HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/17/1950 Page 648 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington April 17. 19~ 'iThe Connnission met in regular session at 10:00 A.M., and was called to order by Mayor Feeley. Officers IPresent were: Mayor }'seley, Conunissioners Robinson and Taylor, Attorney Trumhlll and Clerk Law. , ' Minutes of the previous session were read and emended as follows: The building permit issued to Ed. Oakin with proviso that time limit be fixed at 6 months for completion cf building sufficient to move on his 'property. ,Under the head of applica;t>ions for building permits and licenses, the following were , Or [fuUding Permits: drD D. C. Waldron {I b::J Carl J. Johnson , N. l<lrsen Roy A. Delo Byron Campbell iA. E. Tobias iStallley Yoder John Haas R. Sorensen granted: Construct 5-Room Dwelling; Lot 5, Elk. 145, Townsite Enclose Back Porch; Lot 2, lllk. 200, Townsite fuild Double Garage; Lot 1, Blk. 209, Townsite Build hew Garage; Lot 20, Blk. 157, Townsite Construct New Floor, Chimney, Flue Lining; Lote 19-22, Blk.T~~te Suild 5-Room House; Lot 15, Blk. 551, Townsite Build Addition (Bedrm. & Basement Beneath); Lot 16, lllk. 54, ..:r~wnsite Reroof Existing Dwelling; Lot 11, illk. 168, Townsite Repair Fire Damage in Existing Dwelling; Lo!- 5, Blk. SO, 1,500.00 150.00 800 .00 150.00 2,000.00 5,000.00 2,500.00 150.00 Schmitt Sheet Metal Shop Mel Adolphsen Breek Out 10' Driveway; Lot 16, 8lk. 22, N.R.S~th Add. Repair Existing Structure; Lot 5, Blk. 51, Townsite T"Ooo-o win'lOnS" Add. oow 1,000.001' 100 .00i 500 .00 I c~ Licenses: (PO ,Radio Cabs Taxi 50.00 Olympic Laundry & Cleaners Cleaning & Pressing 5.00 Loyal Order of Moose Public Dance, 1 Night 5.00 liund'er the head of unfinished business, bids to !umisn for the water department, traveling screen and pump, were considered. It was recommended by Supt,. Dodge tnat the bid by Link Belt Company for traveling screen at $4,658.00, and the bid by DeLaval Steam Turbine Company for one centrifugal pump at $612.50, be accepted., It was moved by Commissioner Taylor tnat the ,recommendations be aQ.!<epted and bids awarded accordingly. I ISeconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. Jerry Metcalf and Ed York again appeared regarding logging operations in Morse Creek watershed. Commissioner Taylor acknowledged contact with Don ~orrison and Robert Leaver, of the local and State Health Departments, '1 and is informed tnat if the City does not permit removal of timber, it will cost the City money to purchase the same. Jerry Metcalf contended that if the City does not let them take logs they own, the City should purchese from them, b1t if permitted to finish operations, no more logging will be undertaken in this locality for jears. Al.so that ths::r have hired a registered surveyor to IUn lines and will have timber i,cruised." The loggers agreed to line back ant timber which might fall across the creek and co-operate ~th ;the City. A letter from the Health department was read, wnicn set forth precautions necessary if 10ggUlg is continued. It was moved by Commissioner Taylor tnat the City enter no objections to the loggers going I';in provided they clear with the Health Departments. Motion seconded by Mayor Feeley. On roll call, all 'voted Aye. Motion carried. It was further moved by Mayor Feeley that Commissioner Taylor be given authority to decide if loggers be permitted to take the few trees on City property after the same have been inspected. Motion seconded by Conunissioner Robinson. The motion carried. Under the head of new wsiness, Mrs. Cowling, Mr. Dobson and other property owners near Cherry and Boulevard appeared regarding old lumber, wood and other unsightly material causing nuisance and fire hazard. It was regularly moved and seconded thet the matter be referred to the Commissioner of Streets witn authority to clean up the mess. Motion carried. Mr. Dobson, of Dobson's Auto Electric reported that cars parked on Oak Street, South of First, prevent I'access to alley by lerge trucke and heavy equipment which must use the elley to obtain repair service from "rear door of his shop. Tnat he is losing business by lack of access to alley wnere eq\.iipment is unloaded. I lhe Commission decided that parking meters could be installed by Ordinance, which should eliminate congested, parking. Connnissioner Taylor informed that the County has a surplus of crushed roc~ whicn might be pl1rchased by the City. Mr. Taylor was authorized to proceed with investigation and negotiations necessary. Tne Commission also requested Commissioner Taylor and Fire Chief Wolverton to inspect the house at 8t.h and Race Streets to a scertain if the same is a fire nazard. The G & L Paint Company advised that a primer coat of zinc Chromate be applied to the City Barn before tne other paint is applied. Commissioner Taylor informed that paint has been purchased and tne City will I:follow recommendatione. Attorney J. H. Johnston informed in writing that slides caused by improper drainage at First and Laurel Sts. cause damage to property owned by K. O. Erickson. Attorney Tru.mbull was instructed to check concerning !Iliability to the City and Engineer Ahlvers to ascertain if damage is being inflicted. Commie sioner Tqlor reported tna t a pump for the heating plant at tne Police StatJ.on is available and moved i 'that the City purchase tne same. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. : ,I 'Advise from Romeo A. Bott, Executive Secretary of the City Emplo)...es Retirement System, regarding administra- tive costs for employees was considered. Amount of cost is $1,046.17, which the Commission reql1ested to be deducted from credit accwnulated in the Released Matching Thnd. "Date of hearing for the vacation of a portion of B Street north of the alley between 4th and 5th Streets, as requested by J. R. Wray; was set for ~Iay 15th. Water Supt. Dodge informed that water pipe is necessary for replacement of old mains. It was moved by iCommissioner Taylor tnat bids be published for 8,000' of 8" and 10,000' of 2" pipe, bids to be opened May 1st. Motion seconded by Commissioner Robinson. All voted Aye. Motion carried. 'I Under the head of introduction and reading of Ordinances, the following was placed on first and second readi9g: :! OIIDINAIICE NO.&.I' 'I AN ORDINANCE stating the facts of an emergency affecting the pl1blic peace, safet)' and welfare of the City of', Port Angeles; requiring the unforeseen expenditure of fulXls; providing for: the issuance of emergency 'I., warrants and declaring all emergency. It was moved by Commissioner l'aylor that the foregoing Urdinance be passed thEi first and second reading. I" Seconded by Mayor Feeley. All voted Aye. Motion carried. I I I I I I I I I I Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington 'The Commis sion .examined 'CURRENT EXPENSE FUND: :Willson Hardware Co. :Richfield Oil Corp. iHooker Storage Oarage & Serv. ,Brown's Second !land Store iTaylor Heating & Plbg. Co. I.Northwest Janitor Supply Co. Olympic Laundry & Cleaners '.1. B.~ Mathews Glass Co. Universal Tool & Mfg. Co. Graybilr Electric Co. Civic Advertising Fund 4' /65' - and approved 3zf !OO;z. - ,CITY STREET RIND: IRichfield Oil Corp. Willson Hdwe. Co. J. B. Mathews Glass Co. Janish Motor Co. :i, 01 ,WATER FUND: ::<.f1- "E. N. !Iallgren Co. Clallam County P.U.D. No. 1 . Sb lSANITATION FUND: (,1f3-:- lilept. of Labor & Industries j Tower Super Service ,. I j ILIBMRY FUND: ,:2 - Puget Sound Seed Co., Inc. " 3i/ 0_ Jame s Hardware Co. City Street Dept. ICity Treasurer 'Willson Hdwe. Co. Stuart Filion Angeles Bldg. Center Edklund Lumber Co. )G & L Paint Supplies IAngeleS Building Genter Woodie's Harley Davidson Wheeler Hdwe. & Fum. Co. j'lVIleeler Hdwe. & Furn. Co. PARKING METER & TRAFFIC CONTROL Jo'UND: Willson Hdwe. CO. CEMETERY RIND: 11.2':- City Street Dept. 'Goss Stati onery Olympic Tribune PARK 'FUND: L. 1. GUARANTY FU ND : City Treasurer 12-- 30 - April 17th. continued, 19~ .., Page 649 i I 35.58 51. 70 4.47; 50.90 1.09' 22.761 25.86' 14.42 91.111 244.45 500.00 I the following claims anti ordered warrants issued in payment of same: Stn. Tools, Hdwe, ,Supplies Moto r Oil Parts & Repair 1-58 Cal. S. & W. Revolver 1 Corp. Stop Janitor Supplies Laundry & Cleaning lllass Replacement, Fire Hall fire Alarm Boxe s Fire Alarm Wire & Supplies, a/c &dget Appropriation Signal Equip. Fuel Oil Tools and Hdwe. , Glas s i'Ilel fump Fittings, Joint Mat'l Ala terials Ind. Ins. & Med. Aid Diamond T TruCk Books, Leafie.ts Tools and Hdwe.; Fertilizer Gae, Oil, Diesel Light, Water, Garbage Tools and Hdwe. Brooms, Soap, etc. Paint, etc. Lumber Fa int, Brush, etc. Shingles, Paint, Plastic Wood Duplicate Keys Tools & Hdwe. Hinges, Stove Bolts :< -? 7 Bolts, IVasners Oas and Oil 1 Marking Set Legal Publication There being no further business, the session was then edj ourned. Taxes, Costs & Recording Lots 14 i 16, Blk. 141 J C. '1-~, ~ i~o t ~::; I i~ ~I:~~ ~~~t;;; ~JH(~;;~Sj:~ 1\ (~\'~l, W~~ '-""'k (If 1I1e ('ll\' of Pun I\np-(>l('~ \\'11 Jjllllljol, tl,J II. tlO( Illtr,r thall l(J"OQ : r;~'1:!~;!~~i(:jl:r~f:i:{:~1~L;)i\:~~r l.sp{,ClrlC::lltJ(JII.~ IIlIO" hl' nht:1.irlQU nt Ihl) lJrrll''' ,!f It!(' ('ity ("1(')'1, in PVl't ~~ ~:':I'~:l~j;;,::\.l~"~ll~~ /:)i'~I; t 1~':'l!j'~'~1~1~:~~ :~ll:.....\'~;t.li,:!ll:\i~:~J~~V CI:~ City Clerk ~~,2/?7 104.75 46.85 2.65 14.20 I 247.65' ,51.46' 90.4) 6,695.45' 2.J 197.0) 51.55" 65.611 6.54' 28.79; 11.59 7.50 5.40,' 12.29' 1.08' 13.49 .56 I 2.57.1. '9.85 5.55' 4.08 I 80.12 Mayor ,....