HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/12/1933 r-- 106 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington April 12,1933 193~ The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll cal showed theffol1howing officers present. !.layor Davis,Commissiners Beam and Filion,Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of April 5th. and 6th. were read and approved. Under the head of applications for licenses the follov/ing were granted,- Co~Operative Laundry Eubanks Drug Co Fry Drug Co Elks Drug Co. D.G.McLennan D. G .McLennan Beer and ITine Licenses D.G.McLennan McIntosh Grocery Ben.Franklin Thrift stores T.g.Sawby Cleaning & Pressing Soft Drink Soft Drink 'Soft Drink Soft Drink 1 Card Table granted,- License to June 30,1933,To sell to be consumed on the premises To sell in sealed containers not to consumed on'premises To sell in sealed containers not to be consumed on premises To sell to be consumed on the premises 'Under the head of New Business,- 5.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 18.75 8.75 8.75 ,18.75 'Dewitt Sission having applied for permission to u~e lots 9 & 10 Block 320 Townsite for gardening purposes, It was moved by Commissioner Beam that Dewitt Sission be given permission to use lots 9 & 10 Block 320 To~nsite for gardening purposes for the year 1933. Seconded by Commissioner Filion. On roll call all members voted aye. The Hay or declared the motion carried. The Commission examined and allowed the following claims and ordered rlarrants drm'lJ1 for same,- Current Expense Fund ';lestern Union ITalkling Motor Go Pacific Tel & Tel Co. F.L.Plummer Evening Hews Evening Hews Ulmer Office EQuipment Co J.Lloyd Aldwell Inc. Pacifio Tel & Tel Co. Angeles Co-Operative Creamery J.Y/.Hooker Lysall Welding & Forge Works Puget Sonud Navigation Co. Auto Parts & Accessories Lee Cafe Ulmer Office Equipment Co. N.W.Plumbing & Heating Co. Laura Rand James Hardware Co. Western Union Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. Byron ';1 in ter James Hardware Co Ulmer Office Equipment Co. Gehrke & Johnson Union Oil Co. City Treasurer Western Union Willson Hardware Co Epperson & Sons Eppel;son & Sons E.A.:1acobs E.A.Jaoolls Laura Burns G.E.Coolidge G.E.Coolidge Mooks Auto Electrio Standard Oil Co. Lamoureux Service E.A.Jacobs James Hardware Co. Palmer Supply Co. rim. Schrader Wash. Saw-Filing & Grinding l'lorks James Hardware Co. Lysall Welding & Forge Works V.A.Samuelson & Co. Associated Oil Co. E.A.Thomas Johnson Transfer Co. Ulmer Office Equipment Co State Treasurer State Treasurer State Treasurer M;R.Alleman 1,I.R.Alleman ll... Service :lepairs Service Expense acc t. Printing Publication Supplies City Clerk's Bond Service Tulip cups City Treasurer's Bond Repairs to chair Freight Auto door ratlers Meals for prisoners Paper Repairs at jail ;7ood Supplies Servioe Service Service Lamp fixtures Drill's etc. Supplies Oil Gas & Oil Hater Service Hardware & tools Glass for ~raham Truck ~ Plate Glass Pipe Pipe fittings Rent Bolts etc. Re1lairs Repairs Oil Kerosene Cap lI: plug Nails Torches Filing Saws Filing Saws Nails Repairs Repairs Gas Repairs Use of trucks Time books Ind.Ins. & Med Aid Ind.lns.& Med Aid IND. INS. & Med Aid Lumber Lumber ,~ ,,~!) .- 1 ~"' .53 1.00 4.25 17.80 16.00 17.85 .75 5.00 1.25 2.95 50.00 .50 1.00 .80 29.40 .45 6.70 4.50 .75 .87 3.00 8.65 6.95 16.60 1.90 8.25 56.91 360.00 .54. 49.92 1.35 34.00 18.20 3.75 10.00 6.20 11.55 16.90 15.86 5.15 1.05 3.95 4.26 3.50 2.00 7.50 7.95 19.62 90.09 14.85 474.00 .30 4.98 9.30 32.77 37.80 43.20 I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington April 12,1933 193~ 107" 1 1 1 1 -I Puget Sound Navigation Co Union Oil Co. V.A.Samuelson & Co Gehrke & Johnson P.A.Concrete Products Co. Seattle Plumbing Supply Co G.E.Coolidge State Treasurer Ida J .I.iorse Puget Sound Navigation Co Pacific Lamp & Supply Co. General Electric Supply Co " " Fobes Supply Co Evening Hews W.W.Ebbett City Treasurer puget Sound Navigation Co Georges Service Station F.R.Phil1ips . puget Sound Power & Light Co V.A.Samuelson & Co Associated Oil Co. Union Oil Co. McHugh & Peterson City Treasurer Quick Print Zellerbach Paper Co. Ulmer Office E~uipment Co. J.Lloyd Aldwell Inc. Pacific Tel & Tel Co. T.S.Eddy Pacific Tel & Tel Co J.Lloyd Aldwell Inc. Calvin Mar tin Laura Rand Clifford Cowling Ernest S.Braymer Fobes Supply Co. Graybar Electric Co. 'A.H.Andis Washington Pulp & Paper Co Graybar Electric Co. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg.Co Fobes Supply Co Lysall \'Ielding & Forge Vlorks Line Material Co. Olympic Forest Products Co Graybar Electric Co. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg.Co City Treasurer state Treasurer G.E.Coolidge George Shomar City Treasurer R.H.Hunting Co. Jennilu Norris J<'.R.Phillips Wash. Saw-Filing & Grinding Works Floyd Oakes I!Jren Newell Pacific Tel & Tel Co. P.A.Concrete Products Co. James Hardware Co. City Treasurer Evening NeVIS V/ater Fund Freight Gas Repairs Kerosene Boxes & caps Reducers & ells Sharpening picks,etc Ind. Ins. & Med Aid Rent Light Fund Freight Water Heater Fuse adopter Thor Vlasher parts Coils etc. Swi tches Swi thhes Advertising Car hire Water Freight Repairs Labor Power bill Repairs Gas Gas Repairs Cash advanced for stamped envelopes Supplies Sopozon Supplies Insurance Service Rent Service Rent \1ood Wood Expense acct Drills Wire eta. Cable Cedar poles Conduits Fuses Fuses Insulator Treading and dressing drills Guy Protectors,etc Bol ts & v!ashers Switch board wire Cros alamps,fittings,etc. Federal Tax Ind.lns. & Med.Aid Cemetery Fund Repairs Library Fund Hood Light & Vlater Books Petty Cash Material for building shelves Grinding Lawn mower Wood Wood Service Park Fund Pipe etc. Tools Light L.I.D.G~neral Fund Publications I Q./ 1% t, oil-II, - 1" ~., __ '1"> {) 0 - .45 23.10 25.29 8.22 11. 25 10.44 15.95 17.08 10.00 (> / 1.27 4.82 .90 .49 18.33 4.57 19.99 35.10 15.00 1.95 8.72 1.50 7.14 4996.18 44.43 28.49 34.65 13.70 30.00 1.50 1.49 9.77 14.30 7.45 3.00 8.25 50.00 5.25 4.50 30.00 10.50 74.69 112.60 46.80 13.35 7.25 4.85 9.88 3.85 75.65 .50 2.46 20.09 238.04 20.76 1.80 6.00 14.11 19.44 6.66 12.73 1.50 6.00 23.25 4.25 42.65 7.32 .76 2.94 ..... ~108 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington April 12,1933 193~ ~ Under the head of Introduction of Ordinances the following Ordinance was introduced,read in full and placed on its First and Second readings,- ,AN ORDINANCE Stating facts aonstitit~ting an emergency; requiring certain expenditures from the Current Expense Fund and the Park Fund not contemplated in the preparation of the ~udget,and the amount of money required to meet the same in the respective funds,and authorizing the issuance of emergency warrants against the respective funds; Declaring an emergency in the passage of the ordinance. There being no further business the Commission then adjourned. ~m, -J~ ^~ City Clerk Mayor I, 1 1 I I