HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/16/1947 I I I I. :1 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington ADril 16, 1947 191-1- 335 'IThe City Commission met in regular session at 10 A.1L and was called to order by Mayor Epperson. Roll call i,1 of officers showed the following" present: ),Iayor EppersoIl) Conunissioners Steele and Johr.son) Attorney Wilson and Clerk Law. I Under the head II:::.outes of the previous session y;ere read and approved. Building Permits: A. ",I. Deu tler C. F. Dotson G. C. Purcell Sig Larson Fred T. ",[or ley Otto Slehofer i Dan F. Jansen I' Peterson & Craver Peterson & Craver Peterson & Craver !Liccnscs: ~:,o iHansen I s Beauty Salon of applications for building pemits and licenses, the follovring were granted: /1f,.SSiJ, 0 a Build Garage; Lot 5, Elk. 1, Hart Cooke Additicn ~uild 6-Room Dwelling; Lots 1, 2; Blk. 450, Townsite Build Garage; Lot 19, Blk. 525, Tmvnsite Repair Porch and Foundation; Lot 2, Elk. 379, Townsite 0uild Garage; Lot 4, Elk. 275, Tmmsi te Build Garage; Lot 18, ulk. 5, Wm. Cramer's Addit~on IJuild Dormer; Lot 19, Blk. 95, Townsite Enclosing Refrigeration Unit; Lot 2, Blk. 258, Tovmsite Build 5-Room Dvrelling; Lot 5, B:Ck. 178, Tovmsite Build 5-Room Dvrelling; Lot 4, Blk. 178, Townsite 4 I3eauty Chairs" Two Years 250.00 6,000.00 150 .00 400.00 000.00 300.00 150 .00 1,000.00 4,000.00 4,000.00 8.00 jUncter the head of unfinished rosiness, the hearing on the petitioE in the matter of the vacation of the alley runnine northerly from Fourth Street to the alley running east and "est in Block 4 of Cain's Sub- ,Idivision to the Townsite of Port Angeles, thon came before the Commission. There having been no objections 'made or filed, it "as moved by COJllI!lissioner Johnson that the said alley be vacated, and the City Attorney Itbe instructed to draft Ordinance vaca, ting the same. ~,:otion seconded by Commissioner Steele. On roll call lal1 members vot.ed Aye. 'I'ne motion carried. ': Pursuant to bids published to furnisn a four door sedan for the light department, two bids Vlere submitted. !;Schreiner Chevrolet Company) $1,562.82, and Auto Carr 110 tor Company) for Kaiser sedan $2,393.94. After due i'consideration and recommendation by Light Supt. Lean, it was moved by Commissioner Steele that the bid of Ilschrelner Chevrolet Company be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Johnson. All members voted Aye. I(otion carrled.- ,lFire Chief Vlolverton reported that all arrar,gements had been made for fire prevention week and everythlng ,ready to go. ,The Commission examined and apprcvcd the follovring clnims and ordered warrants is sued in payment of same: I' CURRENT EXPENSE FUlm: I '1 7 /3 : Trick & I.:urray IIR. L. Polk & Co. :,Hoare & Headrick :rOlyr.lpic Laundry," Service li~lashington State Penitentiary 'Puget So.c.nd llavigation Co. IVlillson Hardware Co. j1i'ingerprint Equipment Laboratory Johnnies Service jUiddleton Eotor Parts Co. ,CITY STREET FUND: .z:<. r ~G' l"lillson Hard,"" re ('Al . ' :The Toggery i'N"estern Gnion Telegraph Co. I Clint I s Super Service Angeles ~.{acrri.ne &. 1:lelding ',',rorks IMiddleton Eotor Parts Co. jlUni t Crane & Shovel Corp. !iWATER FUND: 30/ ,<1.1 'Treasurer of the United States Auto Beauty Shop 'Clallam Adjustment Corp. iE. N. Hallgren Co. Seattle Plumbing Supply Co. iLIGHT FUND: ,3/93 / (J .Clallam fldjustment Corp. Puget Sound Navigation Co. Seattle Radio Supply Co. General Electric Co. iGraybar Electric Co. 'Line l,'aterial Co. (Milwaukee) '1lVlestinghOUSe Electric Supply Co. Home Electric Co. ILine r.:aterial Co. (Seattle) :ISANITATION RHm: /J" f''f Illiddleton k:otor .-Parts Co. f',Villoon f:ardware Co. I ,S !LIBRARY FUND: 3:2-_ :Jetty L. Avallone Catherine Richard , r;,rI PARK FUND: /30- !IWi11Son Hardware Co. i~t. Pleasant Shingle Co. Ii City Light Dept. r' "roO< ",.. Registration Supplies Directorie s Tire Repair, Oil & Lube Job Laundry Tra ffio Signs Fr.eight Flashlights & Padlocks Slack End White Ace Flexolifts Anti-Freeze Parts ~ Tools and Hardvwre TriO Raincoats Night Letter Steam Cleaning Truck Equipment Repairs Equipment Repairs Shaft Wire Pipe, ete. Car Repa irs Commission Floats Fittings Conunissi on Freight 2Btteries Cleaning lJaterial Reel, Hardware Line Hard1.'/are, Hardware \"Fire) Fixt.ures) 'l'ransformers Tape, etc. TrRJ1sformers and I,:e ters Parts Galv. #5 Tubes Extra La oor Extra Labor Shrubs Shingles Cleanine }~terial i\~e chanic a1 12 bor 8.25, 61. 80 7.52 14.00 57.134 :1 6.50 I 16.15 II 6.87 ~: 2.06 36.16 20.71 12.26 1.08 7.513 161. 70 11.93 14.27 255.00 33.55 2.50 17.15 15.15 1.48 5.10 18.25 15.86 122.32 331.56 2,678.713 I 21.85 7.27 11.62 19.15 15.513 46.16 14.69 9.79 60.00 ~ ". 336 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington April 16, continued 19~ PARKlllG ,,:ETER & TRAFFIC CONTROL RfND: Willson Hardware Co. CEl!ETERY FUND: Co 3 0_ 0 'Kermit Goodtnan 7,P- Tools and P.Brdware 7.32 8'6 L. 1. GUARANTY FUND: '7/;;1.. ~ City Trea surer Top 00il 65.00 Taxes Paid 712.85 ' There being no further business, the seesion was declared adjourned. I ----fl' G-~ Clerk _~{I) ~v-.~ J.!ayor I I I I ....