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Minutes 04/17/1915
-- 'iIf"--- Proceedings 'of City CoUfl;Cil of tile City of Port Angeles, Wasltii,gton A r n: , '\ J 7 t~: , 191.2 ')( _f'~~'\....tC>_'--""-Q-t...:.."-ll...._~~~'..~ ~__/O.oJ...c>~_A_ tn. "'-""~ ~ .' . ._~~~6\- 0-1:>. ~-~~. ~_ ~fi-~O--~._h._ ~<>-. ~_~.~<&. -~-~~, l)..(:)"~~c~-~-c,,'S.~~.:-t~ J.,l..:~.na.:! ____.__~____n_.____<___._ ._______..,._.___.~._ .'__.._..._____...____ .__.________._.. __~_._,_ .~~ _..., _ -,-~~..~.~~~-~ iot\~~.J:~.~~.~.~.){~.-- ,.}~,.-~~<\._:Jt~. ~.Ns.~~.J.'~""",. . .' -.-- --"-'---'-'.-- --_.~"._-_.._--_._--,_._--_...-_._--- "'--'-... .- -..---- ...----------.-.., ... -- -- 3i~~~d..~,.\:.~~~"",_.H~, ~o.\ <.:..~~~'dt''Uil.\~ .o..~ CW>>_~~~_~ ~-~~~~~~~~.~~.Q)J:,.~. ......h~d..9..~..~---:~~~~.dt ~ ._~~~ ___._.._ ,;;:I~~~~~~;.::~~b~1 __;'M__m ..--.~~t~..~~-~ ~--'--.L-. ----~ -'. ,-'''~~~:' .\ Improvement' of,Pea~l' Strut from -." ~~" ~\~. ~ __~. ~9t~c..... __ unQ-U.....~ .....~, . ~~ ~'\ f!:;S~;-Ea~~ h-3'~~'~"____.__.~n~__.-=:._____.___._____u_... _I _It18tr1ct - No.' 9- UDder..'Ordlnanee :No:1 tP t j . =.::~t~.=::/~~-=~,.__...._--~-.~---.:._._-- ~ . ~ ~~. \\l~. ~ J:t-fS t~f~ =-::r.:~;;=~ ___~o~ - H~,-"'fu:~~ ~<\ _.~~C~~ 1"~' t' ~h. 1 ~o<t 'eabddr p1ch on aaldPeabody .treet ., - - ~ ....w....SecoI1d.and,Fou.u.:.treeta'lI1 D. 'n.~._ t'i~III1' ,-' 1-.. \....~ - --'\~ lheClI>' Of'PftrtAnp)....W..h;.the -- rt.rn;:r----~ ,.... lUl.J\..0-Jv'(,. ~~,.. UJ~~\O'<\.. .___... _oo '!."me to ,be 'CODlI.In1_''i.bT'~.PWI1& " ~~'::th -:l'=f~f~'::';: ~~ '.---,-~---~----._.----------_._._----_._-..-- alrUcUOII OIleald.Peabody otreeto.. · ~ -\-~ c\. h":' ~.;.\ . __' ~ ' .er.,!!\f. .maI1m'e.oIt0l17th....treo. OT~___.________._!!..~.. ~__.~___~. -Nl."'.;~~ .~ .a? -~oOden~.brtdBe or .cul1'ert.'AD:4do.:. _', _ _ _ _.' ,', " ' _ ' :in!i--iucihOthe."warl<'-"'II18T,be'!l6"..\ ::\. .'" "'.~ _'" .. .. ',,~.-\-,' 't--". ;'~Ji.:cO~ectlOIl;~ere~~~,";- ~"'_. C-.r/---0~. ~-~_~ _~I;>.,,_ 'ci"Zk:;~;lt~~r~;~:;--;~~;;;;,M .-.~~~ .'\~ '.~ -=-~.. ~'t..~~L\ IBald roll ho.. heen ... dnwn ii far ,. - - ~ :O"::~ I~' ~:~:~U'i: ~~;~~:l __ _'2 (h,_~ __ ~~;;., . ~~ L~ ~~~ ~.~ ~~ Ch.mberalntho CII>' Hall 111 ~,tho1 -I) ~.." 6 , .~...'~..fff.~.~.M.ogal.PE~~~;~.dL~~1:~;::.'"L':..'. f'~.t---~~~~. ~~~~\.OUA.,.~I led to J:Dake Bucb obJecUOIUI In wrlt..... ", --~ - 0 '. ~ . . ~~.....~ 'Ing Bnd 10 alo llio eamewllh the.11>' . r- . ' -\- '~ ..... '", - l,.. \) '. . ~ . ,'. -t:. clBrl< a. or.,Prl...,.to the dale hod: .~.. '. ~v-.... \}..\!l...,OJv...,-,\_""I:l'~.\.. ....12>.... <:)..~\..,~. ~'\ ~ for...,eh'hBll11ng,l At. the Umo ....d. " '-\ , "'.) I plo.. hod an~ al ...en other t1mea' o.k' '..\ " \- '.\' .,." '.... \:. ' ..\ \:";',\-~_,' I ..:tho heartng ,may: be co~t!1lnod to,' -~ \'-^-- \ .1Y'Ul..'--'.__ ~\.. ~\JV-.~\...c' q \J..Jv'\.,-\, "'" ~~ the, connell wDl .1. .. i a Ii hoard "0.(, '. . \:\ 'i:I ' .."..". ~ 'eqn.JlzoUnn'for tb",p.urpo.e nf ,coil"-~_~~V>_{~\J lk-"c".\ . ~.J\l-'\~ ~ '...l _<f"J.~' . IlderfDg BUch roU, and at BUch hear- -' L\ ,", , .... b I Ing or..hoarlnllll.,',.wIJPconalaer.uCh -\ _ -\- '. ,.. q . ,\-..;..... \, ...\, \; __ "'", Il. _ ..' _ ohleeUon8 m~~e th".reto or aIlT' part ... ~~ "lJ'v-, . ~~ __ \..1\ __ \.1:>.. ~~o..5l..,"".. Q __ J'\.~ '--""""" ~ ~~::,fio~:.d ;h::~' :n::ill:~::: -\- h 4" ~.. ~ --... ~ J;) ~.:~ . '\) , ;\." . .. ~ -\'...j , 'il \\ ~'-\ roll or ~y'p.rt thoreof. or.elnalde'..---\.Cl---t '~.- L-Y\Q,.- ~\.. -b _. ""--'-U\ ~~ '-t/" ~ -Vo-v.. ~ ::: ~::::~:~::~:~::=~ ..' ~~~,t-c-~ :.--. _.- .-.--.. ... .1 npon. anal action proceed to con8rm. I . t . 'I \l 'f... \). -\- ...... " "'\- ' . -'\. .ame hy orilln~ee.t;~:(ht;.-ii,iUk~ '_~"___~' ~I:..~ ~~. ~\N"<.Jy~,- ~\. r All: ObJeC!UODS must_ clearl,. ~~ etate, : , " " . , _' ," " , .~ . ,tho grounds of OhJOCUOIlO.1I1 wrttlllg _~.' ~L\. ~~~...~~_~..l.>> _~. ~.-~...~;).".~-.~~ll and obJecUoDB' Dot -mado within the., '". . .. . .- D i.. .. I 'b ~~':~;:~~.::~~~~e::I:I~~~~: .1;\~ ~~; ~ .~~~"-~ A,,~~c>'om.-~.. ~\\ presumed to bave been wal"'ed:~~~ _ .. ' ...... b. ..J . ---1) &ii~~~l!'.{~!IKJ:L:Bm.w;~ .\\\ '\."'- ,.. -\-L -'r,.. . . .I'~' '\-j ICilY CJerl<.~fth..CllT"nr Port An-; ,.....ro-\.~ ~ ~ _ LK\lI." _ ~ ---~~'tt, ~lM-"-'-.('". :~":i..clolJ.mcnni12'stalo or weah1 ...: ,,., ..'. . .))ale,a~hllciaU~ irarch'-U4I--~~~ ~~ 1<h..~~.-.n--.-.------:-:--.....--.-. .--- ~~e\._~.~~~.ot-.~,~~..J~.~ ~ ~t\ ~1~~: -- ~~""^-'-'-"'''-:'t..~.~~~..<>:~~ ~~, --i _~-~_~~-~M~~~-~~~.~.. .. ~u~'~~~.'~.~-1 ~.~~-~~ ~~-~~~~. ~~-~~.~ ~~~.~tl..~..~~..~.~'t~,~.~~.W ..~...~~~~~--~-~\1.~-~~5-~~-<..(y.L"t.~. --~-\-~~.~-~~<\~.~ ~_..;,.g-,t~~..~.~. n- .~_~__\"'-"-~ ~"Vv,:.~"_~~ =et",f~_~,~~?-~ AL"