-~~~-- ..\L~~-~~1~.~~ ._u. ._..____._~~ ~~...-- .__.____________._ di.t.~. ----.------- ~ ~~,..- !Jt~~~..\~~~~dI.~, ~~ ~~~~~~~~ ~::~~~~~~~J~~V~:::J -.---~ ~_\:.~~~ ~~, _R~'-~~~.J~. ~~.'U~~.~. ~~<>.M.~~ ~~.~..~.._~ ~\... _~.~~ ~.~.~..lo'~~ I.~.._ - ~_. -- \ ....' .. \'f\.~. c\&.o-~. "'""'~ s--,~.J"'~~' ...... ..-.... ... --- .. ~ ~ ____:1.4 7{J. O~_ _ 'i!l6~(H / &,'38 '--1.60 /2~.. , __ :II. _'-I5/j. 60 ,- !liJ. 4'iI.1,~ f:j~(j.()~ --- ; _. .__.,:l..'/6:(JOJ-_ " - 7:J.IJ,(jo. $lJ.&(\ #. .77iJ.oc; . ___~_,..____~___'."_'_'_._~.'_._'. ___u,...__..___.._~~,~_.____~'__'__'___.._.__.,._~,._~___,. __' _._ -~.__.. --.'-+"-, ,___"__~,____,._+_.,M'__.'__...__..,+ - .-._--....-.