HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/18/197848~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING Port Angeles, Washington April 18, 1978 2 CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order by Mayor Haguewood at 7:30 P.M. _ II ROLL CALL Members Present: ~ Mayor Haguewood, Councilmen Anderson, Boardman, Buck, Duncan, Hordyk, Wray. Members Absent: None. Staff Present: Manager Whorton, Attorney Walrath, Deputy Clerk Caso. D. Frizzell, P. Carr, D. Flodstrom, R. Orton, J. Honnold, R. Morgan, K. Cameron. Guests Present: J. Key, L. Sunny, C. Norwood, M. Norwood, C. Shillington, K. Williams, W. Bieber, P. Wilden, P. Brady, J. Drain, D. Kreider, G. Velie, R. Howe, T. Tinkham, R. & E. Sybil, D. Stephens, D. Smith, J. Tangedahl, H. Smedley, 0. Vigoren, B. Veltkamp, E. Thompson, N. Turner, G. Heller, R. Erdmann, B. Philpott. III MINUTES Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file as received the minutes of the April 4, 1978 meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried. IV LEGISLATION 1. PUBLIC HEARING - HUD SMALL COMMUNITIES BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM Mayor Haguewood opened the public hearing on proposed projects to be sub- mitted under the HUD Small Communities Block Grant Program, and announced to the audience that this will be a joint public hearing between the City and Clallam County. The Covncil then heard a brief summary of the grant program by Planner Carr, who is working with Randy Tyler on the pre-application. This application, Mr. Carr explained, will be a joint application between Port Angeles, Clallam County, Port Townsend, and Jefferson County. The application will also be for a "Single Purpose" grant; one or more projects designed to meet a specific community development need, which, in this case, will be housing for low and moderate income families. Each application, Mr. Carr continued, must include a Citizen Participation Plan, a Citizen Advisory Committee, and a Housing Assistance Plan. The Citizen Advisory Committee must be appointed by the elected officials and will work in conjunction with the Citizen Participation Group. Following Planner Carr's presentation there was a general discussion between the Council, Manager Whorton, and County Commissioners Ron Richards and Dick Lotzgesell. Subjects discussed included the pre-application and full ap- plication fees, the advantages of a joint application, and whether Jefferson County should remain the lead agency in the program. The discussion con- cluded with Commissioner Lotzgesell stating that the Clallam County Com- missioners would join with Port Angeles, Port Townsend, and Jefferson County to authorize this pre-application to obtain the HUD grant funds. There was no further comments from the audience or staff on the HUD Block Grant Program and Mayor Haguewood closed the joint public hearing and ap- pointed Councilmen Anderson and Buck to work with the interested parties to finish the pre-application to HUD. CITY COUNCIL MEETING April is, 197e IV LEGISLATION 2. PLANNING COMMISSION 485 Mayor Haguewood read the minutes of the Planning Commission's April 12, 1978 meeting with the following action being taken by the Council: A. Street Vacation: Norwood: Public Hearing ' Mayor Haguewood read that portion of the Planning Commission minutes dealing with a request by Mr. Clark Norwood to vacate the east half of "A" Street between Third/Fourth alley and Fourth Street. Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council not concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and deny Mr. Norwood's request. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray. Mayor Haguewood then noted that a public hearing was scheduled later on in the agenda for this vacation request, and opened the public hearing to be held in conjunction with the dis- cussion on Councilman Hordyk's motion. Councilman Hordyk then explained his reasons for requesting denial of the vacation request, stating that there remains very few areas on the bluff to observe the Straits and the City should protect these available properties for the majority of the citizens. The Council then discussed this matter at length with Mr. Smedley of the Planning Commission, Attorney Walfath and Ms. Cynthia Shillington, who spoke in behalf of the Norwoods. During the discussion Ms. Shillington pointed out that the only reason the Norwoods are petitioning for this vacation is so they can obtain clear title to their property so that it can be sold; at present they cannot obtain clear title as long as their garage encroaches upon the property line. The Council also discussed the possibility of moving the garage, the maintenance of the area by the Norwoods, the possibility of an annual lease of the property to ' the Norwoods, and the problem of obtaining clear title to the property. The discussion concluded with Mayor Haguewood suggesting the Council table this matter until Council members can inspect the property in question and Attorney Walrath can submit a legal opinion. There were no further comments from the audience on the vacation request, and Mayor Haguewood closed the public hearing. Councilman Buck then moved the Council table this agenda item. The motion was seconded by Council- man Hordyk and carried. B. Conditional Use Permit: J. Key Councilman Wray moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve Mr. Key's request to construct a duplex on the south side of Hazel Street west of the "C" Street extension be- cause the area is undergoing a change in character and a duplex would not appear to have a negative impact. The motion was seconded by Council- man Buck and carried. C. Conditional Use Permit: Thompson Councilman Anderson moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve Mrs. Thompson's request to build a duplex on the north side of Ninth Street between "K" and "L" Streets subject to the parking arrangement being redesigned to eliminate backing into the alley. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman and carried. D. Conditional Use Permit: Stephens Councilman Hordyk moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve D. Stephen's request to supply floral decorations as a home occupation located at 805 East Second Street for a period of six months because it falls within the scope of the home occupation guidelines and will have no impact on the neighborhood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried. 't C1 C) CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 18, 1978 IV LEGISLATION 2. Cont. E. Conditional Use Permit: Smith Councilman Buck moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve Mr. Smith's request for a roller skating rink as a commercial recreation use in a multi-family zone located at 703-707 South Chase Street, subject to the following con- , ditions: (1) lighting be directed toward the parking area and away from the residential area, (2) hours of operation be restricted to start at normal hours with closing at midnight unless a special permit is obtained, (3) patrons not be allowed to re-enter premises after once leaving, (4) signs meet code requirements limiting the size to ten square feet, and (5) 74 parking spaces be allowed with 8 counted as a drop-off zone; sub- ject to review for compliance with these conditions in two years. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. F. Zoning Ordinance Amendment: Liquified Natural Gas & Liquified Petroleum Gas: Councilman Hordyk moved the Council refer this matter to a public hearing at the May 2, 1978 regular Council meeting. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. G. Conditional Use Permit: Bethany Pentecostal Church Councilman Buck moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Commission and approve Bethany Pentecostal Church's re- quest to expand the existing church located at 805 South Francis sub- ject to the following conditions: (1) if the parking lot is lighted, such lights shall be shielded so that no glare extends to surrounding residential properties; (2) excavated material to be disposed of at a site approved by the Public Works Department; (3) building height shall ' not exceed 30 feet; (4) signing to meet code requirements; and (5) the entrance on 5th•and Francis Streets be closed subject to approval by the Public Works Director. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. H. Boy Scout Clubhouse Mayor Haguewood read the "Staff Reports" portion of the Planning Commission minutes in which the Mount Olympus District, Boy Scouts of America re- quested a determination by the Commission as to whether a clubhouse would be a permitted use in residential zones. Councilman Hordyk then sug- gested Attorney Walrath look into the possibility of leasing City prop- erty in the green belt area south of Valley Street to the Soy Scouts for a clubhouse. Attorney Walrath will look into the matter and report his findings to the Planning Commission and the Boy Scout representatives. I. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council accept and place on file the Planning Commission minutes of April 12, 1978. The motion was seconded by Council- man Duncan and carried. 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. Johnie Key Annexation Councilman Buck. moved the Council take this agenda item from the table. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. Mayor Haguewood then opened the public hearing on Mr. Key's request to annex approximately 60 acres of Beacon Hill and Fredericks Additions TPA to the City, and requested comments from the audience. The Council then heard from several members of the audience which voiced both pro and con feelings towards the proposed annexation. During this CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 18, 1978 IV LEGISLATION 3. Cont. 487 discussion, Attorney Ken Williams addressed the Council on behalf of fourteen residents in the proposed annexation area. After presenting the Council with letters of protest from his clients, Mr. Williams pointed out several arguements against the annexation. Three primary arguements were that the proposed annexation appears to be contrary to the City's Comprehensive Plan, the annexation is opposed by the majority of the residents in the area, and the annexation could damage the environ- ment of the area. Following Mr. William's presentation there were several other comments from residents of the area and also from non-residents. Planner Carr also commented on several of Mr. William's arguements. The discussion concluded with Councilman Hordyk apologizing for missing the first public hearing and stating he felt he was not qualified to vote on this subject until he could review the tapes on the previous public hearing. Mayor Haguewood then closed the public hearing and read the proposed Ordinance annexing portions of Beacon Hill and Fredericks Addition to the Mount Angeles Road area of the City. Councilman Anderson then moved the Council table this agenda item until the next regular Council meeting in order to give the Council members who were absent during the first public hearing time to review the tapes. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried with Councilman Boardman voting "NO." B. Amendments to Subdivision Regulations Councilman Hordyk moved the Council take this agenda item from the table. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried. Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from the Planning Department outlining the proposed changes in the subdivisionregulations and then opened the public hearing. During the discussion on the proposed changes, Attorney Walrath made reference to Item 10, Section 6, and advised it be amended as follows: deletion of the word "approximate" and all of the words following the word "platted" up to the next comma. This should be done, Attorney Walrath explained, to protect the City against challenges due to improper notices. There were no further comments on the proposed amendments and Mayor Haguewood closed the public hearing. Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 1966 entitled, Ordinance No. 1966 AN ORDINANCE amending Ordinance No. 1631, the Port Angeles Subdivision Regulations, adding a new Section 10 regulating the occupancy of houses in new subdivisions, and amending Section 6, requiring data for approval of preliminary and . final plats, and requiring improvements. Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as revised by Attorney Walrath. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray. During discussion on the motion, Councilman Anderson questioned Public Works Director Flodstrom and Planner Carr concerning the deletion of the sewer requirement. On call for the question the motion was passed by the Council. C. Amendment to 1978 Revenue Sharing Funds Mayor Haguewood announced that this is the second public hearing for the purpose of changing the expenditure categories of the 1978 Revenue Sharing Funds, and opened the public hearing for comments from the audience. There were no comments and the public hearing was closed. " ~ CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 18,-1978 IV LEGISLATION 3. Cont. Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 1967 entitled, Ordinance No. 1967 AN ORDINANCE amending the 1978 Revenue Sharing Budget to re-allocate funds to the Municipal Civic Field Project. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Council- man Boardman and carried. 4. RESOLUTION RE STREET VACATION: POLLARD/CLALLAM COUNTY Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 22-78 entitled, RESOLUTION NO, 22-78 A RESOLUTION of the City Resolution No. 22-78 j of Port Angeles set}(ng a ' !hearing date for a petition to vacate a portion of Nineteenth A RESOLUTION of the Cit of Port An ales settin a I Street and a portion of the alley Y q 4 in Block asa, PTA. - hearing date for a petition to vacate a portion of WHEREAS, the owners df interests in real estate abutting Nineteenth Street and a portion of the alley in t upon Nineteenth Street and ' Block 454, TPA. alley In Block a54, TPA have filed a petition with the City clerk ro make vacation or the ~lman Buck moved the Council ado t the fore oin Resolution as read following described portion of p g g said street and alley: ~le by Mayor Haguewood, setting a .public hearing date of May 16, 1978 That portion of Nineteenth ~ Street abutting Lot 1, Block 457 le Street vacation request. The motion WdS seconded by Councilman Wray TPA antl Lots 16, 17, and 18, ~rried. Block ESd, TPA and lying north of the northerly margin of Lavridsen BoUleva rd; and That portion of the alley in ,DICE REGULATING PRIVATE SECURITY BUSINESSES Block 454 abutting Lots 3, d, 5, 16, 17 and 19; and WHEREAS, said petition :lman Wray moved the Council take this agenda item from the table. appears to have been signed DY >tion was seconded b Councilman Buck and carried. the owners of more than two- Y thirtls of the property abutting Upon the parrs of said street ' and alley sought to be vacated; Haguewood then introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 1968 entitled, NOW, THEREFORE, BE 5'. RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Ordinance No. 1968 PORT ANGELES as follows: Section 1. The petition to make such vacation shall be ~7 ORDINANCE of the Cit Council of the Cit of hea rtl and determined by this Y Y council nor more than sixty cii0) Port Angeles establishing rules and regulations days nor less than twenty (20) for the overnin days hereafter, to wit: on the I 4 g of private security firms with- tbin day or May, t97e. in the City. Section 2. The City Clerk is { hereby directed to give twenty 4 (20) days notice of the a Walrath then outlined the chan es made in the ro osed Ordinance as pendency of said petition ', Y 5 P P according to the provisions of ,1t of a meeting between himself, Attorney Gary Velie, and Mr. John R CW 35.79.020. PASSED by the Council of the Bahl, representing Peninsula Security. Following Attorney Walrath's City of Port Angeles this tern ;ration, Mr. Velie and Mr. Tangedahl both commented on the day of April, 197e. proposed 5amuelJ.Haguewootl nce, pointing out several areas which they felt may contain potential Mayor ATTEST: ms. Some of these areas included Section 10, which deals with re- Marian c. Parrish, City clerk bn of licenses, the firearm qualifications, the re uirements for ob- APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~I C. T. Walrat~„Ciry Attorney g a license, and the required insurance coverage. During this dis- ' Pub.: Apr 2 / 1979 n Councilman Hord k stated he felt the Y proposed Ordinance was very effective for the needs of the City and pointed out that the Ordinance not only regulated the applicant but also makes the applicant responsible for his employees. Councilman Hordyk also suggested that Section 2, which regulates the time limit for businesses presently operating to obtain a license, be changed from six months to three months. The Council then discussed adequate license fees for the applicant, and registration fees for his employees with Manager Whorton, Attorney Walrath, and Finance Director Orton. After several suggestions, the Council agreed upon the following fees: Class A License - $200 per year; Class B License - five or more registrants - $150 per year -four or less registrants - $75 per year; Class C License - $300 per year. Registration of employees - $25 per year and $15 per year for renewals. The Council also agreed to amend Section 2 to read three months instead of six months. ~'"~ CITY CO~JS~vrIL MEETING ~ ,,W, a ~,~.--,~. ~.~..~ o `~ 1978. ;pJOm ploy-asnou '££EE'L54 'P~enaln09 e aJ,aM AP ogead 'Alleatl ue lOd 41 ea nOA P !m 1 P sala6utl + ~ as!woJdwo~ ua4m s~!4+a 41. n" e m aP aM ou s,aJaul i Aes amau~oo II.noA 'CATION ipJemJalie umaP snt ada4 Pue 6ups!I JnoA+ue °eweu ax,Jd ,~A~ue3 eJlxa.. {,uoP aM 'la6 0l loadxa ue> >rit. noA lean" aouenPe u! nOA ales aM ~ pado d JnoA 6u4s~Vnlnoge Ma or Ha uewood then introduced and read b title Ordinance No. 1967 Y g Y Jol 1 sn• auoud -i53W0~ entitled, AePo+ MOaaOWOl t13A3N ~!~ ~H3a bf10A 1(109tl 3itl153 uoJd lse3 9Zll Ordinance No. 1967 _ )I'ltll 5.13 Il ,Aileaa sa+s3 ' t650L5p asst AN ORDINANCE amending the 1978 Revenue Sharing Budget -LSY 'sae~no!JJ71a as61u piing+nO to re-allocate funds to the Municipal Civic Field Project. Iles '000095 oml'wJe; 'awoU mau waoJpaq ue E Jno ,lulw ane PJ!41 auo P lnoge uas of coeds 3-llln os Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as '695Z~LSV 'A;uo luaWlu!odde ~Aq umo45 vmotu^n0P read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Council- uioJl sal,w r 'iooJ axeus 4+!m man Boardman and carried. uJeq AJOIS L'll'bsoZ6't'Alddns Jalen^ alenlJd luatla~xa saaJ+ 1mJ; Pue sa!JJaq 'P?eiean~JP iLUTION RE STREET VACATION: POLLARD/CLALLAM COUNTY . Al;eu o!ssaload 61 Aep { dol~oelq 'luawaseq lu .IiooP ~ •saoeldaJ!- Z Jauado eau r Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 22-78 entitled, ` a6eJe6 'sJOO41 Leo weld '1 , •. pJeogaseq 'Jalem lou 'S MOPUIM y 'W OOJ 6UlUIP auedowJauswod.lpaq d '~O°J Resolution No. 22-78 ~ -'sales ,~~!Jq 11e 'sane ~/~L uo awo4 main weluna3,ltlns 1 bOd .~ a3NM0 w9 A RESOLUTION of the City of Port Angeles setting a el~,ossaWON QL l hearing date for a petition to vacate a portion of I Nineteenth Street and a portion of the alley in _uaneH+eO-aaq+;tl--" Block 454, TPA. Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title by Mayor Haguewood, setting a public hearing date of May 16, 1978 for the street vacation request. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried. 5. ORDINANCE REGULATING PRIVATE SECURITY BUSINESSES - Councilman Wray moved the Council take this agenda item from the table. ' The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Ordinance No. 1968 entitled, Ordinance No. 1968 AN ORDINANCE of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles establishing rules and regulations for the governing of private security firms with- in the City. Attorney Walrath then outlined the changes made in the proposed Ordinance as a result of a meeting between himself, Attorney Gary Velie, and Mr. John Tangedahl, representing Peninsula Security. Following Attorney Walrath's presentation, Mr. Velie and Mr. Tangedahl both commented on the proposed Ordinance, pointing out several areas which they felt may contain potential problems. Some of these areas included Section 10, which deals with re- vocation of licenses, the firearm qualifications, the requirements for ob- taining a license, and the required insurance coverage. During this dis- cussion Councilman Hordyk stated he felt the proposed Ordinance was very effective for the needs of the City and pointed out that the Ordinance not only regulated the applicant but also makes the applicant responsible for his employees. Councilman Hordyk also suggested that Section 2, which regulates the time limit for businesses presently operating to obtain a license, be changed from six months to three months. - The Council then discussed adequate license fees for the applicant, and registration fees for his employees with Manager Whorton, Attorney Walrath, and Finance Director Orton. After several suggestions, the Council agreed upon the following fees: Class A License - $200 per year; Class B License - five or more registrants - $150 per year - four or less registrants - $75 per year; Class C License - $300 per year. Registration of employees - $25 per year and $15 per year for renewals. The Council also agreed to amend Section 2 to read three months instead of six months. CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 18, 1978 IV LEGISLATION 5. Cont. ~~~ Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council adopt the Ordinance as amended and read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. 6. ORDINANCE INCREASING BUDGET FOR GENERAL ADMINISTRATION Mayor Haguewood introduced and read in full Ordinance No. 1969 entitled, Ordinance No. 1969 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles amending the 1978 City budget and increasing appropriations for the acquisition of certain park related property. Councilman Hordyk moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read in full by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was se conded by Councilman Buck and carried with Councilman Wray voting "NO." 7. ORDINANCE RE NSF ACCOUNTS Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Attorney Walrath explaining that the proposed Ordinance is proposed for adoption as a "housekeeping" measure. Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read in full Ordinance No. 1970 entitled, Ordinance No. 1970 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles prohibiting the issuance of checks or drafts against accounts containing insufficient funds. ' Councilman Hordyk then moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read in full by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Boardman. During discussion on the motion, Attorney Walrath explained that the Ordinance language is identical to the language in Ordinance No. 1734, with the exception of the last line in the first sentence which will now read "shall be guilty of unlawful issuance of a bank check, a misdemeanor;" Ordinance No. 1734 read "shall be guilty of petit larceny" which, in the Municipal Code, is described as the taking of any property of a value of $25 or less. On call for the question, the motion was passed by the Council. 8. RESOLUTION RE RENEWAL CONTRACT FOR CITY HEALTH AND WELFARE PLAN Director of Finance Orton briefly outlined the Blue Cross rate increase and suggested that, since the City's contract with Blue Cross expired April 1, 1978, the City write a Minimum/Maximum contract with Blue Cross and an interim measure. Under the Minimum/Maximum plan, Mr. Orton explained, the 28.2$ increase will be reduced to I8.2~ and guaranteed for twelve months. If, at the end of the rating year our plan were to show a loss, Blue Cross would reserve the right to adjust rates and retroactivly collect the loss up to the amount of the original 28.2 rate increase. The Council discussed this matter briefly with Mr. Orton and then Mayor Haguewood introduced and read by title Resolution No. 23-78 entitled, Resolution No. 23-78 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles authorizing the City Manager to exe- cute a renewal contract for City health and wel- fare plans. Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. 4"0 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 18, 1978 IV LEGISLATION 9. RESOLUTION RE AGREEMENT FOR "SCAN" TELEPHONE LINES Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Finance Director Orton summarizing the cost savings potential through use of the "SCAN" long distance telephone network. The present "SCAN" rates are $. 07 per minute anywhere in the State and $. 15 to $.28 outside Washington, as compared to $.41 per minute as the lowest weekday rate for a long distance call between Port Angeles and Seattle This agreement, Mr. Orton continued, may cut the City's long distance charges by 40~. Mayor Haguewood then introduced and read by title Resolution No. 24-78 entitled, Resolution No. 24-78 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles authorizing the City Manager to sign an agreement for "SCAN" telephone service. Councilman Buck moved the Council adopt the foregoing Resolution as read by title by Mayor Haguewood. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. 10. PROJECT TO UPDATE CITY TELEPHONE SYSTEM Manager Whorton informed the Council that the Pacific Northwest Bell rate increase deadline has been scheduled for May 10, 1978, and suggested the Council table this agenda item in order to give the Council members more time in which to consider the information submitted by Finance Director Orton on the upgrading of the City's telephone communication system. Councilman Buck then moved this agenda item be table. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray and carried with Councilman _Hordyk voting "NO." 11. SHORELINE PERMIT APPLICATION: PENINSULA PLYWOOD ' Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from the Planning Department concerning Peninsula Plywood's application for a Shoreline Permit to do work within the shoreline area consisting of construction of a rail spur and paving 48,000 square feet of the sawmill site. The proposed rail spur would enable Pen Ply to load lumber flatcars on site, and the paving of 'the sawmill site would reduce dust emissions. Councilman Buck then moved the Council concur with the recommendation of the Planning Department and approve Peninsula Plywood's application for a shore- line permit subject to compliance with XVII F 16. c and d of the Shoreline Master Program. The motion was seconded by Councilman Wray. During dis- cussion on the motion, Councilman Anderson questioned Planner Carr and Mr. Gene Heller, Manager of Pen Ply, regarding run-off from the paved sawmill site which will be directed into the city storm drainage system. Mr. Heller assurred the Council that Pen Ply will initiate some kind of straining system for this run-off. Councilman Boardman also questioned Mr. Heller concerning the possibility of a viewing area for tourists to observe the lumber loaders at the Pen Ply log yard. On call for the question, the motion was passed by the Council. 12. FIRE DISTRICT NO. 2 DISPATCHING AGREEMENT Councilman Wray moved the Council approve the dispatching agreement between Clallam County Fire District No. 2 and the City. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck. During discussion on the motion, Councilman Anderson questioned Fire Chief Cameron concerning the boundaries of Fire District No. 2 and whether they would respond to a call from Monroe School upon request. On call for the question, the motion was then passed by the Council. CITY COUNCIL MEETING ~~° April 18', 1978 IV LEGISLATION 13. REQUEST FROM WASHINGTON TRUCKING ASSOCIATION RE TRUCK ROUTE 1 Mayor Haguewood read a letter from Mr. Wayne Wilhelm, Chairman of the Washington Trucking Association, requesting the Council consider a third lane on the Truck Route for safety reasons. Following a brief discussion with Public Works Director Flodstrom regarding what portion of the Truck Route would have a third lane, Councilman Anderson moved the Council refer this matter to the City's Traffic Engineer. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. 14. BOARD APPOINTMENTS A. Community Action Council Board Mayor Haguewood appointed Councilman Buck to the Community Action Council Board in response to a request by Helen Athow, Chairperson of the Clallam-Jefferson Community Action Council. B. Mental Health Developmental Disability Board Manager Whorton will inquire as to the function of this Board and it's meeting schedule and will report back to the Council. 15. AWC CONFERENCE DELEGATES Councilman Buck moved the Council appoint Councilmen Anderson and Wray and Manager Whorton as voting delegates to the 1978 AWC Annual Convention to be held June 16, 1978 in the Yakima Convention Center. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. • 1 16. COAST GUARD PUBLIC HEARINGS ON TANKER REGULATIONS FOR PUGET SOUND A. Authorization for City Manager to Testify Councilman Duncan moved the Council authorize Manager Whorton to testify at the Coast Guard Public Hearings on proposed regulations to govern the operation of tankers in Puget Sound, to be held April 20 and 21, 1978 in Seattle. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried. B. Consideration of Proposed Testimony Councilman Duncan stated she felt Manager Whorton's statement on the proposed regulations to govern tankers in Puget Sound was excellent, and pointed out very well the City's concern over the lack of vessel traffic safety regulations as they apply to the Straits of Juan de Fuca. There was no Council action on this agenda item. 17. REQUEST RE CLASS "A" DANCE LICENSE: WAGON WHEEL TAVERN 1 Councilman Anderson moved the Council approve willaim J. Hoy dba wagon Wheel Tavern's request for a Class "A" dance license. The motion was seconded by Cou ncilman Hordyk. During discussion on the motion, Mayor Haguewood suggested Attorney Walrath review Ordinance No. 1365, which governs public dance halls and which was adopted in 1956, to see if it needs updating. On call for the question, the motion was passed by the Council. V ITEMS FROM THE AUDIENCE NOT ON THE AGENDA a. "~_ mwa~w cQ ¢cm ~~u ~ ~ Ea« °'u W oo~n ~ «: o:U ~c°°Eu m~ NYN Y c ~ W¢mmav ~ Qo o~ ... om ro uc° Q 2^var-`.. yc .~~ ca-61~ ~ c au 1 ~Q~VVI ° qp ~O~..mLq U. ~W~ n RL^°u~ ci ~w ~QO aV ••D atc U n ;QVw 46'x,-wwN~tOa~0opm~t K L nWmu G ~.. OroJ•-c2 .Zd v Q i. u=co«N 1'6Or-co~ 'o °io.-~~~m« ,~ ,y ~Z~cE>u wc_ ~com>ci«_°_: `m ~5 To ~ I oW ~' > -OqN°N.CyyrCn~l°pi_dv0 z>~~EQ •om~J`o~ma'o¢AamCnXOQ ° ~,a~M u~ u~ in N u m r ~ `C ° a n + None. " ? CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 18, 1978 VI FINANCE 1. CONSIDERATION OF SIDS A. Light Department - Distribution Transformers Councilman Wray moved the Council award the bid for 7200-120/240 volt pole type transformer to the low bidder, Utility Supply, with a total bid price of $9,368.61 including tax; award the bid for dual voltage pole type transformer to the low bidder, Utility Supply, with a total bid price of $66,673.34 including tax; and award the bid for dual voltage pad mounted transformer to the low bidder, Standard Transformer, with a total bid price of $7,349.64 including tax. The motion was seconded by Councilman Anderson and carried. B. City/Port Joint Sanitary Sewer Project Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from the Public works Department which briefly summarized the joint sewer project between the City and the Port for construction of a sewer line for the new Airport Industrial Park. The.-Port has opened the bids on this portion of the Industrial Park Development and have accepted the low bid of Del Guzzi Construction, which amounts to $396,277.44, subject to confirmation and approval by the City Council. The City's portion of the project involves the con- struction of a twelve inch sanitary sewer along Milwaukee Drive from Tenth Street to Sixth Street. The original estimate and budgeted amount was $35,000. However, Public Works Director Flodstrom has been informed by the Port`s engineer that the City's share may be as much as $42,000. The Council then discussed this matter briefly with Public Works Director Flodstrom, who stated he felt the $42,000 was high but could make no comments on it until he was able to review an itemized breakdown of the bid amount. Mr. Flodstrom did, however, recommend 'the Council approve Del Guzzi Construction's low bid so that work on the project could proceed. Councilman Wray then moved the Council approve Del Guzzi Construction's low bid and enter into the joint sanitary sewer project for the Airport Industrial Park, with the City's share of the project not to exceed $42,000. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. 2. SALE OF MUNICIPAL PIER BONDS Mayor Haguewood read a memorandum from Finance Director Orton outlining the bids recieved for the sale of the Municipal Pier bonds and recommending acceptance of the low bid of United California Bank of 5.434$. Councilman Wray then moved the Council award the bid for the sale of the Municipal Pier bonds to United California Bank with a net interest rate of 5.434$. The motion was seconded by Councilman Buck and carried. Other bidders included Rainier Bank - 5.550257; Seattle First National Bank - 5.520245$; Continential Bank - 5.503332; Foster and Marshall - 5.4870118; and Seattle Northwest Securities - 5.463770. 3. STOP-WORK ORDER BILLING - F. DALTON Mayor Haguewood informed the Council that this bill for an improper stop work order had been submitted by Mr. Dalton at the April 4, 1978 Council meeting. Mr. Dalton stated at that time that he felt he was not responsible , for the bill since the stop-work order was given without sufficient reason. Mayor Haguewood then requested recommendations from Manager Whorton and Public Works Director Flodstrom on this matter. Both Mr. Whorton and Mr. Flodstrom recommended denial of the claim. 4. CALL FOR BIDS - LIGHT DEPARTMENT Councilman Hordyk moved the Council authorize the Light Department to call for bids on an additional 300 KVA padmounted transformer for a 27 unit apart- ment complex at Second and Penn Streets. The motion was seconded by Council- man Wray and carried. CITY COUNCIL MEETING ~?^~ April I8, 1978 VII CONSENT AGENDA Councilman Buck moved the Council accept the items under the Consent Agenda including Vouchers Payable of $232,704.20 and Payroll of $116,056.41. The motion was seconded by Councilman Hordyk and carried. Items approved under the Consent Agenda are as follows: 1. Approved payment of $109,387,35 to Del Guzzi Construction Company as the ' first progress payment on the Civic Field Project. 2. Approve payment of $1,854.15 to Cronauer Construction as the retained per- centage on Fhase I, Demohta.on, of the Civic Field Project. 3. Authorize the Light Department to call for bids on two 300 KVA pad mounted transformers. 4. Notification has been received from the Washington State Liquor Control Board of a Class C liquor license application for the Kitchen Loft, House of Health, 511 East First Street. 5. Approved the April 3, 1978 Board of Adjustment minutes. VIII LATE ITEMS 1. BURROWES AND FOX EASEMENT - RESOLUTION Manager Whorton informed the Council that two major conditions have been added to the Resolution authorizing the Burrowes and Fox easement: (A) Condition No. 2 - the term of the easement shall be for a period of twenty- five (25) years, with an option to renew for a term to be agreed upon by the parties; and (B) Condition No. 11 - easement shall be exclusively used to provide access to the Burrowes and Fox timber lands referred to above for logging purposes. During discussion on the proposed Resolution, Councilman Wray suggested the work "only" be inserted at the end of Condition No. 11 to keep out any and all private parties which are interested in this area. Councilman Wray then moved the Council adopt the Resolution authorizing the Mayor to sign an easement across City property for the Burrowes and Fox Logging Company to log and market timber owned by them. The motion was .seconded by Councilman Duncan and carried with Councilman Hordyk voting "NO. Resolution No. 25-78 A RESOLUTION of the City Council of the City of Port Angeles, Washington, amending Resolution No. 3-78 authorizing the Mayor to sign an easement across City property to permit Burrowes and Fox Logging Company to log and market timber owned by them. 2. ORDINANCE RE SETTLEMENT OF SPRAGUES VS CITY OF PORT ANGELES Ordinance No. 1971 was introduced and read by title. Ordinance No. 1971 AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles authorizing the payment of funds in settlement of Claliam County Superior Court Cause No. 23774, Spragues, inc, vs the City of Port Angeles. Councilman Anderson then moved the Council adopt the foregoing Ordinance as read by title. The motion was seconded by Councilman Bu ck and carried unanimously. - ~.~. T ~.. :~-~-s -~ ..-_ : _ : , , ._ ~ ~ L~ qqG - m 9~ L O Q £ O`mo~~«4C~C ° Cg G`D1 ~.C ~~' DOV9q m ~a aN m 3. C G C' °i3y ~~$ ~~ _ - CVO ~' mm0 -L O g C y ~EA j0 m G ~°E°~qo^.a&o. EJ ads>'do~Q«,^.,~ Q ae~~c N u° 5 mt'G°$adc I i n m a~'~:~ ~__ tea...,. .nm m E~«i ~ o 8, >. 6ri«~~ mid=-~~ i a: ° o m `o ,;YCOm ~'io Ea-^'~ o uJa m`dnuLLn~¢3 ° voo dD d~%~%~ o° c , m a Qoa°n~-"3^~AU>~'^~~°°acga vc- ~rompm v a a ~£m' _d °~vmi ~ a N . oa n 2 O _ w ~y .•- c o m ... o«`w LL 3 w oOt NV.$^c~mm O,0 oEu~Y nL`_f«m ~~pp C~9~ m C C0. q~N~ W o = U °~+. > C ._ m- m u C m C y m Ip " C~ Q V m a C p 1b '~ - C j n ~n$E'^°+« Na f 16~mF T=d~ma 0~ V JVa~ym ~VVy°CV L q 3 NC m ` . V . C~ G ~O ~~ V a N C µ d W V C a0 ~ I ~ g V~~ m~°~ m r O O Q Q~ g 4 R~ N V N L a~ L r _ N Z ZdC G~mGCpu107jaa 6^~1`m~dD0QLmC-AmL~~NF=Ca=bU6G m Ga3a ~ ° ~ L m ~ mama GWN Q ~•Y« OO{ ; ~QrG ~i C~ r0~ C° ~ 494 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 18, 1978 VIX STAFF REPORTS 1. Councilman Boardman: Questioned Manager Whorton concerning letters to Bert Cole and Governor Ray regarding the DNR leasing proposals in the harbor. Requested the Council look over the home occupation guidelines during a work session. 2. Councilman Hordyk: Announced that Bert Cole will be the speaker at a meeting of the Clallam County Democratic Club on Wednesday, April 19, 1978 at 8:00 P.M. in the Women's Literary Clubhouse in Port Angeles. 3. Councilman Wray: Commented on a newspaper article on a hugh "mountain" of compacted trash in California. 4. Councilman Duncan: Informed the Council that Northern Tier has typed up the questions she raised at the April 4, 1978 meeting and they will have answers for her soon. 5. Manager Whorton: Reminded the Council of the Executive Session to be held after the meeting. Announced that either he or Attorney Walrath will be attending the next meeting of the BLM Coordinating Committee to be held Tuesday, May 2, 1978 in Portland. X ADJOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 10:35 P.M. to an Executive Session. City Clerk " ' - Washington. Bids will be opened and ~~ fobulated for the City Council y~ consideration by said I~ Council in session Tuesday, 11184 May 2, 1978. •-- The Council . reserves the 1 •l Alr~j right to consider delivery time ~MSp and to acceptor to reiecf any or --- ~ ~' "°41478.6 ~^~-~,~ ail bids or any part there NOTICE OF The unit price shall pr f CALL FOR BIDS ~ tone orrectt ang extension City of port Angeles, Light improper sa~+s~taxes. Oepartment, Pub.: April 04. hl, 1978. ' NOTICE is hereby given that ~/ ~ sealed bids will be received by - ihe Ctty Clerk, City of Port' Angeles, 140 West Front Street, P.O. Box 711, Port Angeles, Washington 98362, until 2:Opi P.M. Thursday, April 27, 1978, and that the Cify will reject all ' bids received, after the scheduled closing time and date, The bids will be opened I jpublicly of that time for ~ (furnishing the following equipment and-or inateriaC PAOMOUNTED 300KVA II} TRANSFORMER: f 12,470 Ground Y-7200 - fff 2087-120 Radial Feed 4,160 Ground 7.2400 x 12,470 Ground Y-7200 - 480Y•277V + Dual Voltage Loop Feed Bid specifications may be ' Obtained from the Light Department Office at 240 West Front Street, Port Angeles, Washington, 98362. I A certified check or bid bond or 5 percent of the amount of , the bid shla! accompany each >id. All bids are to include lelivery F.O.B. Port Angeles, _ !~ 22676 B C NOTICE OF BOND SALE CITY OF PORTANGELES, WASHINGTON GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS NOTICE IS H ER EBY GI V ENO ha00 he City Manager of the City ~~of Port Angeles, Washington, will receive sealed bids at his office in the City Hall in Port Angeles, Washington, on APRIL 18, 1978 until 11:00 o'clock a.m., Pacific Standard Time, et which time bids will be publicly opened, for the purchase of The general obligation bonds of the City in the principal amount of 52,000,000. Said bids will be considered and acted upon at a meeting of the ' City Coundt to beheld at 7:30 o'clock p.m. on the same date. BONb OETAlLS: The bonds will be dated Mav 1, 1978, will be •B•s•rw °Illl1 j 1N1 w oswtl qu!1 MON fM°N Mayor iSMN °1lµ1 YYS 'llPll lp!wl °I1AS sfloµ ail of. evail iN sMipl aetn°rA nu1°sr°tt °M right Ll_~PI /lE 9 F~!IaMI s or S-ONIN e!f°{7IA-Y3tp °It>oS-9NIN tNf3 9 °INq S °INrJ -~ ~y°µl~ Of~ IiBI's~dS °~.lfrgl 00=~ SM711~~ SSiINI~ BO: -=Mtll Apel °n, °! ur of~ e ntµP9 u°pj sl°1c11 00 ° J %IP°IN-npN auoHrA-11192 ° 2 INq yin uois~na0a1 ~looa ;o sual 000'Zl to wnwlurw e )o luawaoeld '6[6E aagol~p plpdun 6uiuiewaa luawssasse Auy • sb~ 01 BL61 IsnBny 6utanp y6n01$ t uo lsaaalu! '611eUad Inoyllm 'uorl]al0] a01 41!w5 !e Toaload leaapad ay( !O yW!I weaalsdn ay! u . spueV s!y ul s! tloa luawssasse a p e puelsl 7l ]otl uaaMlaq 1165 ayl y1 leyl a]Ilbu to aaanseaal Aluno) ayl Aq u0!;e~ltgnd 15x11 ua 11a ]eltl aq 1pM >IOOa ;o suet puesnoVl aulu-Rluana5 'swao s l0 alap woo; s.1eR (OE1 Ala!41 u1y ti. d l l ueaob wpa; palaud leaapad 7t, e p aq ,tew uoaaayl bulaeadde luawssasse euy ayl of uotloal oud saplnoatl 11tls ayl ~uoJ6ulyseM 'ysnde-t -uolpatlo0 aol spuey Aw u± pa~eld 1e puelsl 5awef ;0 ylaou ,I;tls ueaoo ayi jo uoll eaolsau lo uaaq sey '9L6L '6Z ~Inf u0"' pa;dope LS-21J 'o uo n 's1s15uo] ~laoM pasodo~d aijl k ~ „ ll N tosa2f "~q pauapuo se 6uueay"o!Ignd 1 uollenaasaa ue!pul ualle '9L6L '9L '6ny paltlo Pe~59' "alnayn0 ayl ;o sa!lepu noq ayy ~ •217 'aN uo!Inlosd?J Rq pal ea~o L1yl1M cart loo Loud leaapad ay; '.io IIV 'apls lsam sl! fiuole oo 'uo16u1yseM 'A1uno~ wellpD to BS'oN U a t l +000'1 6trl pllalxa lleM fiulu!eal ! J9!O luawanoudwl Pe021 x01 pox luawssasse ay e y11m 6uol lad; pLp'( pup °'ap1,H Taal EIE Inoge 'daaP ax ; ley! uan16 Agaaay s! aa11oN aewlo - ' l ; ~01 utseq leoq a pue :(an110ew1 S 05 oN htalsl0 luawanadwl Peo 21 17aloud leaapad ayl ;o 1!w!I weaalsdn ayl 01 Taal 006.1 S1 N3WSS3SSV d0 N011~3~10'~ Inoge 6ulpualxa 'ap!,H laal SL d03~ilON pue tlaap Taal Ot aouayl (aal ern BL9E daap woa; weaalsdn tool OOr'L lnoge 6ulpualxa aplm Taal OOl pue tlaap 1aa; Ol lauuey~ e :opts Alaalsam ay1 uo suloa6 '8L6E 'OL 'El '9 y~ueW :-And 47tH a:ltp a pue ylnow Janra ay! to opts Afualsea ay! uo y6!y Taa LZEE LS6 Z9E86 bM 'sala6uy 1x06 l Sl 6Jtal a aol saplnoatl yoa!oad ulooull 'S Zll u1MUl 'g 11 e1d to leaapad pa2taoylne ay1 ~ llb'7d '0 )ENV21d (uolssaS PZ 'ssau6uo~ 1518 '6L5 luawnob0 ' an11e1uasaudaa leuosuad aol Aauaollb asnoHl)pS6l E UagwaltlaS }ol~b 13WWIS'S ~3HJbM Pub.: Feb. 26~ March 6, 73, 20, 1978. ~ City Clerk 1 1 494 CITY COUNCIL MEETING April 18, 1978 "{'/'1"'Lega otfces ego ~7zBf_,FT_ VTX STAFF REPORTS in the eenomination of 55,000 each, will be numbered 1-400, inclusive, and will matureserially in the order of their number an ~ - the first dayof May of each of the years and in principal amounts 1. Councilman Boardman: Questi< each year as follows: Bond Nos. Years Bert Cole and Governor Ray rE L12 1980 Amounts 13-25 1981 £ 60,000 harbor. Requested the Counci 2e-a9 ss,ooo 46.53 1982 70,000 during a Work SE!SSlOn. 54-58 1983 70,000 I 69.84 1984 75,000 1985 80,000 85-101 2. Councilman Hordyk: Announce2 lot-n9 1986 es,ooo =eting of the Clallam County Democr~ 12o-13e 1988 ~ 90.000 139-158 95,000 : 00 P.M. in the Women's Literary 159-179 1990 100,000 180-202 1991 105,000 2o3.4za 1 u,ooo ' 3. Councilman Wray: Commented o 227-251 j99j 120,000 ~ ]25,000 252278 of 1994 compacted trash in California 279-706 7995 135,000 307-336 140,000 337-367 X997 150,000 4. Councilman Duncan: Informed' 368-400 155,000 The bonds will bear interest payable semian ll rs~ nua y on the fl the questions She raised at j days of May and November of each year from date of iss ( e ue commencing May 1, 1979). answers for her soon. I PAYING AGENT: The principal of and interest n th o e bonds will be payable ai the office of the Treasurer of the City of Pori ~ Angeles, Washington o i t , r, a he option of the holder, at either of 5. Manager Whorton: Reminded t the fiscal agencies of~th St t eld e a e of Washington in the Cities of after the meeting. Announce Sea Trye, Washington, or New York, New York e . PRIOR REDEMPTION: Bonds maturing on or after May 1, attending the next meeting O 7989 are subject to redemption at r i pa pr or to maturity at the Tuesda , Ma 2 1978 in Port option of the City in whole, or in part in inverse numerical order y y ~ on , any interest payment date on or after May 1, 1988. SECURITY: The bonds will be general obligati b on onds. The City, as authorized by law, vote of ifs qualified electors, and X ADJOURNMENT ordinances of its City Council dul y and regularly passed, has irrevocably pledged that, unless the principal of and interest on e the bonds of this issue are paid fr th om o er sources, iT will make The meeting adjourned at 10:35 F annual levies of taxes without limitation as to rate or amount upon all of the property in the CiTy subject to taxation in amounts sufficient to pay such princi al I ' p and nterest as the same shall become due. INTEREST RATE AND BIDDING DETAILS: Each bid shall be enclosed in a sealed envelo Th pe. ere is no official bid form. I Each bid submitted shallprovtdeforpaymentofaccruedinterest ~ iq date of delivery and shall specify either (a) the lowest rate Or rates of Interest and premi i um, f any, above par, ai which }he bidder will purchase the bonds; or (D} the lowest rate or rates of i nterest at which the bidder will purchase the bonds aT par, No bid will be accepted for the purchase of l t ess han all of the bonds or for a price less than 100 percent of the principal amount of The I bonds. One or more rates Of interest maybe fixed for the bonds, which ~ rate or rates must be in a multiple of 'ie or 1-2D of 1 percent. No ~ / tl ;~ ?JrL-~[_J C~ . /J QGIGLC~ _ 6e the Same on al l bonds matu ring in an on r h T- City Clerk y e year the same or •--~'- ` " each year on any bond, and represented by one coupon for each Washington, ~ ~ installment. There shall not be a difference-of m th ore an 2 Bids will be opened an( Percent between the Eowesi and highest rates bid . tabulated for the City Counci It's requested that each bid state the total interest cost over the for consideration D life of the bonds less the premi i , um, f any, and the net effective Council in session Tuesda interest rate of such bid. Such sTa tam eni shall not b d y e eemed to May 2, 1978, be a part of such bid. - The Council . reserves ihr The City reserves the right to reieci any and all bids received and to waive any irregularities ther right to consider deli i e n. very timt and Toaccepior}oreiectanyor DEPOSIT: All bids, except that of the State of Washington, r - ~ ~ -_- __ ~~ all bads Or any part th shall be accompanied by a deposit of 5 ` ereof, percent of the amount 0( 414786 ~ -~+--J The unit price shall r the bonds either in cash or by cashier's or certified check made ~ NOTICE OF and the P evar Payable unconditionally to the Cit City reserv hi h t ~ y, w es c he righ amount or check will CALL FOR BIDS fo be returned to the bidder if the bid is not accepted. If the correct any extensions of 1 City of Port An el su s i Li g e , ght mproper sajgs~taxes. ccessful bidder shall fail or neglect to complete the purchase of Department, pub : April sAitl bonds within shirty.five da I4 1 19 s fr th ~ ~ y om 78 e a[cepia nce of his bid, NOTICE is hereby given that the amount so deposited shall be forfeited to the Cit No int I sealed bi y. erest ds will be received by ~- _ ~ -- --,., Shall De allowed On Such deposit, the Cit Cl k y er , City of Porf ~ AWARD: The bonds will be awarded To the bidder whose bid Angeles, 740 West Front Street ' produces the low t t , es ne interest cost f0 the City to be determined P.O. Box 711, port Angeles, by computing the total dollar interest cost f rom the date of the Washington 98362, until 2:00; I bonds to the respective maturity dates and deducting therefrom P.M. Thursday 'any premi April 27 f9 , , um. 78, I and that the City will reject all ' DELI VERY: Printed bonds wilt be furnished by the CiTy and I bids re i ce ved. after the . will be delivered to the purchasers in Seattle, Washington, at the scheduled closing Time and expense of the City, or elsewhere at the urchas ' p er s option and date. The bids will be opened I expense. Accrued interest to the date of delivery of the bonds ;publicly of that lime fort Shall be paid by the purchaser at th Ti ( e me of delivery,Bafflement furnishing the following + for the bonds shall be made in Federal Funds available on Th e W t q e pmen and•or material: date and at the time and pia [e of delivery. 1 EACH 300KVA ~ The approving legal opinion of the taw firm of PresTOn, ,PADMOUNTED + Thorgrimson, Ellis, Holman & Fletcher to the effect th t :TR a (a} the ANSFORMER: M3 I bonds are valid and legally binding general obligations of the 12,470 Ground Y-7200 - 'City, (b} unless paid from other sources th b , e onds are payable 208Y-120 Radial Feed ~ I from ad valorem Taxes levied upon all the taxable properly 4 160 Gro d ith , un Y-2400 x ~ 1 w in The City without limitation as to rate or amount and (c) 12,470 Ground Y-7400 - interest on the bonds is exempt from federal i ncome taxes, will 480Y-277V be printed on the bonds and will be furnished, without cost, to The I Dual Voltage Loop Feed ~ I successful bidder ai the tim f e o delivery. The obligations Bid specifications may be ' hereunder t0 deliver Or aCtept.}he bonds shall be conditioned on Obtained from th ~ th Li i '~ e eava ght labilityand delivery at the time of delivery of the bonds Department office at 240 West of said approving opinion, and of a certificate, in form and tenor Front Street Po t ~ , r Angeles, satisfactory to said law firm and dated as of the date of such Nashington, 98362. ~ delivery, t0 the effect that there i5 n0 liti ati n A g o pending Or (to the certified check or Did bond knowledge of The signer or signers thereof) threatened affecting ~r s percent of the 'th amount of e validity of the bonds. he bid shlal accompany each CUSIP NUMBERS: It is anticipated that CUSIP identification lid All bid . s are to include numbers will be pri nTed on said bonds, but neither the failure t0 teiivery F.O.B. Port Angeles, ~ ~ print such number on any bond nor any error with r r - espect thereto ~ shall constitute cause for a failure or refusal by the pur.haser 246788[ thereof to accept delivery of and payfor said bonds in accordance NOTICEOF BONDSALE with the terms of the purchase contract. Ali expenses in relation - CITY OF PORT ANGELES, WASHINGTON to the printing of CUSIP numbers an sa itl bonds shall be paid for GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS by the City; provided, however, that the CUSIP Service Bureau 52000000 charge tar the assignment of said numbers shalt be the NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVENihaiThe[ityManagerofiheCii responsibility of and shall be paid for by the purchaser. F URTHER INFORMATION: Further informattgn regarding i of Port Angeles,Washington, will receive sealed bids at his office These bond i th n s may be obtained upon request made to Seatile- e City Hall in Port Angeles, Washington, on APRIL 18, 1978 5ecurities Corporation, 500 Union Street, Seattle, until 17:00 o'clock a.m., Pacific Standard Time, ai which time ~o n Wash ng bids will be publicly opened, for the purchase of The general DATED ar Port Angeles, Washington, this 21st day of obligation bonds of the City to the principal amount of 54 000 000 , , . February, 1978, ;Said bids will be considered and acted upon at a meeting of the ' Marian C. Parrish City Council to be held at 7:30 O'clock p.m. On the same date . BOND OETAlLS: The bonds will be dated Mav 1, 7978, will be Pub.: Feb. 26, March 6, 73. 20, 1918. City clerk