HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/15/1975 486 ~/ PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASH. APRIL 15, 1975 The Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. Officers present were Mayor Basom, Councilmen Haguewood, Hordyk, Lukey, Olson, Ross and Wray, Acting City Manager Warder, Attorney Taylor and Clerk Parrish. A motion was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unanimously carried to accept and place on file the minutes of the April 1,1975 meeting with the following amendment to Register 485, paragraph one, re: Council approval of Juanita Jacobs' request for a Conditional Use Permit, to record Councilman Wray's vote= as "NO". For the record the motion was carried by three "AYE" votes, two "NO" votes and one abstention. The next item taken under consideration was the bids for two 30-ton weigh scales for the Landfill site. Three bids were received; Fairbanks Company, Vermont, bid $30,201.48 including 4.15% sales t~x; Phillips Scale Company, Seattle Office, bid $26,581.93 including 5,3% sales tax, with a delivery schedule of two to three weeks; Toledo Scales Co., Ohio, bid $26,400.00 including 4.5% sales tax, with a delivery schedule of 75 days; computing Toledo Scales Co. 's bid at 5.0% sales tax, their bid would be $26,526.15. Toledo Scales Company is the low bidder. Asst. Director of Public Works Reed recommended to the Council the bid of Phillips Scales Co. be acc~~ted on the basis of Phillips delivery schedule, maintenance force and spare parts located in Seattle, and only a difference in price of bids of $55.78. A motion was made by Councilman Haguewood and seconded by Councilman Lukey to refer this matter to Attorney Taylor for his opinion on the legality of the Council accepting a bid other than the low bid before the bid is awarded. On called vote, Councilman 01 son voted "NO". All other Council members voted "AYE". 140tion carried. This subject to be an Agenda item at the April 22, 1975 Special meeting; Acting Manager Warder to inform bidders by letter. A motion was made by Councilman Lukey, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unanimously carried to authorize Acting City Manager v/arder to call for bids for the repair of the hydraulic system and related parts on the Light Department line truck. Acting Manager Warder informed the Council that because of the emergency nature of this matter, the bid call has been published and this subject will be an Agenda item at the April 22, 1975 Special meeting. A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Lukey and unanimously I carried to authorize the call for bids for cable, regulators and fencing for the Light Department. I' A motion was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Councilwoman Ross and unanimously carried to approve and accept Foster & Marshall Inc. 's offer for the purchase from the City of Port Angeles $115,774.40 L.I.D. Bonds to be issued against Local Improvement District No. 197; bonds to be dated May 1, 1975 and to mature May 1, 1987; in denominations of $1,000 each with interest coupons payable annually on May 1 of each year; payable at par value; bonds will bear interest at the rate of 8.25%. Mr. T. 14. Satterlee of Foster & Marshall Inc. was in attendance and eXDlained to the Council the conditions of the offer and the current status of the bond market. A motion was made by Councilman Wray, seconded by Councilwoman Ross and unanimously carried to approve payment of Claim Vouchers in the amount of $174,593.84, L.I.D.s in the amount of $354.90, and Payroll transfers in the amount of $95,384.41. A moti on was made by. Council man 01 son, seconded by Counc il man Hordyk and unanimous ly carried to concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and deny the rezone request of Gene Gase of Alpine Realty who had submitted a petition from some of the property owners in the vicinity of Georgiana and Race Streets requesting that Lots 1-9 of Block 38, N.R. Smith Subdi.vision be rezoned from RS-7 (residential) to RB (residential, buffer) to allow doctors offices in the area. . A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk seconded by Councilman Lukey and unanimously I" carried to concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and approve the request of Ida Lucille Douglas of 422 South Liberty Street for a Conditional Use Permit to conduct ceramic sales and instructions as a home occupation in the RS-7 zone for six months. It is Mrs. Douglas' intent that the classes will be composed of 3-3 students and that a vacant portion of her double lot can be util~zed for off-street parking from the alley. / _>-_.:_-g~" I. .'~~":"Oo€tui ~u"C... ~~-~-t~ ->t':cngL~lV'" ~-~~i c~ 'Oo-5~u) ~=ij:-' ~ ~J)~Cl)=..c~ u-i::<;;Q1 .QiJ~5-Clt).! mcma. ->...:"E-~' ~.Do1::.!".! =~ .... ~~.3i: .s!.c g_ClC1l~ lI:ICe3 "__~ "'ia.~"j('<olvG) =0,= ~ ::~54.1~lLl 5:1f)<C -c2aJC _go.,::G:l('ol.!~ ~ .!!-.E fl)~ J15Q.l~4I a- -,~,-> , '. VI ii~ot;;~:;: ~ g-i.: ~t- ~ ~V)~ E ~~ ~ -gu >g !! t: t~~.in1 ~ t~oll) t;o~~1O ==.g ~--:' i';Z ~ ~ ~{; ~ ~u ;..,.."i I e~t?'c<t 5wi ClJ 2~~c "'~~~ CI [Q14 f~.ogj ki~.!.E.g~~. u.emB~c ~ c.g~c ~uz ~~~... 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L 10 lG ~:.-___ _ ;_=_4:a:~o; ~_~2~~~~D;-<~'t; --~=~~?~~ .. ~.. ........ ' ,.. It.. 487 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASH. APRIL 15, 1975 CONTINUED I A motion was made by Councilwoman Ross, seconded by Councilman Haguewood and unanimously carried to concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and approve the request of Ronald E. Diamond for a Conditional Use Permit to operate a vending machine repa i r service__on the ground f] oorancLhi s livi ngquarters on _the second floor of a building ne proposes to construct on lot 6 Block 199 Townsite (approximately 314 East 5th Street) which is in the RMF zone (residential, multi-family), Mr. Diamond was advised by the Planning Commission such a permit was applicable only to himself, for this specific location and this particular business/residence combination and any change in these conditions would automatically void the permit. A motion was made by Councilwoman Ross, seconded by Councilman Lukey and unanimously carried to concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation and approve the preliminary plat of the western portion of Division II, Seamount Estates. A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Wray and unanimously carried to accept and place on file the minutes of the Port Angeles Planning Commission meetings of April 7 and 14, 1975. The following Resolution was read in full: RESOLUTI ON NO. 11-75 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles retaining the services of Kenneth S. Whorton as City Manager. (Effective April 28, 1975.) I A motion was made by Councilman Wray, seconded by Councilman Lukey and unanimously carried to adopt the foregoing Resolution as read. A memorandum from T. G. Honnold, Light Department Superintendent, regarding an Option and Services Agreement with Washington Public Power Supply System was read ~ in full and the following Resolution was read by title and the last paragraph which authorizes and directs, in behalf of the City, the Mayor and City Clerk to execute with the Washington Power Supply System the Option and Services Agreement referred to, substantially as set out in the draft thereof on file with the City, dated March 21,1975, and to deliver copisthereof to the System. / RESOLUTION NO. 12-75 A RESOLUTION authorizing the execution and delivery of Option and Services Agreement with Washington Public Power Supply System relating, among other things, to Washington Public Power Supply System Nuclear Projects Nos. 4 and 5 and the Skagit Project. ./ A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilwoman Ross and unanimously carried to adopt the foregoing Resolution as read to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Option and Services Agreement with the Washington Power Supply System. A discussion was held regarding the proposed use of the Doss Road property; subject property described as 40 plus acres owned by the Water Department in the Ennis Creek watershed, south of Scrivner Road and East of Doss Road. Acting Manager Warder reported that presently trails exist through the property that are being used and the question arises as to the City's liability in this matter. Acting Manager Warder and Park.Director Frizzell request Council direction and legal advise regarding the possibility of either posting or blocking-off these trails. A motion was made by Councilman Lukey and seconded by Councilwoman Ross to authorize the Mayor to appoint a Committee to study and provide a recommendation report to the Council on the final disposition of subject property. Councilman Hordyk voted "NO~. All other Council members vot,ed "AYEJ'. ~1oti on carri ed. Mayor Basom appoi nted Council men Lukey and Wray to said committee. After further discussion, a motion was made by Councilman Hordyk and seconded by Councilman Wray to authorize property to be posted against trespassing. Councilman Olson voted "NO". All other Counci1 members voted "AYE". Motion carried. · 1~:'~-.~c;,.t:~ ~cPW 01<(41 "'.-w....Oc:ClIdJQl WC1.It: >....O'-'tHIJ ":'..4J (1;1>-= c>->-.~ t..l.. ZJ:I' 0 ~~.a;: .!:> g Oa!L~-.c:.o~D i~ 0 .c &:0:0 ~ ""= =~ 10 .2~=1i ~ ~ ~~=~!~~L. .~~~ ~~~~Z~~~~ n~a ~~~~~;~~~ ~~~ MU~~ ~~ I ~oj~co5~~E~> ~ ~ ~8~<g L(U~ c~_o~~~Q~ ~E~ w~;~ ~~. ~ 0)0 ~o:{~chi~=;!& Cl~O "~~UI> 9=& .8.seiO~g:...! .~~~ ,:::.;: ~~i; e~~_ ~~-w~x> E W~~C~~ ~~~cE~~!.~~~o~g ~-- B>w~ o~~ ~mw~U_=D~~~w~ ~~~~%:Q~~ ~~i~8~~o5~:n~ =~l ~D~~ ~OM~ ~o~ ~L-_~_L ~ ~ ~v~-__> cP~CU~ ,-EQcm~ U Ql _ E'- >=~ ~~wi~~~~~~~b= u~<~t~i~ ~= ~:~Zn~~~~= 5:~ gg ~ ~~\ - ~ w:t- ..' __ 0 Cllo >- OZ:>1; .~ 2" ~ E~oI').QJ:- a.t';;'01iC Cl 0 >2 u;:~ E u...... V~Z~ 5~~g~~;~e~~~~:~t~~~:u~~uij=~~58: ~~~ ~~~:4 ~~I t:Wll'll;J.no..-iV:.j:;.t::a: iW UJo....E L~cP "E~=....g= )(~c :.4=3:; iij~~U~ Q.~ Ou ~GJc ..,,0 &0.- L....J ...Jt:.. S-4PGI:zl ....O')O....u ILIco VO -c:--. <(I Z~~~'ii~~ ~u~_ .!!-5~ ~~>-~ ~:.~=; X;'~Gi:2t:.!=:~ ,~~~ ~:~r.~ 8g~G. .; I O~~~G~i~m~~~m~z~z~~~:g~G ~mBoC:.8~-~BC ~iD;O gs~ ~I ~ ~ ~~~ov ~~... l:Ic(u<.~~Q.c.looEo<(..~l!I:lc-8 2.::8 L:S~ 15uu':': IL I 488 / PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASH. APRIL 15, 1975 CONTINUED Planner P. Carr's report to the Council on the City Census was read and noted for the record. The population of Port Angeles as of April 1, 1975 is 16,246 in a total of 6,217 housing units. Factors such as the community is growing older, school enrollment is down 443 children since 1970, basic employment opportunities have not increased appreciably since wwrr, and a significant processing error in the 1970 Federal Census contributed to the decline in the actual population count versus the estimated population of 16,600 on April 1, 1974. A letter from Richard J. Niichel, representing J. Chris Muir, owner of Lot 6 and 7,. located on the Southeast corner of Lauridsen Boulevard and Peabody Streets, within the area designated for the Peabody Heights L.I.D., requesting a negotiation with the City for the trading of quit claim deeds whereby Muir would give to the City a quit claim deed to all properties of whatever kind or description which he mig~own west or south of the proposed curb line of the new L.r.D., together with an easement to the City for power poles and water lines as presently located in the area immediately east of said curb line, in return Muir would request a quit claim deed from the City to all that portion of vacated Peabody Street and Orcas Avenue, subject to the easements as above mentioned lying between lots 6 and 7, and the proposed curb line was read in full. A discussion was held in which Mr. Niichel informed the Council that subject request is an attempt to resolve the problems existing in the proposed Peabody Heights L.I.D. area regarding traveled roadways, platted streets, street vacations and indefinite property lines as specifically relating to Mr. Muir's situation. The possibility of the Council establishing a firm policy regarding this problem was thoroughly discussed with the consensus of opinion being that if the L.I.D. is approved these problems be resolved if possible on an individual basis. A motion was made by Councilman Haguewood, seconded by Councilwoman Ross and unanimously carried to approve the City entering into an agreement with Mr. Muir as proposed in Mr. Niichel 's letter of April 8, 1975 contingent upon approval of the L.r.D., that if the Peabody Heights L.r.D. does not proceed, said agreement becomes null and void. A motion was made by Councilman Hordyk, seconded by Councilman Wray and unanimously carried to refer to Acting Manager Warder for appropriate action the letter received from Mark D. Spahr, District Engineer, State of Wash. Department of Social and Health Service Re: Interstate Carrier Classification, City of Port Angeles. A motion was made by Councilwoman Ross, seconded by Councilman Olson and unanimously carried to approve the City Council to meet in special session on Tuesday, April 22, 1975 at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers for the purpose of accepting or rejecting bids on L.I.D. no. 198, Peabody Heights; for the consideration of bids on the repair of the hydraulic system and related parts on the Light Department Line Truck; and for the consideration of bids for two (2) 30 ton weigh scales for the Landfi 11 site. A motion was made by Councilman Olson, seconded by Councilman Hordyk and unanimously carried to accept and place on file the minutes of the Civil Service Commission meeting of March 27, 1975; the minutes of the Park and Beautification Board meeting of April 3, 1975; and the Clallam County Humane Society Report for March 1975. Notification from the Washington ,State Liquor Control Board of application of transfer of license from Frieda Lange Higgerson dba Birney's Restaurant to Frieda Lange Higgerson and Gregory A. Higgerson, dba Birney's Restaurant; and transfer of license from Dale M. Case and William Edgar Averill, dba Walpurgis, to Franklin Dulmage and Carole Wyatt Percival dba The Keg was read and noted for the record. A motion was made by Councilman Wray, seconded by Councilman Olson and unaninlously carried to accept and place on file the February Work Reports for Light and Water; the March Reports for Fire, Municipal Judge, Park and Recreation, Police and Utilities; the January Treasurers Report; and the Out-of-town Report of Honnold and K. Mor9an. At Councilman Haguewood's recommendation, a motion was made by Councilwoman Ross, seconded by Councilman Lukey and unanimously carried to authorize Mayor Basom to arrange a meeting between the Council and the School Board for a discussion relating to the City's interest in the property located on the south side of 4th Street. {--- ~"'~-'~~~t~g~:;~~ };:Cc ~Q~t;;-,..-~-=:~~Q.i-~-i..- ~ ~ --co..eiiN c-'-i: ~f O.....IU.,.I~ iJglOs;:;Eo .2~ I' ~~-t;;Q-~X.~~2 .Ju. ..c5Q.1~QJ =-"',.- :'=>-1;i~~ -J >,_0 C-Co '- >- lQ"OO>QjoC'J 0 'V'J>ocoQ)c.c ~ _QJ>-~~~ro E~~ ~>-'~~Ec~c ~U>--m~~~~ro 5V)~eG5_:l~Q,l=- E5~ ~L..'O~dI-4: f;>-.o~~~ti~ '~~I 'f)U.~~1V ,tt~N~~" S o~~~E~ ~5c:~~~'~:~~~' ~O~t~t . ~-~:~ V'J~~~~:8g_ Q.I~CL~~~~U~ ~w~~~g~~~~~-_~ ~~ c~o~~~ ~~;~_b~Q~ ~ " ~ 0 ~ ~ e ~;:: ~ l;"Il .... to ~ _ ~ '"' u..... _ 2 ~ L .... ~'u ~... ~ I!J rl: ~ ~~w~~~ c~"O~m ~~c~i~~~ ~=o~mcma~~ ~ I ~ ~~~~~!~~>-~i .~~~fE~~~ 2i;~E5~~~ ~ I-~:.!G:l,~~ ~u~Eg"uQj't ..tll.l'C= ~ !!;;:: O~Vl '=:1 Oal-UoGJ .c ......__Q.._lVC~_aJ 0.._< --Vlmuu -0'0 1 , ZrnltlOlOInEaJ:oc<-~Q,'itio.g:u....,.o. ~:2- c~_+-.- ".' I ~~~~~ .;~~~Q.I~~~~4L~~ e~~L~~iu~ D 11I- Q._ 0._ 4d1.. ooll) .E:E:O ;: ~28 'C ij~ .n I I I I 4b9 PROCEEDINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASH. APRIL 15, 1975 CONTINUED The following Ordinance was read in full: ORD I NANCE NO. 1852 I AN ORDINANCE vacating that portion of Wolcott Street lying between the north half of Lot 8, Block "J", Cresthaven Subdivision and Lot 9 of Block 215, Townsite of Port Angeles. (Dr. J. Quistgaard; effective upon payment of $500 compensation to the City. ) A motion was made by Councilman Haguewood and seconded by Councilwoman Ross to adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read. Councilman Hordyk voted "NO". All other Council members voted "AYE". Notion carried. The Council. expressed their appreciation and commended John B. Warder for his excellent performance as Interim City Manager. Other subjects of discussion were: Councilman Wray noted he takes exception to the Daily Newspaper article on the City Jail. Acting Manager Warder acknowledged receipt of a letter from the Department of Ecology re: the Peabody Creek oil leak problem; and referred to the proposed annexation of 28.5 acres adjacent to the present south City limits in the vicinity of McDougal and Church Streets. The meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. I ~({?~ City Clerk A~.2J~___ ~ Mayor ; ~,:i'3-. II! y la p 'r-- Ii 20Je;U,.5:s1 Bte '- 'A~On antage. ,at the lOw! y se KI U River, 22+ acrt from 3 houses mOre thar monthly payments. Ass S per cent. $34,900. 392- REDUCED TO SEL Owner, new 3 bedroom built homer Sun land swimming, and Beautiful mountain vi( 5044 even ings, weekenc NEWER three bedroo baths in bl-Ievel home. ' wall carpet. hel fireplace, excellent Kitchen appliances st. has TV room with ad 'LE!T! Pullman kitchen, 538.00 Ie, wit" by appointment only. , autiful 6-9 p,m. .n has EAS <i njrrh_____..._...::.~~, j~:e,-s ~~de, lUCed to Almost !droom. Wall to )liances ., self. :enced, Jed for 457-0009