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Port Angeles, Washington
April 17, 1984
I CALL TO ORDER - Special Meeting
Mayor Duncan called the special meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
Members Present: Mayor Duncan, Councilmen Gerberding, Hordyk, Quast,
Whidden [arrived at 6:55 P.M.], Haguewood [arrived at
7:10 P.M.)
Members Absent:
Councilman Schermer
Staff Present:
Manager Flodstrom, Deputy Clerk Anderson, P. Carr,
M. Cleland, J. Marsh, R. French, L. Glenn, J. Pittis,
R. Orton, M; Campbell, G. Braun, S. Hardy, L. Romig.
Public Present:
L. Ross, L. Lee.
The Council interviewed Bill Prentiss and W. H. "Bill" Thompson for the
vacancy on the Civil Service Commission.
IV CALL TO ORDER - Regular Meeting
Mayor Duncan called the regular meeting to order at 7:03 P.M.
Councilman Quast moved the Council accept and place on file as received the I
minutes of the April 3, 1984 meeting. Councilman Hordyk seconded. Page
145, Item No.4, "Mr. Welch addressed the Council on the Bluewater View
L. I.D. " The last name was incorrectly listed as Mr. BaIsch. On call for
the question, the minutes as corrected were approved.
Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept the items listed under the
Consent Agenda including (1) Request permission to purchase paint and sign
materials; (2) correspondence from Washington State Liquor Control Board;
and (3) vouchers of $202,237.25 and payroll of $190.032.54. Councilman
Gerberding seconded. Councilman Quast requested that staff provide the
Council with a summary of the total payments to date from the City to
Riddell williams. On call for the questio~, the motion carried.
1. Riddell Williams - Payment of $4,055.94 for Legal Representation on
WPPSS Issues
Councilman Quast moved to approve payment to Riddell, Williams in the
amount of $4,055.94. Councilman Gerberding seconded and the motion
2. Consideration of Award of Bid for Surplus property - 709 South Valley
Councilman Quast noted that the recommendations on the sale of the property
had come from the Real Estate Committee. councilman Quast then moved to
concur with the recommendation to accept and award the bid of Sidney
Erickson, Jr., in the amount of $25,000 and approve the contract terms
recommended by the Real Estate Committee. Councilman Whidden seconded.
Following discussion, on call for the question, the motion carried.
3. Consideration of Calling for Rebid for Energy Conservation Measures -
William Shore Memorial Pool - No Bids Received
Councilman Whidden moved to grant permission to rebid the swimming pool
retrofit heat recovery system and pool circulation pump motor. Councilman
Hordyk seconded. The Council discussed with staff the necessity for
April 17, 1984
modifications in the pool construction to standardize the voltage. Sheila
Hardy of City Light informed the Council that the necessary modifications
had been defined and could be incorporated into the bid specifications when
the project is rebid. On call for the question, the motion carried.
Councilman Haguewood arrived at 7:10 P.M.
4. Consideration of Equipment Bids - Aerial Manlift
Councilman Gerberding moved to concur with staff's recommendation to reject
all bids for this unit and rebid the item with broader specifications and
performance criteria necessary to make a more objective assessment of the
equipment being offered for purchase. Councilman Whidden seconded.
Following discussion at length, on call for the question, the motion
1. Introduction of New Building Official - Larry Romig
Public Works Director Pittis introduced Larry Romig to the Council. Mayor
Duncan welcomed Larry aboard.
2. Public Hearings
A. Bluewater View LID #206
Mayor Duncan opened the public hearing and asked for comments. Frank Welch
addressed the Council requesting that the LID be abandoned due to the fact
that the cost of the LID had doubled from prices originally quoted. Mayor
Duncan asked for further comments. There were none; therefore, she closed
the public hearing. The Council discussed with Mr. welch and staff the
necessary improvements to the area. Following the lengthy discussion,
Manager Flodstrom suggested the possibility of scaling down the project.
Mr. Welch stated that that would probably be looked upon favorably by
residents of the area because it would make the project more affordable.
Councilman Gerberding then moved to reject all bids and call for a rebid
without reducing the specifications, stating that lowering the standards
might set a precedent. Councilman Quast seconded the first part of the
motion. He favored reducing the specifications. Councilman Quast then
requested staff to research the possibility of private construction on an
irregular cul-de-sac and to report back to the Council what the process
would be. On call for the question, the motion reject all bids and call
for rebid carried.
B. Proposed Amendments to Fire Alarm Ordinance No. 2145
Mayor Duncan opened the public hearing and asked for comments. John Hingle
of peninsula Security and Alarm Co. addressed the Council in opposition to
the ordinance stating that it would cause a relatively inexpensive method
of installing alarms to become expensive. Chris Golian then addressed the
Council. Mr. Golian is part owner of Federal Firesafety, also installers
of fire and burglar alarms. Mr. Golian favored the ordinance, stating that
it would address the current upgrading of the fire code, making it easier
to accomplish some of the desired effects, making the installation of
alarms in non-required areas easier. Mr. Golian also stated that he was in
favor of stiffer false alarm penalties in regard to both burglar and fire
alarms and suggested that this might be incorporated into this ordinance or
possibly in another ordinance. Bill Watkins, a citizen of Port Angeles,
then addressed the Council. He stated that the only reason that he had a
fire alarm device installed in his home was because it was so inexpensive.
He stated that had it been more expensive he would not have .had the fire
alarm device added to his burglar alarm. He stated that if the ordinance
did make the installation of fire alarms more-expensive it would work in a
detrimental way for fire protection in Port Angeles. Jim Kerner of
peninsula Security then addressed the Council. Mr. Kerner stated that he
had met with the Police Department and had been informed that the Police
April 17, 1984
Department was concerned with the reliability of the type of fire alarm
system their company installs. He stated that to his knowledge there had
been no false alarms turned in on any of their equipment and that none of
the alarms had failed at this time. He then stated that he favored the
ordinance allowing the installation of fire sensors along with burglar
alarm installation. He stated that if the ordinance was based on the fact
that we might have false alarms or a fire alarm might not work, prohibiting
this type of fire protection and requiring expensive systems, he would be
opposed to the ordinance. Pat Harkins, a resident of Port Angeles, spoke
in support of the alarm systems installed by Peninsula Security, stating I
that he had a fire alarm installed with his burglar alarm because of the
inexpensive cost. He was very supportive of the alarm system, stating that
he felt very safe and secure. Chris Golian addressed the Council again,
stating that the new ordinance would not prohibit this type of alarm
system; that the current ordinances do prohibit this type of alarm. He
also stated that if these systems were connected to UBC approved panels,
they would be fail-safe, preventing false security. Following further
debate, Mayor Duncan asked for further comments. There were none; there-
fore, she closed the public hearing. Fire Chief Glenn then addressed the
Council stating that the intent of the ordinance is to allow fire alarm
systems to be connected to a dispatch system, which currently is not al-
lowed. He stated that a dispatch center would have to be approved by the
Fire Department. Chief Glenn then reviewed the amendments and the reasons
for those amendments. Following Chief Glenn's explanation of the ordinance,
Mr. Hingle of Peninsula Security stated that if the ordinance established
guidelines as explained by Chief Glenn he would have no objection to it.
Councilman Hordyk moved to table the matter until the next City Council
meeting, instructing the City Attorney to review possible liabilities to
the City that may be created by the ordinance, Councilman Haguewood
seconded and the motion carried.
3. Planning Commission Minutes of April 11, 1984
A. M-l Permit Hearing - Harper
Mr. Harper has requested the City allow a new additional storage warehouse
40' x 60' on the present site located on the Tumwater Truck Route, Lots B
and 9, Block 75, Townsite of Port Angeles. Councilman Hordyk moved to
concur with the Planning Commission's recommendation to grant the M-l
Permit, subject to the following conditions: (1) A plan for off-street
parking and drainage with 10 spaces be submitted with the building permit
application; (2) a ten-foot access and maintenance easement on both sides
of Tumwater Creek, as measured from the Creek bank, be granted; and citing
the following findings of fact: (A) The present and expanded use is light
industrial in nature and meets the purpose of the M-l District; (B) traffic
and circulation impacts will be reduced by the required off-street parking
areas; and (C) the use complies with the Comprehensive Plan. Councilman
Quast seconded and the motion carried.
B. Conditional Use Hearing - Witherow.
Mrs. Witherow has requested the City allow a bed and breakfast establishment
as a conditional use in the RS-7 Zone, located at 318 North Eunice. Coun-
cilman Whidden moved to concur with the Planning Commission recommendation
to grant the conditional use permit, subject to the following conditions:
(1) That the existing garage and driveway be maintained in a manner to
accommodate four vehicles; (2) that smoke detection devices and fire
extinguishers be provided in accordance with WAC 212-10 and NFPA #10; and
citing the following findings of fact: (A) The Home Occupation will not
generate excessive noise, odors, or other hazards in this residential
neighborhood; (B) traffic will not be significantly increased by the Horne
Occupation; (C) it will not be injurious to abutting properties; and (D)
the proposal will not endanger the public health, safety, morals, or wel-
fare, and is in the public interest. Councilman Hordyk seconded and the
motion carried.
Councilman Quast then inquired as to where bed and breakfast would fall in
the fire alarm ordinance. City Planner Carr stated that the State requires
alarms for three or more bedrooms.
C. Conditional Use Hearing - Sea farms Pacific, Inc.
Sea farms Pacific, Inc., had originally requested a permit for limited fresh
fish processing, specifically oyster shucking and packing and handling of
April 17, 1984
previously dressed fish for freezing and containering in an existing 9,250
square-foot warehouse in the CSD-C2 Zone located at 2020 South Oak Street.
At the Planning Commission meeting of April 11, 1984, Gary Engman of
Seafarms Pacific announced that he was withdrawing the application because
he now has power and water which were temporarily shut off at his fish
processing plant at the foot of Lincoln Street. Approximately 20 people
had appeared at the Planning Commission meeting for the purpose of
commenting on the operation. The withdrawal of the application had
prevented these individuals from expressing their concerns. Councilman
Hordyk moved to concur with the Planning commission recommendation to
accept the withdrawal of the application and to recommend that staff
proceed with the administration and enforcement of Conditional Use Permit
No. CUP-82(2)2. Councilman Gerberding seconded. Following discussion
with staff, the Council concurred to authorize a public meeting to discuss
and receive comments about the operation of Seafarms Pacific and its
compliance with the Conditional Use Permitpending advice from the City
Attorney. On call for the question the motion carried.
Councilman Whidden then moved to accept and place on file the Planning
Commission minutes of April 11, 1984, as written. Councilman Gerberding
seconded and the motion carried.
4. DelHur East Side Annexation Master Plan
Mayor Duncan requested that Councilman Haguewood preside as Mayor Pro Tem
and excused herself from participating in the meeting, due to conflict of
interest. City planner Carr explained to the Council that the Master Plan,
as presented, provided provisions for emergency access to Lindberg Road
that were acceptable both to the City and to DelHur, Inc. Following
further discussion, Councilman Gerberding moved to accept the wording of
the DelHur East Side Annexation Master Plan. Councilman Hordyk seconded
and the motion carried.
5. Request for Annexation from Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hare
Councilman Quast moved to refer the matter to the Planning Commission
recommendation on allowing circulation of an annexation petition.
Councilman Hordyk seconded and the motion carried.
,6. Agreement Between the City and the Economic Development Council
Manager Flodstrom informed the Council that there had been a revision in
the agreement, stating that the third page, the signature page, would need
to be replaced. He then submitted the amended page to the Council for
approval with the agreement. Councilman Quast moved to authorize the Mayor
to execute the agreement with the Clallam County Economic Development
Council. Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried, with
Councilman Hordyk voting "No".
7. Presentation of the City/YMCA Community Recreation Proposed Agreement
Manager Flodstrom informed the Council that Mr. Mike RObinson, Executive
Director of the YMCA, and John Marsh, Parks & Recreation Director, had
presented information on the proposed agreement to the Park Board and had
requested to present the same information to the City Council and with
concurrence from the Council proceed to the Board of the YMCA. Parks &
Recreation Director Marsh then addressed the Council, informing them of the
terms of the proposed agreement. The financial terms of the agreement
would be that the City pay the YMCA $12,000 in 1984,$10,000 in 1985 and
$10,000 in 1986. At the end of the three-year period the agreement would
then be reassessed. Parks & Recreation Director Marsh also informed the
Council that a survey was under way to assess community needs for recrea-
tional activities. Councilman Haguewood noted that the wording of the
contract would need to be revised to indicate that future funds could not
be appropriated at this time but that the City would attempt to pay the
amounts indicated for the years 1985 and 1986. The Council concurred with
the conditions of the proposed agreement and granted permission for staff
to proceed with presenting the proposed agreement to the Board of the
Clallam County YMCA.
8. Fairgrounds Lease Agreement Amendment with Clallam County
Mayor Duncan reviewed a background memo, recommending that the City's lease
agreement with C1allam County be amended to take into account the City's
April l7, 1984
contribution of $41,000 to the construction of the new grandstand at the
Fairgrounds. Councilman Quast moved to approve and authorize Mayor Duncan
to sign the amendment to the Fairgrounds lease agreement between the City
and Clallam County. Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried.
Councilman Quast commented on the cooperative spirit of City staff in
expediting this project..
9. Approval of Contract with Clallam County Humane Society
Councilman Gerberding moved to approve the terms and conditions in the I
contract and authorize Mayor Duncan to sign the interim agreement with the .
Humane Society. Councilman Whidden seconded and the motion carried.
10. Lease Agreement with Port of Port Angeles for Fire Boat Moorage
Councilman Gerberding moved to approve the lease agreement as amended by
the City Attorney's office and authorize Mayor Duncan to sign. Councilman
Whidden seconded and the motion carried.
11. Status Report on Port Angeles Waterfront Loan
Mayor Duncan referred to an informational memo from Finance Director Orton
regarding the current status of the loan with Port Angeles Waterfront
Associates. Mayor Duncan then asked for comments; there were none.
12. Appointment to civil Service Commission
Councilman Whidden abstained from participating in the vote, due to the
fact that he was not in attendance during the interviews. The Council cast
ballots for candidates for the Commission. Bill Prentiss received the
majority of votes and was appointed to fill the vacant position on the
Civil Service Commission.
l3. Consideration of Community Memorials
Mayor Duncan, Manager Flodstrom, Councilmembers and staff discussed this
matter at great length. Following discussion, Councilman Haguewood moved
to refer the renaming of Kiwanis Park to Charles willson Park to the Park
Board with the recommendation that the renaming be accepted. Councilman
Quast seconded and the motion carried. The Council further discussed the
development of a comprehensive policy for memorializing individuals within
the community and concurred to allow staff to proceed with the gathering of
information and the establishment of a formal policy.
Manager Flodstrom informed the Council that Port of Port Angeles Commis-
sioners have instructed their staff to begin preparation of an outline of a
study program for a waterfront plan and have suggested that the City com-
plete a similar outline. Once the two outlines are complete, .the Port of
Port Angeles Commissioners would like to meet with the Council to bring the
two outlines together for coordination of a waterfront comprehensive plan.
The Council scheduled a work session for May 8, 1984, at 7:00 P.M. to
review the City's various comprehensive plans.
Manager Flodstrom informed the Council of a letter from Russ Hesselman
requesting the renaming of a City park after Si McLaughlin, long time Park
Board member and chairman. Because of the fact that a formal policy has
not yet been established, Councilman Quast moved to table the matter.
Councilman Hordyk seconded and the motion carried.
Manager Flodstrom informed the Council that the Association of Washington
Cities' annual conference will be June 12th thru 15th, 1984 in Yakima and
offered to make arrangements for anyone who wished to attend. There will
also be a seminar for mayors and councilmembers on May 18, 1984, in Seattle
and on June 12, 1984, in Yakima, which will be one of the pre-convention
activities. Councilman Gerberding noted that he would be attending the
seminar for mayors and councilmembers held in Seattle on May 18, 1984.
April 17, 1984
Councilman Gerberding reported that employees of Pacific Northwest Bell
Telephone Company had agreed to repaint the "All-American" sign located at
Central Park as a service project.
Councilman Gerberding ,then discussed several items with staff, including
the solarium that 'had been considered for the swimming pool, the decrease
in the number of cases of driving while intoxicated, proposed regulations
on the use of jake brakes within the City.
Councilman Hordyk requested the Council's permission to attend the
Northwest Public Power Association's annual meeting to be held in Victoria,
British Columbia, May 31 and June 1, 1984. Councilman Whidden moved to
grant the request, with Councilman Hordyk seconding. The motion carried.
Councilman Hordyk then requested Public Works Director Pittis to instruct
Solid Waste employees to return cans to the same location they had been
before they were emptied. He also inquired as to the status of the Police
cars ordered by the City, trees to be planted Downtown, and to candidates
for the vacant position on the Board of Adjustment. Manager Flodstrom
informed him that two inquiries were verbally indicated and that written
notification was expected soon.
Councilman Whidden inquired as to the status of activity on the possible
acquiSition of Ediz Hook properties. Manager Flodstrom stated that all
indications are that the Coast Goard is still evaluating the possibility of
declaring the property surplus and that Senator Slade Gorton has indicated
that he will look into the matter. Councilman Whidden then discussed with
staff the possibilities of annexing the entire Spit.
Councilman Hordyk requested that staff send a letter to Curt Johnson of the
Salmon Club regarding contact with the Coast Guard about allowing daytime
parking inside Coast Guard property during fishing season.
Mayor Duncan reminded members of the Council that there was a Short Course
on Planning to be held April 18, 1984, at the Clallam County Courthouse.
She stated that Stevens Middle School will be having a presentation April
19, 1984, at which Congressman Al Swift will be in attendance. She
requested a member of the Council attend, as she would be unable to do so.
She reported on a meeting held earlier that day with Steve Oine of Senator
Slade Gorton's office. She stated that anyone wishing to meet with
Congressman Al Swift could do so April 18th at Haguewood's Restaurant at
6:15 P.M.
Mayor Duncan adjourned the meeting to executive session at 10:08 P.M.
The meeting returned to open session at approximately 10:45 P.M.
Mayor Duncan adjourned the meeting at approximately 11:05 P.M.
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