HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/17/1958 ,.. 588 Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington April 17 19~ """' . """" ...m., .m",..., ,..".. ,.... .... The City Council met in regular session at 7:30 P.M. and WaS called to order by Mayor Smith. Roll call of jofficers revealed the following present, Councilmen Sandison, Matthieu, Wolfe, McFadden, Maxfield and IThorne, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law. . lit was moved by Councilman Matthieu that minutes of t he previous meeting be approved. Seconded by Conncil- man Sandison and Carried. I 'Mayor Smith read notice of concellation of existing medical contract with Clallam Coynty Physicians Services jlnc., as of May 31 and offer of new contract. Mr. Adams advised that employees have met and request extens- ,ion of time for further consideration. Request was approved by Council. I Council considered proposed Resolution pertinent to personnel,v.lcations and sick leave. It was moved by 'Councilman Wolfe that action be postponed until employees .will have had opportunity to meet and submit "recomMendations. I Request for transfer of beverage license was received: Club Billiards, from Louise T. williams to 'BlsonA. and Helen M. Brewer. It was moved by Councilman Matthieu that transfer be approved. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried. , lit was moved by Councilman' MG'Fadden t'hat budget re~orts of receipts and expenditures for City departments be approved and placed on file. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carded. 11 b C" f t was moved y ouncllman Matth1eu that the Treasurer's inancial report for March be accepted and placed :on file. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield and carried. Council examined list of claims payable April 17 in ttotal amount of .$15,764.36. It was moved by Counci lman McFadden that claims .be aoprov,ed and paid. Seconded by, Coupcilman Sandison and carried., I .. ,-It was moved by CouncilmanWOlfe that reports of water and light departments, also Police Judge for March, be 'approved and placed on file. Seconded byCouncilman Maxfield and carried. I Hiring of Intern in Political Science during the summer months was discussed by Council. Councilman Thorne I 'questioned the economy of spending one thousand dollars for three months when soh services are not required :the other nine months. Also cited economic slump and whether or not services received would be worth the money spent. It was the opinion of other Councilmen that services received were well worth amount paid and ,Councilman McFadden moved that Intern be hired for summer months. Motion seconded by Councilman Matthieu "and carried, Councilman Thorne voting opposed. I i Mayor Smith read letter from the U.S.C.G. notifying of Armed Forces Day, May 17 and open house at the Ediz Hook Air Rase. Also a letter from the Mayor of victoria informing of Centennial Celebration starting 'April 27. A huge bonfire will usher in the celebration and the Mayor considered it a fine gesture if Port Angeles could comply f rom across the water with the same. Mayor Smith advised that a proper site has been located and this City will comply, I Councilman Thorne reminded of necessity foc. public comfort stations as previously considered. Also cited 'interest expressed by Councilmen-Elect in the project which should be com~ted by the start of tourist season. Mayor Smith advised that a civic organization plans construction of one station at the Ediz Hook picnic ground. Other locations suggested were the Tourist Information Center at First and Race, also Salmon Club Boathouse if this does not interfere with Ccast Guard Air Strip extension. Bill Gwynn assured 'that Mr.. McDonald, boat house operator, will provide care and maintenance of that station. There \-lill be 'further investigation before the next meeting. Leslie Everett of 814 Bast Second Street told Council that he had maintained the alley between Francis and Race Streets and Second and Third Streets for years and asked that the City take over with drainage and blacktop. Also suggested that signs be posted for protection of children due to hot-rod speeding. This ~as referred to the Police and Engineering Departments. No futher business appearing the meeting was declared adjourned~ I (). t. ~ (J Ci ty Clerk "'.~~ Mayor ~ I 1 '-..., I I