HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/09/1947 I I I I :1 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 333 April 9, 19..1:L ...-. ..~""..,_~...~_ .....RIlL 18778 ~ l!iThe Commission met in regular session at officers revealed the follmYing present: .Yld Clerk Law. 10:00 P..!Z. ar,d was called to order by 1.'ayor Epperson. :toll call alii Mayor Epperson, Commissioners Steele and Johnson, Attorney Wilson 'I !.[i.nutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building pernats and licenses, the following were granted: Building Permits: ,? ~ 9' t?" <? 0 Jack DelGuzzi Campbell & ~cClanahan Gerald T. Estes H. J. Fay Sig Larson R. Sorensen i A. B. Sunde ,Robert N. Stephens 'I Axel L:ackeprang I" George ~!eyman I Ers. Harold Bra ck i 1'1 Licenses: !? .-. Shamrock Tavern One Amusement Eachine--3 J,:onths J~sephine Bruett Place of Refuge :' Two o;mers of Ade's Taxi Company appeared before the Commission requesting a taxi stand on the .street. Ictue consideration the request was not ~ranted and no change will be made at the present time. II The City Engineer presented the first monthly estimate for A.arch, due Owens 3ros., Contractors, for L.I.D. I No. 148--amowlt due vms l;2,762.66. It was moved by COIrr,issioner Jobnson that the estimate 'oe approved and ipaid. Seconded by wayor Epperson. All members voted Aye. The motion carried. j Police Chief Ide reported progress on construction of City DOE; Pound, and suggested adding fixtures Vihich Viere not originally planned. It was moved by Commissioner Steele tbat the Chief be empowered to direct i installation of fixtures as he sees fit. ~eco:Jded lJJ l"aycr Epperson. All voted Aye. J.:otion carried. II U~der the head of introduction of resolutions for the sale of real property by the City, the following one , resolution was introduced: Build Residence; Lot 14, Ell:. 226, Townsite Build 3-Room & Utility Dflelline; Lot 3, Blk. 93, Tovmsite Build 2 Bedrooms on HOlCe; Lot 7, 3lk. 14, Co-op. Colony Add. Duild Addition; Lot 20, Blk. 345, Tovrnsite Put New Roof On l3uilding; lot 20, Elk. 5, Tmmsite Side ;:ouse; Lot 16, Blk. lE7; Townsite Build Addition to Bedroolll; Lot 2, Blk. .101, 1\.C. Baker's Md. Build 5-Room Dvrelling; Lot 10, Elk. 222, Tmmsite Raise House, Put in Foundation; Lot 12, Blk. 132, Tax Lot 606 Remodel House; Lot 15, 31k. 171, Toymsite Build 4-Room Residence; Lot 12, Elk. 3, Cramer Addition . 6,000.00 3,000.00 1,000.00 350.00 i 500.00 , 100.00 i 250.00 6,500.00,1 200.00 'I 2,500.00.' 1, SOO.OO I \ 6.00. 2.00 I., Afte~ V/illie Irvin and Ella J.:ae Gluth Lot 14, 51k. 246, Tovrnsite ISO .00 It Vias moved by COlmnissioner Steele that the foregoing resolution:o e approved and the property sold. i' Seconded by l:ayor l!:pperson. All members voted Aye. The motion carried. The Connniss~on examined and approved the follo7ring claims and ordered warrants issued in pa;yment of the same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUIlD: -< () 71" ~:L II i The Olympic Printery Envelopes 11.28 I I' Port Angeles Eveni"lg ;Jews Legal Publicaticns, Adv. 190.491 1111. E. Dodge Expense Trip 8.57 I I' Olympic Stationers Office Supplies 38.281 I Dept. of Labor & Industries Ind. Ins. & l.:edical Aid 31.36 Clty Treasurer Box Rent, Light, Water, Garbage, St & Sewers, St.Lites "I I and Fire Hydrants 1,359.58' City street Dept. Eechanical Laber 27.00, ',Hazel's Cafe lleals for Prisoners 28.'79:1 :.Wray & Raber Gunk, Paint & Brush 2.01l : Jobnson & Bork One Brush, One Qt. Lone Pine Turps. 2.06 II Epperson & Sons 2 tia1. Desert ura;' Rccl:film 9.16 I'Brovrn1s Second Hand Store Fire Extinguisher 5.15 Smith & hesson, Inc. Revolver Supplies 1.98' 'Shell Oil Co., Inc. j.jotor Oil 5.90 , R. O. Ide Ger :.!ileage for t'aroh 32.48 I I Howard-cooper Corp. One Pump; Body Guard Pants 281.89 , TaYler Super Service Acetylene 6.58 "Fire Appliance Co. Dugas Compound & Dugas Co2 Cartridge Refilled 7.73 i Yfillson Hardware Co. Tools & Hardware 2.56 G " VI Fire Service 3 ['lew l~ Qt. Pyrenes, less Credit 23.12 ',' Chas. L. Goodwin Traveling :':xpense 5.68 'Harold Thompson Traveling Expellse 16.87 Ii I CITY STREET FUND: ..? f/ -! ~ Port Ani;;'i~rete Products Co. Sel';er Pipe and Supplies I-lame Ele ctri c Co. Wire 'I Dept. of Labor & Industries ,Jobnson & !Jork II D ~ 13 Battery & Electric Station II Dial710nd T !:I~otor Car Ca. I I WATER FUND: ~31 .J'.z. II Dept. of Labor & Industries City Soreet Dept. I~ & B BatteFJ & Electric Station iOlympic Printery Rensselaer Valve Co. Hooker Electrochemical Co. Port Angeles Evening News, Inc. 'Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Seattle Plu!nbing Supply Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Ind. Ins. Paint Parts ',':ater Pump 131.86 14.90 22.59 47.30 I 13.29 I 16.38 ' 8:. l:edical Aid Ind. hs. & Eedical Gas and Oil Parts Supplies Hydrant Parts Chlorine Adv. Pipe Fittings Cement Aid 19.02 40.81, 1.54 15.35 II 95.60 I, 33.34 V 2.24 187.89 36.90 1.13 LIGHT FUllD.. .,< / t:. ~ tf-i' City Street Dept. ' n. IV. J"ean Repairs and Oil Car Expense 25.95 45.64 ~ "'334 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington April 9th, continued, 191L- ~ILIGHT _FUND, continued: "j Byron Winter ,port Angeles Auto Supply Co. Olympic Stationers Olympic Printery 'IAddressograph Sales Agency 'City Water Dept. I-.line rate rial CD. 'I!'~aydwell [< Hartzell, Inc. Dept. of Labor & Industries 'Line J'.aterial Co. Ilruget SOW1d I';avigation Co. I SANITATION FlUiD: 'IS' !'f 'I Tower Supe r Servi ce 'Dept. of Labor & Industries Ror Pike ,i'PARK FUND: /53J't.f i'iiITSO::;j"j"lardware Co. Builders' Supply Stores IDept. of Labor [< Industries Ci.ty Street Dept. City Treasurer I'Ross & Beasley, LlC. Cit.y Fuel Co. Johnson & Bork I PARKING 1!ETER & TRAITI C CDNTRQJ, FUND: Epperson & Sons 'Johnson &: Bork Dept. of La~or & Industrie~ CE;,:ETERY FU:m: -25",0:3 Cit~. Water Dept. Epperson &. Sons Gar Expense, Inspector Parts Supplies Supplies Oil, Plates Breaking Pavement Fuses Insulators Ind. Ins. & l:edioal Aid Tran~ formers Freight Charees Repairs Ind. Ins. " J.:edical Aid Car ~ileage for Larch Tools and Hardware linseed Oil Ind. Ins. " redical Aid Gasoline, Oil, btove Oil light, Water, Garbage Tools and Hardware Fuel Oil Paint and S"pplies -<? 7 /5 Paint and School Signs Paint Ind. Ins. &. Ledical Aid laoor i\~ails L. 1. GUARF,NTY HHill: -< <f ? if. Cit.y Treasurer- Taxes Paid IICUR.'1ENT E:n>ENSE CUJ.:UU'i'IVE P.ESE.'iVE FUND: .2.':< <f Port Angeles Eveni:1g ~.rews -- riotice to Bidders '~L. 1. D. GENEAAL FUND: /..<3 'wept. of labor & Industries Ind. Ins. & Ledical Aid 11. 1. D. 110. 148 ,UJilJ: .:( ?6.2 ~ (. Owens Bros., Contractors ,.:arch 3st:L1late, Sidewalk Improvements "There being no further business, the session was deem red adjourned. d. (/ c.~. ~ Clerk l~ c.~ _~Lc~ , T 25.10 5.21 11. 54 ' 55.62 1. 86i\ 12.30:; 372.35 69.83'1 28.02, 1,504.571 8.49 " 5.41] 11.45i 28.28, 21.47 7.21' 4.05: 12.19 60.57 19.17' 16.61 12.59 14..47 270.37, 2.31 24.00' 1.05 24.54 2.24 1 1 1.25 I 1 1 2,762.661 1:ayor I I I .1 I