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P"" 542
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
!\jl ril 18
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The City Council met in ri!gular session at 7: 30 P.M. and was called to order by Mayor Neer. Roll call
revealed the following officers present: 'Councilmen Smith, 'Sandison, Matthieu, Wdlfe, McFadden and
Maxfield, Manager Vergeer, Attorney Severyns and Clerk Law.
It was moved by Councilman Matthieu that minutes of the previous meeting be approved. Seconded by Council-
man Sandison and carried.
Under the head of unffnished business, Columbia Equipment Co. submitted the only offer to furnish the
Water Department one used "Kdne Kar", five-ton capacity at $4,500.00 pluS sales tax.' It was moved by
Councilmanl'blfe that bid be accepted SUbject to inspection and approval by the City Man ager and 1jater
Snperintendent.. Seeonded by Councilman Smith and carried.
Pursuant to petitions requesting vacations, hearings-on requests were opened: Alley in:Block 455 as re-
quested by Clallam County. No protests having been made or filed, it was moved by Councilman Matthieu
that hearing be closed. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried.
Request by Port of Port Angeles to vacate portion of Valley Street, Front Street from the easterly margin
of Valley Street t~ westerly margin of diagonal Front Street., Alley between Front and First Streets
I from easterly margin of Valley Street to westerly margin of diagonal Front Street. No Objections having
, been made or filed, it was moved by Councilman Matthieu that hearing be closed. Seconded by Councilman
j Sandison and carried.
jjater Supt. Dodge filed for Council approval the third estimate (March) for work done rod material furnished
by Louis Elterich Co. on the relocation of Peabody Creel< Crossing and Reservoir Line in amount of
$4,734.78. It was moved by Councilmw Smith that estimate be approved and warrant issued in payment
of same. Seconded by Councilman Wolfe and carried.
It was moved by Councilman Smith that fixed estimate claim against L.I.D. No. 171 in amount of 70~ for
state medical aid be Dpproved and paid. Seconded by Councilman Smdison and carried.
Terry Thompson, bond brol,er, appeared before Council with offer to purchase warrants and bonds of L.I.D.
No. 173 at Par and 5%, and L.I.D. No. 175 at Par and 4!10. It was the opinion of Mr. Vergeer that this
is a good offer, considering amount of unimproved property involved. Council questioned policy of
accepting offer without publishing call for bids and resulting effect concerning public relations. After
discussion, it was moved by Councilman McFadden that call for bids be published for the sale of warrants
and bonds for L.I.D. No. 173. Seconded by Councilman Sandison and carried.
Council received communication f rom Palmer Kaas, Chairmm of Board, Clallam Ccunty Sewer District No. I,
I requesting informal meeting with Council regarding connection to proposed sewer interceptor l~'e. Also
I informed of plans to attend meeting APril 25 wl th Pollution Control Commission. Also received ~Ia-s
communication from State Pollution Control Commission shol'.'ing results of surveys during years 1953
and 1956 in Harbor areas, and contamination by sewage bacteria being in excess of recommended limits.
Mr. Vergeer read letter from Board of DirectosJ School District No. 17, expressing appreciation for
cooperation of the City ~1d County in providing drainage system at Franklin School.
Under the head of new business, claims paid APril 3, 8, md 9 1<ere aPproved in total amount of $25,197.36.
lt 1<as moved by Councilman Matthieu that claics be approved as paid. Seconded 1:y Councilman Smith and !
carried. I
Mrs. J. A. Conrad filed claim for damages to 1<indow in amount of $10.00, caused by blasting rock fo'r !
water main installation. The insurance company having assumed'responsibility, claim was filed for record. ,
The Treasurer's financial report for March and monthly budget rllPorts of City departments having been
examined, it 1<as moved by Councilman Sm dison that reports be approved. Seconded by Councilman Maxfield.
and carried.
, William S. Johnson, Park Board member, aPpeared and requested that backstop be removed frem Rains Park,
',thereby eliminating playing of baseball which is causing damage to windows and flo~'lers at dwelling
west of Park. Also suggested sale of the west lot and installation of basketball equipment. Chief
~ Kochanek recommended t hat rules and regulations be established for each pi rk area. It was decided that
backstop will be removed and no other action taken until parks are investigated.
Council received petition requesting that L.I.D. be established providing for sewer installation on
East 4th Street. It was moved by Councilman Matthieu that petition be accepted and aPproved. Seconded
by Councilman McFadden and carried.
The following Ordinances were introduced and read for Council consideration:
AN CRDINJl'ICE vacating that portion of Valley Street from the north margin of diagonal Front Street as
now co nstructed to the north line of Front Street according to the original plat thereof, and
vacating front Street from the easterly margin of Valley Street to the westerly nn rgin of diagonal
Front Street as nOw constructed m d vacating the alley between Front Street and First Street from the
easterly margin of Valley Street to the westerly margin of diagonal Front Street.
It was movod by Councilman McFadden t ha t t he foregoing Ordinm ce be aPproved and adopted. Seconded by
Councilman Smith and carried.
I ORDD<mCE NO. 1388
AN ORDINANCE vacating the alley running tht'ough Block 455 and extending from the westerly line of "C"
Street to the easterly line of "D" Street, all in the Government Townsite of Port Angeles.
lIt was moved by Councilman Smitb that the foregoing Ordinm ce be approved and adopt ed. Seconded by
Councilman Maxfield and carried.
,AN OHDINiNCE of the City of Port Angeles, \'lashington providing for the imorovement of a certain area
:within the -City of Port Angeles by the construction and installation of l~tera1 and sanitary swwers th:r:ein,
,includti.ng Vlyes to serve each lot and by doing all work necessary in connection there",i th and incidental
~thereto pursuant to a petition for the Gonstruction of sewer inmock 67 of Leightonts Subdivision of
,the ~site of Port Angeles, andPro~iding that the payment of said improvement be made by special
assess,?ents on the ~rop,?rty of sa:Ld d:Lstnct, payable V the mode of p'fment by bonds, ald creating a
local a>mprovement distnct therefor and setting forth the property in s aid district.
I "
~It wa~ moved by. Councilman McFadden that the foregoing Ordinance be approved and adopted. Seconded by
Counc:Llman Maxf:Leld m d carr~ed.
Proceedings of the City Commission of the City of Port Angeles, Washington
..." . -". """,. ...,,,~,,. .."".. ..... ....
Aoril 18 continued
AN QRDINAllCE of the City of Port Angeles forbidding the sale, use ,aid discharge of what is generally temed
air guns, ItB 8" guns and all other appliances or apparatus designed to shoot. or cast pellets, slugs, or
other missiles.of like character within the City of Port Angeles. and providing for and specifying the
penalty hereof and of confiscation of such appliances.
'It Wa,lmoved by Councilman Wolfe that the foregoing Ordinance be passed first reading. Seconded by Council-
man M&.field and carried.
Under ,the head of intt:oduct,i'on of Resolut,ions the following was introduced and read:
WHEREAS, the City of Port Angeles entered into a contract with Fibreboard Products Incorporated covering
the sale of electrical energy to the Company. which contract was dated October 1, l.956 and.... '
It was moved by Councilman Smith that the foregoing Resol.",tion be adopted. Seconded by Councilman
McFadden' and ~cariie'd.~
There being ,no furtller business the meeting was declared adjourned.
Q . G :-Lcu~
(j Ci ty Clerk'
Bids will be received:. up to; 5:olf
o'clock P. M., May 2nd, 1957, at,
t.he office of the City" Clerk, 140
West Front street, Pcrt Angeles,
,ii;~~~o~l~Cne ~e ~N~~hf~o:g~~
out the City a Two (2") inch
compacted ma.t of Type "F'"
Aspha.ltic Concrete. Bidder to fur~
nish Rll labor. equipment and ma.,:"
he;~fl~g. 1n~~db~fy a~fifc:~:~e a aDn~
Cr3g::,e :l~e;~ ~~~ i~~ ~lt~~~
nate price on Type "I" .. 1 as:
City Manager
Pub: April 19, 26, 1957T
IUds'wHl be received at the or.
fice of the CIty Manager, 140 West.
Front St" Port Ang~les. Wash. up i
to 5:00 p.rn MBY 6.. ]957 on the'
following..equipment, It'.O.B. Port
Angeles. Wash.: '\.
. ltC-ill No.1
I Three (3) '75 KVA dLstributlon
i ~~~~gf~e~~ ~~~k':~~le t~~~j,
. tr~. t~r;~~ 2~44a~~ e~s:tngs"
Item No.2
One SO KW Constan" CUrrent
transformer, 6.6 Amp,. 2400 Volts,
Q.E. Cat. No. 3279970. or equal.
. ~ The City reserves the right to
accept or reject any bid.
. G. S. VERGEm
City Manager
Pub: Apr. 26, May 3, 195n'
:r-EGA~ PUJAICA~?N ~ ~
CITY ''OF 'j'OR." ANGEtil~S
that the -City 'of Port Angeles
WaShington. proposes to issue dur:
Ing the period of construction
warrants drawn on Local Impr~ve~ .
m~nt. District No. 173 Fund of the
city in the principaL-amount! of. ap-
proximately $65,000.' .
Said warrants wllI be redeemed
by bonds of (said local -improve-
ment district which will be issued
upon cMnpletion of .such construc-
tion and confirmation, of' the as-
sessment roll on approximately
August 1, 1957. and which w1l1
mature in twelve years from date
of Issue., ~
THER GIVEN..that sealed 'bids'fol'
~~cfsur~~lf~:Ofr:~~?v~alJrn~e a~~
ll~11 7~ ~gl'tC~hg~}~~~~g?~~
umil 7:30 .O'C;loc~ ,~p.n~. Pacific
Standard TIme on M~)1" 16 1957
! at which time said', elds will be
pUblicly opened, reAd and consid-
ered b;y the' City Qoupeil. .
Said W3rI'ants and nb'l1d.'i will be
sold together .t,o the bidder, sub~
rnltting fhe b:estbid metefol' - Eath
bid must be fQr",'Ootb-.Lh6 -;'va'ITRnls
and bonds, and must be 'for par
for saki war~a.nts and 'Par or pal'
and a premIum for said bOllds.
The same, interest ute, at not
more Lhan.mr'pel' cent .'-6%) pel'
annum, mlli:~ .'be 'speclfied for
tloth the- bonds alld warrants, In
computJrlg the best ''bid It ",.m be
IlStlUmcQ by the city that the pritJ~
elpal amount. of the bonds t<l !be
issued. -W~l be \$50,000 'villi "', five-
biJ ~ora ~~{~8err~!~~g aa:;3b~~1~S b\\~m
'be de~efmjm:d solely on this com.
putation - without regard to the
the interest 'to, bCCQome .due tht-re-
on ' -, .. . '.
All bids shall be "),~Jed. ":and
1rj~~ ~eepo~it~~n~~~~gr-;:~~fR9.fC~
tifled Ot. cashier's 'cMck - made
payable to the Treasurer ijf the
:City of Port Angeles fot" t.he nc~
i count of ttle Local Impr.ovement
District No. 173 Const:."uct.ion Fund
in the fimQunt or $1 ,~50. which
cheek shalf be retlll'oed if the bld
is not accepted, Said good faith
deposIt wiJl 'be credited in pay-
ment of the - last warrnnts to be
ISSUed in a.like principal amount
and if such bidder shall fall Ol:
neglect to complete the purChase
of all. of said. :warrants following
the .acceptance "of his bid the
<lmeuht of such ,depOSit shan. 'be
'forfeited to thC'City.
'The city .1"~eI:Yes'" the right. w
rej~ct any and aJ1 blds"submiUed
and to walve ~ny informalities
. The clt:j.' will ]lrq' IeI' the print-
m~ of said bends.. ~!: ,.-.
The opinion of 'F~s\on, 'Thor-
-grlmSOll & Horowitz, -hond coun~
.'ielof Sealtle. Washingt~n.approv-
tnli; the legalitr of the Issuance of
all of the 'warrants drawn on .salo
Local Improvement District' .No
17S, FlInd'and the ~nds of said
local improvement. di.'3trl1~" .,.iW'i.l!.... .
furnlsbedby the Ctt:y_..;;.~.
:,r;>A'tE.D 3.t P<il't .Ml~el '-
Ing,ton. t.his 2d day Of:.. 1:~' .
... -J; ii: LAW
... .City Clerk
. Pub:" MaY'G, 1957N.