HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/10/1950 Page 644 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington APril 10. 19-5lL , The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Ma,'or P'eeley. Officers I, present were: Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumll1ll and Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. I; Under the head of applications for ll1ilding permits and licenses, the following were granted: !I o~ I Building Perm1ts:.#,J.C~ ~ II George A. Todd I Construct 5-Room Dwelling;& Garage; Lot 19, Blk. 51, Townsite Edward Gakin Construct 4-Room Dwelling; 236 W. 15th;ftactional Block. .421i, Townsite I Calvin Holeman Construct 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 6, Blk. 272, Townsite Olympic Builders Construct 4-Room Dwelling; Lot 2, Elk. 291, Townsite . Tholll'ls Carrell fuild l-Room House; Plot 58 (2650 W. lOth) ,IA..G. Hansen Build Retaining Wall; Lots 5, 6, JJlk. 2, Wms. & Cramer Add. , Petersen & Craver Build 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 8, 8lk. 177, Townsite Vern Crist Construct New Garage; Remove Old. Garage; Lot 1, JJlk. 40, N.R.Smi~ Add. L. Johannes Construct 2-Room Dwelling; Lot 6, Blk. 425, Townsite I' Arthur Thompson Move Garage; Lot 11, Blk. 50, Townsite . Ray Clary Construct Day Nursery; Lots 49-50-51, J:'erkins Sub. of Lot 52, Pt..Angeles j, Charles R. Gallacci Construct 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 6, Blk. 59, N.R.Smith Marion P. Harthill Enlarge & Build-in Front Porch; Lot 12, Blk. 176, Townsite F. A. Suomela Put in New Concrete Foundation in Home; Lot 12, Blk. 20, j'.R.Smith Add. I' The applica tion 0 l' Ed Gakin Was approved with proviso 6,500.00 2,500.0011 6,000.00' 6,000.00 I 200.001 600.00 6,000.00 . 500.00.. 2,000.001 200.00 6,000.00 I 7,000.001 300.00, 400.00 I that six months be fixed as time limit for completioni I , I i I i I report at II II I The Commission again considered adoption of day-light saving time. Joe Woods filed a petition with 2S7 'I signers requesting that the City adopt Daylight Saving Time to conform with Seattle. Fred Hipkins and .1 others spoke for and against changing clocks. Clauds Bradford reportsd that the Chamber of Commerce voted I to. conform with Seattle. The !.layor read a request from tha International Hod Carriers Building and i Common Laborer's Union, Local No. 895, informing that their union is opposed to Daylight Saving Time. ,: Commissioner Robinson informed that he is advised the Culinary Alliance favors Standard Time. He also I[ stated that having given much study regarding change to Daylight Saving Time, regardless of how the . Commission vote, it will be wrong. After further discussion and consideration, .it was moved by Comm1ssione~ Robinson that due to the stand the County has taken by adherring to Standard Time, the City do likewise, and not adopt the Daylight Saving Time. Motion secorned by Commissioner Taylor. On roll call, Commission, rs Robinson and Taylor voted Aye. Mayor Feeley voted opposed. The motion carried.' II Licenses: Bawdsn Studios Traveling Photographer, 1 Day II Loyal Order of Moose Public Dance, 1 Night , Under the head of unfinished busir.ess, bids to furnish traveling jl Creek Dam were submitted as follows: screen and centrifugal pump for Morse Chain Belt Company: One '!:raveling Screen $4,849.00; Hand Drive Attachment Extre $337.00 Link Belt Co.: One Traveling Screen-Hand Drive Incl. $4,658.00 Star Machinery CO.I One Centrifugal Pump, F.O.B. Fort Angeles $549.60 .DeLaval Steam Turbine Co.: One Centrifugal Pump, F.O.3., Fort Angeles $612.50 Cascade Machinery Co.: Ons Fairbanks Morse Biltogethsr Pump, F.O.B. Fort Angeles $459.75 II It "as moved by Commissioner Taylor that tha bids ba raferred to the Water Supt. for cheoking and , the next session. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. 2.001 5.00, It was moved by Commissioner Robinson tbat the question of adopting Dayi~ght Savillg Time in tha future he submitted for a vota of the psople by ballot in the nsxt election. Motion seoonded by Mayor Feeley. All votad Aye. Motion carried. The Commission discussed proposed establishment of Local Improvement I)istricts, L.I.D. Bonds, General Obligation Bonds, etc., and reported results of a recent meeting wi th 'l'reston, Thorgrimson & Horowitz, Seattle Attorneys, regarding bond issues, and fees for thair services. It was the opinion of Commissioner Robinson that in consideration of the difference in cost, the City should employ the said Firm for ths entirs job of advising and assisting witl1 bond issues. Mr. Robinson read the following proposal by the Attornsys: Re: Port Angeles G.O. and L.I.D. PaviIll! and Sewer Bonds Dear Sir: FollOl'fing are the fees we will charge for sither advising with and assisting you in the drawing of the proceedings for the above mentionsd bond issues and giving our opinion as to the validity thereof, or for drawing all the proceedings necessary and giving our opinion as to the validity thereof: f 1. Unlimited general obligation bonds to be voted, (a) Advising with or assisting you in the proceedings, and opinion (b) Drawing all proceedings and furnishing opinion 2. Enlarged paving and sewer L.I.D., $200,000 (a) Advising with or assisting you in the prooeedings, opinion as to validity of warrants issued each month, and final opinion as to validi ty of bonds (b) For drawing all proceadings and for opinion as to validity of warrants issued each month, and final opinion as to validity of bonds $250,000 $475 $650 3. Chsrry Hill paving and storm sewer L.I.D. $177,666.65 (a) Advising with or assisting you in the proceadings, opinion as to validity of warrants issued each month, and final opinion as to validity of bonds $425 (b) For drawing all proceedings and for opinion as to validity of warrants iseued each month, and final opinion as to validity of bonds $575 We presume that we will heer from you or the city in due course about these bond issues. Very truly your s, PRESTOn, THORORIMSON & HOROWITZ By Richard Thorgr~mson $525 $700 I I I I I I 1 I- I I .., Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Paga 645 AprU 10, 19~ Under the head of introduction of resolutions, the following was introducsd: RESOlUTION FIXING A TD.lE FOR HEARING UPON PETITION TO VACATE A PORTION OF ALDER STREET IN PCilT ANGELES, CIJ.LLAM COUNTY, WASHINGTON 'WlIEREAS,FRANK L. WINTERS, MAE E. WINTERS, DONALD V. REED and MARIAN B. REED, have signed and filed thsir I petition with the City Commission of ths City of Port Angeles., Clallam County, Washington, requesting the t~acation of .that portion of Alder Street in said City lying between First and Second Streets therein; and IWlIEREAS' the said petitioners own lots Nine (9) and Ten (10) in Block 120 and Lots One (1) and Eighteen (18)' in BlOC. k 121, all in Thoms W. Carter's Subdivision of Sull1rban Lots Nos. Eleven (11) and Sixtesn (16), I Port Angeles Townaite, according to plat thereof recorded in Volume 1 of Plats, page 19, records of said I county; and I WHEREAS, said properly constitutes all of the privste property awtting on that portion of Alder Street "sought to be vacated; and I WHEREAS , said petition is signed by the owners of all of the private property all1tting upon the part of I s~id ~treet aought to be vacated; .' 'NOW', THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that Monday, the 15th day of May, 1950, at 10:00 A.M., at the Commissioners I IRoom in the Polica Department Building at Port Angeles, Washington, be, and the sama is, hereby fixed for . Ihearing and determination of said petition, at which time all persons having any intersst therein may appear, ,or make and file any obje ctions thereto. '/ I i , I, Ii BE IT WRTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be, and he hereby is, instructed to give twenty (20) days ;notice of the pendsncy of said petition by a written or print,ed notics set, up, in three of the most public ,places in said City and a like notice in a conspicuous place on the street sought to be vacated in 'Iaccprdaroe with the applicable provisions of the laws of the State of Washington. 'It was movsd by Commissioner Robinson that the foregoing resolution be approved and aciptsd. Seconded by I Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. l!otion carried. I IN TIlE MATTER OF TIlE VACATION ) OF ) 'IALDER STREET BETWEEN flRST STREET ) AlID SECOND STREET IN THE CITY OF ) ,PORT.ANGELES, CIALLAM COUNTY, WASH. ) I . ' :NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on April 1, 1950, a petition was filed with the City Clerk for the City of !port'Angeles, Washington, signed by all the owners of all1tting propsrty, requesting the vacation by the ,City' Commission of the City of Port Angeles of the following described portion of Alder Street in the Ci1o' ,of Port Angeles, Washington, to-wi t: 'I . That portion of Alder Street lying between 'First and Second Streets on which abut the following . described lots, towit: Lots Nine (9) and Ten (10) :Lli Block 120 and Lots One (1) and Eighteen (18) , . in Block 121, all in Thomas W. Carter's Subdivision of Suburban Lots !los. Eleven (n) and Sixteen I . (16), Port Angeles Townsite, according to plat thereof recorded in Volume 1 of Plats, Page 19, I reoords of said county. fyou ARE PURTHER NOTIFIED, that Monday, ths 15th day of May, 1950, at 10:00 A.M. of said'day at the City I,Comm1ssioners Room in the Police Department Building in Port Angeles, Washington, has been fixed as the 'Itime:and place fpr the hearing on said petition to vacate. 'An persons having objections to tne vacation of said portion of said street are hereby notified to be ,present at said time and p:u.ca and make and file any objections. I This notice is given under and by virtue of a resolution of the City Commission of the city of Port Angeles" !pass~d the 10th day of April, 1950. NOTICE OF HEARING ON PETITION TO VACATE A PORTION OF ALDER STREET IN POUT ANGELES, CLALLAU COONTY, WASHINGTON J. E. Law City Clerk of ths Gity of Port Angeles. j Page 646 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington April 10th, continuad, 19~ AFFlDA VIT OF POSTING IN THE MATTER OF THE VACATION OF THE FOLLOi'IING DESCRIBED PORTION OF AlDER STREET, to-wit: That portion of Alder street hetween First and Second Streets and l~i.ng batween Blocks 120 and 121 of Thomas W. Carter's Subdivision of Suburban Lots Nos. Eleven (11) and Sixteen (16), Port Angeles Townsite. r *******'..:;: H~ Jill I:" nUlI)l~ "STATE OF WASHINGTON) ) 55. I:COUNTY OF CLAWM ) 'Harold E. Dodge, being first duly sworn, dsposes and ssys that he was at the time herein m81tioned, of full ' ,~aga, a resident of Port Angeles) Clallam County, State of Wsshington, and a citizan of the United States and,1 of the State of Washington; That on the 13th day of April, 1950, he posted trua and complete copies of the ,original notice of hearing 0'1' petition to vscate a certain portion of Alder Street dsscribed in the notice of hearing hereto attached. One copy was posted a t the front door of the Court House in 'Clallam County, :iWashingtonj One at the front door of the City Building at 140 West Front Street, Port Angeles; One in a ' conspicuous place on that certain portion of the street sought to be vacated in ths pstition in the above ',I entitled matter. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of April, 1950. H. E. Dodge 'Tha J. Lyle Beam Notary Public in and for the State of Washington, residing in Port Angeles. JAy Commission EXpires October 8, 1955 Commission examined and approved the follorling cla ims and 5~ !IM - orderad warrants issued in payment of same: 'CURRENT EXPENSE FUNDI ',Vernon J. Robinson IOlympic Printery OlJlllpic Tribune ,'City Treasurer 'Dept. of Labor & Industries 'Fitchard's Ass. Service ,;Schreiner Chevrolet Co. 'The Taxes Co. Art furnside & Co. R. O. Ide ..Peninsula fuel Co. I D & B Battary & Electric Stn. Howard-Cooper Corp. Tower Super Service Custom Top &. Body Shop IAngeles Building Center Olyjlipic Stationers ;J CITY STREET FUND. /;9(,- ,?he Texas Co. D & B Battery & Electric Stn. Truck & Equipment Co. Woodie 's Harley Davidson ,Tower Super Service IAngeles Building Center ,Dept. of Labor & Industries City Treasurer Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. Port of Port Angeles 1"Crown Zellerbec h Corp. " cf WATER FUND, j7~:l- Dspt. of Labor & Industries Daily Journal of Commerce 'Olyrtlpic Tri wne ,The Texes Co. City Street Dept. Art & Eddis' s Shell Service Angeles Millwork & Lbr. Co. Hooker Electrochsmical Co. "Port Angeles Concrete Products Co. I Hugh G. Purcell Olympic Foun:Iry Co. z~ LIGHT FUND: q4i- "Dept. of Labor & Industries "Olympic Printery Remington Rand, Inc. Samuelson Motor Co. Loop Auto Wrecking Co. R. L. & R. Service I'Truck I< Equipmsnt Co. "Lunt's llattery Service City Street napt. .D & B Battery & Electric Stn. Peninsula Machine Shop "Fitchard's Ass. Servica Crown Zellerbach Corp. Olympic Electric Co. I'Home Electric Co. "Angeles Gravel & Supply Co. Angeles Building Centsr jiixpense Acct. Supplies Legsl Publications Fire Hydrants, Light, Water, Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Car Rapa ir Install New Choke 470 Gals. Gas Two GaS Guns Car Milsags for March Fuel Oil Parts Parts Acetylsne Ilepair Tarps Plyv(ood, Paint Office Supplies Garbage 18.74 12.47 93.78 I, 274.15 I 199.13 I 9.47 1.89 I 105.05 j 22:82 26.39 105.94 18.93 210.08 , 5.15 22.66 6.59 1.29 Gas, Oil P!J.rts Parts Tira Parts Nails Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Light, Water, Sts, Sewers Sewer Pipe Unlosding Asphalt Mat'l for Waste Liquor System 945.68 20.59 3.52 2.84 27.49 .27 280.78 77.67 21.53 I 210.00 6.06 Ind. Ins. I>< Med. Aid Adv. Adv. Uasoline Gas and Oil Ga s and Oil Lumber Chlorina Sewer Pi pe Pipe Meter Boxes 187.54 11.00 5.42 22.25 98.87 4.22 71.25 54.00 . 58.92 5,156.97 93.64 Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Supplies Binders Itepairs Repairs Repairs Repa irs Battery Gasoline Parts Repairs Gas and Tire Shop Work Wire I etc. Wire Cement Casters 214.18 115.51 20.81 37.00 6.70 1.03 6.13 58.93 82.08 10.71 1.55 34.66 22.74 8.92 343.02 1.29 5.46 I I I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington IlaANITATION FUND: 0 ~ City Street ,Dept..2'3 - Lincoln Welding D.&.B Battery & Electric Stn. Olympic Printery City Treasurer Tower Super Service '{7 PARK 'FUND: 17 ... Dspt. of Labor & Industries PARKING METER & TRAFFIC COIITRGL HIND: City. Strset Dept. I DeP. t,.. of Labor << Industries City Treasurer G." & ,I. Paint Supplie s ! Grandvisw Garage I Hehse's Brake Service '. . . ,</f . LIBRARY FUND: I Sf - I Port Angeles Evening Nm.s I Peninsula Fuel Co. CEMETERY RIND: S '1:' I De1>t. of Labor & Industries : L:'I~ D. REVOLVING FUND: I ~ ~ Glympic Trilllne I ". 56 MiIMAL CONTROL FUND I (,::J. I - I,Clal:lam County Humane Society I, '1/ 11" 1. D. GENERAL RIND: .3 ~~p:.. of Labor & Industries l\pI'iLIo.th..s~o.ntJ.JllM!!L .,Gas and Gil welding J:'arts and Labor Warrants Printed Water Parts, Soldering Torch, etc. Ind. Ins. & I!.ed. Aid C' 15" - Ga s and Oil Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Postage Paint, etc. Parts & Repairs Parts & Labor 2 Subscriptions fuel Oil Ind. Ins. & lied. Aid Legal Publica tion Appr., Pound Fees, License Fees Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid There being no further business, the session was then adjourned. . ,c... (I G' ;;f~. rJ City Clerk I, !" I" 1 I I I.". 192P- Page 647 148.85 4.64 13.14 19.95 I 1.60. 42.30 ' 17.97 ' 8.56 15.08 1.53 I 100.89 ' 10.191 1.96 24.00 165.49 ' 5.43 1.32 , 621.50. : 3.71 I Ii 4f...ddLA(f' . Mayor