HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/14/1948 438 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington April 14, 19~ The Commission I1>3t in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order b"'J Mayor Epperson. Roll call showed the fcllowing officers present: Mayor Epperson, Commissioners Steele and Johnson,. Attorney Wilson and Clerk Law. under the head Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Building Permits: L. B. Belongia Sig Larson George Gross J. W. Brock ,C.L. McHaffie Maud Sesar W. <1agnon James Cavagaugh Sig Larson Jack DelGuzzi of applications for building permits and licenses the following were granted: 3' ,,0 /7'05"() - Build 2-Room Dwelling; Lot 18, Blk. 127, Townsite Build 2 Rooms on to Present Garage; Lots 15 and 16, Blk. 58, P.S.C.C., Sub.25 Remodel Present Dwelling; Put in Basel1>3nt, 2 RoOInS; Lot 7, Blk. 15, P.S.C.C. Move House, Remodel; Lot 15, Blk. 22, Townsite Remodel, Add Bedroom to Present Dwelling; Lot 10, Blk., 158, Townsite Remodel Garage; Lot 15, Blk. 4, Rartt & Cook Add. Repair Foundation, Put in Basement and Add 2 Rooms; Lot 7, Blk. 119, Townsite Remodel, Enclargo Bathroom, Put in Closets; Lot 15, Blk. 55" Tovmsite Remodel, Add Store-room; Lot 4, Blk. 27, N.R.Smith Add. Build 7-Room lMelling; S2 Lots 10, 11, Blk. 555, Tmmsite Jl 75 Licenses I Ii'_ Red's Taxi Co. Une Ce b, 9 Months 1'000'001 1,500.00', 2,000.00' 5,000 .00'1 150 .00 500 .00 I' 1,000.00' 200 .00 ' 500.00 10,000.00 18.75 'Under the head of unfinished lusiness, bids were opened for one light service .truck as follows: Schreiner Chevrolet Co., $1,718.81; Janish Motor Co., for Dodge, $1,768.07. The bids were referred. to Light Supt. Lean for fUrther consideration. II Pursuant "light at to previous discussion and study, the Traffic Control Dept. was authorized to install a blinker First and Psabody Strsets, as approved by the State Highway Department. ,I under the head of new business, Frank Lindsay appeared in behalf of the American Legion req",esting permissio{l litc ,sponsor a carnival sometime in May, exempt from city license. The request was granted by the Commission. I ! cases tried i !hi'~"\~\('i'i/~;:1~i(";~~:;~:J:tp~7~;,1'~i::fH~:\,:-1';~:~'~I The report of Police Justice Taylor for the month of March showing 120 !',-~~!~',~Ii'lij'i~tl~~::'I1\'j~i~\. 't'fJt~:"i/lli\~~\~;:'i~i:: and $1,,988.00 fines collected was approved and ordered filed. '-1::i)~"J~i'\:,(::~i:'j~ii:::::,':';:;.~:~:,;':;':;!::),:Icommiseioner Johnson made a motion that bids be published for operation of a ,i. ,,;, '"In. """ "h,,'k. concession stand at the Civic Stadium, bids to be opened .&pril 28th. Motion i I'UI'1i~]H.d .\1'1':1 )I;, ~:;. l!ll~. seconded by Mayor Epperson. All members voted Aye. The motion carried. Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the following was passed third and final reading and adopted: ORDINANCE NO. 1195 AN ORDINANCE amending Sec. 5 of Ordinance No. 1167, the same being an ordinance to regulate and restrict the loc.ation and use of wildings and land within the City of Port Angeles. It was moved by Commissioner Johnson thet the foregoing Ordi,nance be passed third reading and finally adopted. Seconded by Ccmmissioner Steele. All members voted Aye. Motion carried. Und,er the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances the following was placed on first and se cond rea,ding: ORDINANCE NO. 'AN 'ORDINANCE authorizing the General Petroleum 'Corporation to lay, construct, maintain, operate, use and repair pips lines for the transportation of petroleum and its by-products along, across, and under the surface of certain portions of a certain alley in the City of Port Angeles. It 'was moved by Commissioner Johnson thet the foregoing Ordinance be placed on first and second readings. Seconded by Commissioner Steele. All voted Aye. Motion carried. .! 'I same 1 The' Commission examined and approved the following claims and ordered warrants issued in payment of the !' J 5(;, ?77 '.CURRENT E:iPENSE FllND: l:rr:t ok & Murray ~or't Angeles Evening News 1';Janish Motor Co. I',J. J. Dailey l'Automoti ve Parts Service ,W. S. Darley & Co. jEpperson & Sons lei ty Treasurer IEastman Kodak stores, Inc. iAiken Motors :R. o. Ide ,General Petroleum :Corp. iHarris & Schuller SchreL~er Chevrolet ~. Angele s Machine & Welding Works ,American Fire Equipment Co. :Willson Hardware Co. O~pic Stationers Nat'l Fire Protection Assn. Nat'l Clean Up-Paint, Up-Fix Up Bureau Howard-Cooper Corp. Waitkus Supply Go. CITY STREET FIJliD: ' ..( i''1 General Petrole~ Corp. Automotive Parts Service Aiken Motors Anton Fredrickson 61 Registration Forms Legal Publications Parts Tires, Tube 2 Belts 2 Revolvsrs Screws, Nails Postage, Express Photography SUpplies Parts and Repair Car Mileage for March Gasoline Material for 2 Hose Troughts Parts , Drill and Tap Out Pipes Running Board Dugas Bracket, Signs, Oxygen Refills, etc. Tools end Hardware Office Suppliee Clean-Up Posters & Folders Honor Emblems Firemen's Caps, Pants, Coats, etc. 2 Batteries Gasoline Parts, High Speed Drills, etc. Parts Two Overload Springs 57.971 23.20 ' 11.66 46.28 2.59 ' 84.201 .36 10.46 . 5.15, 275.00' 29.89' 58.98, 14.61 8.50'! 4.12 19.711' 5.81 4.02 20.00 I 19.25 198.90' 1.30 165.65! 97.39'1 6.05 m.60 I I I I I I II o II II II Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington WATER FUND: .505" 2 Automotive Parts Se~vice Zellerbach Paper 'Co. Seattle Plumbing Supply ICo. Marckrnann & Williams Montgomery Ward & Co. V. H. Haller Hardware :Go. JAngeles Gravel & Supply Co. .! .I sf' I LIGHT FUND: /5 .? ~ . Automotive Parts Servi.C8 ,General Petroleum .Corp. lB. W. Lean , G .& G Blind Repair Service Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. Peninsula Ele etri c Co. General Electric Supply Corp. II SANITATION FUND: .I I~ ~ if : Wm. Pieca Chevron Gas Station PARK FUND: .170 f-3 Angeles Building '<:enter , Pittswrgh Paint Store Willson Hardwars Co. Automotive Parts Service Aoril 14. continued, 19~ Parts Towels Fittings Fittings Hoist, Boots Wire Rope Concrete Parts, 'Cement Gas and Oil Expens,e Repairs . Transformers Supplies Meters, Meter Sockets ~ Keyless Car Caps Pai nt Paint Tools anp Hardware Parts 'J:here being no further business, the session was declared adjourned. p t'.~. City Clerk &.Ill u) ~---^~ Mayor 439 1.05 5.56 5.20 502 .25 92.56 91.77 9.27 4.87 156.50 49.45 125.68 504 .24 45.75 920.52 10.04 58.76 6.75, 10.89 14 .05 69.00 24.50