HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/11/1934 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Aoril n. 1934. 193_ "'IIIl 1~~ I I I ,I I The Commission met in regular session at 19 a.m. and was called to order by Mayor Davis" ROll call shov/ed thef'ollovling officers present. Hayor Davis, Commissioners Lut,\ and Masters, Attorney Plummer and Clerk Havlkins. The minutes of theprevious session were read and approved. Under the head of building permits and licenses the following were gra~ted,- Angeles Foundry Go., Addition to building, Lot 4, Block 97, Townsite, ./. L. Kidd, 4 room dwelling, Lot 2, Block 317, Tovmsi te, John Olson, Addition to dwelling, Lot 6, Block 28G, Townsite, C. L. Sundberg, Remodel Store Room, Lot 1, Bloek 31, N.R. Smith's Sub. Smith Bros., Addition to Building, Lots 10 & 11, Block 200, Townsite, Ole Sperstad, Remodel store ~oom, Lot 4, Block 15, N.R. Smith's Sub. Geo. Priebe, Remodel Garage Bldg.,Lots17 & 18, Block 54, Townsite L. ~. Star:c, )Jance at LO.O.F. Hall, April 7,1934. 200.00 1,000.00 1.50.00 150. Of' 1,500.00 150.00 100.00 5.00 11argaret Guerin having made application for permission to use Lot 2, Block IlG, Townsite, for gardening purposes,- It was moved by Commissioner Masters that ]e1argal'et Guerin be granted the use of Lot 2, Block 116, Townsite, for gardening purposes for the year 1934. Provided, however, th~t in case of a sale of the lot at any time, or that the lot should be needed for "i ty purposes, then this gl'ant shall be void and the lot relinquished to the City. i'.[o tion seconded by Commissioner Lutz. On roll call all members voted aye. The Hayor declared the motion car,"ied. Under the head of Reports from Ci ty Officers, the following was read.: April 11, 1934. To the Honorable rIayor and City Commissionevs, City of Port An,seles, ~'/ash. Gentlemen: I am pleased to inform ~ou that I have this day received a check in the sum of ~39,206.73 from :he "tate Supervisor of Banking. . This check is' for .the payment in full of all moneys held by the City of l'ort Angele:l in the closed "ashington State Bank. I am returning the excess collateral whioh was held by the City to the Supervisor of Banking. Respectfully yours, Iladge H, Na Hor. City ~reasur~ The report was ordered filed. Under the head of Unfinished Business the following Resolutions were introduced: RES 0 L UTI 0 N AUTHORIZInG SALE OF CEDAR POLE O':i1'lED BY CITY LIGHT DEPARTMENT TO PACIFIC TELEPHONE AIlD TELEGRAPH COn~AI~[. \TIIEREAS: The Superintendent of Utilities presented to the Commission a Bill of Sale to the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company for one (1) 35 foot pole located on the north side of the 11th - 12th st. alley being the first pole east of Chase Street. The pOle being of no further use to the City Light Department and having been abandoned. The Consid3ra tion in the said Bill of Sale being $1. 00, and ~ffiSR&,S: It appearing that the said Bill of Sale is in proper form and that the execution thereof is desirable and for the best interest of the City, THEHEFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the sale be approved and the l:Iayo~ and City Clerk be authorized to execute the said Bill of Jale in duplicate on behalf of the City of Port Angeles, RESOLUTIon OF THAIlK:>. 'ffiER&tS: In rearranging the City Co~mis$ioners' room on the second floor of the Fire Department building on Lincoln Street, a picture of President Roosevelt also ,one of flashington and one of Lincoln wel'e ob tained to hang on the Viall back' of the Commissioners' desk, and \7HEREAS. Chas. p. Bor], of the firm of ,TOMson & Bork, :furnished the material and framed the pictures withdut cost to the City, for all of whic~ the City Commission and City OfficiaL'! wish to express their sincere appreciation THER~FORE BE IT RESOLVED, That a vote of thanks be extend~d to Chas. P. Bork, and that he be sent a copy of this Resolution. It WG.S moved by Commissioner_ Kiasters that 'the foregoing Resolutions be approved and adopted. Seconded by Mayor uavis. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered warrants drawn for same,- CUR:1EllT :E:XPENSE FilllD F. Picca Kissner Motor Pa:.'ts Go. Automotiye Parts Co. The Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. ~llso~ Hardware eo. t;. L. "'arl'f" J. ,I. Hooker L. Casilio ". Casilio Labor Lamps Spark Plugs, etc. Service Hara.nare Filing .:law Tr,'<as. Bond Lauor " 4.00 4.32 14.55 7.15 7.34 .50 J!P:(yB 12.00 ..oIIIl ,.. 200 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington April ll. 1934. 193_ B. Baumgerd Evening lIews Frank L. Plummer The Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co. Trick & Hurray Ulmer Office ~quipment Co. Lowman & Hanford Co. The Pac. Tel. & Tel.Co. Garvin Auto Co. P. T. Poulsen The Pac. Tel & Tel. Co. il II n l~ II E. O'Brien Kissner Hotor Parts Co. Ulmer Office Equipment vo. \'Iestern ;rractor & Eguipmen"; vo. "s socia ted Oil Jal1es Hardware Co. Conrad Service Johnson & ,Bork V. A. Samuelson & ~Ol Epperson & ~ons Mook's Auto Electric Lysall Uelding & Forge Works Standard Oil Co. Frank llacdonald & Sons P.A. Concrete Products Co. uillson Hdwe. Co. Garvin Auto Co. B. G. Douglass State Treasurer ','lATE:, FUl'ID Q.uick Print Rlxons Parking ~arage Olympic Printery Standard citations, Inc. ~illson Hdwe. Co. Richfield Oil Co. ':Im. Brennand. Pioneer, Inc. 7/ash. State Bank Ulmer J.;rinting ';0. puget ~ound. Nav. Co. Federal Pipe & Tank Co. Seattle Plumbing BupplW Co. Jacobs Plumbing Co. S ta te Treas. LIGHT FUND 1-..--- Westinghouse Elec. Supply Co. ,Iestinghouse Elec. & Mnfg. Co. General Elec. Supply.,"o. Po S. Power & Light uo. Kissner Motor Co. Public Administration Ser. Ernest s. Bra;,lIn8r Pioneer, Inc. Electrical "arId The Pac. Tel. & Tel.' ';0. ~lympic "PI' in ter;l "'d. n. Taylor Byron ./inter The ~tate Law Reporting Co. V. A. Samuelson & Co. J. C. Donnell Johnsl;ll1' & ,13ork H. L. Price Lysall Welding & Forge Co. ~ash. State Bank Richfield Oil Co. Blackburn Print~ng ';0. James Hardware "0. P. S. Navigation Co. Ulmer Printing Co. Willson Hdwe. Co. J,acob's Plumbi~g "ity Electric vo. State Treasurer LIBRARY Forest Press, Lake Placid Club _ The Unimn Library Ass'n 'National Council for Preventiin of Edwin All en ';0. Ci ty Treasurer -- The Pac. ~el . ~ Tel. Co. Lurn Sue ),lercantl:le ';0. Jennilu Norl'is . Gaylord Bros. C. L. Sarff Epperson & Sons C. E. Hammer ~ Labor Publications Expense Acc't Service SUPRlies ~ict:u-es .JerV1C e Repairs Labor Servic e " .Iood Lamps, etc. Supplies Tractor Parts Gas Saw Handles, etc. Kerosene Green Stain, etc. l{epairs Lumber Repairs Hdwe. & Tools & gepairs Oil ,. Pharpening Picks Pipe, etc. Powdel', etc. Rcnairs Special Police Ind. Ins. & Med. "'id Shut Off Notices Tires Supplies 1 gal Zero Supplies Oil Rent Supplies Ren t for IJarch, 1934 Supplies Fre igh t Tank Supplies " Ind. Ins. & Ked. aid Supplies & Repairs Supplies " March Power Bill Lamps Phamplets Supplies Report Blanks Publications Service Supplies " Publica tion Reo airs ,load paint, etc. Jani tor Service Repairs Rent for ~~rch,_1934 Gas & Oil Supplies " ,,1 '1>,. 1'" Freight Supplies " " Comm. & Hiring Ind, Ins. & Med. Aid Books " \'IG.r--Books Books Light & Y/ater Servic e Jj'ertilizer Supplies " Sharpening Lawn Hower Lumber . Repairs to a nor 1>~It>. ~~ S'l.J..~'" 'l.ao 69.44 15.00 1.~5 20.20 1.10 3.32 9,12 11.30 28.20 3.50 2.75 6.00 1.59 4.85 12.13 6.~7 1.90 1. 60 2.02 13.02 13.63 2.50 19.47 18.67 5.f.i0 28.25 45.32 66.81 18.00 -40. 79 I I 17.73 132.89 14.58 1.00 3.4.5 9.53 l<e.OO 26.<:8 45.00 5.25 1.89 24.14 27.78 32~23 :.,,,.70 I 877.51 1l0.90 5.32 5,6G3.32 45.07 6.60 .46 28.<::0 10.00 1<:.38 ,,1.87 1.77 96.37 G.OO 4.15 1.50 8:\.<::0 5.00 10.83 45.CO 5~.93 B.7.'5 10.34 10.58 33.20 1.01 6.25 97.58 16.70 I~ I 12.52 35.27' 1. 88 1.18 1~.07 4.~5 B.OO 5.65 '12.00 2.00 5.'77 5.50 - Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Ay.y.; 1 11, 1 <)~4- 193_ ""IIIIl 201 I Vim. J., "'Iare Demc 0 Library Supplie s Bellingham Book Bindery .el.merioan Merlical Ass'n ~he JWlior Library Guild Charles U. Clark "0. I,oy/man & Hanford ~o. Paul Ii!cPharlen Cain Estate The Puget Sound HeYls Co. PARK FUND Bertha C. Jacobs J. -C. Brei tlauch lam. Schrrrder 'rood Cycle Shop State Treasurer I GUAR..A.l!TY FU~m City Treasurer Insurance Suppli es Binding Subscription Books " " 'i~ ,,,.,5 '" SUPlllie s Plumbinlj Filing l:iaVls Shar-,en LaVin Mower Ind. Ins. & ),[ed. Aid ~ 36 .. . To pay assessments in L.I.D. 1142 There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. ?1~ City Clerk I I I ~~ Ilayor / 28.24 9.'70 95.00 2.50 8.55 16.54 5.01 1. 50 5.00 69.65 9.30 13.04 1. 85 1.25 13.1.5 20.61 ....