HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/16/1953
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
April 16 53
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IThe City Council met in regular session at 7:)0 P .J.!., and was called to order by Hayor Smith. Roll call
revealed the follOldng officers present:. Hayor Smith, Councilmen BrOlffi, Neer, Sandison, Powell, Wolfe
and 11cFadden; Hanager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law. '
, ' .
lIt was moved by Councilman Brown that minutes of the previous meeting be approved as received. Seconded
by Councilman Powell and carri ed.
Urrler tl1e head of unfinished business, one bid \~as received from Thomas P, Hodges in amount of $180 for
the purchdse of Lds 13 and 14, in Block 21,8, TO\msite. It. was moved by youncilmal'l Brawn that the bid
be accepted and property sold. Seconded b,' Cauncilman Sandison. All voted kfe. J.lotion carried.
Pursuant to resolution previousl;y adopted, the hearing on assessment roll for Local Improvement District
No. 161 was opened. Elton "arren and John Belongia appeared to protest. assessment', as they are already
being served, !laving previously paid cost of installation and connection to trunk sewer. Property
represented being the il~ of Lots 9 and 10, Blk. 152 by &.,.1'Tarren, 'a;rl Latis 18, 19 and 20, Block 218 by
IJOhn Belongia. It was moved.by Councilman McFadden that the foregoing objections be recorded in Council
proceedings. Notion seconded by Councilman PO;iell and carried.
!Attorney Sewryns ;ras questioned as to whether or not any property could be eliminated from the assessment
Iroll. It was the opinion of Hr. Severyns that all property must be included if located in the assessment
zone and none May be legally exempted. It was then moved by Councilman ~lcFa<.lden that the objections be
denied as exemption of same would be illegal, and that the hearing be closed and assesSlllent roll for
'L.I.D. 161 be approved and adoji; ed. Motion seconded by Councilman Neer. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
I .
'iThe Council examined claims paid April 2, 3;.6, 8, and 13, in total amount of $l,O,153.l2. It was
moved by Councilman Neer that the claims be approved as paid. Seconded by Councilman Brown. All voted
IAye. Hotion carried,'
1 Treasurer , s report for the month of JfJarch was submitted for approval of the Council. It was moved by
,Councilman' HcFadden that the report be accepted, approved, and !,laced on file. Seconded by Councilman
: Neer. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
Police Judge Reynolds filed report for the month of Harch, showing $1,765.50 fines collected, It was
moved by Councilman BrO\ffi that the report be approved and filed. Seconded by Councilman ,Iolfe. All
members voted Aye, Motion carried.
,Larry tlinters appeared for the Tourist Committee and exhibited miniature sign as model of contemplated
installation at 1st and Laurel. Mr. Winters informed that completed signboard .oult! be approximatel(y- 25'
by 40' and requested sanction of the Council for erection of the same, also assurance that the sign would
.be left in place this sumner and the Park Dept. would attend. The Council assured' that if the' sign is
Ilerected, the same will not be moleste>!, and there is no change in a propcsed project, construction of
said project to start in the near future.
, ' .
The Council considered applieaticn for AmusEllJlelllt Game Distributor's License by Clallam Amusement Company,
the same having purchased the Ruby Amusement Company and new owners being vi. 1'1. Forsythe and 11. C.
~, Police Chief Ide having approved the application, it was moved by Councilman Brown that the
request for license, pe granted, Seconded by C<:luncilman Wolfe. All voted Aye. Hotion carried.
Bids for purchase of timbeI' in the MoNle Creek watershed as opened a t the last meeting, wele again consillerelo'"
All bids having been tabulted <nd checked, Manager Vergeer 'reeollIlllended the bid by H. Frank Hambley as
the highest and best offer. It was moved by Councilman McFadden that recommendation be approved, offer
accepted, arid the Hayor authorized to execute agreement for sale of the timber. Hation seconded by
Councilman Sandison and unanimously carried.
Manager ilergeer informed that a petition is prepared for re-submission to the Council, requesting that
blacktop shoulders be included in the Front Street paving project. Mr. Vergeer further informed that the
petition is legally adequate, is beilng 'circulated, and will be submitted within ten days. It was moved
by Councilman Brown 'that the Council accept and Ilrant the revised petition when filed. Seconded by
Councilman Wolfe. All voted Aye. i'lotion carried.
Under the head of new business, Fire Chief liolverton and Assistant Chief Thompson appeared before the
Council requesting that the Council consider purchase of equipment offered for Civil Defense purposes
\.mereby the City pays 50% am Federal Government 50% of the cost. It is required that order be submitted
not later than April 25th, and . equipment must be of Class Al, otherwise the Goverlllllent would hot accept
and matching funds not made available. It was the opinion of Council members that investigation should
be made concerning local requirements. Also if the City is in position to invest approximately $7,000
and how the mcney would be made aVailable. JU'ter further discussion, it was moved by Councilman. Neer
that a thorough study be conducted regarding the matter and if necessaTy, a sp,ecial meeting be scheduled
for Thursday, April 23, .;rhen final decision may be submitted. Motion seconded by Councilman Sandison.
All members voted Aye. Motion carried.
l.u.nimum price having been requested oh Lot 20, Block 243, N. W. corner of 8th and E. Streets, it was
lnoved by Councilman Wolfe that the minimum be fixed at $150. Motion secorrled by Councilman Brown.
All vot ed Aye. 11otion carried.
Manager Vergeer read written request from School District No. 17 for permission to make temporary swwer
cOnnection at 9th and Uashington Streets to serve the new Franklin School, construction of the same
contemplated this SUJJJller. Service would be necessary only until such time as connection to the County
Sewer District line is possible. Mr. Vergeer advised that the' County Sewer District line is at 8th
Slso Ninth and Francis Sts. and connections should be made before paving project is completed. It was
lnoved by Councilman N/;ler that request for temporary connection be granted, conditions to be considered
at later date. Hation secorrled by Councilman Sandison and carried.
Also consiMred was letter from Bonneville Power Administration requesting that the City confinn their
intent to purchase power from the BPA after. expiration of contract with the POO which terminates in
January, 1956. The letter also stated that the BFA has included in their pl;uming, a point of delilery to
the City at that. date. It was moved by Councilma!l',Brm1D that the City confirm intent to purchase power
from the BFA upon termination of present contract and enter into an agreement for delivery of power
at such time. Motion seconded by Councilman Neer and unanimously carried.
Engineer Ahlvers reported that the retaining wall on East Front Street near Lincoln has been completed and
recommended that the cost of ~1500 be paid the contractor, J. Francis Woods.. It was moved by Councilman
Neer that a warrant be issued in pa;yment for the construction. Seconded by Councilman Sandison. All
voted Aye. Motion carried.
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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
April 16 continued
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!l~anager Vergeer informed that 390 KVA capacitators are being installed which will improve power factor
!conditions auf reflect slightly in. cost of power. Also that the culvert at 8th and Francis Streets is
practically tompleted and readY for fill. That replacfng water mains on East Front Street is about
finished, and cited balance to be completed, to eliminate interference with contractor. ~lr. Vergeer also
iread schedule ~f dates on which the contractor contemplates completing lZ'jects of the street construction
,Gust Rydell of 208 E. Front Street,. filed claim for damages for injuries to his son by a water truck.
)It was moved by Councilman Neer that the claim be reco1jniaed and referred to the insurance comparv.
~;econded by ,Councilman Powel~. All voted AyE!' Notion carried. :
lJ. L. Rodda, membet' of the Planning Board, filed notice of resignation from said Board, having established
residence outside the City. Also Vws. Elizai:Jj;h Burt, chairman of the Park Board filed notice of her
!r<fi.gnation. It was moved by Councilman Brown that both resignations be accepted with regrets. Seconded .
'Iby Councilman l~olfe. ' All voted f\re. 110\tion carrie,d.
;Mayor Smith informed that V~ 16th has been designated as Armed Forces Day and that the same will be
'proclaimed for Port Angeles. .
~l1anager Vergeer reported that 1iater Supt. Dodge and \'Jayne O'Day are att~rig, convention of the 1'later
:Works Association at Portlandahd will return Saturday. .. ,
! " ,
,Under the head of introduction of res!,lutions, the following ;rere read in Full for consideration by the.
A Resolution of the Council of the City of Port. Ahgeles, l,rashington, fixing the rate of interest
to be borne by th~ ~Tarrants and bonds of Local Iinprovement District No. 161 of the City.
~ loJHEREAS, Ordinance No. 1288 of the City, creating ,Local Improvement District Wo. 161 and author:'
:izing certain improvements to be constructed and installed, provided that bonds bearing interest at a
irate not to exceed 6 per cent per annum, and warrants to be drawn on Local Improvement District No. 161
fund be issued in payment of the cost and expense of said improvement; am . ,
I vlHEREAS, said bonds an:! warrants were offered for public sale' on bids to be submitted on the
i18th day of December, 1952; and
1 WIIEREAS, after due consideration of said bids it was determined that the bid of j,etcalf &
;r'hompson, investment bankers of Seattle, viash:ington, was the best bid subm:j.tted for the p1l1:'?hase of said
warrants and bonds; and
I WHEREAS, by the terlDS of said bid Hetcalf & Thompson agreed to purchase all of the warrante
drawn,on Local Improvement D:istrict No. 161. fund at par and bearing interest at the rate of 4~ per cent
per annum, and further agreed to purchase all of the bonds of said Local Improvement District, to be
~ssued at $106.00 per $100.00 par value 'thereof, ,with said bon~s to. bear interest at IJ per cent per
I That all warrants drawn on Local Improvement District.No. 161 fund created by Ordinance No. 1288
of the City of Port Angeles shall bear interest at the rate of 4~ per cent per annum, and shall be
delivered to Netcalf & Thompson, investment bankers of Seattle, Washington, upon payment in cash ~6r
t.he same a.t' their par value. ' , ,
I That the bonds of said Local Improvement District No. 161 shall bear interest at the rate of
4~ per cent per annum and, when ';issued shall be' sold and delivered to said j'letcalf & Thompson upon
t>~ent by them to the City of the full purchase price thereof at $166.00 per $100.00 par value thereof
plus accrued interest, if any, to date of delivery.
I . .
ft was moved 'by Councilman HcFadden that th e foregoing resolution be approved as read and adopted. Notion
seconded by Councilman Powell and w'lanimously carried.
A RESOLITrION of the Council o.f th'O City of Port Angeles, Nashington, fixing the rate of interest
to be borne by the warrants and bonds of Local Improvement District No. 163 of the city.
\'iHEREAS, OrdilJ?1lce No. 1295 of the city, creating ,Local Improvement Dist riot No, 163 and author-
izing certain improvements to be constructed and installed" provided that the ,interest on the bonds of
such district and wallllnts to be drawn on Local Improvement "District No. 163 'Fund created the'rein should
be as later fixed by resolution of the City Council; and
~lHEREAS, said warrants and bonds were offered for public sale, the nOtice of which required
that bids for the purchase of the same must, be submitted on April ~, 1953; ani
l'iHEREAS, after due consideration of said bids it was, determined that the bid of Metcalf &
Thompson, investment bankers of Seattle, vlashington, was the best of four bids submitted for the purchase
of said warrants and bonds; and .
, w'HEREAs, by the terms of said bid Metcalf & Thompson agreed to purchase all of the warrants
drawn on Local Improvement District .l'lo. 163 Fund at par and beariniS' interest at the rate of lfJ, per
annum, p.nd further agreed to purchase all of ,the bonds of said 10aiL improvement district to be issued
at $100.41 per $100 par value thereof, with said' bonds to bear interest at 4~ per annum;
NO\'I THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Fort ,lngeles, Washington, as follows:
That aU of the warrants drawn on Local Improvement Distri::t No. 163 Fund created by Ordinance
No. 1295 of, the city shall bear interest at, the r~te' of lfJ, per, annum, and shall be delivered to
'J{etcalf & Thompson, imrestment bankers of Seattle, l'lashington, upon payment in cash for the same at
I'their par value. ' .
That the bonds of said Local Improvemen,t District Nc. 163 shall b ear interest at the rate of
j4~per annum and, when issued, shall be sold and delivered to said Metcalf & Thompson upon payment by
than to ,the city of the full purchase price therefor at $100.41 per $100 par value thereof plus
accrued interest, if any, to date of delivery. '
It was moved by' Councilman Wolfe that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted. Seconded by
Councilman Brown. All voted .Aye. Hotion $'arried.
I A RESOLUTION of the Council of the City of Port Angeles, lvashington, creating a Construction
!FuncI of the city for the purpose of paying all bf the costs of the improvements to be. constructed and
Ilinstalled as provided in Ordinances numbered 1275 and 1295. ' ,
]-IHEREAS, by proceedings du:!;y am regularly taken, and by Ordinance No. 1295, passed and approved
January 15, 1953, Local Improvement, District No. 163 of the city was created and the construction and
]installation of certain street improvements therein were authorized; and .
I 1-nIEREAS, by proceedings du:!;y and re""lary taken, and b'", Ordinances nwr,bered 1275 and 1296
as amended, general obligation bords of the city, in the tctl.l principal sum of $1,00,000 have been issued
land sold to PaY part of the cost of the constru~tion and installation of the same street improvemert5; and
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Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
April 16 continued 19~
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lo/HEREAS, notice of call for bids for the construction and installation of said improvemert s was
dul;y given as required by law and a contract has been let for the construction and installation thereof
to the lowest responsible bidder; and
WHEREAS, pursuant to published call for bids and upon acceptance of the best bid submitted, the
, city has entered into an agreement with Hetcalf and Thompson, investment bankers of Seattle, 1'iashington,
whereby' said firm has agreed to purchase the warrants drawn on Local Improvement District No. 163
Fund created by said Ordinance No. 1295 for the amount at the fixed estirr~te charges for such local
'improvement district and for that proportion of the amount of the cost of constructing and installing
! said improvemmts to be properly borne by and assessed against the VaDoU3 lots, tracts, parcels of
r land and other properties within said district; and'
lfflEllliAS, the said Hetcalf & Thompson deposited the sum of $15,100 with the city as evidence of
its good faith in car17ing out the tel~ of its agreement to purchase said warrants; and
WHEREAS, said general obligation bonds were dul;r and regularl;y- advertised for sale in the manner'
required by law, with the Finance Committ.ee of the 3tate of l'1aS'llington submitting the best btd therefor,
which bonds will soon be delivered to the purchaser, thereof; ,and
\frlEREAS, it is necessary that the money received by the city from said l>Ietcalf & TllOnlpson from
the sale of said Local Improvement District 110. 163 Fund warrants and the money re cei ved from the
State Finance Comnittee f"om the sale of said general obli(;ation bonds should be placed in a special
Contruction Fund ~nd be used to pay the cost of constructing and instaUing s aid improvements, including
all costs incidental thereto and all fixed est.imate charges; and
\'/H;;:REAS, it is necessary that such Fund be now created for said purposes; I.
NOIoJ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the City of Port Argeles, l'ashington, as
Section 1. That there be and is hereby created a special fund of the city known as "1953
Street Improvement Construction Fund." All moneys received from the sale of the $400,000 of general
obligation street improvement bonds of the city to be issued under date of April 1, 1953 (except for
the accraed interest thereon) shall be 'paid into said Construction Fund. All moneys received from
the sale of warrants dralffi on Local Improvement District No. 163 Fund shall also be paid into said
Construction Fund. " , ,
I The moneys in said Construction Fund shall be used for the sole purpose of paying all the '
{osts of constructing and installing those certain improvements authrozied by Ordinances numbered 1275
land 1295 of the city, including all costs incidental thereto and all fixed estimate charges due for
siad local improvement distrcit.
I Section 2. The moneys recei ved from the sale of the warrant or warrants dlrawn on Local
'Improvement District No. 163 Fund for fixed estim.ate co sts shall be kept in a separate account in said
'Fund, and shall beoused solely for the payment of such fixed'estimate expenses.
1 The $15,100 received by the city from ~:etcalf & Thompson shall be paid into said Construction
~Fw<d, and shall be applied on the purchase price of the' first warrant or >rarrants drawn on said
rc~ Improvement District No. 163 Furrl andd'llivered to l1etcalf aru:l;Tbompson.
:[t was moved by Councilman :McFadden that the foregoing resolution be approved and adopted, Seconded by
~CounCilman Brown. 11.11 voted Aye. Notion carried.
IUnder the head of reading and passage of Ordinances, the foDowing >Jas placed on final reading:
i ORDINANCE NO. 1:;301
1 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Ange~es appropriating the sum of Twenty-t\;O Thousand One
iHundred and Ninety Dollars and Fourte!"n Cents ($22,190.14) from available Light Department funds for
~he payment of judgment am expenses of litigation against the City, a:ld declaring an emergency.
'H was moved by Councilman Brown that the foregoing Ordinance be passed final reading and adopted. 2nd
,by Councilman Sandison and unanimously carried.
IUmer the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the follo;ring were introduced and read in full
'for consideratim'1 by the Council:
An Ordinance approving ~d confirming the assessments and assessment roll of Local Improvemert
District No. 161 created under Ordinance No. 1288 approved October 2, 1952, which ordered and provided
for the improvement of certain streets and alleys in the City of Port Angeles by the censtruction and
laying therein of certain trunk and lateral sanitary se>Jers, all in accordance with Improvement Resolution
No. 161 am the plans am specifications adopted by the City Council of the City ofhlrt Angeles,
Ordering the levy and collection of said assessments and creating a special fund for said District No. 161.
J '
~t was moved by Councilman Vlolfe that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Seconded by
Councilman Sandison. All members voted Aye. 110tion, carried.
I '
It was moved by Councilman i'lolfe that the foregoing Ordinance be passed first reading. Seconded by
Councilman Brown. All voted Aye. Motion carried.
,[here being no further business, the meeting was- declared adjourned.
,An ordinance appropriating the sum,of $4,030.00 for wagGS and retirlllllent contributions from
available funds of the Saru.tation Department and setting forth and declaring an emergency.
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