HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/16/1951 ,. 118 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington Allril 16, 195L ..,> . ""'''. ."... ".",.,... ............. .... The Commission met in regular session at 10100 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers present were Ma;yor Feeley, Commissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Severyns, and Clerk Law. Minutes of the previous session were read and approved. Under the head of applications for building pennits the following were granted: ,$ ~0/o0 ~ Milton Westlund Build Garage, Workshop & Storeroom; Lots 9-10, Blk. 317, Townsite F. C. Waldron Addition--2 Bedrooms & Bsthroom; Lots 11-12, Blk. 396, Townsite O. E. Ullstrom Addition to Existing Dwelling; Lot 4, Blk. 51, Townsite Wilfred Lamoureux Car Port; Lot 3, Blk. 227, Townsite DelGuzzi Bros. Build 6-Room House; Lots 9-10, Blk. 249, Townsite Leo Beutler Build 5-Room House; Lot 5, Blk. 10, P.S.C.C. Dick Wray Build 5-Room House; Lots 2-3, Blk. 446, Townsite J. S. Lindberg Tear Down & Rebuild Front Porch; Lot 7, Blk. 54, Townsite ,DelGuzzi Bros. Construct 5-Room Residence; Lot 2, Blk. 334, Townsite Sig Larson Construct 4-Room Dwelling; Lot 1, Blk. 39, N.R.Smith Subd. Sig Larson Put Foundation under Existing Bldg., Build Fireplace, etc., Shower, Toilet; Lots 7-8-9, Blk. 33, N.R.Sm! th Subd. Construct Concrete Steps; Lot 14, Blk. 93, Townsite Enclose Front Porch; Lot 16, Blk. 29', Townsite Replacing Old Cabinets with New; Lot 5, Blk. 377, Townsite Sig Larson Paul Kessler George Secor 2,000.00 1,000.00 500.00 > 200.00 12,000.00 6,500.00 9.000.00 200.00 12,000.00 12,000.00 3,000.00 300.00 1,100.00 300.00 Under the head of unfinished business, bids to furnish a pick-up truck for the Light Dept. were submitted as follows: Janish Motor Co., 1951 Dodge, net $1,596.22, no certified check enclosed. Schreiner Chevrolet Co., 1951 Chevrolet, $1,924.66; Alternate Bid, $1,797.19; trade-in allowance for 1942 Ford Panel, $250.00. Samuelson Motor Co., 1951 Ford Panel, $1,934.24 less $314.24 trade-in for Ford Panel. Supt. McLennan recommended that the bid qy Schreiner Chevrolet Company for 1951 Chevrolet at $1,797.19 less $250.00 trade- in be accepted. It was moved qy Colllllissioner Robinson that the recommerr:lation be approved and car purChased, Secorr:led by Commissioner Taylor. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Commission considered the bid submitted by Owens Brothers to construct curbs and gutters in Local Improvement District No. 154 on East First Street. Commissioner Taylor informed that the fixed estimate was not included and the bid was high according to Engineer's estimate. It was moved qy Commissioner Taylor that the bid be rejected and another call for bids be published and opened April 30th. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. The Light Supt. requested information regarding fixtures .to be included in the Local Improvement District for lighting on Lincoln and Eighth Streets. The Commission insttucted that. all costs be included in the Local Improvement District. The Engineer submitted third and final estimate of work done and material furnished qy Owens Brothers on Ediz Hook Contract No. l--October 11, 1950. Alao Ediz Hook Contract No. 2--Februar,y 1951. April 12, 1951 To the Honorable Mayor & City Commis sion Port Angeles, I,ashington Gentlemen: I herewith submit the third and final estimate (April) of work done and material furnished qy Owens Bros. Engineering and Construction Co., Contractors, on the Construction of pile and ttmner plank bulkhead on Ediz Hook Contract No. 1- Oct. 11th, 1950. 3496 Lin. ft. piling at job site @ .40 per lin. ft. 237 Piling Driven @ $10.00 each 49215 F.B.H. Timber plank in place @ $124.00 per MBM Less 15% Retained $1,398.40 2,370.00 6.102.66 $9,871.06 1.480.66 $8,390.40 8.lt13 $ 26 .27 Less Previous Estimates Amount Due Contractor Previous Estimates Dec. 1950 $2,564.96 Feb. 1951 ~.559.17 ,124.13 Yours very truly HA:eb Herman Ablvers, City Engineer April 12, 1951 To the Honorable Mayor & City Commission Port Angeles, Washington Gentlemen: I herewith submit the first and final estimate (April) of work done and material furnished qy Owens Bros. Engineering and Construction Co., Contractors, on the Ediz Hook Pile and Timber bulkhead, Contract #2, Feb. 1951. 2368 lin. ft. piling @ .40-t per lin. ft. 148 Piling driven @ $12.50 each 31080 FBM planking in place @ $135.00 per MBM Less 15% retained Amount Due Contractor $ 947.20 1'-8~'~'00 ~ $b,993:00 1.048.95 $5,944.05 Yours very truly ~ Herman Ahlvers, City Engineer HA:eb I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 119 " April 16th. continued, 195L .................".u........".."....... _ I It was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the foregoing estimates be 'PProved and amounts paid. Seconded qy Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I Under the head of new business, Joe Janish and others appeared for the Municipal League and submitted a proposed petition to ascertain if the said petition was in proper form. The petition provides that the Commission fix a date for special election to detennine if the City adopt CounciJ.-Manager form of Government. I~ The petition was referred to the Attorney for opinion as to proper form and legality. - i Also di~cussed was the arrival of General MacArthur in San Francisco aM if Fort Angeles ShO~ld join the I. Nation 1n celebration of his return. It was moved by Commissioner Robinson that the City take such steps as appropriate to honor return of the General. Seconded qy Commissioner Taylor. Ma;yor Feeley voted - opposed. Motion carried. I - . ,. . 1 YU'!;. Hugh McCauley appeared before the Commission advising that the City should send one or more representa_ tives to attelld the Seattle meeting April 27, regarding fluorination of water supply, systems. Commissioner Taylor informed that he expectll to be in Seattle tomorrow to investigate, as cost of treatment must be considered. Mr. Taylor also informed that he or Mr. Dodge will attend, the meeting. Mr.- Fausett inquired regarding taxi Ordinance being prepared qy Chief Ide and the Attorney. Also as to procedure for establishing Local Improvement Districts for improvement of streets. Commissioner Taylor infonned that proper fonns for petitions are ava:i11fole in the Engineer's office, but the district shoul-d be ready for improvements before petitions are circulated. Commissioner Robinson expressed opinion that a majority of property owners now favor Local .Improvement Districts, but the amount of improvements might be more or less than was included in the 1950 program. .Also that the City is limited' as to amount of bonded indebtedness. Commissioner Taylor informed that much Engineering work is involved and the present City Organization not capable of doing all required. The Engineer advised that the work cannot be done until adequate storm sewers and water mains are installed. iJ Commissioner Taylor advised that installation of a storm sewer in the Olympic Memorial Hospital District necessary and requested information regarding City funds being used for the same. It was the off hand opi-nion of Attorney Severyns that procedure with the installation will not be illegal. It was then moved I by Commissioner Taylor that bids be published for the said storm sewers, and open April 30th. Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. It was then moved by Commissioner Taylor that bids be published for construction of sidewalks on the North side of Fifth Street from "A" Street to "E" Street, being Local Improvement District No. 155. Bids to be opened April 30th. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. A petition signed qy eight property owners requesting a street light in the alley of the 300 block between \ 7th arr:l 8th streets (West), was referred to the Light Superintendent. John P. Buehler, Lt. Col. Corps of Engineers, informed in writing that as of Aprill, 1951, the United States of America has contracted with the Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company for repair, operation and maintenance of ths government-owned subterranean communications cable line which crosses City property. It was moved qy Commissioner Taylor that the communication be filed. Seconded by Ma;yor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Earl Davidson spoke regarding sale of parcels of land qy the City and requested that the Commission reconsider appraisal of the same. After discussion regarding prices fixed and publication of bids for . property sales, it was moved by Commissioner Taylor that the matter be referred to Mr. Davidson, the I Attorney and the Treasurer. Motion secorr:led by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I Under the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the following was placed on third and final reading: I ORDINANCE NO. 1246 . AN ORDINANCE ORDERING AND PROVIDING FOR 'I1lE IMPROVEMENT OF FIFTH STREET FROM THE WEST MARGIN OF "A" STREET I TO THE EAST MARGIN OF "E" STREET, BY. THE CONSTRUCTION OF CnlENT, CONCRETE SIDElIlALKS ALONG THE NORTHERLY SIDE OF SAID FIFTH STREET. Creating Local Improvement District #155 and providing for the payment of the cost arr:l expenses thereof qy , such special assessments upon the property within said District according to law, and qy the mode of pay- I ment by bonds, all in acoordance with Improvement Resolution /1155 of the City of Port Angeles, and in I accordance with the maps, plans and specifications prepared qy the City Engineer and approved and adopted I qy the City Commission. i It was moved qy Commissioner Taylor that the foregoing Ordinance be passed third and final reading and adopted. Seconded qy Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. and ordered warrants issued in payment of same: The Commission examined and approved the following claims 3,52.. CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: f> If - Olympic Tribune Uni versi ty of Washington Press Leith Johnson Emerson G. Lawrence Seattle Radio Supply, Inc. City Treasurer Dobson Auto Electric The Texas Co. Willie V. DeVine Scanlans Music & Radio Shop James Hardware Co. ! OlympiC Electric Co. I Smith Ice & Bottling Works K & K Fine Foods . Lunts Battery Service I Harris & Schuller Middleton Motor Parts <,3 I CITY STREET FUND: l'f tf :) The Texas Co. Eklund Lumber Co. Ol,ympic Tribune General Electric Co. 102.18 1.63 2.50 5.98 24.50 24.12, 4.25 . 101.43 3.61 8.86 1.05 9.27 12.36 8.761 61.80 10.041 152.18 12.351 73.80 4.35. 1,354.53 I Publications 1 U.S. Citizenship Refund Bldg. Permit Cancelled Box Rent, St~ps Radio Tubes Stamps, Exp. Chgs., Box Rent Parts Gasoline, Grease Stencils Repair Electric Stove Tools Light Fixture Paper Towels Soap Powder Battery Suppli es Parts Kerosene Lumber Publication Motor--Base, per bid 120 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington '"<. . """" ....m .......,,, ..""" ,om ..... CITY SHOP FUND I 1.3 r, z- Tower Super Service - ?d ,~1 WATER FUND: .;)., - Seattle Radio Supply Co. Western Utilities Supply Co. LIGHT FUNDI c,;:<o 'f! I Nat'l Cash Register Co. F & L Service Gene C. McLennan Ci ty Treasurer Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. Line Material Co. Seattle Radio Supply Co. Railwa;y Express Agency if J~ Allan Dist. Co. City Shop Dept. , Dept. of Labor & Industries 7S' CEMETERY FUNDI 1._ Dept. of Labor & Industries 1 L. I. D. GENERAL FUND: r ~ Olympic Tribune P ARK FUND: L. 1. D. GUARANTY FUND I ll:bty Tress)U'er . Olympic Tribune ~ g I , April 16th, cont.inued, Parts, Oxygen Radio Supplies Pipe Nipples Maint. on Cash Reg. Washing Car Expense Cash for Postage Meters, Nails, Cur. Transf. Lag Screws Radio Supplies Express Chgs. Mobilgreas e Gas and Repairs Ind. Ins. & Mad. Aid Ind. Ins. & Mad. l\id Publication There being no further business, the meeting was then adjourne,d, Documentary Stamps Publication V G 'f-~. () City Clerk ~UTlCI!; Tn ~lDmm.s ....-1 LEGAL PUBLJCATIO~" . Notlc(~ is hcrc_b~' F\'1~','n that l'ea,!\Jd Jiles wUl bo l'~Ci'I\".'11 h~' 111'~ Clt~. XOTU....; OF' "'A,.I<: Clel'k" erf "tllp. City Qf Port /\.Ii!3"dl'~.: XotiC() j.. hend)... ~IV(!n t11~'t tllo ''''llslllnglon, llnUl April 3t1, UI"J. at.! Citv [Jf p;)n AIlI-':f.les wlJ1 :-a'll tho JQ;QG, a.m. atlel not lnler... I'll. the (Jute*, !oliowlnR" (IN;('rlt)ecl IlrOjlLlrt\', to~wlt: ~~f{l~f~::~\~~~I~~I~{~~~:t~~~~~:l~ri~ ' of l~Q~;o~,t a'~Lri;~]i~;.Ck ~ii:~ill~Tu~~'n~~}j 1lf~;~ s~~'~~!'b~~?l\I~~~fst~~(iLtil~J~nh[Ol~ $lB;iO~, muck ,1::7, TOWll'!.i~lC ot l~orl on Hie CO Iller line o'(tll<:: nll\1~: be- An~~k:;. "lImmtlll1 bill $.,).00. tween,' G*"orginnn '['\m:l Caroll1w [It JlI'l\'at(~ ,toniC' to tlll.' lligl1clJl 1'llld llrj~ ~~l~~'t ;?ci~: tl;~;t~ll (lft;j~ro Wr~~e ~'l ;~~~ ~f3~ :;~I~~ ~~]l~I~ ;;Ic~il ~~~ I~:l (\ (,\~1 i;~, .i~' ~~ ~11 '~m"tl .th'enc*"' 1\"C!;ll'rl'l.' 011 Cnrolllle of Uw alll'-'Unt or 1110 1!ld will 1111 ~ti'eet, 101' a c1~tancc of apllroxi_ ElCCC!lterl at the {JUice or tllc Clt~. IllfHd~' ~oo feet. All. hldEj ~ll:llI 11e Clerk of tile CIty ('f l'ort All~~'lcK ul> t~~~~':ri~rdn~r i~1t~Ui~J~~i'd:;,,~h~i\~l~ ~p~lldjS,O}~,~~1~er 111:\11 10 o'clo~k a.m., ~~moullt blfj !:lnd lIl8.rl.e,]liJyablc to tll(' 'J'lIc car (;omml~si(ll1 reKC'!'\'Cl:' the CH)~'Tr'.)a.l>ur('r or ~he '-.'It)- or Pl>rt rlg"l1t to rllj~ct Hll~' 'and all hldf', ,A]tge-It'S;'\'a~htl~tOl1, or the hld'''''111 UUll'd at Port "'ng,'lct:, \\'l\~tlillg_ l\~i \~ni~\~~~d"(~r '~:-c b~~~tn~tO{lI??i~{ to:~' \~;!l-'L~\!,VI, ,~,~i:, Ol..~1~1~:'lI.. 1~~I. bl:j~~"~Cf.L~;~I~~~\~f~ m~a1~~'I~~Sl~I~~:.l p~\II~h~~:I~'X ~'ltrll\\~KC~7:' ] ~;;~~h IllgLilll bl!,-ohtafncd fl'om the 'CIW ClerK UIJ- ' 'OIl'depmrlthlg-l!Le ~um'or $5,00, whtell 1'I11tn will he'l'efu,nded jr the plnllt: ,al1d' ,/:jtll;,C'ifil:atlulI~ an' !'lttUl'l]cd tll the,Clerk berure the bids ai'c, o1-H~n('a, Tho'City eUlilml~:;loil "ci;iervos till' :rl~ht to rcjmcl'~Ul)' 'OI'.all bld!,l. PU?Il'~i~~r'l;;;~r~oCin RI~rl" IBIDD".:HS Not g1\'1';'1I th.u ~~aled bids ved' by,'thl,J City Clerk oj' Porl An,J::"lJles, 'Y.aahlngto . AIll'il;,,~l).,J':;l fll ~r~j~-'C~I;'~cVgA~ I~:l'i~cfigt~tr-~'t;,li i\~fi(!~1::;s~;Xa~rt~~~g+~~: ~"~~lo.l~;l t~::l~ Jlll\ted'Js for the com'trucUthT'ot all- Jlroximl\teI:r- u,riOI) linear feet or curb 1~~~ar~U~'~~d~ Ol~lr d~r~r~~,~~~'fj;.ir~i tHreet from H.ace ~trccl :I~a.llt tll /\ld- H~\~nr&fJ--1i ~h{l.ll he [l('e011~)~h'rl'I)Y n certifjcd dlC<:"k In the Hum or 11Ut ~;~~il;~al~'~l;rc t>C~t~II~'~ ttm~~I*r~~\~!II~~ ~()r the Cil}' or Port. AIl!;elc;<, WH~h. ::l11;;-ton. or tilt' nid will not' h.,,:coll:;lt:l- crei1. ^ bond of 1(10% of 1Ilefl.mOlint L~f6~~~ b~~ll~~~C~~~;~ur~i~td.~~~ fur~ .r obf!f~lgd 'ir~~111:JDt1(~f~rt~!o(\''jel~l~a~ 1'~I~ ilt!eIlOltlt.lll~ the :iUIIl of ':;.ll{l, whkh 1 ~~~n ::j;~111~~3t)g~1~1l~];.~ l;cf~lrelll~~lla~l~ :~~~? Cletl, Lefor-a thl; tid:;- !ltll ojJ~Il' ,;, The CIty Ctlrnmi:'!slon "'e:"f)r\'(~:; llH: , right to'rej('('t finy or all bldll, I J. E, l..AW, Cit)"Cltrl~, :!: 'Pul>lIshe<l: AIlr1,1 ApI']] :m, 27. 1951. " ~OTJn'; TO DIDIH:al ~ I; b 1~1;I ~:WI i~~lC~~~rh~ld'c!I~~~hfl~ ('~~\~~ "{\l_~~I~ I~~t~~~~ uC;n; ~Pr'IJI()li\,1\t9~11~~i, lu,'a,l11.'nm.i 111;lt Inter, 'at the olfke t;~fi~h;~:~~.SJ1W~;Jg~1::\:~~~l~~:'t~~~: )11:tled, 111 for tl1.~ C{'nllHuctJon, ",( ('[}Ul;l'ctc St(]~wallu,' on the North Hldl' -of. Tl'ICth Street from ,}:; Stl'l'~\ ';'-0'.\ Strl~eL All birb 1<1]:111 bB a('(,'.,mpaol~lI bS ,ncortlfkd ('11f~('1{ in tl1(,' s:uni" of HlH ~~~~~h~~~c~6r(' Ot~ tt~lc rJ:;W~I~r:;~uar~~ of lh...l Ci1~' 1;If Port An'{;"('Ie..", W.ll~ll. in",ton, 1;11' the Hid will nut be ('()Tlsi(l- credo " A bond or 100% OftllC amount'of the cont.I'aet prlee mUl!t be futni:'illcd br the tJucce(>fJ(ul bldilcl'. '~," , .Plans and tJpecitlo::aUons ma \c be ~~~~~1~1~lgtr?l~ ~~;n C~t;. $f~eJ~I{ ,,~R~i~ l'UII1' will be refu\]c:Ied if the plans nd speclficatlOus .are rcturl1~d to the' Clerk before the bid:) arc open- The City Commles!on reser"es tho Tight to, reject any or a.ll bids. , J. -E. L..\W. ,City CIerI;: Ptlbllslled; Aprll 2:1), :;li, 1:13], 1951- /~"dL7 13.62 15.22 19.05 58~ 71 4.12 31.42 1.00 435.89 40.25 46.60 2.44 3.66 55.82 24.70 9.75 9.57 .55 1.26 Mayor I I I I