HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/18/1934 ,.... 202 Proceedings of tbe City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington A,pril 18, 1934. 193~ The lJommission met in regular Gession at 10 a.m. and Ylas called to order by Mayor Davis. Roll call showed the follol'ling Officers. present: l:Iayor JJavis, Commissioner's Lutz. and Masters, ~ttorney Plummer and Olerk Hawkins. The Minutes of the previous session nerD read L.nd approved. Under the head of building permits and licenses the following wero granted,- C. "'. Boyd, '''oodshed (.nd garage, Lot 15, Blk. 63, Lel"lis I.\astick Sub. T; T. Ald.'lell, )'etal ][arclueise in Place, Lot 10, Blk. 16, n.R. "mith Sub. Theodore j{uoff, Soft Drink. for 3 mo"ths L. E. jtark, Dance at LO.O.F. Hall, April 14, 1934. Under the Head of Unfinished Business,- ., .,,~ CAI... FOHIIIIl!;l NOTTGB It! RBnEBY GIVEN, That seal"fc'u b\111:< will he accepted lJy tlH> Clr,'-' Cl,\T'I{, until to a. m.. April l};th, l!liH. aml nut latl"T. The :-nld bids will be to .fU1'llish nnd [Ie.,[i,ver tho :'oHowing- dpsel'i\)~d Illatorl~ll. 10 \\'It: atitlO "incal ff'l't wire wound woolI -fil:"'..: pip!!. 01:" din,,' 300' ]1('fL~ :;:;;, lillea] t{'et iil'c. wound '''<>0;:.(\ b-we pipe, G" Ilia., 30{J" he:Ht. 4-!;OO 1111<'1'11.. fL'I't wlrl' WllUTIII !~'~9~~lt ~ta\'e Vill\', W' ,lifl., 3nl)' A Cl:rtlfied CllE'clc of r,o/c of the alIT,")Ullt or tlll' hid must. llcCOmpany '~:~ch bid. .\11 lJldf' to he made on (olom!; ,tUtl;:m~~;.(l 11~- the ....upel.inre1ll1ent or 'rill' Citl" Cr:Jmmirslon l"t'Sl:"l'VC!3 Ih(' right to l'l:jcct an~' and nil hle]s. Hated thl~ 7th ,~.:::.y of .-\prll. 1934. X, :'If. HA\"\'KJ~f1.. Clh" Clf>I'k of th" Cit'\' of T'OJ:t _\1lE'(>](l!l \nlSilington. Pu),. .\l)l"ii 7-9, 1934. 50.00 340.00 l.~5 . 5.00 Pursuant to the foregoing notice, bids were opened to furnish and deliver certain nood pipe as described in said notice. ~he bidders being J. C. Breitlauch, Pacific Tank and Pipe Company,and The Federal Pipe and Tank Co. The Commission referred ~he bids to the Superin- tendent oj' Utilities and the City i1:ngineer for checking. Under the Head of Nel'l Bus iness the follol'ling Resolution was introdueed,- RES 0 L UTI 0 N AUTHORIZING 'rR.\l;SFER OF OllE-HALF INTEREST HI T!IRETil OERTEIN LIGHT DEPilRTl,[;~llT POLES TO THS PAOIFIO T:LEPHONE & T~LEGRAPH OOlWAny. '.7HEREAS: The 3uperlntend edt of Utill tles haVlng presented ":0 the (Jommission an apprvved dgreement In th the Pacific l'elephone & Telev,raph Comp~ny for tile joint user of three (3) Forty (40) foot round cedar poles located on the southerly uide of "nd - 3rd St. alley, being the first three poles 'lest of Cherry Street. The Con~ider'., tion in said agreement being ~~5.50, and ';"IHEREAS: It appearing the. t the agreement \'IaS in proper for'ffi and that the e;;eeution thereof is desirable and ,'or the best interest of the Oi ty, THEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED, That the agreement be approved and the Hayor and City Cler)c be authorized to execute the same in duplicate on behalf of the (Ji ty of J'ort ~n~eL..:s. , It was moved by Commissioner Lutz that the foregoing Resolution be approved and adopted. Seeonded by Conunissioner lIasters. On roll call all members vo~ed aye. The llayor deelared the motion carriGd. The lJommisslon examined and allOl'lel the folloYling claims ~nd ordered Vlal'rantJ drs:.7n fur sume,- CURREHT EXPEllSE FUnD Geo. :'5. Baker P. A. Iron ','ior};s Oi7-y "redsurer Harris & Sehuller P. A. Iron ~orks P. A.. Iron ,lurks 'i'I. A. Huffman "en. l<\md ~Iarran t i!'Bl 1979 Repairs lrruck License Street Qigns Ida terials & Labor " I. 'V c,.1. Til'e Repair ','lATER FUl'D Federal Pipe & Tank 00. 1;..1. plumbibg & Heating Co. Bill's Tire Shop J. Lloyd Aldwell, Ine; ::iupj?li es Tire ne"Jairs Ins. on Ford Truck ;>3.'1' LIGHT FUND eity Electric Co. Home Furniture Co. Bob Yonlick Kauffman-Leonard lJo. City Treasurer IT IT Com. & "iring ); Desks "ood Linole1lll\ Filing l'ees Stamped Envelopes Materials & Labor freight & Labor Supplies Ins. on G.li.C. Truck Harris & Schuller Port of Port ""ngeles Zellerbach ~ap er Co. J. Lloyd Aldl'lell, Inc. ... CEUETlllRY FUfJD '"'eYley S. Lyden There being no further ?;~4n2- , Ci ty Clerk V adj ourned~<Ja.-::... ;.'l . "r ]~uyor Services business the Commission tllen 9.8" l.G5 3.50 24.00 8.40 13.'65 l.00 36.,,6 15.85 4.50 ~7.10 '3~,g"- 40.55 30.00 11.65 1<::.00 1.00 30.00 7.60 .82.38 11.76 68.90 40.00 I I I I I