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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
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April 15
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The City Council met in regullr session at 7:30 P.M. and was called to order by Ma;yor Smith. Roll call
revealed the following officers present: Ma;yor Smith, Councilmen Brown, Neer, Sandison, Powell,
Wolfe and McFadden, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law.
It was moved by Councilman Powell that minutes of the previous meeting be approved and accepted. Seconded
by Councilman Sandison. All voted kye. Motion carried.
I l!nder the head of unfinished business, bide to furnish the City and County Fire District were again
I . considered. Manager Vergeer stated that all bids have been tabulated and after due consideration, the
I Fire Depa.rt.ment haa submitted recommendations with which he concurs. Mr. Vergeer then recomnended that
I the bid by Nelson Equipmant Compan,y for Seagrave truck be accepted at quoted factory price, 1leigbt cost
to be billed after January 1, 1955. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that recommendations be al?proved
I and truck purchased according to the same. Motion seconded by Councilman Sandison. All voted Aye.
Mo.tion carried. ' .
Warren Eacrett and Attorney Doher-ty appeared for the Fire District regarding joint purchase of a fire
, truck with the City. Pa;yment for the truck was discussed, .also contract between the City and District
, for fire call semce. It was moved by Cg~&UwlnotlrF;j.IW~Ht~9at the City enter into agreement with
, Cle11am COWlty Fire Protection District/tor Joth't purcnase ot tJeagrave Fire truck. Seconded by Council-
man Brown. au. voted kye. Motion carried. ' ,
1 Pursuant to calls for bids pUblished, the following were received:
: COLLINS MACHINERY CO., 1 CaterPillar model D-4, f .o.b. Port Angeles, $10,584.31, less trade-in $850.00.
, Net, $9,734.31. Tax not included.
I HOWARD - COOPER CCRPO!'ATION, i Ailis-Phalmers H.D.-5 tractor, f.o.b. Port Angeles, $10,731. Sales tax,
i $321:93. Net, $11,042.93. Less trade-in allowance, $900.00.
PACIFIC HOSIT AID DERRICK 00., 1 Oliver Cletrac diesel crawler tractor, f.o.b. Port Angeles, $10,015.55
plus sales tax. Trade-in allo1~ance, for International $750.00. .
Alternate bid: Model DOH, f.o.b. Port Angeles, $l4,6l9.00 plus sales tax. Trade-in, $950.00
FEENAillH'l:Y MACHINERY CO., Modsll-450 \'II\Yne Sweeper, f.o.b, Port Angeles, $8,987.00., plus saJ,es tax
I $269.61. Net, $9,256.61. '
COLUMBIA EXlUIPM<lI'l' CO., 1 Austin-Western Model 40 Hotor Sweeper, l.o.b. Port Allgsles, $9,081.00 plus
sales t,ax, $272.43. Total $9,353.43. , ,
Alternate bid: Rebuilt Austin-Western Patral Sweeper, f.o.b. Porl Angeles', $2,650.00 plus $79.50 sales
i tax. Total $2,729.50. .
j' AIR MAC INC. OF W~HI~'G~~, 1 Mobile Sweeper, Model lMS, f.o.b. Port Angeles, &9,123.36 subject to 3%
, sales tax. , .._
I RELIANCE EXlUIPMENl' AND SUPPLY CO.~ 1 Model "En Gutter-Snipe Pick-Up Street Sweel'er, delivered to Port
I Angeles $7, 734.00 p~us $,,232.02 Saies tax. Total $7,966.02. Discount z!, ($141.78) if paid within 10
days after date of 1!1VoJ.ce.. , .
IpOINT~LtAMETTE C~.,INC:.1. 1 tilt-bed t.vpe 2O-ton trailer, $31.680.00 plus 8110.40 sales tax less
1 trade-in for old trailer, t>'<00.00. Net, f.o.b. Edmonds plant, lI>3,590.40.' ,
EVmGREEN TRAILER COMPANY, 1 20-ton tilt deck trailer, delivered Port Angeles, $4,15:7.00 plus state tax,
$124.71. Allowance for used trailer, $435.00.
I ,
iUTILI'Icr TRAILER AND EXlUIPMENT CO., 1 Model Utility TX 12 trailer, f.o.b. Seattle, $4,l48.00 less trade-in,
1$277.00. Freight to Port Angeles, $50.00. Tax not specified.
jP, EEllLESS TllAILBR AND TRUCK SERVICE, INC."1 Peerless 20-ton tilt bed trailer, $5,860.00 f.o.b. Portland.
Trade-in allowance, $1,360.00. Net, $4,500.00. Sales tax not specified. .
I FRUEHAUF TRAILER OOMPANY, 1 Fruehauf'Model TD-20-D tilt deck trailer, $4,485.20 plus sales tax, $ll!4.56.
Trade-in allowance for Stahley trailer, $200.00. Net,. $4,429.76.
Mqor limith declared reces~ while the bids were checked and compared after which Manager Vergeer made
the following recommendations:
Tractor, to Collins Machiner,r Compan,y by lease purchase agreement, half to be paid from the current
budget and half from the 1955.budget. It was moved by Councilman Neer that the recommendation be approved
and tractor purchased. Seconded by Councilman Sandison. All voted~. Motion carried.
Sweeper, to Feenaugbty Machiner,r Compan,y for Wqne Sweeper, on lease purchase agreement for budgetary
reasons. It was moved by COWlcilman McFadden that recommendation be approved and offer accepted.
Seconded by Councilman Neer and unanimously carried.
Trailer, to Pointer-!4illamette Compan,y on cash basis. It 'was moved by Counci]man 1'101fe that recomnendation
be accepted and trailer purcljased. Seconded by Counc:l.lman McFadden. All members voted Aye. Motion
Manager vergee.r read proposal with p,roviSions from Fibreboard, Inc. lor sub-lease of Tract 'No. 6 of ~
Ediz Hook and recommended that the proposal be accepted at rate of $200.00 per year subject to revision
I June 1st ,,!hen 'all sub-lease r~ntals will be considered. It was moved by Councilman Brown that sub-
I' lease to Fibreboard, Inc. be approved with reconmendea:,Cl1anges. Seconded by Councilman McFadden and
Under the head of n<!l{ business, application by Loyal Order of Moose for Class D beverage license was
tabled until the next meeting.
A group of high school girls appeared before the Council regarding sanitary and health conditions in the
City. They commended the Mayor, Council and others for progress and suggested how conditions could be
further improved. Showed pictures of garbage receptacles and other unsanitary conditiollS and explained
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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
April 15 continued 19~
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health program' with reconnnendations requesting that copies of the Garbage Ordinance be printed and
distribt1ed -to each home and place of business. Miss ,Powell complimented the class for. ~enaive ,
research and labor. ~or Smith and other Council lIl9Ilbers commended the class for ~he~r ~nterest,in c~vic
affairs. Hr. Vergeer thanked the class for fine suggestions and assured considerahon of the same.
Gw Be1li~er inquired regarding opemng of Valley'street from Higbwa,y' 101, thereby .relieving traffic
congestion on other arterials caused by log trucks, etc. Atll>rney Severyns informed that the State
Department has made survey and will not consider Valley Street as a' route for proposed truck route.
Mana er Vergeer read offer by the .1st National Bank to purbhsse Bonds ani l~arrants of L.I.D. No,' 165, : par
at ~ interest the City to pay cost of printing and Attorney's approving opinion. Also read. Was offer
by the Treasur~r of the Firemen's Pension Fund to purchase the bonis and warrants at par, 4% ~nterest,
APproving opinion of the,City Attorney accepted. It was moved by; Councilman Neer that tho:' Bonds and ,
W"arrantsDe sold to the Firemen's Pension FUnd. Seconded by CounCilman McFadden and unammously carned.
The Planning Commission reported on request by Mr. Jensen of Shell Oil Co. for increased width of drivewa,y
in front of Coca Cola Building on East 1st Street, the request having been previouSly r.eferred to the
Commission for recommendations. The Planning Board recommended that request be denie.d and that th~
Commission be recorded as being opposed to excess dri vewB\}'s across sidewalk area, the same present~ng
hazard to pedestrian trai"fic. It was moved by Councilman Neer that the Couroil 9ncur with recommendation
of Planning Cpmmission. Seconded by Councilman Brown. All voteQ Aye. ~lotion carried.
P1lget Sound Navigation Company requested in writing, permission to lease site for sign installation on
North Lincoln Street. It was the opinion of Attorney Sevefyns that the City may grant such lease and
~ouncilman Brawn moved that said lease be authorized and s~gned by the MB\}'or. Motion seconded by COWlcilmal
Wolf!" 8!ld carried.
Claims, paid April l, 5, 7, and 12 were approved in total amount of $46,834.340 It was moved by Councilman
Brown that claims be approved as paid. . Seconded by Councilman Powell. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
~ . , ~ .
One claim voucher against 1953 Street Improvement Construction Fund in amount of $5,413.40 was filed for
appro."~. Said < claim was to re,.ad.just. proportionate cost of L. I.D. and General Obligation Bond financed
construction cost. It was moved bv Councilman Brown that the claim be approved and warrant issued in
pa;yment of the same. Seconded by Councilman McFadden and unanimousl,y carried.
The COWlcil approved claim against L.I.D. No. 164 C';nstructi~n Fund in amo~ ~f $176.69 to Preston,
Thorgrimson and Horowitz for approving opinion of the said district. It was moved by Councillilan Powell
that the claim be sl?proved am warrant issued in P9Y"!ent of same. Secomed by Cound-lman Sandison.
jill voted Aye. I1ot~on carried. " ' "
'E1ud.neer Ahlvers filed for approval the lst am final estimate for work done and mateclal furrmhed by
,DeI Guzzi Brothers, Laurel Street BlUff s'tairwB\}', contract of Februar,y 19, 1954. Amount.of .estimate
,$3,134.42 less 15% retained, ~470.l6; Due contractor, $2,664.26. It was moved by Councilman Wolfe that
jthe estimate ~e approved ,and paid. Seconded by Councilman B%tOWn, All voted A;ve. ~lotion carried.
(Report of the City Treasurer showing pa;yments received ani boms to be issued in L.I.D'. N~. 163 was filed
If or appro:: ::: fO:::~ No. 163 Arterial Paving
,The records of the office.of City Treasurer shol< tdal pa.yments of $78,655.78 mad~ during the thtrty dB\}'
prepa;yment period which expired April 5th on Local IriIproveJOOnt District No. 163.
~esults for the purpose of issuing bonds to redeem the remainder of outstanding warrants are as follows:
Total warrants issued Nos. 1 t~ 37 inclusive
Adjustment in allocation of fums $5,413.40
Pa;yments on 30 dai notice 78.655. 78
Total of bonds to issue
81..069.18 '
It was moved hi, Councilman Brown that the Trea'surer's report be accept ed, bonds issued in SIllIIl1IIIt of
unpaid balance, and the MB\}'or authorized to execute ,the said bonds. ,Motion seconi ed by Counci lman Neer
and 1manimouslY ca:rried~
Man~ger Vergeer informed that switch sear is required for use at the light substation and requested
authorization to publish calls for bide for tb.e same., It was moved by Councilman Neer that calle for
bids be published for the required switch gear. Secoooed by C9imcilman Saitdison. All voted A:ye.
Y.otion carried.
~lr. Vergeer also requested that the Council authorize emplo;}'lIlSnt of Engineer Eli H,hes, as reconnnended
by Attorney Thorgrimaon, to make preliminary study of contemplated improvements. t was moved by
CounCilman McFadden that the Council approve hiring Mr. Hughes as recommended. Seconded by Councilman
Brown. All member~ :I1oted kye. Motion carried.
Mr. Vergeer reported that the Planning Commission will hold public hearing May 4th on request by Louis
Elterich f'1r variance in the Zoning Ordinance and construction of a storage building on East 2d S1Ireet
Ibetween Race and Wasllngton. ,. .-
\MB\}'or Smith read invitation from the Community Action Assembl,y to attend a meeting for discussion on
annexation whicq will be held Tuesday, -\pril 20th in the High School Cafeteria. The Mayor also read
invitation from the Mayor of Bremerton to attend the 3d annual Kitsap Council Water School, the sam/! to
be held April 23.
The Humane So~iety requested in ><riting t'hat the City take over collection of animal licenses. It was the
opinion of Council members that licenses should be coJ,lected as per agreement.
Manager Vergeer informed of request from the light linemen concerning' negotilltions far wage increase..
Ma;ror Smith appointed Councillllen Neer, Wolfe, Brown and Powell to assist in review of wages and working
[conditions. .' . ..,~:
jUnder the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was introduced and read in full
for consideration by the Council:
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles providing for the improvement of certain streets aixl alleys in
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
April 15 continued 54
,,<, . ."." u"'., "",,,,., ,,,",,.. ..... .....
Ithe City of Port. Angeles by the constroction of curbs, ll)It;ters and such stom sewers and catch basins
las may be required and incidental thereto, all in accord wi;th Improvement Resolution No. 165, creating
Ie. local improvement district tor such improvement, and providing that payment for said improvement be
made by special assessment on the property in said district speciall,y benefited, payable by the mode of
ipa;yment by. bonds~ all in accord with maps, plans and specifications prepared by the City Engineer and
approved by the \.iity Council.
I '
iIt was moved by Councilman Powell that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Seconded by
ICouncilman McFadden. All voted .\ye~ Motion carried.
'No further business appearing, the meeting was adjourned.
c. x.~.
lA, fnrf--~
JiO'2'IClE '1'0 mnD:eBB
CATIONS. Phms and specifications
c.o\'crlng equipment under this bid
may be examined at the oUlce of
the City Mam1.gel', Port. AngeleR,
t the office of T. E.
5 Lakevlew Blvd.,
2. D ON. Bids will be
receIved on the following eQulpmenl
I Switchgear, 5 KY Indoor metal
clad type, complete with circuit
hreakel'~, and llrotccti\'e and met-
ering equipment. Surplus (un-
uf1cd) equipment will he accept-
I Should arll1lt1011 factual or technical
Information be requJred. the pros-
pective bidder may contacl. the ell.
glneer, T. E. Sparling Co., for such
bid<lor shall till out completel~y tho
bid [arm. Sealed bids, 1n dupJicnte.
shall be submitted to CITY OF PORT
HINGTON, and shall be plainly
ION NO. :!S6-B2". Bids win be re_
'ICOived, at the office at tho City
I :Manager until 5 p.m., PS'.f, May 5,
I ,g~:. c~~(~~nW~lce~l;g o~~ne1:30~ P.~~
I t~~;~cs6th~9;tghr~~ ~~l~.c C~~~C~~t~~:
I [mallLY III bids, to take Into cOllsld-
I eratlon 11e1in'ry alllI experience as
well as I1rlce, amI to oonsiiler bldf;
to alternate specifications. The Clty
Council further reservcs the right
I ~to reject tlny or all bids.
~ 4. BID BOND. A ccrtlfi€d check,
'bank draft, or bid bond, parable to
thll City of Port Angeles, in an
amount not less than five (r.~ per
I cent. -of the blt1 shall he f'ubmltted
i'fa\~~. e:~~ ~: aa~g~~',~~~l:~~, ~tt~OOI1
a.wArded the contrltct, the bld~er wl11
I 'eJo::oIiC)ute the etJntract.
I .': DEI..IVERY. Desired time of
d~llvery Is July 15, 1954. Delivery
19l\nll be c[)Tlsl(Jerp~ Hi'! F, OR carl'l.'
Port Angeles, ""asl\lngton
G. S, Vergecr, City Mngr
Publli':hc(\: April 22 and l!Y, 1~5~.