HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/11/2006 UTILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Special Meeting Port Angeles, Washington April 11, 2006 I. Call to Order: Chairman Reed called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. II. Roll Call: Members Present: Chairman Reed, Orville Campbell, Betsy Wharton, Grant Munro (2:04), Karen Rogers Members Absent: None Staff Present: Mark Madsen, William Bloor, Glenn Cutler, Scott McLain, Gary Kenworthy, Mike Puntenney, Larry Dunbar, Tom McCabe, Teresa Pierce, Helen Freilich, Claudia Stromski, Bill McKenzie, Rick Hostetler, Cate Rinehart Others Present: Brian Gawley - Daily News Paul Lamoureux - Citizen Leroy Sproat - Citizen Jim Haguewood - One Group III. Approval of Minutes: Chairman Reed asked if there were any corrections to the meeting minutes of February 28, 2006. , Mayor Rogers moved to approve the minutes. Councilmember Wharton seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Orville Campbell abstained due to absence at the meeting. Chairman Reed asked if there were any corrections to the meeting minutes of March 14, 2006. Orville Campbell moved to approve the minutes. Councilman Munro seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. IV. Strategic Planning Session Jim Haguewood, One Group Chairman, distributed a handout and exchanged ideas and opinions in depth concerning visualizing what the community might be like in the future. Additional exchange was made regarding values, principles, and issue strategies. It was noted that another special meeting was scheduled for April25th to examine the concepts that have been gathered. 1 UTll...ITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE April 11, 2006 E. Storm water Utility Rates F. Reducing Landfill Fees For Clean Up Of Derelict Buildings G. Washington Department Of Fish And Wildlife Use Of City Facilities All deferred to the April 25th meeting. VI. Special Meeting: Next meeting date: April 25, 2006 - 3 p.m. May 9, 2006 VIL Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 5 :44 p.m. o~~ ~ e\.~~ Cate Rinehart, Administrative Specialist II N:\PWKS\LIGHT\CONS\CA TE\0411 06meet. wpd 3 e CALL TO ORDER- SPECIAL MEETING: ROLL CALL: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: WORK SESSION: Swimming Pool Presentation - Site Selection e 5878 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington April 11, 2006 Mayor Rogers called the special meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at 6:08 p.m. Members Present: Mayor Rogers, Deputy Mayor Williams, Councilmembers Erickson, Headrick, Munro, and Wharton. Members Absent: Councilmember Braun. Staff Present: Manager Madsen, Attorney Bloor, Clerk Upton, G. Cutler, B. Sterling, P. Reifenstahl, and D Bellamente. Public Present: J. Holmquist, W. King, J. Nennetti, B. Kush, D. Williams, J. Bickford, D. & R. Howard, J. Duke, G. Huff, T. Runnion, S. Harris, D. Johnson, G. Hubrank, J. Norton, C. Jensen-Gray, M. Gentry, M. Hayman, M. Seidl, R. Gruver, M. & D. Margolis, C. Kidd, P. Schafer, B. Jensen, A. Snell, D. Fairbairn, D. Tschimperle, D. Shargel, D. Hansen, J. Sabol, M. Miller, K. Leach, L. Crowley, S. Koehler, V. Flake, D. Gase, J. Hoine, M. Juskevich, J. Kalla, C. Koenig, D. Watson, B. Booher, M. Newcomb, C. Cunningham, L. Shindler, G. Shield, L. & C. Griffin, E. Chadd, L. Rasmussen, V. Hilken, V. Heinle, J. Powell, J. Harmon, R. & L. McCoy, K. Toth, and A. Manildi. All others present in the audience failed to sign the roster. The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Councilmember Erickson. Swimming Pool Presentation - Site Selection: Public Works & Utilities Director Cutler opened with a PowerPoint presentation on the proposed replacement of the William Shore Memorial Pool, a facility constructed in 1961. He showed pictures of the current pool conditions, explaining why the existing pool should not be renovated: high cost, it does not meet the needs of the public, it has outgrown its intended use, and use of the pool would be lost during renovation. Director Cutler discussed the site selection process and the formation of a Pool Oversight Committee that has met since April, 2005, to determine support for funding a new facility and to make a recommendation to the City Council. Several public outreach presentations were made, reaching over 400 people, and a random survey was sent to 1000 people in January, 2006. Reviewing votes cast by the Oversight Committee and the Parks, Recreation & Beautification Commission, he itemized the top twelve amenities that were identified as being desirable in a new pool facility, based on 348 returned surveys. Director Cutler summarized the pool's present amenities, space available, the pool concept at the City site and the YMCA site, and site evaluations that included pro's and con's for each location. He then provided an in- depth review of the fmal criteria to be taken into consideration in making a decision, such as the physical facility, operations and business plan, miscellaneous intangibles, fmancing options on a $12+ million facility, and accessibility. - 1 - 5879 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING April 11, 2006 WORK SESSION: (Cont'd) Director Cutler indicated the YMCA has proposed a Memorandwn of Understanding for a pool to be located adjacent to the YMCA and, in conjunction with that proposal, he itemized various obligations of the YMCA in terms of providing real estate in perpetuity; the absorption of operating, maintenance, and repair costs; the absorption of any operating shortfall; expanded programming; and no requirement to join the YMCA... He then reviewed City obligations such as setting fees and programs, funding construction of the facility, and continuing ownership of the facility. He indicated the probable project costs did not include land and, based on an average assessed evaluation of a $150,000 single family residence, the cost would be $114.00 per year or $9.50 per month. He compared existing pool fees to those in a pro forma, as well as those at the Sequim Aquatics Center, and then briefly swnmarized discussions about an Oak Street facility whereby City staff is working with the developer. However, it was decided not to slow the process of evaluating the City and YMCA sites, and he explained the desired process ofthe two options moving up parallel to each other, with a fmal decision to be made after site selection has been determined between the City and YMCA sites. Director Cutler then reviewed the potential schedule and required notifications for an election on a bond issue that could be held in the fall of 2006. Having completed Phase I of the presentation, he offered to answer any questions that may be posed by the Council. Discussion followed regarding the proposed . public/private partnership and whether the pool issue could be subject to Initiative/Referendwn. Attorney Bloor said it would not be subject to Initiative/Referendum, as the matter of a bond issue would be voted upon by the residents. e Swimming Pool Presentation - Site Selection (Cont'd) Manager Madsen distributed copies of the swimming pool survey sent to households earlier in the year, and Deputy Director of Recreation Sterling discussed the results of the survey, noting there was a 35% response. He swnmarized the typical comments that were received as part of the survey, and he provided the Council an opportunity to ask questions. For the benefit of the audience, Attorney Bloor provided an explanation of the differences between a Revenue Bond and a General Obligation Bond, and Director Cutler added that a General Obligation Bond is typically for twenty years. Discussion was also held on the possibility of forming a park or recreation district, incorporating the boundaries of the School District, as more of the users of the pool could participate in funding the facility. Director Cutler indicated that possibility had been considered by the Pool Oversight Committee; however, it wasn't pursued in that the committee didn't feel that particular issue was in its purview. Manager Madsen provided data analysis of the swimming pool survey, providing an in-depth explanation of how the data was analyzed and the fact that only 331 surveys contained valid data. He noted questions 7 - 10 didn't have a very high response rate, and based on the methodology used in analyzing the data, there would be a confidence interval of plus or minus 15% in the nwnber of responses received. Manager Madsen reviewed his analysis on the responses in terms of percentages, the nwnbers of people who would or would not support a bond, and indicated that conclusions drawn show modest support for building a new pool and modest support for bonding to construct that pool. However, Manager Madsen emphasized there isn't high confidence, without further educational effort, in support for building a new pool on a bond in a short period of time. He noted there is a great deal of variability as to the public's expectations, and there is a significant need for education. He expressed appreciation to everyone who so diligently worked on this issue. Discussion ensued, with the Councilmembers posing questions of Manager Madsen Break Mayor Rogers recessed the meeting for a break at 7:38 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 7:54 p.m. e Diana Tschimperle, a member of the Pool Oversight Committee, addressed the majority decision of the committee in voting 4 - 3 to support the YMCA site for a community pool. Ms. Tschimperle explained the committee's role in recommending a site for a - 2- I' e e "', '~!<",~,:,""'<''r,.,..,.,;,\..., ;G ~ I 5880t CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING April 11, 2006 ~,~ :::<': WORK SESSION: (Cont'd) community pool, and she noted the Council's decision was to determine whether the site should be one with other recreational opportunities or a stand-alone, isolated facility. She felt consideration must be given to community recreational needs, as well as future needs of the community, and she indicated the issue of a community pool needs to move forward. The public has indicated a desire for a central location in the current recreational corridor area, and Ms. Tschimperle stated the YMCA site provides the opportunity for a full facility. Swimming Pool Presentation - Site Selection (Cont'd) Leonard Rasmussen, 2133 W. 14th Street, representing the minority vote for the City site, provided commentaries regarding a public/private partnership and a long-term contract with the YMCA. He then delineated the issues being considered in terms of high risk versus low risk for the City site and the YMCA site, such as approval of a bond issue, concluding it would be difficult to obtain support for a bond issue for the YMCA site, and there would be a gift of voters' money to a private organization. He felt the City has the skill, qualifications, experience, and people in operating a pool. Further, he indicated the YMCA has no experience in operating a pool. Regarding parking, Mr. Rasmussen felt parking for the City would be low risk, but high for the YMCA. In terms of operations, he felt the City would be low risk, as it would use funds to pay off the bond and interest, but the YMCA would not assume any part of the debt service so they could enjoy a profitable operation while the taxpayers are paying the debt service. Further, he felt the quality of service delivered would be controlled by the City, but quality issues at the YMCA could not be controlled by the City. Mr. Rasmussen concluded that a pool at the City site wO"!lld be a low risk operation once the bond has been passed, but the YMCA would be at high risk initially and for the life of the pool. He added that, as a former Planning Commissioner, he was aware there was no recreation corridor inCluded iti the City Comprehensive Plan or the Parks Plan, as has been fostered 'and promoted by the YMCA. Mayor Rogers opened the meeting to public comment until 9:00 p.m. Gary Holmquist, 1038 Grant, a member of the Pool Oversight Committee and the YMCA Board of Dift';ctors, referenced an informational packet that had been distributed to the Council. He discussed advantages of the YMCA site in terms of [mancial advantages, potential revenue for a multi-use facility to be generated by new membership, and the fact that the YMCA would assume all operating costs and the cost of future renovations. He also cited other successful partnerships, such as the beneficial arrangement with the City of Port Townsend for its recreational programs. He rioted the potential enhimceinent of the recreational corridor, feeling a multi-use facility would strengthen the community, and he expressed excitement about the possibility of partnering with the City. Bill Kush, 1111 Blaine Street, Port Townsend, Director of the YMCA, has had a contract with Port Townsend since 2002 to operate its programs. He shared his background in that he was a former Port Townsend employee who was since hired by the Port Townsend YMCA. He spoke of the great relationship with Clallam County and noted that programming and participation has doubled in Port Townsend because of a strong Board in Jefferson County. Margaret Miller, a resident outside the City who uses the swimming pool, felt it important to remember the dedication of the only public pool on the Olympic Peninsula, a facility dedicated to the memory of William Shore. She read a statement expressing her desire to honor William Shore's memory by building a newer and larger pool for competition. She urged everyone to join together to [mancially help build what may be the most amazing facility in the State, to name it the William Shore Pool, and to have it always remain a part of Port Angeles. Peter Ripley, 114 E. 6th, #102, a City resident, served on the Pool Oversight - 3 - 5881 CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING April 11, 2006 WORK SESSION: (Cont'd) Committee, and he spoke in support of a pool at the YMCA site due to his personal convenience in accessing that location. Swimming Pool Presentation - Site Selection (Cont'd) e Veronica Flake, 3752 Hill Circle, a City resident, advised the Council she had not encountered anyone supportive of the YMCA because of the costs. She queried as to what would happen if approval of a bond were to fail, which she felt would be a good possibility. She inquired as to what other options exist, and she noted some people wish to retain the current pool. She cited a pool that had been constructed in Yakima, which later resulted in a costly replacement of its hard top. She agreed with comments made earlier by Mr. Rasmussen. Steve Charnow, 3153 Monroe Road, referenced access in the form of rules and cost for the two facilities, indicating the YMCA has agreed not to limit pool usage to only YMCA members. He compared the City's subsidy/scholarship program for members of the community, indicating it is of a limited scope. Because of community donations, the YMCA has the ability to offer unlimited scholarships to anyone who qualifies. He expanded on the community's donations to the YMCA, as well as the number of programs supported by the YMCA, the $1.7 million in scholarships, and the fact the scholarships would be available through a joint arrangement with the City and the YMCA for the benefit of anyone using the pool. Mr. Charnow added that he is President-Elect and a member of the Board of the YMCA. Gary Huff, 450 Fox Hollow Road, Sequim, indicated he is a member of the YMCA Board, and he addressed erroneous perceptions of the YMCA. Based on his past experience, no pool makes money and will require subsidization. He discussed the YMCA's national history in terms of constructing pools, indicating there is local expertise in the YMCA in opeiatiniswimming pools. He indicated there would be support from the national office, addmg that all private/public partnerships entail some risk and change. Mr. Huff disc.ussed the success of many YMCA pools that have benefitted by virtue of the many services provided, and noted the one failure in Astoria, Oregon. He asked that everyone think well of the YMCA, because they are trying to do the best they can for everyone in the community, and he expressed hope that everyone will support a community pool, not a YMCA pool. Dave Johnson, 317 Whidby and a member of the YMCA Board of Directors, addressed the issue of real estate available at the respective sites. He felt a pool along Peabody Street would take parking away, so it is proposed there would be added parking on 4th & 5th Streets. Therefore, he indicated it would be inaccurate to say there is no cost to . theGity for land. Additionally, the City's future options for expansion would be severely limited. Mr. Johnson discussed the availability of land by virtue of the YMCA's current and future ownership offive that would make space available. Mr. Johnson spoke in further support of the YMCA site for a community pool. Ray Gruver, 2802 S. Laurel and a member of the YMCA Board, also served as an alternate to the Pool Oversight Committee. Mr. Gruver has heard the YMCA's ability placed in question, and he felt there has been no organization in the community that has worked so hard to step forward when a need was identified. He spoke of the YMCA's history of providing community services for youth and the environment downtown, the creation of the "Y House" in cooperation with the Police Department, . and the credibility of the many community leaders who have served on the YMCA Board over the years. Mr. Gruver felt that, if the City were to choose to partner with the YMCA on the pool or other future activities, the experience would be the saine as that in Port Townsend. Ed Chadd, 307 W. 6th, a City resident and pool user, expressed previous skepticism with the public/private partnership, but he since changed his mind. He agreed with comments made earlier by Gary Holmquist on the YMCA's advantage of operating cost savings and integrated recreational services. Mr. Chadd supported proposed street e - 4 - I I e e WORK SESSION: (Cont'd) Swimming Pool Presentation - Site Selection (Cont' d) <1 ) Break l> '1', t' CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING^ April 11, 2006 5882 vacations, as well as a regional parks district that should be considered concurrently. He further supported the YMCA's ownership of the land ifit would be devoted to the pool into perpetuity or, alternately, the City could sell the property it owns to put funding toward the pool to pay down the bond. He noted the importance of the fee structure being the same no matter where the site, and he asked if the City could commit $250,000 per year toward the bond to subsidize the pool, which could result in a reduced levy to the public. Mr. Chadd was interested in hearing the Oak Street proposal. Councilmember Williams engaged him in discussion as to the possibility of trading smaller City parks for property next to the YMCA for the pool. George Stratton,d35 Oakcrest, felt that location makes a difference. He noted that the Vern Burton Center is used for the Juan de Fuca Festival of the Arts, and parking is extremely important in the area. He spoke in support of a pool sited at the YMCA, and felt an additional $250,000 in the City's budget would make a difference. Dan Gase, 711 Diamond Vista Drive, believed that the parking and general environment for a pool would be better at the YMCA site. He has observed good things happening in the community with public/private partnerships and has watched the YMCA grow into a fabulous facility. Having been involved in many organizations, Mr. Gase believed the business people in town have added stability to organizations such as the YMCA. He noted the dilapidation of the pool, urging consideration of the public/private partnership and reiterating the stability on the YMCA Board because of the volunteers and business people involved. Greg Shield, 537 W. 7th Street, a pool user and former member of the YMCA, agreed with comments made by Mr. Rasmussen. He felt the citizens wouldn't support buying a pool to give it to the YMCA, and he indicated the current $250,000 subsidy of the City is well spent and is why citizens pay taxes. Mr. Shield noted that other City facilities are subsidized, and he felt if facilities are properly maintained, they would last indefmitely. The current pool works well, it doesn't have ame'nities wanted by the clubs, but it is a good place for the public to getwet. Jerry Dean, 1501 S. Pine Street, was born and raised in Port Angeles. He mdicated he is a member of the YMCA, doesn't swim at the pool, but would combine swimming with his workouts if a pool were constructed at the YMCA. He felt a recreational corridor is a good idea, and the facilities should be kept together. Mayor Rogers recessed the meeting for a break at 9:07 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 9:14 p.m. The members of the City Council deliberated the matter, with each Councilmember expressing an opinion on the issue. It was felt that Councilmember Braun, who is absent this evening, should be party to the decision. Other commentaries centered around whether someone else could do a better job of operating the pool, whether the City Hall site would be compatible with the area, whether a contract could be written to satisfy citizen concerns, the notion that the public paying for the facility must also have direct llccess to control fees and programming, and the appropriateness of having the pool sited with other recreational programs. Further, it was noted that the YMCA has acertain strength in that it is an organization focused on recreation. Parking was identified as an issue at either site, and bonding for the facility is yet another consideration. Safety is also an element to be considered for a recreational corridor, a matter that was suggested for inclusion in the City's Comprehensive Plan. There was regret expressed that the YMCA didn't provide more detail in the pro fonna with respect to the operations contract. There was also a liking of a parks district so more could share in the cost of the facility. Mayor Rogers thanked everyone for their time and effort and acknowledged Councilmembers Erickson and Braun who have worked on the pool issue for years. The Mayor noted there is no clear mandate. - 5 - 5883 Councilmember Munro moved to direct staff to work on contract terms and conditions with the YMCA and bring it back to the Council for discussion as soon . as possible, to bring the site selection issue back to the Council for a formal vote upon the return of Councilmember Braun, and to ask staffto provide information on a recreation district. Councilmember Williams seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. cIT)T:COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING April 1'1, 2006 WORK SESSION: (Cont'd) Swimming Pool Presentation - Site Selection (Cont' d) ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:41 p.m. - 6- e h ~j>,~ J.1p:D~ Becky J. Upt Ci lerk e