HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/11/1945
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
The Commission met in regular session at 10 A.M., and w"s callad to order by Mayor Robinson. Roll call
the following officers present: M"yor Robinson, Commissioners Be~m and Masters, Attorney Johnston, and
Clerk H"wkins.
The minutes of the previous session were read and approved.
Under the head of applications
Franl{ Pollow
Edwin L. How..ra
L. L. Lupro
Wm. Le skinen
A. V. Burk
Carl Wicklander
Sig Larson
G. Z. Wilcox
Black Ball Rl:!eight Service
O. L. Guy
for building permits, the following were granted:
Lot 9, Block 235, Townsite, Move DwelIihg
Lot 8, 9, Block 19, L.B. St'rattons Add., D"elling.
Remodel Kitchen & Porch, Lot 9, Blk. 75, TOYffisite,
lJ1.elIing, N! Lt. 9-10, Block 71, Townsite
RepaUl Shop, Lot 5, Block, 285, Townsite
Remodel & repair ga~ge, Lt. 16, Blk, <:28
RepaiIl Cafe', Lt. 16, Block 16, N. R. Smith,
Repair existing dwelling, Lt. 17, Block 198, Townsite
Remodel Office, Lt. 1, Block 1, N.R. Smith,
Remodel house, Lot 15, Bloci 21, N. R. Smith
$ 100 .00
6,500 .00
200.00 i I
200 .00
Under the head of introduction of resolutions, the follO\Oing resolutions were introduced:
WHEREAS, The City of Port Angeles is the owner of the follOwing described real property, having acquired the
same by Treasurer's deed, dated April 9, 1945, under and 1:w virtue of the authority of Section 9593 of
Remingtmn's Revised Statutes, Chapter 143 of the Laws of 1929, page 365, to-~~t:
Lot Twenty (20), in Block Two Hundred Forty-six (246), Townsite
of Port Angeles, Washington, and,
WHEREAS, Holl Stark and Fannie E. Stark, Husband and Wife, has offered to purchase from the City of Port
Angeles the above described real property for the sum of $150.00, payable as follows: $15.00 as a down
payment and $10.00 on or before the 8th day of lI',ay, 1945, and $10.00 on or before the 8th day of each and
every month thereafter until paid in full, together with interest at the rate of 7% per annum on monthly
balances and paid with the monthly installment, and
VlliEREAS, The City Commission has viewed the said property and is of the opwlOn that the offer is fair value,
and at this time it is the best interest of the City that it should be accepted and the sale made.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that said offer be accepted and that the City of Port Angeles sell the said!
propert,y at private sale to the said Hall and Fannie Stark for the sum hereinabove set forth, subject to a~
other valid liens against the same;; that the Cit,y Attorney be instructed to prepare a quit claim deed I
conveying said property to the purchaser, and that the City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles be and he is i
hereby instructed to execute said quit claim deed, and that the Mayor of the Cit,y of Port Angeles be and he I'
is hereby instructed to countersign said quit claim deed when the purchase price and all accrued interest
thereon has been paid in full.
, I
II WHEREAS, The Cit,y of Port Angeles is the owner of the following described real property, having acquired thel
same by Treasurer's deed dated February 23, 1945, under and by virtue of the authority of Section 9393 of '
~Remington's Revised Statutes, Chapter 143 of the Laws of 1929, page 365, to~Nit: '
i West One-half of Lot Eighteen (W!,18), Bldlck Fourteen (14), in the
Townsite of Port Angeles, Washington; and
WHEREAS, Harry Cohen has offered to purchase the above described real property frDlll the City of Port Angeles'
for the sum of $800.00, and,
1\1!EREAS, The City Commission has vibevred the said property and is of the opinion th;! t the offer is fair ,
value and that at this time it is to the best interest of the City that it should be accepted and sale made.l
NOli, THEREFORE, 3E IT RESOLVED, tbat the said offer be accepted and that the City of Port Angeles sell the I
said property at ~rivate sale to the said Harry Cohen, for the sum hereinabova set forth, subject to any
other valid liens against the sa~e; that the City Attorney be instruoted to prepare a quit claim deed
conveying said propert'J to the purchaser, and that the City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles be and he is I
, hereby instructed to execute said quit claim deed, and tl-,at the Yayor of the C1ty of Port Angeles be and he I
' is here by instructed to countersign said quitclaim deed.
." n, .om '" 'o..,,"o~. 'n"~ ". <Ore",,,, ro"M'o~ '" ,,,re." "d ..",,,,. ',oo,d.d '" ,~,,~
'ioner Beam. Roll call revealed all membe~s voting Aye. The Mayor declared the motion carried.
'The Conmission examined and allowed the following calims, and ordered vrar~ants drawn in paynent of the same:
Cu rren t Expense Fund
'Burroughs Adding Machine Co.
,: Chas. F. Metsker
Olympic Stetioners
'Associated Oil Co.
&it,v Treasurer
Ci ty Treasurer
Service Agreement
Tags & Pads
Light & Water
St. Lts. & Fire Hydrants
.$ 4.55
7.26 I
24.50 i
1l'l1,.$'1f 107.95 I
iFf'~ 38.56
! 'i~,\' 145.75
QjJy ~ Fund
Angeles Gravel
Nelson Equipment Co.
Richfield Oil Co.
Cit,y Transfer Co.
Cement, Spikes
Shovel Parts
2 sacks Coal
Water Fwld
Harris &Schuller
llielly & DeviIlll
Federal Pipe & Tank Co.
Tire repair
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
April 11, 19J5_
['Light fund Car Eor:pense tI 22.601
iChas. E. Beam
General Electric Co. Protective Plugs 2.84 I
II II " Capacitor 27.31
Clallam Co. P.U.D. #1 Power for March 12,930.35 \
Remington Rand Inc. Adding Machine Paper B.36
Westinghouse Electric Supply Transformer Hangers 5.50 I
II II II Meter Mountings 12.28 I
Richfield Oil Co. Gas. 'PI), 40.50
Harris & Sbhuller Furnace & Repairs '6 "~5, 577.50
i Park Fund
Ci ty Tr6a surer Lt. & Water, car!lage 24.91
Fred E Pullen Fan Belt, Goose-neck Trap 3.21
City Tressurer Lt., Water, Garbage 52.37
rnited Janitor Supply Co. Dept. SuppiLies 56.05
'Waitkus Supply Co. Mike IO~ ~7 7.73
Sani tary FUnd
City Street Dept Gas. & Oil 105.B4
MontgomerY Ward & Col Ro pe, Canva s 15.45
Angeles Tire Recap Ser. Change Tires ,1>:5. .1 1.80
Library fund i
I City Treasurer Lt., Water, Ga rgage 1l.4l .,
Cemetery Fund ,,~, I
Ci ty Treasurer Recording Deed
Schlager Bros. Grass Seed. 5~,,7
State Aid Fund :1
StandaTclOil Co. Gas. 21.25 :'
Ci ty Treasurer Lt. Water, Garbage 17.45
Radio Service & Appliance Dept. Supplies 9.79
Eastman Kodak Co. Kodabromide. 3.06
Ci ty Treasurer Light, ~~JI 12.06
: War Liquor Tax I
City 1'reasurer Lt. 11.26 :
Argus Mfg. Co. Repair Iron Claws 7.29 :
Standard Oil Co. Gas. 54.34 '
,United Janitor Supply Qo. Disinfectant 1l.07
,It. E. Renshaw Tires 59.24
i The llarina Dept. Supplies 16.79
,R. O. Ide Mileage for Mar. 19.70
Wentern Union Tel. Co:'. Telegram 2.57
,City Treasurer Express Paid .82
I Harry Andrew Meals for Prisoners 7; t?t.,~~ 113 .71
Jlrnold Levy Rent, Club Parakeet, Apr. 100.00
11.I.D. Guaranty ~ Assessments, W!, Tax #507, 188.06 'I
: Ci ty Treasurer L.l.D. #. Hl
~ lit It II Lt. 17, Blk. 101, Townsite, L.I.D. #128, 104 :l.~t,,\~ ,9B.07
L.I.D. Revolving Fund
I City Treasurer, Taxes, Lt. 20, Blk. 246, Townsite 42.04
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.