HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/13/1949 538 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington April 13, 19~ ,The Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers I I,present were: Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor., and Clerk Law. ;:A resident of the Cemetery road re-appeared regarding replatting of lots to acre tracts. Commissioner ITaylor ~nformed that a description of property in the form of a petit~on was necessary for the City Attorney I to take the proper procedure. A hearing by State Officials being held at this time regarding purchase of a diesel generator, it was moved by Commissioner Robinson, seconded by Commissioner Taylor that the session be recessed unhl 3:00 P.M., I e"abling the Commission to attend said hearing. lIotion carried. April 14, 1949: ,The hearing having continued to 5:00 P.~,., the Commission met at 10:00 A.M. Thursday and was called to order: ,iby Mayor Feeley. Officers present were: Mayor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumbullj Iland Clerk Law. I Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: ,,~ ~,'f-()() Move House on Same I.ot; Lots 10-11, Blk. 1, Perkins Sub. Construct 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 12, Blk. 210, Townsite Construct 6-Room Dwelling; Lots 12-13, Blk. 270, Townsite Construct 5-Room Dwelling; S2 Lots 1-2, 8lk. 418, Townsite Construct 5-Room Dwelling; ~t 9, Elk. 63, Lewis & Mastick Add. Construct 7-Room Dwelling; E Lots 17-18, Blk. 10, P.S.C.C. Inclose Porch; Lot 15, Blk. ~2, Townsite Construot 5-Room Dwelling; N Lots 1-2, Blk. 418, Townsite Construct 5-Room Dwelling; S2 Lots 9-10, Blk. 418, Townsite '7.5 Licenses: ; - "Robert J. Karasiewicz Frank H. Tal bot Cozy Home Cafe Cozy Home Cafe Claude McFarland , Building Hermits: J. K. Nelson E. F. Roth Fred Hill Jack DelGuzzi ,Jack Del Guz z i IICharles .6. Pearman Olaf Langstrom Jack DelGuzzi Jack DelGuzzi tfOTEctI TO m:DDEBS Noth,,,, Is hel'eby gh'Cll thal scn.led lIlllls will \)c rcceiyed by the City I ~~~~~i~:to\~l.eaf\\;~ C~t;H~I1A~lfaei~ /Cit.V, nut later than 1(1:110 A. M., ,Ar,rll 13, 11U9, to furni'lh for the w~ter dellartrnent. one P.la.tfOrm TYP." Bo(l)' Truck, a.t least 12,000 to 14,001l . IlJ~. mpaclty. Speciflcatlon~ ma.y be nl1tnJnllol! Ill. Lhe City Hall. TllC Com- .mlsslon re~l'rVe8 the right to reject i 'any or all b'ds. J, E. TAW, City Clerk. Pulill!'lhec1 March :ll, Aprll 'i, 1949. NOTICE TO BIDDERS II !';Clllc(' Il-l h01'cb~.. given that flNlle-d .f'bicl:i will he fe<'civccl by the C.lty ; Clerk of tbe City of Port Angelo;;, '\\'ashlngtoll, until Aprll 27, l!l49, :'It 10 A.M, flnd not later, at tl1f~ offlce 'of the Clt". Clerk of the Cit:.' of Port ~Ang'eles, \\.Rshinglon. at the City ~re~~I~[edSi~d fo~it~c ~~ro~:~ken~O~! I-,aurel ~trect irom a IJoint 101) ft., '~:~{tJl.tli of the North margin of Front liStreet to Hailroad A....e. I, All hldg f111all 1)0 accompf\ntcd lJ)' a'l ,certified chC'ck 1n the sum of not l1m'1:; than ~ % of the amount old Rnd 11mi'd!' I);~yahl[' to the Ctty Tre::l.~llrer of tho CII,)' of Port Angeles, "'Bsh~ l~iN~~~;i. or the Bid wUl not be cnTI- A bnnd 41f 100% of the amount of I the COlltl'nct Jlrice must be fu.rniBhed by the !O<ut'c8s><ful bIdder. PlaTUl and speclflcallons may be I obU\.ITIlJtl from the City Clerk U~on depositing the sum of J6.QO, which sum will be refunded it the plnnB anlj specifications are returned to the Clerk hefore the blda are opened. The Clly Commission reserves the right to reject an)' or &11 bias. J. E. LAW, . ~~1l5h April 14, .21, 194i.ltY Clerk. Traveling Photographer Traveling Photographer Restaurant So it Drink Journeymen Plumber-Renewal I 250.00 'I 5,000.00 6,000,001 8,000.00 7,000.00 8,000.00' 150.00 Ii 6,000.00 6,000.00 " I 2.001 2.00 3.00i 1.251 .50 , , i Under the head of unfinished business, the bids submitted to fi1rnish one truck for the Water Department were as follows: Schreiner Chevrolet Co.:. 1 truck and body complete $2,781.00 less Chevrolet truck trade-in Jl].00.00 and Federal tax---$2,615.00. Alternate, $3,404.15 less trade-in and Federal tax, $3,238.15. H. T. Swanson Motor Co.: 1 truck and body complete $2,472.00 less trade-in of $100.00--$2,372.00. Alternate bid, $2,969.50 less trade-in--$2,869.50. I Samuelson Motor Co.: 1 truck and body complete $2,583.28 less trade-in $180.00--1 $2,403.28. Alternate bid, $3,222.61 less trada-in .$180.00--$3,042.61. Optional: all steel bed, ~128.75 added. Truck and Equipment Co.: 1 International truck complete $3,180.79 less $469.00 trade-in-$2,711.79. Alternate, $3,298.71 less $469.00 trade-in-$2,829.71. Aiken Motors: 1 tI"~ck and body complete $2,328.00 less $200 .00 trade-in. Alternate bid, $2,880.00 less $200.00 trade-in. Janish Motor Co.: 1 truck complete $2,341.46, less $275.00 trade-in. $3,071.32 less $325.00 trade-in. All bids were referred to the Water Superintendent and Foreman for award to be made at 4:00 P.M. Alternate I consideration'i :\Jnder the head of new b.J.siness the report of Police Judge Phillips for March, showing $876.00 fines collected was approved and ordered filed. The Commission set April 27th as the date for opening bids for. repairing of North Laurel Street from Railroad Avenue, South to the alley. Rex Oakes appeared before the Commission requesting that a taxicab license be issued to Rex's Radio Cabs, and the $75.00 paid for Yellow Cab license be applied to Rex's Radio Cabs license. Also that stand at First and Laurel streets) be changed from YellOlY Cab's to Rex's Radio Cabs; Decision was postponed until tha next session. Chief Ide infonned the 130mmission that a panel truck owned by the Humane Society is being used by the Pound Master without lease or agreement between the Society and the City. It wes moved by Commissioner Robinson .that the Attorney be instructed to present a resolution authorizing the Police Department to lease the said IltruCk from the Humane Society for $1.00 per year, and to maintain and operate the same. Motion seconded by ,Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. following claims, and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: The Commission examined and approved the :tf CURRENT EXPENSE RIND: f:!:l. , Dept. of Labor & Industries Peninsula Herald Deines Studio The l~arina Port Ange les Evening News Brown's Second Hand Store Stewart Filion jColumbia Ribbon and Mfg. Co. 'Deorge's Service Stn. Ind. Ins. and Med. Aid Booklets Prin ted, Lega 1 Photo. Supplies Shells Ad Revolvers Sweeping Compound Ribbons Service and Repair 111. 93 " 231.32 .91 5.82 .80, 91.80: 6.18. 1.98; 1.00 Publications I I I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington '~"__"."'_m__,....".. ___ ICURRENT EXPENSE. continued: Hookers Storage Garage Lannoye & Davidson Wray & Raber 'Nailor Lumber Co. Radio Service Appliance Co. Peninsula Fo.el Co. K & K Fine Foods \Willson Hardware Co. Olympic Laulliry & Cleaners Fire Appliance Co. Howard-Cooper Corp. Leo Walsh Studio c-1 CITY STREET FUND: 1/5- Willson Hardware Co. Angeles Machine & Welding Works Automoti ve Parts Servic e Dept. of Labor & Industrie s ..<2..- WATER FUND: ;(.,5.5__ Clallam Adj us tment Corp. Dept. of Labor & Industries Johns.-Manville Corp. American Cast Iron Pipe CO. V3 IDif - LIGHT FUND: oR Olympic Stati onere' Clallam Adjustment Corp. Dept. of Labor & Industries Schreiner Chevrolet Co. J. J. Mclean Peninsula Herald Wray & llaber General Electric Co. Peninsula Electric Co. '11 SANITATION FUND: ~?:l.- Earl Davidson , Porky f s Mobil Service D & B Battery & Electric Co. 'Automotive Parts Service Willson Hardware Co. 'City Street Dept. I Kenneth Owen Clallam Adjustment Corp. Dept. of Labor and Industries I City Treasurer 9:1- ,PARK FUND: 1+1- 'Montgomery Ward & Co. Taylor Heating & Plumbing Dept. of Labor and Industries ,I PARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL J<llND: ,pecific Signal Co. M. H. Rhodes, Inc. Willson Hardware Co. 'Dept. of Labor ~ Industries Ap.r.i;Ll~c_o_ntin).lElg, 19-.1L Service and Repairs Parts and Repairs Pa rts Lumber, etc. Electrolytic Condenser F\1e 1 Oil Dog Food; Supplies Tools and Hardware Laundry Supplies Valve Lifters, Gaskets Photographs Brooms, Rope, Light Bulbs Couplings, Pin Parts Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Collection "xpanse Ind. Ins, and Med. Pipe Pipe Aid 539---' II 3.1011 4.45' 5.62! 7.89,: 1.19 108.50' 52.76' 15.00' 14.58 108.07: 26.90' 22.66 1 I 14.59 4.89' 4.94' 91.25 I 1.08 ll6.25 4,522.76' 4,215.15' I 12.57, 3.671 111.94 15.72: 1O.78i 7.42, 17.99' 1,879.28' 45.66, I 36.82 4.75 11.62 1.06' .98 131.92 W.OO .75 53.38 1.60 5.88 117.49 18.55 426.00,i 35.41" 9.27,1 13.94'1 ,I ,I 'There being no further business, it was regularly moved and seconded that the session adjourn until 4:00 P.M>\ 1 , i Repairs Collection Expense Ind. Ins. and lI.ed. Aid Repairs Expanse, Supt. Adv. Keys and Mower Grind Ca ble Conduit and Lamps Car Mileage-March Freezone, Gas, Purolator Parts and Repairs Hose, Fittings Cable Gasoline, and Oil Garage Rent' Collection Commission Ind. Ins. and lI.ed. Aid Water Base Ball Goals Pi pe and Fi tt ing s Ind. Ins. and Med. Aid iP"- IfN - Parts Plates Paint Scraper, Screws, Bolts Ind. Ins. and Med. Aid April 14, 1949, 4:00 P.M. I '!The bids as submitted having been considered, it was moved by CoJill!lissioner Taylor that the. bid by Janish Motor Company to furnish one Dodge truck, complete with body for 162,M1.46 less $275.00 trade-in allowance ]be accepted as the best and lowest bid according to specifications. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. I . ,There being no further bus~ess, the session was declared adjourned. I , I a. c. ;t~. (J City Clerk -/~ // ~ lJ.ayor ~