HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/09/1951 P'" 114 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington April 9, 19~1- ...;-,',.",...:. ...................."",....,,"'..,.... ~ The Collllllission met in regular session at 10:00 A. M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers 'present were: Mayor Feel., Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building permits, the following were BUILDING PERMITS: eo Bernard Nelson 11190' Lloyd Flatau I Wayne Williams Curtis E. Bq Del Guzzi Brothers Fred Rasmussen granted: 2,000.00 500.00 6,500.00 200.00 12,000.00 300.00 Remodel & retoof home, Lots 3, 4, Blk. 200 Townsite, Remodel existing dwelling, Lot 19, Blk. 87 Townsite, Build dwelling Lots 11, 12, 13, Blk. 162, Townsite Enlarge porch Lot 17 BTh. 115, Townsite Construct dwelling Lots 5!. 19, 20, BTh. '387, Townsite Construct garage Lot 16, BTh. 156, Under the head of unfinished business, one bid was submitted by Owens Brothers Engineering and Construction CompaQ)' for construction of curbs, gutters, and driVElWqS on East First Street from Race St., to Alder St., being L. I. D. No. 154. Amount bid was $12,739.75 which did not include fixed estimate of $1800.00. After. discussion regarding amount and legalit;y of bid, it was moved by CoIlllllissioner Taylor that the bid be referred to the Attorney, Engineer and Collllllissioner of Public l;orks, decision to be rendered not later than the next j session. Motion seconded by Mqor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Lou Kiszak informed that the Port Angeles Transit System has been sold as of April 1, and introduced Stirling Long, the new operator. Mr. Kiszak requested that blockade at 11th and Oak Sts. be removed. Also informed I that report has been filed showing business Operations from January 1, 1950 to March 31, 1951. It was moved. by Collllllissioner Taylor that the ms.tter be referred to Commissioner Robinson. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Collllllission coruildered the request by the Kempherts and McCormicks for vacation of a portion of the alley in Back 190, Townsite, and abutted by.. Lots 1, 2 and 3, and 16, 17 and 18, which was formerly referred to tile Planning Collllllission. Tile Planning Conmission Ilaving recommended that the alley not be vacated, it was moved by Mayor Feeley that tile recommendation be accepted and the alle;y not vacated. Seconded by Collllllissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I No bids having been submitted for construction of a building to house the chlorination plant, it was moved by Collllllissioner Taylor that the building be constructed by the City. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. No bids having been received for sale of obsolete transformers b;y the Light Department, it was moved by Collllllissioner Robinson that the Light Superintendent be authorized to dispose of the trans- I formers for the highest and best offer. Seconded by lIlayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Mayor Feeley questioned failure to publish bids for sale of timber on City propert;y at .the Elwha Water intake, as authorized at the previous session. Collllllissioner Tqlor informed that responsibility of the City mUst I first be established, as logging operation in this locality is extremely hazardous due to highw~ and rail- road right-of-w~s. Mr. Taylor also informed that after investigation of conditions in the Morse Creek wate!" shed, removal 6f timber from the water shed will henceforth be definitely discontinued. Under the head of new business, Don Midkiff, Student. Bod;y President, appeared before the Collllllission request- ing that following an election conducted by the Student Bod;y, their Officers take over City Government for one d~. The Collllllission expressed no objections and Mr. Midkiff will submit date and plans in the near future. 1 Commissioner Taylor informed that a meeting is scheduled for 3:00 P. M. April 9, with State Engineers and the Planning Collllllissioo, and urged all interested individuals to attend, this being a prelude to the evening I meeting scheduled. Mrs. Earl L. Harriman, 724 So.Chaml!ers St., filed a claim in amount of $5.45 against the Cit;y for deiholitioil of a sled belonging to her daughter, caused by a Cit;y Light truck skidding into the sled. The claim was referred to the City Attorney and Insurance Compac;r. Commissioner Taylor requested that the Commission authorize publication of bids for excavation of approxima-, tely 9,000 ft. of trench for water main on Ediz Hook to pr.ecede surfacing of the road. It was moved by Commisstoner Taylor that bids be published and opened April 2). Seconded by Collllllis.ioner Robinson. All voted A;ye. Motion carried. Attorney Severyns informed that the alley io Block 391, the Pine Hill Playtieilld, should be vacated in proper form, thereb;y eliminating SQl' question of legalit;y. The Following resolution fixing time and place of hear- ing for the .said vacation was introduced: RESOLUTION The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks having filed herein its petition for the vacation of the alley running through Block 391 of the Townsite of Port Angeles from the Westerly margin of Pine Street to the Easterly margin of Cedar Street and lying between Lots One (1) to Ten (10) and Eleven (11) to Twenty (20) all in said Block 391. l NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED !1:r the City Collllllission of the City of Port Angeles, that Mond~, the 30th day- of April, 1951, at the hour of 10:00 A.M. of said date, be and the same is hereby fixed for the date of the hearing on said petition; said hearing to be held in the Commissioners Room at 3rd and Lincoln Streets in the City of Port Angeles. PASSED by the City Collllllission and adopted this 9th day of April, 1951. Frank A. Feeley Mayor ATTEST: J. E. Law City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Andrew Severyns Acting City Attorney APPROVED AS TO DESCRIPTION: Herman Ahlvers City Engineer It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner T~lor. All voted Ays. Motion carried. ~ I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 115 ., Apri' 9, 19-5L Cnnti nllllll!n '"....,.......m"..'""....,...",........~ NOTICE OF HEARING FOR THE VACATION OF THE ALLEY RUNNING THROUGH BLOCK THREE IiUNDRED NINETY-ONE (391) OF THE TOWNSITE OF PORT ANGELES \.~ . :'\ , NOTICE IS KEREBY GIVEN that a petition has been filed to vacate the alle;y running through Block Three Hundred Ninety-one (391) from the Westerly margin of Pine Street to the Easterly margin of Ce~ Street and lying between Lots One (1) to Ten (10) and Eleven (ll) to Twenty (20) in said Block Three Hundred Ninety-One (391). I NOTICE IS FURTHER HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a resolution of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, dated April 9th, 1951, that a hearing will be had on the 30th day 1>1 April, 1951, at the hour of 10:00 -A.M. of s8id date before said Cit;y Commission in the Commissioner's Room at the Building at 3rd and Lincoln Streets at which time all parties interested in s~d petition may appear bElfore said Collllllission and enter their objections if aQ)' there bel to said vacation. DATED this 9th day of April, 1951. J. E. Law ~ City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles. " . AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING IN THE MATTER OF WE VACATION of the following described alle;y, to..wit: The alley running through Block 391 of the Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington, from the Westerly margin of Pine Street to the Easterly margin of Cedar Street, and lying between Lots One (1) to Ten (10), and Eleven (11) to Twent;y (20), all in said Block 391. I I I STATE 'OF WASHINGTON)) ss. COUNTY OF CLALLAM) H. E. -Dodge, being first dul,y sworn, deposes and says that he was at the time herein mentioned, of full age,! a resident of Port Angeles, Clallam County, State of Washington, and a citizen of the United States and 011 the State of Washington; That on the 9th day of April, 1951, he posted true and complete copies of the original notice of hearing on petition to vacate the certain alley described in the notice of hearing here- to attached. One cop;y was posted at the front door of the Court House in Clallam ,CouJlt;y, Washington; O\le at the front door of the Cit;y Building at 140 West Front Street, Port Angeles; One in a conspicuous piliace I on the alley which is sought to be vacated in the petition in the above entitled matter. ~~uu~u~n~n""lllx~=~X~XK~~~~M H. E. Dod/(e Subscribed and sworn to before me this 11th dq of April, 1951. J. .Lyle Beam Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing at Port Angeles. )1y Collllllission Expires Oct.8,1953. Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was read by title .and placed on first and second reading: ORDINANCE NO. /....<~ AN ORDINANCE ORDERING AND PROVIDING FOR THE IMPROVE}ffiNT OF FIFTH STREET FROM THE WEST MARGIN OF "A" STREET TO TIlE EAST MARGIN OF "E" STREET, BY THE CONSTRUCTION OF CEMENT, CONCRETE SIDQiAL!\S ALONG THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF SAID FIFTH STREET. I Creating Local Improvement District No.155 and providing for the payment of the cost and expenses' . I thereof by such special assessments upon the proper.!l7 within said District according to law, and by the mode of ps.rment by bonds, all in accordance with Improvement Resolution No. 155 of the City of POl't Angeles, and I in accordance with the maps, plans and specifications prepared b;y the City Engineer and approved and adopted b)I the City Collllllission. I It w~ Moved by Mayor Feeley that the foregoing Ordinance be passed the first and second reading. Seconded I by Collllllissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I' The Collllllission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of the same: ~~~: lo1l~.i1 i Gordon Sandison Agency Official Bond 45.00 I Egening News Press 60 Copies Annual report 24.72 Bussing Office Supply Columnar Sheets, etc. 18.29 City Shop Dept. Gas, Oil 11.82 . Dept. .Labor & Industries Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 28.41 I City Treasurer Water 20B.37 Dept. Labor & Ind. Ind. Ins, & Med Aida 212.09 City Treasurer Light, water, Garbage9 29,68 Hazel's Cafe' Meals for Prisoners 95.74 I R. O. .Ide. Car Mileage, March 22.61 I City Shop Dept. Repairs 22.50 Headrick Repair Service Repair 28.86 Fitchard's Associated Ser. Repair 10.11 Olympic Printery Pads, Pencile, Envelopes 10.38 Pacific TeL & Tel. Co. Service 68.91 Olympic Stationers Office Supplies 2.42 City Treasur er Light, Water 38.18 OlympicStationers Colters, tape 5.93 D. & B. Battery & Elec. Sta. Cable, Switch 9.26 I Wheeler Hdwe. & Furniture Cups 4.17 Howard - Cooper Corp. Gaskets, etc. 130.72 I Olympic Stationers Paper, Envelopes 5.82 ...011I1 r 116 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington April 9. C"..tiauI!d 1951- "..."......."'".....'w,......."...,.... ... CITY STREET FUND: I ~;7:S,li$ Cit;y TreaSUrer- Light, Water 83.75 Port of Port Angeles Unloading Road Mix 210.00 I City Shop Dept. Gas, Oil, Repairs 976.94 Dept.. of Labor & Industries Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 190.68 P. A. Concrete Products Co. Sewer Pipe, etc. 10.51 Nailor Lumber Co. Nails 1..55 CITY SHOP BUND: jl{S,~{ Automotive Parts Service Parts 310.63 Peninsula Plywood Corp. Core Blocks 8.24 Dept. of Labor & Indus tries Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 26.44 - WATER FUND: 7'7~,glc rit;y Shop Dept. Gas, Oil, Repairs 268.l0 P. A. Concrete Products Co. Serl!'J.ce Boxes 40.29 Olympic Stationers File esse & B. Prints 92.47 Jas. W. Caven Fittings 3.30 'Western Utilities Suppl;y Co. Meter Boxes & WrellCh jaws 128.ll Seattle Plumbing Suppl;y Co. Pipe & Tools 59.81 Dept. of Labor & Industries Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 204.78 LIGHT FUND: 2Z OP 7. 'ib IWestinghOUSe Electric Supply Co. Wire, etc. 1,064.98 Remington Rand, Inc., Ledger Sheets, etc. 106.91 Wheeler Hardware & Furniture Co. Rope, Rules, etc. 9.90 Clallam County P.U.D. No.1 Power, Feb. 26,495.00 City Shop Dept. Gas, repairs 109.12 Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Service 81. 07 Kohler Radio & T. V. Repai r locator 23.33 I Olympic Stationers Maps 2.41 Clallam Adjustment Corp Collection expense 4.84 United Janibor Suppl;y Dust mops 3.28 Lunt's Battery Ser. Servic e on car 1.80 Olympic Printery Office supplies 52.qo P. A. Evening News Adv. 30.42 Olympic Electric Co. Wire 92.70 Globe Electric Co. Wire 398.72 Willson Hdwe. Co. St. Lampa & Tools . 117.88 Luvaas Tire Re-t.ead Ti re repai r 13.60 The Bristol Co. Charts 8.30 Daily Journal of COllllllerce Adv. for bids .17.40 Eltron Inc., !,/oise locator 160.00 City Water Dept. Water due 6.00 Universal Graphite Pencil Co. Pencils 18.75 Radio Service & Appliance Col. Fuses .72 Dept of Labor & Industries Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 187. 73 Sanitation Fund: l-(PIJ, -jS Ci t;y Shop Dept. Gas, Oil, Repairs 162.71 Clallam Adjustment Corp. Collection Commission 1.67 Peninsula Fuel Co. Fuel Oil 129.19 'Dept. of Labor & Industries Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 106.78 LIBRARY FUND: 5S7.pl/ Olympic Stitioners Office Supplies 18.96 City Treasurer Light, Water, Garbage 11.79 I Pacific Tel. & Tel. Co. Service 18.02 Bussing Office Supply Cit;y Map .77 Library Serviele Tape 18.00 P. A. Public Library Office supplies 9.77 Joseph Nieme;yer, Jeweler Clock repair 18.54 Herman Goldberger Agency Magazine Sub. 9.40 Doubled~ & Co. Books 22.30 E'..M. Hale Books 26.28 . Albert Botho Books 40.50 Personal Book Shop Books 151.31 Puget Sound News Co. Books 34.33 A. C. McClurg & Co. Books 127.19 Jean Kerr & COmJlSlU" Books 11.98 Seattle P. I. Subscription 17.90 I LIBRARY MEMORIAL FUND: Ir, II 'Puget SoiiiidNeWs co:- Books 18.11 PARK FUND: ;:(, 'C, S'~ Wheeler Hdwe. & Furniture Tools & Hdwe. 29.68 Pacific Tel. & TeL Co. Service 16.22 Angeles Pittsburgh Paint PUnt 14.01 City Treasurer Light, Water Garbage 68.68 PARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL FUND: I pl. 67 Olumpic Stiitione;S- - - Office Supplies 1.23 City Water Dept. Labor 7.00 I Wheeler IIdwe. & Fur. Co. Ladder Shoes, Emery Paper 5.40 Cit;y Shop Dept.. Gas, repairs 13.27 Trick & Murray Coin Wrappers 58.12 Dept. .of Labor & Industries Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid 16.65 I l I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ,~,.'".."."""."',,..'"'..,,"""'.....~ I CEMETERY FUND:' / 0 " PO City Treas.u:;;'r ANIMAL OONTROL FUND: ;Z f r. p' Ciiii.'lam COuntY iiWiiAne Society UIREMEN'S PENSION FUND: -S j,,~ , Cpulalnc6ount7eMedical Service Cprp. L. 'I. D. General Fund: olyiiij)ic St:atrOiiere 7,,~s' April 19.51- </, Continulld Water 10.00 Licenses, Pound Fees collected 298.00 Med. Fees, April 33.00 Blue Prints 'P5 I . No further business appearing, .the meeting was the,! adjourned. ! ~, ~ rJ XtUI/ . City Clerk . NOT].~ TO Blnn~HS NoticE' I~ lU'l'j>}' fth'~lI 'tho,t .'Ie~led hids \\'lJl he recelvell "llY the -ell}' ! CI-erk of tlle Cllv of. }"'(lj1 .Angelt'~, \""a13h" until April 23, 1951 allO 3.m. ; ,tmrl.not Inter, at th~ OIrice of the ~Ih}' C1i:"f ~a~~}1I1f~~',~~r ~~~r~lJ: .~!it aGO~ line.:!.l. r.~et of wate.rmain I :..\11 l:liil:ll >IhalJ hf\ tlCcompatlled by R. c"rt1f~d r>heck 1-/1 lIu3 Slum or not '1.i. tbA""~"1:~ ot "1bp. nmmmt bUI. t , b'.1I1.._. ~100% or tilE' 1I,mounl '01 tn contr., prlce mllst be fllrnl!'lll.. ed .by thl." 'i'ucl'(>ssClIl bidcler. Plans and sJH"ciflcatlons may'- be ~~~~~lii~l:r~ .~~~ C~p'$~.I;6,j{ w'rn~g . sum will he rcflll1d~d if the plans nnd rr,ccl(jco.tlons are retul'ned 't.o the Clt~' Clerl{ before t1UI bids nre opened. Tlle Clt~. CommissIon reserves fhe right tft.rejPCl an)".or 11l1~blds. , ,J. E. LAW, City Clerk. PuhliRhed; A?~~,~. .!J5J:,....:...___ ~~d~~ 11.7 " ..011I1