HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/10/1935 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 289 ., April 10. 1935 193_ I I I I. I I Tfte Oommission met in regular session at 10 a.m. an d was called to order by Ma;yor Davis. Roll oall showed the following offioers present: Mayor Davis. Commissioners . , Lutz and Masters, Attorney Plummer and Qlerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of Applioations for Building Permits the following were granted: I 'Sohlager Bros., garage and shed, Lot 16, Blk. 175, Townsite J. ~. Burke, Remodel store building, Lot I, Blk. I, Tideland East I Diok Jaokson, Repair store building, Lot 1, Blk. 31, N.R. Smith's Subd. 200.00 . 100 . 00 250.00 Franl:: Burgess having applied for permission to use Lot 6, Blk. 239, Townsi te of Port ~ge~e6, for gardening purposes, it was moved by Commissioner Masters that Frank Burgess be granted the privilege to use Lot 6, Blk. 239, Townsite. f9~ gardening pur- poses for the year 1935; provided, however, that in oase of a sale of the lot by the City, or that it should be needed for City purposes, then this grant shall be void and the lot relinquished to the City. Motion seoonded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll oall all members voted aye. The Mayor deolared the motion carried. The Oommissi on examined and allowed the follOWing cla.ims and ordered warran ts drawn for same: CURRENT EXPENSE FUND State Treasurer Frank L. Plummer The Pao Tel & Tel Co. P.A. Evening News Gehrke & Johnson Shell Oil Co. Howard-Cooper Corp. The Pac Tel & Tel 00. r. C. Groves Glenn's ~ervice Station T~e Pl)\o T~l &" T~l ~o. T. Warshal & ~ons Zellerbach Paper ~o. Paoific Emblem & Mfg Co. P.S. Navigation Co. The Pac Tel & Tel Co. Walkling Motor Co. Ang~les Gr*vel ~ Su~ply go. Ind Ins & Med Aid Expense Aooount S el'vio e Publi oa tions Gas Gas Nozzles, eto. Servi oe Meal s far' prisoner s Reps irs Service 45.ll 15.00 2.75 44.87 36.45 57.96 398.13 7.35 35.70 38.30 3.75 2.45 2.21 5.50 50.25 .50 1.10 3.00 27.35 44.85 28.94 6.55 18.00 19.85 2.50 1.60 8.15 6.00 16.00 88.60 256.47 26.75 Polioe Whistles Paper tpwels leO Badges Freight Servioe Repairs Cement Gravel Hdwe Repairs Freight Repairs Ca toh Bas in Lid Filing Saws Pipe, etc. Repairs Traok Hardware ~> I~O\ Lysall Welding & Forge ~orks P.S. Navigation Co. Garvin "uto Co. P.A. Concrete Froduots Co. Wm Schrader P.A. Concrete Produots Co. Custom Top & Body Shop Marshall Wells Co. n I! n " '4 Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. WATER FUND Lumber State Treasurer Marshall Wells Co. Cf,ty Li~ht !ef.t. Paris Motor 100. Il II II Ind Ins & Med Aid' Hammers Gas & Oil Current furnished at reservoir Gasoline True k re pai rs Repair Hydrant Freight Charges Gra vel, e to . Labor & Material Gal v. Iron Service Boxes & Caps Lubrioation Truck Rent Tee Pipe Ell Material & Supplies To ols 19.53 3.26; 16.21 8.50 1.08 8.51 5.65 1.81 7.13 29.60 .55 1.30 4.50 45.00 27.09 7.25 30.93 4.60 Edmiston Machine Works P.S. Navigation Co. Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Lysall Welding & Forge Works Harris & Schuller P.A. Concrete Products Co. Getchell & Gagnon Washington State Bank Se~ ttl.e, Pl~bin~ ~ Su~ply ~o. " ~::.. "V 'V.... LIGHT FUND State Treasurer A. H. Andis Electrical West Wm Schrader Washington State Bank City Treasurer Olympic Utilities Sup. 100. Pao ~el & Tel Co. J. Lloyd Aldwell, Ine. HarrIs & Sohuller Quick Print Byron ~rinter Lysall Welding & Forge W6rks Richfield IDil Co. of California Ind Ins & Med Aid '1lood , Subscription Filing "aws Rent Water at Substation Fixtures,,' etc. Servio e Ins. ranges Swi tch-Box Supplies " 20.73 5.50 3.00 1. 65 85.00 1. 95 110.64 l3.G5 6.76 4.65 16.85 2.05 38.50 68.15 Plate for Substation (}as oline ...4 ,... 290 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington __--.l.p~J:LIO_. 1935 193_ 4.45 )..1 20.68 Ifoi 4.50 69.76 53.87 8.49 3.50 5.53 14.25 2.00 5.50 6.06 13.01 1/''3 4.G5 jqK v 12.21 ,~ 7.49 q J 1.65 ~ S. H. ilhite P. S. Navigation Go. Stan Johnson LIBRARY FUND Puget Sound News Co. W. J. Ware Union Library tss'n Chas ~. Hutchinson Library of Oongress Packer-Scott Co. Grange Warehouse Blac~burn Printing Co. Jennl1u Norris, Standard Book ~o. The Pac Tel & Tel Co. City Treasurer PARK FUND State Treasurer Johnson & Borl: Expense Aooount Freight Charges Wood Books Insurance Books Repairing olook Supp,lies Mororop Supplies Petty oash Books Servi c e Light & \'Tater Ind Ins & Med Aid Brush, etc. There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. .. 7J1Jkf/~~ Ci ty Clerk. ~~ Mayor. I I I I I