HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/14/1943 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington "'IIIl 511 ADril 14. 1943 19_ I I I I I The Co:n:r.ission met in regula,. session at 10 A.M. and was called to o,.der by l!.ayor Robinson. Roll call showed the following office~s creser.t: UaYD~ Robinson, Commissioners Bearr and Masters, Attorney JolliJston and Clerk Hawkins, The minutes of the previous session were read and approved, Under the head of Applications for Euildir~ Permits the following was granted: J. N, Alstott, Adjiticn to hOuse, Lot 3, Block 284, Townsite 200.00 Under the head of Introduction of Resolutions the following resolutions were introduced: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, The City of Port Ar.geles is the owner of the following described reel property, having acquired the same c~y Treasurerls deed dated April 13, 1943} under and by virtue of the aub,o~ity of Section 9393~ Chapter. 143, of the Laws of 1929, page 365, to-wit: Lot Nine (9), Block Thirty-nine (39), Norman R. Smith's Sub:!ivision of the Townsite of Port Pngeles, Washington, WHEREAS, T. O. Tille,. has offered to purchase the above described real property from the City of Port Angeles for the sum of $200.00, payable as fellows: $20.00 as a down payment and '$10.00 on or before the lOt:. day of Uay, 1943, and $10.00 on or before the 10th of each and every month thereafter until paid in full, together with interest on mon"hly balances at the rate of 7% per annum an:! paid with the monthly installments, and W1lEREltS, lhe Cit;y Ccmmission has viewed the said property and is of the opinion that the offer is fair value and that at this time it is the beat interest of the Gity that it should be accepted and the sale m~de: NOW, TfiEREFCRE, BE IT RESOLVED, That said of:er be accepted and that the City of Port Angeles sell the said property at private sa~e to the said T.O. Tiller for the sum hereinabove set forth, subject to any other valid liens against the BRme; that the City Attorney be instructed to prepare a quit claim deed conveying said property to the purchaser, and that the City Clerk of the City of Port Angeles be and he is hereby instructed to execute said quit claim deed, and that the Mayor of the City ol Port ~ngeles be and he is hereby instructed to cot:ntersign said quit claim deed whe:t the purchase price and all ir:terest accrued thereon has been paid in lull. It was rnovej by Lo~~~missiDr.er t~sters that the foregoing resolution be ap~roved and ~dDpted. Seconded by Mayor Robinson. On roll call all me::tbers voted aye. The Mayor d eclered the motion carried. RESOtuTIJN TO SELl PROPERTY P.CQ~IEED BY FORECLOSUP.E WHE'lEftS, The CitJ, of Port Angeles is the owner of the following described real !"roperty in the City of Port Angeles, to-wit: Lot Four (4), Block Thirty (30), 'lho:npM:1 end Goodwin's Subdivision of the w1' of Sub'uban Lot Two (2), Port Angeles Townsite, which said property has ~een acquired by the City on foreclosure of delinquent local improve~ent assess- ments under Chapter 205 of the Session Laws of 1927, and WHEREAS, Fnith Hunting has offered to purchase the Bbeve described real property from the City of Port Angeles for the su~ of $1000.00, payable as follows: $100.00 as a down payment aLd $25.00 on or be;ore the 14th dRY of May. 1943, an:! e25.00 on 0::' before tne 14th day of each ond eveI'.\ monch thereafter unhl pald ! in fulJ, together with wterest computed at the rate 0' 7% pe- andU~' on monthly balances and paid Wlth the monthly installments, and I WHERll~S, The Co ty Comr"lsslon has v~ewed the sa1d property and 1S of the op1m' n that the offer 1S fa1r I value and is 1n exceS3 of the a~ount paid by the City for said property, plus all L.I.D. assessments, including interest and other charges against the same. I I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RES01VED, That the said o;fer be accepted and that the City of Port Angeles sell the said pro~rty at private sale to the said Edith Hunting, for the sum hereinabove set f~~th, subject to any valid liens against the earns; that the City ~ttorney be instructed to prepare a deed conveying said property to the purchaser, and that the City Treasurer be authorized to execute the said deed in accordance' with the provisions of this resolution and Chapter 275, Sessicn Laws of 1927. It was moved by Commissioner Beam that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Commissioner Vasters. o~ roll c~ll all m~be~s vcted 2ye. The Mayor declared the motion carried. The Comlnission examined and allowed the f 01.1 owing claims and ordered warrantsdrawn for same: mRRElfI'_ EIP~NSE_ FUND W. K. Na ttinger Port Angelos Evening News Standard Oil Co. General PetroleuT. Corp. of .california George's Service Station n II n Premium on Bond Subscription Gas 50.00 9.00 42.16 51. 74 20.78 47.21 3.45 .41 4.94 34.86 49.69 1.85 38.77 40.34 .55 44.76 7.26 103 .00 Garage Work " D & B Battery & Eleotrio Station The El.e ctric Company pay-N- Save Drug Co, Hoare & Headrick Shell Oil Company Willson Hardware Co. Pacific I!.anifolding Book Co. The Texas Company D & 8 Battery & Electric Station Standard Oil Co. Epperson & Sons Brown Mat~ress Co. Parts & Labor Flashlight Cells . Batteries Ga rage Work Motor Oil Light Globe s Traffic Violation Sli!"s Oil Pa rts Ge 30line & .001 vent Lumber Rebuild & Recover 2 Davenports Continued on next page ..... I""" 512 ~pril 14. 1943 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 19_ lrl... CURRENT EXPENSE FUlm Continued Jolmson Tug & Barge Co. Willson Hardware Co. Olympic Stationers Olympic Laundry & Cleaners Willson Hard'Nare Co. Epperson & Sons, Inc. City Treasurer State Coal Hardware Supplies Laundry Work Spray Pump Enamel, Brush & Sand Peper Victory Tax Ind Ins & Med Aid CITY STREjlT Fmm Willson H8rdware Company Olympic Peninsula Ilotor Freight Co. Standard ~il Company Howard-Cooper Corp. City TreBsurer State Treasurer Ell Frs igh t Bill Gasoline & Oil Pa rts Victory Tax Ind Ins & lied Aid WIIT~.Ju~m Puget Sou~d Navigation Co. Clalla~. Adjustment Corp. Willson Hardware Go. GlymDic Peninsula Motor Freight D & B batters & Electric Co. V. A. Samuelson & Co. Ci t~y Treasurer State ~ Co. Freight Bill Corr.missi~n on Collections Supplies Freight Bill Battery & Distributor Exch. Carburetor' Victory Tax Ind Ins & Med Aid LIGHT FUND Chas. E. 8eam ClallEm P.djustment Corp. Olympic Peninsula Motor Freight Zellerbach Paper Corp. City Treasurer Sta~e ~ C9 r Mileage Commission on Collections Freight Charges Paper Tcwels Victory Tax Ind Ins & lied Aid LIBRARY FUND City Treasurer Victory Tax PIIRK FUND I Olympic Peninsula liotor Freight Co. Epperson & Sons Clallam Grain Co. Willson Hardware to. Willson Hardware Co. City Transfer Co. Epperson & Sons II 11 II Freight Bill Lumber Hay, Corn) etc. Na ils & Twbe Harc'-\"iare Stove Oil Batsman Template Panel Victory Tax Ind Ins & Med Aid City Treasurer State Tre3surer FIREv.~N'S RELIEF & PENSION.fuEQ Ci ty Treasuer Viotory Tax , CITYWIDE SIDEWHK CONSTP.TJCTION FUND Henry Reis Refund VICTORY TAl FUlID City Tre osurer Vic~ory Tax There being no further business the Gom~ission then adjourned to meet on Friday, April 16, 1943, at 10 11.1'. I 104.55 23.15 10.70 11.77 1.36 1~4~:~~ \')~\ 39,68 I ~ I '-f8q,~ .27 .82 149,73 45.66 211. 68 80.15 I (,6 'f/ ?~ ,60 1.73 1.07 .80 13.37 4.84 297.63 24.56 yH1 19.70 2.02 :3 .67 .j.. 4.92 1....-.-371.11 47.72 29.58 4.27 32.10 13 .50 1.28 10.08 7.98 $).-- 7.07 5 b 1.81 / 58.80 19.62 I 3.81 94.76 1615.89 ?? mJ';UW1~ ~j{ff~ Gity Clerk Mayor I.