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Port Angeles, Washington
April 18, 2000
CALL TO ORDER - Mayor Doyle called the regular meeting of the Port Angeles City Council to order at
ROLL CALL: Members Present: Mayor Doyle, Councilmembers Campbell, Erickson, Hulett,
and Williams.
Members Absent: Councilmembers McKeown and Wiggins.
Staff Present: Manager Quinn, Attorney Knutson, Clerk Upton, G. Cutler,
D. McKeen, Y. Ziomkowski, D. Miller, S. McLain, G.
Kenworthy, D. Ridout, and T. Smith.
Public Present: J. Carlio, L. Lee, B. Philpott, A. Bentley.
PLEDGE OF The Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Doyle. There was a moment
ALLEGIANCE: of silence for City employee Dave Wilcox.
CEREMONIAL Earth Day Proclamation:
PROCLAMATIONS: Mayor Doyle read a proclamation declaring Earth Day to be April 22, 2000. Dale
Miller accepted the proclamation and distributed recycling information to the Council.
Earth Day Proclamation
WORK SESSION: Clallam County Solid Waste Management Plan:
Clallam County Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided by the Department of Public Works
Comprehensive Solid & Utilities. Public Works & Utilities Director Cutler indicated the presentation this
Waste Management Plan evening was intended to provide a briefing of the Plan and answer any questions the
Council may have. The Council will be asked to adopt the plan at its next meeting, after
which the Plan will be submitted to the State for approval. Director Cutler then
introduced Mr. Rick Hlavka of Green Solutions to present the Clallam County
Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan (CSWMP).
With the use of Power Point, Mr. Hlavka referenced the current Solid Waste
Management Plan which was adopted on January 19, 1993. An update to the plan
became necessary by virtue of upcoming anticipated changes, and the Solid Waste
Advisory Committee began the process to update the Plan and to address the future
solid waste activities in the County. Because the Port Angeles Landfill will be closing
in 2006 and because it is expected that waste will have to be exported, there were many
elements of the Plan which had to be considered.
Mr. Hlavka reviewed the participants in the Solid Waste Advisory Committee and
summarized the changes expected to happen in the future. He delineated the elements
of the Solid Waste Management Plan, as well as the Plan recommendations, to include
such areas as waste prevention, recycling, composting, collection, transfer, incineration,
landfilling, waste import/export, regulation/administration, and special wastes. The
adoption process for the Plan involves review by the public and the Department of
Ecology, approval by local governments, final approval by Ecology, and finally, the
Plan implementation.
Mr. Hlavka asked of Council if there were any questions, and Councilmember Erickson
inquired about reserve capacity at the Landfill in case of emergency. Mr. Hlavka
indicated this possibility had been considered, but because of the great expense that
would be involved, it was not further pursued. It was noted that the Blue Mountain
transfer station could be used in the event of an early Port Angeles landfill closure.
Councilman Campbell introduced the subject of financing for the new system, and Mr.
April 18, 2000
WORK SESSION: Hlavka summarized the different options, to include the formation of a collection or
(Cont'd) disposal district. He indicated it might be the better option to create a disposal system
or district which would have taxing authority. Formation of such a district would have
Clallam County to be approved by a majority of the voters. Discussion folloWed, and Mayor Doyle asked
Comprehensive Solid for further information on the details of plan administration. Councilmen Hulett asked
Waste Management Plan if the County would have authority to regulate the transfer station operation, and Mr.
(Cont'd) Hlavka noted the County would issue a permit for the station.
Director Cutler stressed the importance of recycling, as efforts proceed toward closure
of the Landfill. In that regard, one of the first steps taken has been the conversion to
smaller trash containers. Director Cutler asked that any additional questions be directed
to him before the next Council meeting.
Capital Facilities Plan Director Cutler reviewed the information contained in the packet on the matter of the
Capital Facilities Plan. He noted several changes made to the document, explaining the
document in detail and the significance of each column. The Capital Facilities Plan will
be adopted once a year. Manager Quinn emphasized how important the CFP can be in
terms of contract management. He reviewed the fact that $1,000,000 had been set aside
in the 1999 budget process and an additional $650,000 in the 2000 budget process, and
it was agreed that the combined amounts could be used for capital projects to benefit the
community. The task now is to consider the $1,650,000 and allocate it to some capital
projects. The current reserves are almost $3,000,000. Manager Quinn indicated that the
goal of this evening's discussion was to address the General Government projects.
Adoption of the Plan can take place at the next Council meeting.
Director Cutler referenced the spreadsheet in the CFP and advised the Council that staff
is recommending 13 projects for endorsement. He proceeded to review the specific
details pertinent to each project, clarifying the total costs and funding options, as well as
the associated time frames. He clarified that many projects not included in the 13
prioritized will still be accomplished during the year. Manager Quinn requested that
Director Cutler address those projects that would be finished or at least started during this
calendar year. Director Cutler included project numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, and 10 in that
Discussion, questions and answers followed, and Mayor Doyle felt this review had been
a worthwhile start. The Council posed questions relative to specific projects, and
Councilman Williams referenced the hillside behind the Lee Hotel which he felt could
be a source for parking in the downtown area. He suggested staff consider this for
further exploration. Also, Councilman Hulett mentioned the possibility of an observation
area at the top of the Laurel Street stairs, and Director Cutler indicated this would likely
be part of architectural,and engineering design as relates to the overall project. Director
Cutler made closing comments, asking that Council direct any inquiries or questions to
Break Mayor Doyle recessed the meeting for a break at 6:50 p.m. The meeting reconvened at
7:10 p.m.
FINANCE: I. Award Bid for 90-Gallon Solid Waste Containers:
Solid Waste Containers Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided by Public Works & Utilities regarding
Bid Award the purchase of 90-gallon solid waste containers. Director Cutler was pleased with the
bid spread, noting the low bidder came in under budget. Mayor Doyle noted the City
would need 4,000 containers over a three-year period, so the bid of $61,615 is for the
first phase of 1,400 containers. Councilman Campbell inquired as to whether additional
containers should be purchased in view of the fact the bids came in lower than
anticipated. Deputy Director Ridout indicated the bid is good for the entire year, and it
is possible that Public Works could purchase additional containers up to the $75,000 '
budget figure.
Councilman Campbell moved to authorize the Director of Public Works & Utilities
to purchase the 90-gallon trash containers from North American Crane &
Equipment. Councilman Williams seconded the motion, which carried
April 18, 2000
"I" Street Substation Bid 2. "I" Street Substation Bid Award:
Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided by Public Works & Utilities and, after
limited discussion, Councilmember Erickson moved to award the contact to Triaxis
Engineering. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Peabody Heights Water 3. Final Acceptance for Peabody Heights Water Main Improvements:
Main Improvements Final
Acceptance Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided by Public Works & Utilities.
Councilmember Hulett moved to accept the project as presented. Councilman
Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Electrical Distribution 4. Electrical Distribution Design Bid Award:
Design Bid Award
Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided by Public Works & Utilities. Director
Cutler advised the Council that projects had been bundled together because the work was
similar, and the intent was to reduce the overall design costs. Councilman Campbell
moved to accept the recommendation as presented to award the design contract to
Triaxis Engineering. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried
CONSENT AGENDA: Councilman Williams moved to accept the Consent Agenda, to include: 1) special
Council meeting minutes of March 23, 2000, and regular Council meeting minutes of
April 4, 2000; and 2) Check Register - April 12, 2000 - $ !,023,247.11. Councilmember
Eriekson seconded the motion. All Council members voted in support of the motion,
with the exception of Councilman Hulett, who abstained from voting on the minutes
of March 23,2000, due to his absence from that meeting. Because abstentions are
counted as affirmative votes, the motion carried unanimously.
CITY COUNCIL Mayor Doyle introduced Jim Haguewood, who was in attendance to give a presentation
COMMITTEE on a proposed hotel and convention center. Jim Haguewood, 705 Christman Place, Vice
REPORTS: Chair of the Downtown Forward Executive Committee and a member of the Lodging
Tax Advisory Committee, indicated his proposal involved the Oak Street property and
Presentation on Proposed a downtown convention/civic center. He noted some community goals have envisioned
Hotel and Conference a civic center of approximately 10,000 square feet, a significant size development for the
Center Oak Street property, as well as an increase in lodging tax revenue. He discussed the idea
of a performing arts center in a downtown location and the creation of a competitive
product to offer tourists, conventioneers, and prospective business owners. Mr.
Haguewood's proposal centered around three different elements: 1) a hotel for the Oak
Street property; 2) a conference center in the Tidelands West block, which would be
City- owned and operated and would offer the possibility of expansion; and 3) the Red
Lion would be asked to make a financial investment in the construction of the conference
center. He stated many positive impacts would be derived from building a conference
center which has a waterfront to make it unique and valuable. Secondly, by building a
new hotel on the Oak Street property, lodging tax revenues would be increased. The goal
would be to create a first-class facility. He noted that Red Lion typically budgets
$200,000 a year for marketing to bring people to the hotel, and a new hotel would likely
invest a similar amount.
Mr. Haguewood summarized a number of supportive motions that were passed by the
Downtown Forward Executive Committee and the Lodging Tax Advisory Committee,
most notably that $100,000 of lodging tax revenues per year, plus whatever increase in
lodging tax revenues is generated by the new facility, be dedicated to a conference
center. It has been determined that $100,000 would equate to $1 million in debt service.
He urged the City to take a proactive marketing approach to attract prospective hotel
owners. He noted a key point to his proposal was that there be a linkage between the
convention center and the new hotel rooms to ensure the success of the investment in a
convention center. Councilman Campbell inquired of Mr. Haguewood as to the
presently low occupancy rate in Port Angeles hotels. Mr. Haguewood responded that
the occupancy rate is 60% because there isn't a competitive product such as a convention
Discussion ensued, and Councilmember Erickson felt this proposal was far more
interesting than the proposal submitted by the Promus Corporation. She agreed there was
a need to create a facility that involves 'the water and is unique and of high quality.
Councilman Hulett asked whether the Red Lion had been approached on the matter of
making a financial investment, and Mr. Haguewood responded that he had met with the
General Manager and stressed the importance of Red Lion involvement.
4177 April 18, 2000
CITY COUNCIL Consideration was given to the relationship of the Vern Burton Center to the proposal,
COMMITTEE particularly as relates to the use of lodging tax revenues. The opinion was expressed that
REPORTS: the Veto Burton Center has met its intended purpose but, if the City wants to become
(Cont'd) competitive, the Center can't possibly attract conventioneers.
Presentation on Proposed Councilman Williams referenced letters received by the City, wherein concem is
Hotel and Conference expressed with the proposal to use lodging tax revenues for this purpose. The use of
Center (Cont'd) these funds would reduce the amount of lodging tax revenues currently dedicated to
marketing. Councilman Williams was concerned that the City wouldn't be honoring a
previous commitment made and, in that regard, he asked for further information and
clarification from staff. Councilman Campbell noted there has been an ongoing effort
to fred the best way to put heads in beds and, to that end, the City has invested $150,000
per year for a three-year period in the area of marketing. While the City has committed
those funds, at some point in time, it is important to look at the gains from this
expenditure in the form of heads in beds. If, however, there has been no gain, then it
would make sense to look at other ways for the use of the funds.
Erl Hansen, Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce, was asked if he would
like to comment the letter he sent to the Council. Mr. Hansen, 121 E. Railroad, recalled
various ways in which previous lodging tax funds were used. When he and Rick Hert
met with everyone in the industry on the matter of a 2% increase in lodging taxes, they
talked about the funds being dedicated to marketing only. Mr. Hansen noted that, in
1992, the City had its best year in terms of hotel/motel occupancy. This was prior to the
construction of the Portside Inn and the Best Western Olympic Lodge. He felt that more
hotel rooms do not necessarily equate to more people.
Mayor Doyle thanked Mr. Haguewood for the presentation.
CITY COUNCIL Councilman Campbell reported that the state is phasing out land clearing/burning by the
COMMITTEE end of this year, and restricted burning requirements will be instituted. There will be
REPORTS: (Cont'd) limited outdoor burning restricted to 7 days per year. He attended the Washington
Research Council Presentation sponsored by The Port Angeles Business Association and
found it enlightening and useful for background information.
Councilman Campbell advised the Council that the reconstituted Rayonier Task Force
met and heard from the Department of Ecology regarding the plan for the Rayonier site
cleanup. The three steps that DOE will follow includes remedial investigation about site
contamination which may involve sampling and soil testing; a feasibility review
describing cleanup limits; and a cleanup action plan which defines standards by which
the site will be cleaned up. There will be public involvement and comment, and clean
up could take approximately four years.
Councilman Hulett interviewed four potential companies about replacement of Wendt
Mayor Doyle, Councilmen Wiggins and Campbell attended the Teen Scene dinner to
kick off their fund-raising drive for this year, and Mayor Doyle was impressed with their
efforts. Mayor Doyle and his wife attended four events at The Olympic Jazz Festival
which were enjoyable. There is a Tandem Bike Rally scheduled in July which should
be well attended.
Salary Increase for IBEW Ordinances Not Requiring Public Hearings
Ordinance No. 3050
Salary increase for IBEW for 2000
Mayor Doyle reviewed the information provided by the Human Resources Department
and read the Ordinance by title, entitled
AN ORDINANCE of the City of Port Angeles, Washington .
establishing a pay plan for the employees represented by
IBEW Local g997 for the period of April 1, 2000 through
March 31,2001, and providing for the payment thereof.
Councilman Hulett moved to adopt the Ordinance as read by title. Councilman
Campbell seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
April 18, 2000 t~ 17 8
Resolutions Not Requiring Public Hearings None.
Approval of Labor Other Considerations
Contract with AFSCME
#1619 1. Approval of labor contract with AFSCME #1619
Mayor Doyle reviewed information from Bob Coons regarding the labor contract
between the City and AFSCME Local #1619. Councilman Campbell moved to
approve the agreement. Councilman Hulett seconded the motion, which carried
2. Dais~owa Transmission Lines Maintenance and Operation Agreement
Daishowa Transmission Mayor Doyle reviewed the inforndation provided by the Department of Public Works
Lines Maintenance and regarding the Maintenance and Operation Agreements for Daishowa Transmission Lines.
Operation Agreement Power Manager McLain directed the Council's attention to Section 9.3 of the agreement,
having to do with insurance required under the agreement. Attorney Knutson indicated
the City would have to name Daishowa as an additional insured with the City's
insurance. However, the City's insurance and insurance pool, WCIA, does not provide
that type of coverage for other parties to City contracts. He noted that Daishowa has no
objection to having that particular clause applicable only to the PUD, so the words
"responsible party" will be changed to "Districf'.
After further limited discussion, Councilman Campbell moved to authorize The
Director of Public Works & Utilities to sign the Maintenance and Operation
Agreements 404 and 405 for transmission lines No.1 and No. 2. Councilman Hulett
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Contribution to Electric 3. Contribution to Electric Utility Rural Economic Development Revolving Fund
Utility Rural Economic for2000
Development Revolving
Fund for 2000 Mayor Doyle reviewed the information from Public Works & Utilities, and Councilman
Hulett moved to follow the recommendations of staff as presented. Couneilmember
Eriekson seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Renewal of High School 4. Renewal of High School Resource Officer Program Agreement
Resource Officer Program
Assistant Couneilmember Erickson moved to approve the renewal of the High School
Resource Office Program Agreement. Councilman Campbell seconded the motion.
Mayor Doyle noted the Police Department hopes to be able to renew the grant for this
year. Currently there is a combination of contracts between the grant and the School
District, and the Mayor asked if the City would be responsible for the expense if the
grant funds are not forthcoming. Manager Quinn responded that a decision would haVe
to be made relative to the continuation of the program should the grant funding not be
approved. It was noted that the officer is very busy and has a worthwhile presence at the
High School.
INFORMATION: City Manager's Report: Manager Quinn reported that Dave Sawyer, Senior Planner, has
resigned and taken the position of Planning Manager for The City of Sammamish. He
was wished well in his new position.
With regard to the letters Council received on the 2% hotel/motel tax, Manager Quinn
indicated the City has always honored its commitments. As a course of action, the City
must remain somewhat flexible with the changing environment, while keeping its goals
and focus.
Brief discussion was held on the status of fiber optics being brought to the Peninsula.
Also, Public Works & Utilities Director Cutler provided brief information about
recycling .biosolids to hay and pasture land in the County. He added that Jeff Young has
April 18, 2000
INFORMATION: made a positive contribution to our efforts.
Peter Ripley offered kudos to an officer in the Police Department who recently assisted
Peter when his wheelchair failed.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m.
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