HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/13/1932 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Aprtl:r 13 193~ '29 ., I I I 1 " 1 ~ The Commission met in regular session at 10 a.m. and was aalled to order by Mayor Davis. Roll Gall showed the following offioers presents. Mayor Davis , Commissioners Beam and Filion,Attorney Plummer and Clerk Hawkins. The minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for permits and licenses the following were granted. Earl Bodle Construct 2 room dwelling on lot 7 blook 353,Townsite Modern Plumbing and Heating Co. Master plumber Mrs.Mabel Miller - Angeles Lunch Resturant Wm.Gorsenger 1 Truck KaUfmann & Leonard 1 Truak Eric Anderson 2 Truaks $ 100.00 25.00 15.00 2.50 2.50 15.00 The Assessment Roll of Local Improvement District No.145 being now on file in the City Clerk's Office,- It was moved by Commissioner Filion that the date of hearing of the Assessment roll of Local Improvement Distriat No.145 be fixed for May 11,1932 at 10 a.m. and that the City Clerk and City Engineer be instructed to prepare and issue all necessary notioes of said hearing. Seaonded by Commissioner Beam. On roll call all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion aarried. Under the head of New Business,- An agreement and easement by and between the Chicago,Milwaukee,St.Paul and Pacific Railroad Company and the City of Port Angeles,was presented to the Commission for approval and to be signed, whereby the Chioago,Milwaukee,st.paul and Paaific Railroad Company grants permission to the City of Port Angeles to install,maintain and use a water pipe underneath the right- of way and traaks of said Railroad Company on "G" street. It appearing that the said agreement and easement was regular as to form and description,- It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the said agreement and easement be approved and that the Mayor and City Clerk be'instruated to sign same. Seconded by Mayor Davis. On roll oall all members voted aye. The Mayor declared the motion aarried. The Commission examined and allowed the following olaims and ordered warrants drawn for same,- E$~e8~lDepartment state Treasurer state Treasurer Current Expense Fund Pay-roll Med. Aid & Ind.Ins. Med. Aid & Ind.Ins. Water Fund Med. Aid,& Ind.Ins. $ 20.00 57 t, L/ 29.54 8.10 "- 20.91 .60 ). ") '+1 21.89 "- ll.33 82.00 State Treasurer Light Fund City Treasurer State Treasurer Cash advanoed for insured mail Med. Aid & Ind.Ins. L.I.D.General Fund state Treasurer Med. Aid & Ind. Ins. Park Fund Edgar Hixson Labor City Treasurer .Light Investment Fund MuniCipal Water Works Repair Fund Warrants Nos.325 to 376 Inc.purchased 898.50 L.I.D.No.145,Warrant No.1375 purchased, ~ 2758.86 :;.(..;1~ MuniCipal Water Works Repair Fund Ci t Y Treasurer Water Department Water Department state Treasurer pay-rUl Pay-roll Med. Aid & Ind. Ins. 249.00 219.00 41.85 .s <> (, ':6' ~ There being no further business the Commission then adgourned. -f~ / /~S~ ~ /1. 7/7. ?~~ City Clerk Mayor .....