HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/14/1952 P'" 250 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington April 14 IfP~_ ,,<^. ....". "".''''.''^''-'' "...... "'.. .... IThe Commission met in regular session at 10:00 A. M., and was called to order by ~layor Feeley. Officers present were: Mayor Feeley, "ollllDissioners Robinson and Tayl<>r, Attorney Trumbull, and Ckk Law. ,Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. !Under the head of applicationS for building permits and licenses, the following were granted: :BUILDING PEH!UTS: .3~, I- DD,.. ~ayne l'illiams Build residence, lot 10, Blk. 102, Townsite LeRoy H. Jagger Build a radio and T.V. shop, lot 19 & 20, Blk. 25, Townsite .Melvin Adolphson Remodel store front, lot 4, Blk. 31, T~site . Del Guzzi Bros. Build new 5 room dwelling, Lot 15 & lV. 16, Blk. 98, Townsite ,Peninsula Iron and Metal Co. Build storage room. Bot-t ef Port Angeles property IAlden T. Nelsen Construct dwelling-4 rooms, lot 2, Blk. 394, I fLICENSES.: I,Moderns lBeauty Shop Beauty operator I " ,Under the head ef unfinished business, John Goneis appeared regarding obstructions on East Second Street which the CollllDission had previously requested removed by Mr. Stevenesen, owner sf City Center Mot el. It ;was moved by Commissioner T"lfler that the matter be referred to the Atterney for instructions as t.. next steps to be taken. Seconded by ~Qr Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I :M8lfor Feeley received a letter from JohnB. Cain, Supt. Iilf Buildings ef the City of Seattle, also copy of an :,Ordinance as adepted April 2, 195?, authorizing the sale of certain jail equipment to the City of Port Angeles. It was moved by Commissioner T"lflor that the City take advantage of the offer. Seconded by ?,mmissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ,The City Empleyees Association requested in writing that the CollllDission reconsider their acj:;icm in keeping the City Hall open certein hours Saturday while all other public offices, banks, etc. are closed. President Irving Hansen also spoke on behalf of the Association I s request. The Comssien decided tG post- pone any decision and referred the request to the Council for their consideration. I ,Un:ler the head af new business, the COIIIlission received Notice frem the Public Land Commissioner af ,applicatien by Ilayonier, Inc. for lease of harbor area in front of Blecks 4i. 5~, 6~ 7i, and intervening atreets," being the harbor area including Vine, Albert, and Eunice Streets as exteml.ed across harbor area by Ordinance No. Sl. Action regarding the application was deferred until the next session. I M"lfor Feeley announced that a meeting for discussion regarding use of the old fire hall will be held Fridey J\ilril 18, at which time the P.T.A. Council, County Commission, C.uncilmen Elect, and City Commissioners will be present. I r"'~ "" ..., ., ''''"'~U.. ., "'""::;':' :'ll_", wo, ''''ro'~''' WHEREAS, the jail facilities n<ilW ewned, operated and maintained by the City of Port Angeles are inadequate 'and unsuitable for the needs of said City in numerous re!,pects, to wit: That the same are improvised in a. building not designed for and unsmtable for jail purposes, are inadequate and cramped in the amount of space available, have no facilities for the confinement of female or juvenile prisoners, are unsanitary and ~re unsafe, both from the standpoint of the protection of persons confined bherein and the prevention of ,their escape; and j WHEREAS, the existing facilities cannot be suitably expanded, remodeled or reconstructed; alIIl l'iHEREAS, it is necessary for the adequate care, custody and detention of prisoners of the City of Port Angeles that a new jail building therefore be constructed; aId I \VHEREAS, in order to defrq part of the cost thereof it is necessary to issue General Obligation Bonds of the City of Port Angeles in the amount of $67,500.00; now, therefore, I BE IT RESOLVED by the City CGmmission of the City of Port Angeles, as follows: That the City of Port Angeles shall borrow the sum of $67,500.00 upon the gsneral credit of said City and to provide for the I repayment of such loan shall issue general indebtedness and obligation bonds of said City in the sum of $67,500.00. Said bonds shall mature on a date not to exceed ten (10) years from. the date of issue thereof I and shall bear interest at a rate not t. exceed six per cent (6%) per annum. Such bonds shall be sold to the highest and best bidder for cash and at the leweBt obtainable rate of interest, and the proceeds of such' borrowing and the sale of such bonds shall be used for a municipal purpose, to wit: the payment of a port- ion of the cost and expense of constructing and erecting a jat<l and police station, together with suitable imd pertinent facilities and equipment for and within the City of Port Angeles. lIt was moved by COlDIlissioner Robinson that the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by Conmissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. $13,000.00 500.00 2,000.00 . 11,000.00 600.00 5,500.00 2.00 Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following were placed on first and second reading: ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles providing for the borrowing of $67,500.00 upon the general credit of said City, the issuance of General Obligatien Bonds in the amount <ilf $67,500.00 in payment of such Iloan, fixing the maturities of and providing for the slae of such bonds, and providing for tax lenes fer the retirement of such bonds, finding the assessed valuation of the City of Port Angeles and declaring an 4;mergency. It was moved by Mayor Feeley that the foregoing Ordinanc e be passed first and second reading. CollllDissionerTaylor. All voted Aye. MoUon carried. Sec.nded by ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE vacating a portion of M Street in the City of Port Angeles. It was moved by CellllDissioner Robinson that the foregoing Ordinance be passed first and second reading. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. ~" The Com missiGn examined and approved the following claims and erdered warrants issued in payment of the same: I CURRENT EXPENSE: 7'<' /'.J.s' Art Burnside and Co. 2 saps-police 8.35 (eter J. Naughton meals-police 13.20 I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washinglon April 14 19~ ,,<. . ....;., .""". """"'" ,""'". ..... ..... , CURRENT EXPENSE ,FUND (continued) 'Hazel's Cafe Meals for prisoners-police !\'I. S. Darley and Co. Hos e line and sprinkler stoppers-fire 'Custom Top and Body Shop 1 panolboard book cover-.fire Evening News ad-fire :Olympic Stationers paper and pencils Fire Appliance Co. chem recharges Tower Super Service acet and oxygen Willson Hardware Co., tools and. hardware :~ohnson and Bork paint-fire Clallam County Humane Society animal control I CITY STREET FUND: 7,{,)., j, Z- Tower Super Service !{c1lahan Fuel Co. ,Auto Parts' Co. Wheeler Hardware & Furniture ulin Maint.' and Supply Randall Kilmer Const. Co. r WATER FUND, /'..9:1.. I Clallam Adj ustment Corp. ClAllam County Pun No. 1 1 H. E. Dodge 1 City Street Dept. Western Utilities Supply Co. , 142.60 59.11 1.91 6.57 7.83 7.73 26.11 17.17. 24.27 432.50 . oxygen, acet, etc. . blacksmith coal parts padlocks, nipple, etc. long lay asphalt 36.45 5.21 50.06 9.38 37.39 604.13 collec~ion expense electric service expense Gas and oil fittings 1.00 , 13.84 11.82 73.50 67.76 1 LIGHT FUND: If (J f /J Puget Sound T'3nt and Duck Co. flag Westinghouse Elec. Sup. Co. parts I City Street Dept. gas and oil Cla11am Adjustment Corp. collection expense Puget Sound Nav. Co. frt. chgs. General Eleet-rie-6~ d"l'o:,U uu ",):". I General Ele ctriC Supply Co. wire I Maydwell and Hartzell tools I'SANITATION FUND: ~/''T, CJ :5 City Street Dept. gas, 0il, grease and rpt. !~utc Parts Service parts Tower Super Service tie rod enaa Earl D..vidson March car mileage PARK FUND: /"'.3. tl:3 Willson Hardware Co. Olylflpic Printery 1Vheeler Hardware I Angele a Millwork & Lbr. Angeles Pittsburg Paint PARKINCl METER AND TRAFFIC City Street aept. , CEMETERY FUND: I 7 t, r. , Auto Parts Service .1'heeler Hardware Forrest Hansen 1. LD. REVOLVING FUND: City Treasurer 7.00 1.32 91.25 3.50 1.19 ~"300000- 228.11 276.76 160.50 13.63 ],0.32 34.5S tools, misc. supplies payroll warrants wire, hinges, bolts Co. paint, .lumber paint, oil, creosote 48.54 19.26 44.39 49.43 11.41 CO NTROL FUND: gas Cross yokes fertilizer truck rental 5.63 25.53 140.64 There being no further business the meeting adjourned. real estate excise tax p e;[~ City Clerk ~pL 4-4~ - M"lfo 251l 3.75 .70